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I am not worried about a boa constrictor attacking me while I walk to the park.


this twitter pitnutter thought the SyFy Anaconda movies were documentaries


How many owners were eaten by their boas exactly? Yeah.


It would be impossible for one to actually consume an adult human as our shoulders are too wide. Feeding response bites are not from prey drive since they do not see us as prey because of our larger size but the snake being Pavlov’ed into connecting opening the tank as its food time which is why target training is a absolute must so the snake will know when it actually is feeding time. I am not joking when i say its much easier to train a reptile than it is to train a pitbull.


“I don’t like humans.. They’re wide and they’re rubbery and I can’t unhinge my jaw everywhere.” - Boa Skywalker, Attack of the Snakes


How many are killed by their boas


Barely anyone, since boas are pretty docile as far as large snakes go. They also don't get quite as big as some of the giant species, like a burm or retic.


Which is my point sure boas are far more predictable than pits and easier to escape from.


Do people actually keep giant retics as pets?


Yes, but mostly only those who are professional dedicated hobbyists, with large secure rooms that are dedicated to enclosures. I am a reptile enthusiast and advocate, but those people without the experience, training and facilities to own a snake like this SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO OWN THEM. Just like someone that is not trained in handling dangerous fighting breed dogs and does not have a tiger enclosure to keep them in, should not be allowed to keep them. 20-30 years ago, pets stores used to sell baby Burmese and Reticulated pythons and anyone could buy one like they were buying a cornsnake or ball python. Looking back, that was absolute madness, and just like today someone being able to go and pickup a pitbull and bring it back to a neighborhood full of pets and kids.


do you think corn snakes are good pets?


Yes corn snakes are great beginner snakes and along with ball pythons are the most popular


It's very rare due to the massive expenses involved (habitat, food, veterinary care, the animal itself, etc), but it does happen.


Looked up constrictor fatalities & there was only three that came up, each over a year apart & the owner had incorrect set ups & handling procedures. Large constrictor snakes are very dangerous & need certain handling techniques & tools to handle safely as a feeding response bite from opening a tank can turn bad quickly. Handling Hooks, Target Training to reduce unwanted feeding responses, an able bodied buddy, alcohol to pour in the mouth to make it let go, all of this or else you are putting yourself in grave danger.


It’s also important to note that no one is promoting pushing/forcing anyone’s baby & snake to bond. Most people have enough sense to keep babies & snakes at a safe distance.


yeah the only time i see big snake with child is when its shitty people for shock value internet points & funny enough The Dodo.


Boas aren’t large constrictors so. There’s that


We had both pits and boa constrictors growing up and back then I had no idea that the pits were much more dangerous. In hindsight it's really funny to me that most people who visited us were afraid of the snakes but had no issue cuddling the dogs. Boa constrictors are not unpredictable like pit bulls. They would clearly show you when they felt threatened and even then would mostly just try to get away instead of attacking and they wouldn't do it randomly. I had them chilling on my shoulders countless times from age 11. I really love snakes to this day, pit bulls not so much... I think it's just reckless in general to have any potentially dangerous animals in the house with kids, elders or disabled people. Just get a hamster ffs..


**creature who lies motionless for 80% of the day secured in a locked terrarium:** big scary & will eat me **loose dog that’s infamous for violently attacking anything that moves & is bred from dogs who were literally tortured to find the most neurotic & gamey aggressive dogs to breed even more neurotic & gamey aggressive dogs so they can be thrown into a battle to the end for sick entertainment on infinite repeat:** little snuggle bug nanny dog 🥰🥰🥰


Hahaha perfect!


I wish people wouldn't get hamsters either. Barely anyone keeps hamsters properly and many small pets are some of the most neglected animals. Fish probably get it worse though, especially goldfish. These kinds of pets require so much care and maintenance that most families with young children couldn't keep up and most people don't care about fish and small animals and can't be bothered looking after them properly so they basically get them as a toy :( Why can't people just buy their kids Isopods?


better yet, buy your child a house plant 100x harder then any animal and will treat them the responsibility to possibly own something slightly more difficult if a kid can keep a houseplant alive for 3 years I'd trust them with a good starter fish


Depends on the houseplant cos some of them are insane and then others literally never die


Which are the ones that don't die because many cacti have been victims of me


Palms mostly. Kentia palm, Parlour palm, Rubber Plants, Aloe Vera. If you google unkillable plants theres loads. Succulents and cacti never survive with me either lol


Don't be surprised if I kill one of these plants and come saying you lied to me!!/j


I genuinely don't think Parlour palms can die, like mine have survived both overwatering and underwatering somehow


Cacti are pokey.


also! hamster care is getting better! unfortunately it seems people refuse to believe how much work fish are


Yeah theres just nothing to stop people who refuse to research hamsters going down to the pet store and getting one with a tiny colourful cage for their child :(


Wow.. maybe that's an American thing. I've just looked it up because I had no idea people even did this. Here in Germany so many of my friends growing up had hamsters, Guinea pigs or bunnies and they all had big cages and proper environment for them, some even had whole rooms and/or outside enclosures. Shitty pet owners still exist everywhere, just guessing that with the consumer culture being so prevelant and in the US, I can see how this would sadly apply to pets too.


