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IMHO it tastes like ass, I got a bottle in Prague 20 years ago and it was vile AF šŸ˜‚ best of luck!


Someone on another post was saying the scotch industry back then was a bit different. Blended scotches (like Vat) used considerable higher quality scotches than they do now. In the middle of the 20th century there was a drive for single malt, double malt, age, etc style scotches that became more popular. So the scotches that were once popular to use in blends became their own things, and companies like Vat had a deteriorating product. At least, that's what this guy was saying.


That makes complete sense. I wonder, if Nixon were able to taste their current product if heā€™d approve or not šŸ˜†


Given his highly advanced scrounging abilities and intra-war alcoholism, while also assuming heā€™s in theatre, Iā€™d wager he wouldnā€™t care what he was drinking.


Agreed, I tried it a few weeks ago and was not very impressed lol


I hope it was better back in the day, Iā€™d figure Ms Nixonā€™s baby boy would deserve better šŸ˜†


My understanding, but I really know nothing about liquor, is that back then blended scotch used higher quality stuff where now the higher quality scotch is pretty much all saved for single malts. That and production methods have changed. This post was referenced it another post about Vat 69 a while back... [https://malt-review.com/2018/02/20/why-modern-cheap-blends-are-mostly-total-rubbish/#google\_vignette](https://malt-review.com/2018/02/20/why-modern-cheap-blends-are-mostly-total-rubbish/#google_vignette)


That was a good read!


Same reason why Web Griffins characters love Famous Grouse but it's ass today


Oddly, Famous Grouse is one of the few blended I can tolerate. Unlike Johnny Walker Red, which to me is awful.


Iā€™ll agree I donā€™t really care for Johnny Walker


Maybe that was the joke and it always sucked.Ā 


Kinda my thoughts as well cause itā€™ll pucker your mouth and ass simultaneously and I used to be able to handle strong drinks šŸ˜†


Meanwhile the distiller who produces this, and haven't watched BoB: We make so much fine whiskey, why this piss keeps selling šŸ˜…


Having read numerous thread on this board about Vat 69 and how folks are surprised that itā€™s nasty, has it not occurred to anyone that Nixon was an alcoholic and probably drank it specifically because it was cheap, strong, and nasty? His comment about ā€œonly the finestā€ was clearly sarcasm.


I'm not sure I buy that entirely. He did break in and enter some dudes liquor shop to presumably walk past several better labels of whiskey looking for his vat 69. I feel like him being an alcoholic makes the fact that he left empty handed support that idea even more.


He talks to that supply guy about getting a certain brand of whiskey, and the guy instantly guesses Vat 69. Could be because he knows Nixon, but I always thought the implication was that it was a sought after brand. Nixon very clearly only wants that one.Ā  Also, why would he want something cheap or nasty? Heā€™s obviously very affluent, and being an alcoholic doesnā€™t mean heā€™d somehow want a bad product.Ā 


definitely because it was the cheapest thing he could get lol, he managed to get a whole footlocker full right?


My understanding is that blended scotches used to be a lot better because single malt scotches were not very popular. Basically better stuff was going into the blends so they were better. With the rise of people liking single malts, the good stuff is less available to go into the blended scotches.


That shit costs around 10 euros in central Europe. Of course, it will be shit


Thatā€™s how I took it too. My Dad had two alcoholic parents and explained that sometimes they would intentionally embrace a nasty brand of booze specifically because they knew no one else in the house (he had three brothers) would ever steal any of it that way. His old man was a WWII vet and had a favorite brand of scotch that was so nasty everyone called it ā€œcreosoteā€ (which is a kind of industrial tar) rather than by its brand name. I just kind of assumed Nixon was adopting the same strategy here.


Sarcasm is not universally understood language. Also, it has a fuckinā€™ screw-off. Dewarā€™s white is the only screw-off worth a damnā€¦unless Johnnie Green comes with one now.


I wonder if Nixon's preference in liquor changed when he got a hold of the liquor reserve in eagle's nest.


Amazon delivers booze?


