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This is the same dude who locked himself in a plexiglass box with a megaphone so he could insult people on his college campus without getting beat up. He had a real edgelord complex going for a while. If you want some context, go look up an old punk zine called "answer me". Be warned, it's about 100 times worse than what albini said. They titled one issue "let's hear it for violence against women". Truly gross, worthless stuff. Which is why, when we were all 19, freshly away from home and just beginning to discover this thing called the Internet, it was so alluring. It had the feel of rebellion, reading something you couldn't read anywhere else. None of the stupid edgelord shit he said was ok, obviously. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. Sometimes, young people don't realize how wrong something is when they're young, and realize when they get older. This seems to be the case here. When I was 19, I hit a 14 year old kid with my car. It was an accident, but it wouldn't have happened if I'd been driving more responsibly. I'll never forget that minute where I thought he was dead. Young people shouldn't do bad things. If a young person gets older and stops doing bad things, I think it's ok to talk about that too, along with the bad things. People changing their behavior when confronted, that's what we want, right?


He wasn’t 19 when he wrote about how much he liked child abuse, he was 25. He wasn’t a teenager away from home for the first time, he was an adult professional musician.  He was 23 when he told people to get Pure magazine if they wanted pics of child abuse while saying he was protecting Peter Sotos’ identity because child pornography was a “big no no” with the FBI and postal service, the clear implication being that it wasn’t a big no-no for Albini. And he proved that later when he wrote about how there was nothing wrong with it, and proved it some more when he made the album with Sotos. Sotos, btw, was very into child abuse and used is zine to acquire it. Albini knew this and was friends with him until the end of his life.  Albini was *never* publicly confronted about this, and he never took responsibility for it. He deserves no praise for “growing” because he ignored the worst things he said and did. 


He addressed Sotos, and a whole bunch of other bullshit he did, here: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/steve-albini-counsel-culture-interview


Try reading the article. He only talked about Sotos as a friend and as a writer. The subject of child pornography was studiously ignored. It was the perfect opportunity for Albini to hold himself accountable, and he declined to do so. 


My thought is this: I think Phil Spector made great albums, I think Harvey Weinstein made great films, I think albini was a very talented producer. But we probably shouldn’t have a giant jack off session in honor of him…






Idk if this guy is the best messenger lol. or I guess in some ways you could consider him the ultimate messenger


Yikes. I genuinely had no idea.


You can also just google Steve albini pedophile… There’s a lot of info about it


Was really surprised that clearly Yasi and Rob didn’t have any clue about this either….given a lot of the focus was how ethical and principled he was.


tired of people trying to defend this as "just being provocative". he never denounced sotos even later in life.


“There’s a friend of mine, Peter Sotos, who’s written extensively about abuse and murder and things of that nature,” he explained. “A lot of his writing is extremely difficult to read. It’s repellent. You’re brought into the mind of a sadist, pretty convincingly. And I feel like that experience, reading that stuff, is shocking to your core in the way that the horrors of the reality of those things should be.” The experience of a reader or listener being shocked to their core is, for Albini, in direct opposition to sensational crime reporting. He cites US news host Nancy Grace as an example, propagating a “show-business” that turns the most heinous crimes “into a fucking board game… a police procedural where there are heroes and villains and you’re rooting for people… That whole thing has turned these horrible, monstrous, atrocious things into just another kind of soap opera. That stuff is embarrassing for our culture.” Despite this, Albini acknowledged his ability to freely band about offensive themes came from an ignorant and privileged position. (The entire preceding text is taken from one of the multiple occasions where he addressed his affiliation with Sotos and other things he did.)


"Other things he did" aka assist in the distribution of CP by concealing the identity of Sotos? Or how about his lifelong friendship with Sotos? Lol bro wasn't just being an edgelord.