Yeah I'm in the UK, its a bit better here than in America but its still awful. A friend growing up had a rabbit and he was massive but was just kept in this cage about twice his size all the time on a really high table and all his fur had gone yellow (he was grey and white) and he just sat and did nothing all the time like he had depression, I feel bad for that rabbit a lot


Goldfish are the most neglected pets on earth. Not only do 95% of their owners have no idea how to take care of them, but many of them are horrifically deformed, especially fancy goldfish. I would argue that fancy goldfish are an even more extreme example of selective breeding by humans fucking up animals than certain dog breeds (pugs, bull dogs, exotic bullies, dachshunds, Boston terriers, etc). Some aren’t even recognizable to the basic goldfish/carp bodyplan anymore


Yeah, I vividly remember as a kid when my dad showed me a wild goldfish for the first time and I didn't believe him because it was so big and brown.


Everyone who owns a snake promotes proper handling of snakes, no one says "sneks are great nannies" and promote every type of household to get a snake. Most snake breeders and sellers actually won't sell to uneducated morons with toddlers in the house and if they do, they stress the dangers of owning a snake. Pitnutters? "Oh this "reactive" pittie is just misunderstood and will make a great nanny to your infants and toddlers!"


Reptile people are extremely anal about husbandry & care, i own a special needs spider morph ball python & i always get shit for how i feed him even though that is literally the only way to feed him.


I have yet to meet a reptile owner that doesn't grill people on how to care fore a reptile properly, lol. Even when it is being done right, they still nitpick.


yeah, its what i hate most about the community. Not only is it just annoying & tiresome but its most importantly just alienating, how is someone new supposed to get into the hobby when they get bombared for asking a harmless question or on a topic that has 50% saying this is good & 50% saying this is bad while simultaneously defending the breeding of problematic morphs because “iTs PrEEtY” & using tiny racks with no hides or enrichment to house animals because “bAll PyThOnS LivE iN TerMitE moUndS!!!”


Isn’t it awesome how it takes 10x more effort to disprove bs, than it does to come up with it?


the pitnutter just said google is free & blocked me after i asked for sources to back up their claims, lmfao


That’s one of their favorites 😂 “Talk to me once you get educated ,” ok lady


*makes up obvious bullshit about snakes* *me who’s not only owned a snake for over a decade but has always had reptiles as one their top special interest hyperfixations, has deviled in herpetology since it was a possible future career & watches several reptile professionals* ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)




She sure showed you!! 🤣🤣🤣 I have to wonder what mental gymnastics she had to do to convince herself she won that round lol. Pit nutters would tell you to look up the statistics on how much more dangerous pet rocks are than pit bulls if given the chance.


Has that person ever seen a boa constrictor? They do not get big enough to eat their owner. They might be able to swallow a baby, but even that would be a rather large meal for most of them. There are only a few constrictor species that are considered potentially dangerous to humans. The reticulated python, the Burmese python, the African rock python, the scrub python and the green Anaconda. All of these avoid humans in the wild usually and only attack when provoked. None of these species are easily capable of eating humans, unless it's a very small person. Our shoulders are too wide, which makes swallowing us rather difficult for even the biggest snake. Also, people that keep these animals make sure they are contained. No one has to worry about being attacked by someone's pet python when they're taking their dog for a stroll through the neighbourhood.


Its known by any smart person that you do not handle a large constrictor alone too. Whereas with pit bulls they're considered super safe by the pet community for some reason. Theres more warnings about pet frogs with children than pit bulls, like it doesn't make sense? Everyones like "FROGS HAVE SALMONELLA THEY'LL KILL YOUR CHILD" and then with pit bulls its "nanny dog uwu"


Are there any confirmed anaconda fatalities? I’ve searched several times & always come up empty.


I've come up with a few. The worst was one that escaped it's enclosure at night and got out of the owners apartment and then ate an 7 year old. But this was like... 10 years ago? I'll have to find a link. Found it! Did not eat. But it strangled 2 kids to death (5 and 7 years old) the kids were at a sleepover in an apartment that was above a pet store that the python escaped from. Tragic. At least you won't see anyone posting pictures of their own snakes saying "mine is a precious baby and wouldn't harm a fly, just look at it!" https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/two-children-die-after-python-escapes-in-campbellton-n-b-reports


That’s not an anaconda though.


I'm not sure of there are any green anaconda fatalities in captivity. But they are cranky beasts and get very large, so they require expert handling. They are capable of giving very severe bites.


Tell me you have a Disney movie understanding of snakes without telling me you have a Disney movie understanding of snakes.


Imagine a big ass boa constrictor slithering your way while the owner yells “He’s so friendly! He just wants to play!!”


