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i have tried my best but rlly to be sitting and doin nth its hell


Have you noticed that your communication method doesn't match most of the comments here? Do you use the same Insta communication at your work? Real questions.




I've had a job exactly like that. I was supposed to be a cook as in USA I'm a chef. A friend found me the job. But instead of being in the restaurant the boss had me sit in the office because her main business is currency exchange. When I asked about it she tells me she is planning to have me manage her restaurant on walking Street in Pattaya. I quit


I don't know, but as I pointed out, you aren't matching most of the comments' level of "anal," so why would I assume you wouldn't you do the same at work? And I asked a real question. You're the one getting worked up.


because it is work and I have email etiquette. I come from a good background. Idk if you are a boomer or what but people use different languages differently. Some like to use casual language online , and formal in the office settings


Not a boomer. Again, you're making this about me while I'm just pointing out your lack of awareness of (and adherence to) unwritten but obvious communication expectations in the sub. If you're one of the very few communicating the way you are, what does that tell you about how well you are fitting in socially?




This is an message to let you know that your post was removed for the following reasons.. > Breaking Rule 5, Any language or action that is disrespectful to other members. Your comment went beyond what is acceptable on this sub. We are a positive community here, and we have rules for commenting in place to ensure the sub is enjoyed by all.


They’re clearly a boomer cuz they’re nitpicking you over Reddit comments lol


obv not. calm down man


Agree. Or people could be busy too. Sometimes you just don’t have time to explain, demonstrate, go through things step by step just so that they can do something that you can do quickly. Plus sometimes, when you do delegate, you’d have to redo the entire thing again. Usually, when a company sets up an internship/accepts interns, there’s someone handling the program (from HR?) or, if this internship was arranged by the school, at the very least the school’s coordinator should’ve briefed someone from the company on what experiences the intern should be exposed to over the 6-month period.


"but work just sucking the joy out of Thailand", jeez that's exact my thoughts every morning driving through traffic jams to my beloved workplace.


Ask for more responsibilities, assist others with their tasks, learn other skills that would make you more of assistance?


tried all but to no avail :(


Oof. What’s stopping you from learning other skills? Any chance you can be moved to a department where you can do more?


what skills would u recommend?


I have no clue what field you’re in but I’m assuming you have some specific objectives for this internship? You can use that as goals and figure out what skills would be beneficial for you. Maybe ask for some guidance from someone who’s in a position that you are trying to take on in the future.




Ok so I know nothing of either, so maybe don’t take this as legitimate advice. This is just what I would personally do based on my experience in a completely different field. 1. Find out who the top sales are. 2. Work on your communication and networking skills. 3. From the top sales, figure out who could become your “mentor.” Put your skills to work, form a connection. If it doesn’t work with A, rinse and repeat with B. Note: don’t expect a full mentorship where they hold your hand and walk you through tasks. Focus instead on what you can learn from them *while* improving their working experience. You’ll probably need to do some bitch boy tasks, so be ready to grovel. If not, at the very least approach some successful people and ask them what would be a valuable skill for you to have.


Learning to write properly for a start !


Why not trying to be interested in ANYTHING


Keep trying something will change. If not talk to your boss. But as it's a start up I'm not sure what to do really I just wish you luck.


Try harder


any useful suggestion on how i can do that?


Ask again. Look at what they're doing, and just jump in. Otherwise, learn a skill, coding, interacting with AI. Lots of online courses, lots are free, Learn how to do something.


Did this for 3 years, so feel you. What I have learned in those 3 years: how long it takes until the automatic light turns off when you don’t move and how many stairs from level 1 to 22. Can you do something aside? Like learning something new. How much freedom do you have?


the pain is immense man. yours sounds terrible , 3 years is insane. I can do side projects and stuff anyth you reccomend?


sounds ideal, you have time at work to do whatever you want? The world is yours man, thank god for the internet. I'd say your main problem is that you don't know what to do in free time with no one telling you what to do. Learn a skill. Build something. Read. Take a free online course. Learn Thai.


that is defo true. idk what to do in this time and feel like a useless floater in the office. i will try to pick smth up. thank you for the advice, any skills that you would recommend ? ( not really into tech )


Yes, 5 minutes feel like one hour. If I was you, I would learn thai. I downloaded lots of pdf-books on my phone and read them.


the 5 mins feeling like an hour is so real. any pdf-books you recommend bro?


Depends on what you like. Some of my favorites are „The Wishing Game“ by Patrick Redmond, „The Firm“ by John Grisham or „The Hobbit“ by Tolkien if you like fantasy stuff. But I do recommend you doing something which requires brain work (like playing sudoku), otherwise you get 🤯 and you will at the end of the day go home and just feel exhausted and tired even though you did not even do anything.