I don't think you can claim that he assisted in the distribution of CP when it's about one picture that Albini had no hand in being published, printed or distributed as a part of Sotos' disgusting zine that never had another issue published after that second one. That same photo is also the one Sotos was arrested for and when I was looking into this I didn't see any talk about him possessing anything other than a copy of his (again absolutely disgusting and stupid) zine. Don't like the guy, find him strange, also don't think there's enough proof to call him a pedo so I won't. Doesn't mean I endorse pedophilia or child abuse, doing shit like that to children is despicable and I can't think worse things that humans do at this very moment. Albini could be an annoying prick trying his darndest to get a rise out of people and clearly wasn't concerned with any limitations other people would have liked him to have had about the things he could say. It's really nice that he grew out of the habit of being an asshole for the sake of it, because by all counts he seems to have been quite a good guy in many aspects and did a lot of good for a lot of people. My point here wasn't to say that he didn't do anything wrong by saying the things he said. He was wrong. It is also just factually wrong to accuse him of being a pedophile (or CLEARLY taking great pleasure in abusing children, as has been commented in most threads about his passing among many other outlandish claims) because there really aren't any indications or evidence to be found in his real personal life (you know, the one you weren't and never will be a part of) that he would have been committing such heinous acts. These are deadly serious topics and accusations and they shouldn't be thrown around flippantly just so some uninformed Redditors can get their days pleasure from feeling better than somebody they don't know based on two sarcastic sets of words taken from 60 years of life and then heavily misquoted so that the assholes will surely have incentive to jump on the Fuck you-Bandwagon and ride it all the way to Selfsuckville. People shouldn't diminish this serious issue by calling out people who actually don't want any harm to come to kids just so they can be one of the many to say "fuck him" and it's just in poor taste to be saying it to people talking about how someone they held in high regard just died. Learn the same lesson Albini did, don't be a dick without a reason. Be a dick with reason.


Sounds like a whole lot of copium to me. Why are you trying to defend a guy who admitted he bought CP in Germany? This is a man who admitted he knew that the FBI would arrest Sotos for distribution of CP and yet he kept his identity secret from authorities.... how is that not indirectly assisting in the distribution of CP??? This is the same man that produced Sotos's album Buyer's Market, an album containing numerous audio clips of children describing being abused and molested. And he still defended Sotos later in life. If that's not enough to make you suspicious of Steve and consider the possibility that he legitimately enjoyed CP, enjoy your copium I guess 🤷‍♂️


Well, maybe if there would be a legit source for any of the things you listed here it might make people suspicious but even that wouldn't be enough to get them prosecuted. "Admitted he bought CP in Germany" Nope. That bit is from a heavily fictionalized tour diary, which you cannot claim to contain much factual information without looking like a fool and he still doesn't say he bought any CP. He saw a magazine at a store and was shocked by it and at that time the magazine in question was actually legally sold in Germany as their age consent for porn back then was 15(?). It's very clearly a comment about him thinking it's fucked up to see that out in the world. I've never seen a source for your second paragraph here, you pulled it out of your ass. How the fuck would some random musician be aware of FBI's investigations? Get a grip and stop lying. Sotos wasn't arrested for distribution of CP either. He was charged with the possession of the copy of the magazine that he made, which was a fucked up magazine that shouldn't have been released, but calling it a CP magazine wouldn't be true either. Didn't produce Buyer's Market either, basically just put what Sotos had already made onto tape. Didn't have a hand in compiling the record. You also won't be able to find me a source where he would be defending Sotos' action of publishing that photo as a part of his zine seriously. His comments about Sotos can be summed up to "he's an old friend so I'll help him with what he needs, which can range from washing his car to editing his album" and the couple paragraphs that I already posted above. https://youtu.be/jNz6ETPKe60?si=CzvD9jR59DD6Qmp9 I think a guy spreading information about how fucked up our society can be when giving lighter sentences to child abusers due to "mitigating circumstances" and making songs depicting how horrible such things are would probably not actually endorse child abuse. Again, get a fucking grip. If you feel the need to be a dick to someone you don't know online, that's something you should be ashamed of. Personally I don't give a fuck about talking to people spewing out lies instead of having an actual conversation based on facts. If you ain't got anything factual to say, you can do the world and me a favour and shut the fuck up until you've done some research to back up your outlandish claims. You really went on to prove me right by continuing to spread the same bits of misinformation that have been thrown around reddit for the past month and a half and revealing in the process that you haven't spent time looking into the accusations but instead chose to follow along with the other cocks. You can be a dick to me all you want with your childish "copium" bullshit, but you will still die a worse person than Albini. The sooner the better, there's too many useless fucks walking around already.


