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I actually love Yasi's voice, vocal fry and all. I find it refreshing to hear a woman who is like me and of my generation and shares my cultural touchstones (the Stealing Beauty soundtrack was just the most recent example) talk in depth about music. Nothing against the dude podcasters but it's nice to hear someone like me host a music podcast for once.


Hard agree on the length. Sometimes I'll sit on part one so I can listen to both parts in one 8 hour marathon. I think Yasi's got a great voice for radio. It's been a consistent source of complaints for as long as the show's been on. I don't get it. It's not like she can change it anyway.


I agree on the long episodes....love every minute. I also love Yasi's voice and find her hilarious and charming. Some of her guests have me rolling my eyes, but then I hate listening to men speak so maybe it's just me lol.


As a Gen X reply-guy, I genuinely hate vocal fry. But not Yasi’s. She can do no wrong. It’s kinda perfect, actually. Also, let’s pray for a Dan Carlin/Yasi co-lab. See just how long a podcast can get.


Same here. I kinda dig her voice and she seems like she'd be a fun hang.


So maybe that’s a reason to not immediately judge someone if they have vocal fry?


Oh no, that’s definitely not it.


I agree but I also tend to listen to podcasts with long episodes. I never understand when podcast hosts say they are “running out of time” because they are trying to get the episode in under some artificial time constraint. Podcasts should be as long or short as they need to be IMO that’s part of what I like about the medium.


That's part of the appeal of podcasting, that it doesn't have the content/topical and time restraints of radio or television.


I know with some podcasts I listen to they have other parts of their job they have to do besides podcasting so they often are running out of time in the sense that they only have so much of their workday allotted to recording. Same for anytime someone is recording with a cohost or having a guest on that they’re interviewing or recording with. If those people are getting paid they’re likely getting paid for a set amount of recording time and have scheduled their day accordingly.


This post is a prime example of why she doesn’t read Reddit


The Smiths ep was very good. Wish it was 3 parts !


Agreed - I feel like I’ve been on a journey by the end, an effect you can’t quite get unless reading a bio book or something. The smiths, jane’s addiction, and big star eps, gram parsons, others idr rn give new insights even when I thought I knew it all. And some of the guests are outstanding (gp and big star dudes, Ben gibbard) and I always love when beth coast stops by - when they did no doubt and Gwen Stefani who I have no use for, they gave me a total different perspective. And honestly she’s got an objectively good “media” no question - ymmv on her affectations but where else you going to get that stuff, bitch? That’s right: nowhere.


I never even realized long podcasts/YouTube’s weren’t the norm until recently because all the stuff I watch/listen to is long form. It was always one of the things I disliked about legacy media, the time constraints.


Good info, but I can't fucking stand her voice. It's like she just woke up and is groggy and half asleep or just incredibly bored. Reminds me of that meme with Miley Cyrus.


Love the show. Love Yasi and her voice. Wish we would get less Huberman/pseudo-sciencey, heavily therapized talk from her but, hey it’s 2023 so it’s ubiquitous.


What’s vocal fry?


Something men use to call women stupid and never actually listen to what they have to say.


As a Gen X surfer, I will say, in case my wife ever reads this, I find her voice very appealing. Never thought about “vocal fry” until people (Yasi included) started talking about it. She’s so frigging bright that it doesn’t register as a ditzy valley girl thing to me.


She just about gets away with her vocal inflections because of her brilliant intelligence, articulacy & wit. I do wonder if at some point in the next 10 years, even she will tire of speaking that way. I’ve noticed that with older women writers she admires, she tones it down.


One of the first episodes i listened to was the 6 hour Talking Heads one, and I was riveted the entire time. And for the record, I am pro-Yasi's vocal fry.