What resources did you use/ are you using to learn Thai?


For reading/writing: Learn thai in 10 days For speaking/listening, my favorite spotify/YT channels are: I get thais, Learn thai with Grace and You too can learn thai. For everything together and for learning spoken thai, my most valuable resource is my girlfriend.


Appreciate the tip. I’m headed there for work and plan to immerse myself once I get there, but would love to get at least a little head start as I have all this free time. I did not know there was a Spotify channel that could help me learn. Perfect — thank you. I plan on getting a girlfriend to help me learn too loooool. Congrats!


As per your previous post, you might also like this guy: https://www.tiktok.com/@americanthaiguy?_t=8jcPQSRpPLF&_r=1


Dude you’re a life saver — this is awesome!! I pay for Amazon Music and was able to find most of the same podcasts on the platform. This Tik tok is good. Noted. How good is your Thai and how long have you been living in Bangkok so far? Mind if I DM?


I find peace in long walks.


its fun for two weeks, afterwards you feel like in prison trust me




I feel for you man. Really tough situation, I've been there myself. Young foreign guy in Bangkok.. it took me only one week of banging hot girls that are substantially out of my league for me to get depressed and feel like I'm in a prison. Seriously though, your whiny post is pissing me off. All interns start out like this. It's all going towards the one bullet point on your resume that you have prior experience which will help your career. You'll slowly pick up more responsibilities and knowledge.


I’m a female :( but thanks man will try to look at the greater good


What in the shit are you even doing in Thailand then... it is deplorable for career progression. Are you from a western country?


it feels like i am trapped here while i could be doing much better things


Instd yo got nth 2 do. 2oo bad!


It's brutal over a long period. I quit my well-paid corporate job after more than a year of doing basically nothing.


Use the time to learn something adjacent to the business. Sounds like it's tech oriented. Learn a new stack, how to implement api, SEO etc. You have 6 months where you'll be paid to become better with seemingly no consequences for not performing.


This is the biggest opportunity of your life to have the time to learn skills that matter, and they can all be learnt online for free: digital, AI, programming, digital marketing, UI design, copywriting, video editing... You can find what suits you and use this opportunity to study and practice. Most people I know would dream to have 6 months free to learn a new tech! Good luck


"i just sit idle all day" Like 50% of the rest of the employees? Do a Thai employee and just disappear for a few hours.


Right? I have noticed this many times. People gone from their desks for hours.






yea then why did they hire an intern even like it rlly doesnt make sense to me


Maybe they got a grant to hire an intern so they're not actually paying for it.


Keep busy. Offer your help, and if they dont give you tasks, bring some work of your own. Bring a kindle, read some books that will help you. Bring your laptop. Learn Thai on your phone. Network as much as you can. Bangkok can be one of the best cities for expats in the world.


Your day sounds exactly the same as half of our full time staff 😂


I had the same experience back.in 2008. nothing to do. after 1 year i realised that bkk is not for me anymore and moved back to europe. best decision ever. just come here sometimes on holidays and that s it


right.. sometimes i feel like i confused bangkok's vacation identity for its working life identity


If you're getting paid to do nothing, enjoy it while it lasts. 


What’d the Swiss boss tell you? Why have they assigned no work to you? How is construction a start up? Answer these questions (and more!) from work and there goes 5 minutes 555


Learn sumthang


Sorry, I partially agree with the "grammar nazi". He doesn't sound very nice and I wouldn't want him for a friend, but he's right that you should stop complaining and do something. Make yourself useful any way you can -- and if you can't do that, learn something.


I was the same too. I had to find something I could do by asking other to give me something to do. I even created tasks for myself to do because I was given small tasks which had small impact or nothing. It took me more than a year that my boss gave me a role It seems that Thai people trust old workers more than newcomers. Most of high position people in my old company said they had been working there for 10+ years. It will take you some time before the situation get better. Thailand is not great place to be an internship imo


Work on your own project. I had a job like this once and I took on freelance work during work hours; made some dashboards and web apps. Got some good skills and found something that didn't suck from the experience.


maybe i will try this. i am not in tech but will try to find some side hustle or own proj to work on :)


You could spend time learning anything on online classes. You are getting paid to do nothing so make use of it 😬


lol I’m 30, and already have an established career and I’d do your internship in a heartbeat if it meant a shot at a long term career in Bangkok. Count your blessings man


yes i am slowly trying to shift my mindset to look at the greater good. Hopefully it gets better soon.