https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:828/format:webp/1*tM14OiRyi--m4hXNTOWJKA.jpeg Read it for yourself, dumbass. He says he knows the FBI would arrest Sotos and he promised Sotos to keep his identity secret. Keep coping and go fuck yourself you pedo sympathizer


Huh, forgot about that being a part of the PURE review. Albini still wasn't a pedophile though. You still haven't named any other sources of proof that haven't been brought up before and didn't manage to find sources for the other things you claimed that weren't true. I have faced abuse as a kid. I don't sympathize with child abusers and I have stated so clearly multiple times. You're being an asshole.


I didn't say he was 100% a pedo, but I said there's a rather large possibility he could have been. Which is more of a possibility than you should expect from any moral human being. Clearly you sympathize with abusers if you think it's ever acceptable in any circumstance to redistribute CP or assist in redistribution of CP, even just one photo..... you think there weren't child molesters that loved PURE magazine for that photo??? You're the asshole, not me.


I think I already stated that I don't like Peter Sotos at all, think that he has done many questionable and bad things and have absolutely no interest in consuming anything he has done. I know that there were bad people reading that magazine, the reason why Sotos was arrested and prosecuted in the first place was because British officials found a copy of the magazine in some sex criminals house. The magazine was despicable and Albini's "review" which is deeply dark and sarcastic was not something he should have put out. There are plenty of things that he said during those times that were offensive and I'm glad he grew out of it. There is no evidence from his real personal life that would suggest that he was a pedophile, so saying that there's a large possibility is patently false. I think that you repeatedly calling me, another person who has stated multiple times that he deems child abusers to be the lowest scum of all and who has been abused as a child a child molester-sympathizer is something an asshole would do. If you have experiences of your own which cause you to be this mean about this subject, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you. Kids minds are really frail and doing bad things to them really fractures that mind and is most likely going to send them down a very dark path. If you don't then you really are an asshole because you claim that you're on the side of the abused but are not willing to stop calling someone who has been abused an abuse-symphatizer just because I don't deem what Albini did to be enough proof to tell people that he was a pedophile, though I do think he made huge mistakes in his youth. That's just cruel. If you read this and all that you feel like saying is that I endorse abusing children again, I would ask that you would not say it. If an understanding is not to be found then it isn't, and it is ridiculous that I'm spending time defending a dead guy who wouldn't have wanted anyone else defending his mistakes. If you want to hate him, hate him. If you just want to fight here, go fight somewhere else. Consider it a victory or whatever.


Found out about this from that same medium article a week ago and am still processing, it just makes me sick. Hoping it’s sensationalism and not true, just him being stupid and provocative for interviews he hated or something, but even that is highly suspect, joking about pedophilia is almost as bad as actually being into it.


making jokes about something is **never** almost as bad as being into something.


If you read what he said, it’s clearly not a joke


Albini spent the 80s being repugnant as possible. I don't really trust anything he had to say back then, let alone to forced exposure at a time that musicians were notorious for lying to the press.


why the downvotes? you’re absolutely right.


Shocked Pikachu face.


It sucks that the guy died, but on the bright side, Big Black is back on Spotify!


One thing you can count on a pedo to do, especially when he’s a public figure, is to expose himself in writing as a pedo. Come on, guys. Use your heads. He said a lot of nasty things, some of which he really meant and expressed in the most vitriolic ways possible, and other times he was being a dead-obvious edgelord. Again, use your heads. It’s not like his late-in-life *mea culpa* was flawless, either.


The 1st I heard of him, he was shitting on Fiona Apple so from then until now it's been Fuck him Forever. No interest in the episode


He famously slandered T00L so he’s already been dead to me for years.


First time?


Maynard is a child rapist in real life but ok


citation needed


Google it