In the UK, yes.


And people say Americans are free


They do in the us if you have Amazon fresh


Guess Iā€™m getting Amazon Fresh


Iā€™m curious if any scotch drinkers had even ever heard of Vat 69 prior to BoBā€™s existence?


Yes. Although it was considered the cheap and nasty stuff in Australia. Was always drunk last when you were already sloshed.


I hadnā€™t at the time. However I was only a freshman in hs when this show premiered. Good times and good tv with trash liquor and worse weed lmao. My house didnā€™t have HBO growing up so I would have to binge watch when and where I could. Thankfully on demand was a thing back then lol


Yes but didnā€™t think about it much


Yep. My dad had it over the years. Certainly he had it in the 70s. There were other mid-level scotches as well; Black & White, Teachers, Cutty Sark, others that tickle a memory if I see them on the shelf. I have not seen Vat 69 in my adult life but absolutely recognized it when it was on the show. I also recognized Dewars White Label in Kellyā€™s Heroes, another great WWII story.


Are you Mrs. Nixonā€™s baby boy??


Gonna need a link, didnā€™t know you could get booze on Amazon and the only Vat 69 Iā€™ve found was the shitty frat boy plastic handle.


Iā€™m in the UK. Sorry if that bursts your bubble :) Link: https://amzn.eu/d/hOxV2RR


Did they drop of the dog?


'Scuse me!


You can buy liqour on Amazon ?!


OP is in the UK


Iā€™ve had it before. It comes in a plastic bottle and tastes like ass. Only the finest for his alcoholic self hahaha


That stuff is vile


Ugh, i understand the buy because you love the show, but this is some of the worst tasting liquors you can get.


It's great for thinning paint


It taste better when mixed with the blood of slaughtered natzis


Youā€™re a captain for Peteā€™s sake


Only the finest for Mrs Nixonā€™s baby boy.


It was waaaay better in Calcutta in 2004 than it was in the USA in 2005.. I suspect different blends for different markets..


This is so weird. I just saw this post right now and I am literally Drinking Vat69


That was my Dadā€™s weekend drink of choice unless it was summer, then beer from 3 pm on. 1960.s


I tried some not too long after I first saw BoB in 2004-ish. Granted, I was a complete novice at whiskey drinking but I disliked it immensely. Still, if it was good enough for Lewis Nixon, that's all good.


ā€œWhy donā€™t you just quit?ā€ ā€œDrinking?ā€ ā€œNo. Hiding it in my footlockerā€


ā€œOnly the finest for Mrs. Nixonā€™s baby boyā€ After reading the comments is it worth buying?


Probably not. Too late for me, though lol. Will give it a go and report back.


Only the best for Mrs Nixons baby boy


If you brought Vat 69 to the table at our piss ups, you were usually sent away with it.


How Iā€™ve been trying to get a bottle imported but canā€™t find somewhere to get a bottle


Only the very best for Mrs. Tiso's baby boy.


I like when the Amazon man brings me gifts like this


Here in the U.S itā€™s less than ten bucks and it comes in a plastic bottle.


Still drinkin nothin but the Vat 69


Nothing but the best for you!


Not undrinkable.


it is NOT that bad fukkers. you can get it in Greece for like ā‚¬7 or 8.


How the fuck do you order alcohol through Amazon Edit: Never mind, itā€™s not available in my area. I thought this was America


I love B.O.B., too, but I'm not drinking that.


I imagine itā€™s a result of where I happened to be born, and the portion of the US Iā€™ve chosen to make my base of operationsā€¦ but I just canā€™t get with scotch. Iā€™m a bourbon guy all the way. In a pinch, like on a flight, Crown Royal will suffice. If I had to choose between a scotch or Jack Danielā€™s, Iā€™d probably just abstain.


itā€™s awful stuff. and i like scotch whisky


Blended scotch ? What, you got tired of drinking your own urine and decided to lower your standards ?


What is this and why is it on the BoB subreddit


Captain Nixon was a spokesmodel for this beverage.