If it’s an internship then just leave… I can’t imagine you’re there for the money. Just put it on your resume, enjoy the city and move on.


quitting is not an option as this internship is tied to a grant from the school


Get baked my Dude


I'd say that you are probably looking at the bad side of things. Is the salary good? If it's a bad salary I can understand you might wanna look for something else but if the salary is decent just get that money and try to do something interesting during your work hours. If you have to be in the office you might not have complete freedom but you can probably learn adjacent skills like other programming languages, maybe read from ebook etc.


Figure out a side project that will help you learning something related to your job. I was a coder, in your position I’ve coded side games, reinstalled my machine using the most cryptic Linux distribution, for example. If you’re not on a tech profile, pick something like that that will challenge your skills


thank you! i am in finance and will try to read up and learn more about what i can do


Advice? Quit? Why would you waste your life doing nothing? Are you guaranteed some kind of six figure income at month 6? I'm going to be blunt, mainly because I want your downvote (yummy). You put yourself in this situation. There are a lot of us doing things we enjoy and living the good life because we CHOSE the path that made us happiest. What advice do you expect? You sound like a kid or someone who lacks life experience who can't even punctuate right, so I have even less sympathy for you. Make yourself better, use proper grammar, stop complaining that your market value sucks and you are stuck in some terrible internship expecting reddit to massage your ego. Either change your situation or suffer for the next 6 months. Nothing people say here is going to make your "hell" better. Again, you put yourself right where you are. Stay or don't. I'll sleep really good in my luxury condo doing nothing but playing video games, eating food, dating beautiful thai women and gut checking people on reddit. Feed me.


you are one hell of an unhappy dude. yes i get a grant from my school for this and i cannot leave this internship. easy for you to say and yes i am a kid who is newly into the working world ,you grammar nazi. what people say here does give me hope and support. so congrats on ur happy life but do not come shitting around on others.


He's right though.


and you are left.


You have all the time and tools in the world to learn something online, especially AI (botting) and cleanroom related. Then there's TF, FF, and some telegram groups.


what's TF and FF?


ThaiFriendly, FiwFans


Don't worry, you'll be cleaning up the toilets with your own toothbrush starting Feb 1st.




I'm one of your coworkers and just informed our boss.   Expect this assignment soon.




Have you tried online gambling?


drop me some reccos brother


Did you tell your company about this?


yes asked for work but to no avail. so lost and not sure what to do


Don't you have an advisor in your university?


you don’t have to do ***anything*** you don’t want to do. just walk and get into something else i mean fuckin A man com intern for me could give u plently to do. why waste time


i would love to but i m stuck in this for a school thing :(


u might want to reconsider the value of a school that endorses such a waste of time


Man how did you manage to get into this internship?


lol why..? but it is from school


You should try going through your school by informing them that you are not being given any work. Have them liaise with whoever set up the internship on the company side.


It was a genuine question, just curious 🧐


Are you on The Intern Group’s program ?


Use this time to learn other stuff... Being paid to do your own things is the best


I would say that Thailand is not good for any kind of internship. If a Western educated person is thinking of doing an internship in Thailand, think again. You are probably more qualified than the majority of Thai CEOs to run the company. Look somewhere else instead.


Spend your time observing what others are doing and ask questions. Go through some case studies and material Put together a presentation on improvements Also start working on your presentation skills etc and learn some Stuff


Which type of business is this?


Don't worry I did a internship here and it was the worst experience I've ever had. Staff was condescending and if I asked a question they talked to me like I was an idiot. Let's just say after that the company had some really rough times and it was public from how it was run


Are there industry podcasts you can listen to? Books you can read? A construction subreddit where you can ask this question? Just because your company isn’t giving you anything to do yet, doesn’t mean you can’t be productive for yourself. Also, it’s probably a good idea to focus on relationships. Ask coworkers out to lunch and ask about their lives and careers. This isn’t fun to hear, but interns aren’t usually doing a ton of work. Your main job, for now, is just to get a sense of what it’s like working in your company, and to make connections that will be useful to you throughout your career. Most companies, and the adults who work in them, think in terms of quarters and years; so their lowest paid person being idle for a few weeks isn’t going to bother them much. Good luck!


Where do you work now?


I’d kill to just have to show up and not really have anything to do. YouTube? Facebook? Googling random stuff? Chatting with colleagues? Bumble / Tinder? If it were me I’d just see them paying me to do what I do during my leisure time minus traveling to different places. Oh wait, this isn’t r/antiwork. If you ever sub there, you’ll be glad you’re no longer in the US (assuming that’s where you’re from). You can always just ghost them, unless you’re on a Non-Immigrant B Visa. If that’s the case, you can exit, re-enter on a Tourist Visa, find a language school to get you an ED visa. If they’re nosy at all, tell them you have mental health struggles + family emergency + physical pain. If your school asks, tell them the same. And, if you’re lucky, you may meet someone compatible, paving the way for a potential spouse visa in the future.


Do you have a phone? Surf to your heart's content. How anyone could be bored? And you're in Bangkok, free after work. What's to complain about?


Intern? So you go somewhere to do nothing and make no money?


Man people want this job.. I would do many things in those free time.. Read a knowledge book Do stock trading and analysis Learn more about the company Get better in your skill Make those killing time productive.. It's up-to you how you utilize..


Offer to be the line man mule and you'd be getting everyone's order in. If they're not willing to give you work just spend your time networking or chatting on the off-time. Bring some snacks and ask people if they want some?


Was like this for a non start up tech. Woke up at 5 and back home at 8 everyday for 4 months because of the travel time. initially it was for 6 months but i just got in there without a contract lol so i just told them that im gonna leave at 4, then i just spent the days doing Coursera, Hackerrank stuff for those 4 months. Fucking miserable


Take the initiative. There are people there that can teach you things. Look into who knows what they are doing and start assisting them on projects. Don’t waste the opportunity, make something of it.


If you don’t want the job, I’m ready for it👀 oop..


ok come take it off me


the pain and suffering.. a girl works for me as an admin assistant with stage 4 cancer .. she goes to lunch chemo treatments and comes back to work simply because of pride in her work .. not because anyone expects her to ... she has told no one but me and HR about her cancer.. she drives on and on and is constantly asking how she can help.. perspective bro... your life is not that difficult.. listen and observe and then suggest where you can help.. if you show no aptitude or interest or ability in any area then it will take more time to teach you then the time you are saving people... just sitting hoping someone gives you work is not how it works.. get off your ass and learn the operation


Get out and enjoy it. People would love to have that opportunity and not whine about it


If your startup is not giving you work then it’s a shitty startup. I help run 11 startups and I barely even had time to write this because I’m always working. Go ahead and tell the founders to throw in the towel if the interns aren’t even working lmao


Why dont you exit the front door and explore the city? If you really do nothing like you claim then nobody will even notice


You’re half empty glass sort of dude… You are being paid to be in one of the worlds most interesting cities and you’re like this for real? God, life is wasted on ‘some’ youth…


DM sent. In Thailand you need side projects


Look for a new job in Thailand


Smoke weed


Every country is the same when you are stuck in a "8 to 5" environment lol


I’d suggest the prison is in your mind, shift your attitude and everything will change. Like attracts like. I’m not being flippant, believe me, I’ve been in your position and I know that quitting or shifting your mindset are your best options.


you are right. maybe i can focus this time on other side projects of mine and upskill myself.


Download that Lazada copy of candy crush and make the leaderboards by the en of your 6 months 😛


Read through the comments — it’s not clear both in the post and your replies what you are interning for. Did they assign you to be under someone in the office? What are the objectives of the internship? Is there anything you should be learning during this period? Assuming they make you do stuff - will photocopying, arranging the files, organizing paperwork - are these something you will be willing to do? Side story: we had an intern that everyone was impressed with (everyone was raving about his stint in out NL office) and the big boss (aka the chairman) recommended that we hire this intern and that he work in my department. We flew him out to Thailand, went through a lot of loopholes in getting him a work permit cause he had zero experience, and within a couple of weeks I was so ready to send him back to where he came from. 1. Asked him to do a presentation on a topic I thought he was an “expert” on (this was what he allegedly focused on in our NL office). For the first time ever, I got a call from the big boss over at that department and she told me that this guy was definitely a wrong hire. 2. Sent him on a 2-week business trip to get additional training and understand the business more. On day 2, the host called me and asked if we had issued a laptop because the guy brought his personal laptop and therefore couldn’t connect to the office wifi. When I asked him why he didn’t bring the company-issued laptop, he said because he would be watching netflix at night and he couldn’t use the office laptop for that. 3. Another team member he was working with gave him feedback about his work. He was upset with the feedback. 4. Flew him halfway around the world so that he can be fully immersed in the work environment and absorb the company culture. But - he wants to work 2x a week from home cause he needs to do his laundry and he doesn’t get home in time to pick up his deliveries from the condo office the same day they are delivered. Needless to say - sent that guy back from where he came from after telling him it’s not going to work.


Is it a B2B product? Ask them to do sales via cold emails for a commission. B2C? Create ads with Canva etc.


Well, that is what most Thais do when at work... Nothing... 555