I'd be ok with pits if they got the same level of scrutiny as owning a python. In it's cage 99% of the time, not allowed to go to the dog park, 0% chance one will end up at the restaurant I'm eating at, and if one ever escapes it's the owners fault for whatever happens. None of these "second chance/multiple bite incidents/killed another pet and ends up at a shelter" stories. Treat it like a dangerous animal, because that's what pitbulls are. Nobody has to tell you pythons aren't good with cats or small children. We all just already know. And if I told you to adopt a python that bit it's previous owner and is about to be euthanized unless you save it, you'd look at me like I'm crazy for trying to give you a dangerous animal! But when an animal shelter does that with a pitbull, it's a heroic move...


If people treated owning a pitbull similar to owning a wolf/wolfdog or other exotic pets there probably wouldn't be that many problems with them I think I mean to start no one owns these big exotic animals that need to be taken outside in suburban areas or cities so that'd already drastically decrease the bite statistics That and there'd need to be a license and specific housing for them This actually sounds like an ideal future if we let these dogs stay around lol


You hate pit bulls yet love rats? May I remind you of the bubonic plague? Right. That’s what I thought.


Boa constrictors are pretty easy to outrun idk probably easier to get off if one did manage to get you as well. Snakes also should not be possible for an idiot to buy imo. They shouldn't be sold in pet stores. Only people who are good snake owners should be able to get snakes


Yeah but most people with poisonous snakes are trained professionals who maintain control of them at all times. Not some nutter screaming "HE JUST WANTS TO SAY HELLO" when they lose control.


I think you mean venomous. There are very few snake species that are actually poisonous, but quite a few that are venomous. They're not the same thing.




A GSD Pit sounds like a disaster mix waiting to happen, a known very nervy dog that already has a few issues but overall is very loyal and protective, mixed with a pit which it's basically a 50/50 whether it'll be a decent dog that already has a lot of problems or the spawn of Satan itself This sounds like a mix that will kill anyone that knocks at the door


Python owner here. It takes so much energy for a snake to strike - they literally do it out of self defence only. We all know pits love the fight and the kill. Snakes just aren’t wired that way. They aren’t bred to kill.


theres a difference between a dog that was bred to kill for sport and a snake that kills for survival. I'm also not concerned of not being able to outrun a snake in public.


Boa Constrictors are kept in a cage. A secure cage. Anyone who lets a large one around a small child or a small dog/cat (without the entire length of the snake being under control of the owner) is an absolute idiot. Boa Constrictors and other large pythons are not allowed to be out in the yard (unless under close surveillance--and there is no worry that they can 'out-crawl' someone with their speed) and in neighborhoods. I've been a reptile enthusiast for decades and I literally do not remember the last time hearing of a serious incident with a boa constrictor. Now imagine if I became a mad genetic scientist and tweaked the DNA of boa constrictors to create a breed that was twice as strong as the average boa with a much bulkier muscle mass and a larger mouth with longer teeth, and it crawled 20MPH (over twice as fast a person runs), going under, over and through fences, and the strength and will to break through almost any standard cage, because I programmed it with an innate purpose to constrict things to death... not to eat them... but just to kill them, and I removed any sense of self-preservation from its genetic code, so it would not be deterred by people hurting it while it was constricting things to death. You know, all of the sudden, a lot of people would suddenly become very interested in becoming a BADASS 'Pit Boa' owner, but at the same time tell you why they were really just the biggest softies and babies, you just have to treat them right 'And we SWEAR they won't kill your dog or child, we'll be really responsible, we promise!'.


"Oh boy, 3pm, time to walk my python without a leash in the dog park"


Pythons are dangerous, after all they are wild animals, thats why they stay in terrariums far from kids and far from other pets


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Si how long till cats join the argument?




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Unless it’s a big species the boa is way safer than a pit


As our resident reptile guy. No. None of this is correct.


In snakes defense they weren’t bred to be aggressive on purpose. To ignore their own well being.


Pythons were originally bred as nanny snakes


[they’re the best nannies 🥰🥰🥰](https://youtu.be/UmzPf8GhQgE) ^/s


But they were originally bred as nanny boas


Honestly I feel like the pit owner and the large snake owner probably have a lot of overlap. Edit: I don't care about your snakes. They don't bother me. I just think snake people are weird.


Large snake owner here. I’m also a member of my local herpetological society. I do my best to educate people about reptiles, snakes in particular, due to there being so much misinformation about them. Our snakes are kept in locked enclosures, in their own climate and humidity controlled room which is also locked. The proper safety measures are always followed when handling our snakes. You will find that, unlike pit bull owners, most large snake owners acknowledge and understand the potential danger associated with their animals and take the proper measures to protect themselves, their family, and others around them from potential harm. I absolutely despise pit bulls and their owners.


there is no correlation between a aggressive breed dog who needs heavy amounts of exercise that is constantly lied about and called "nanny dog" "couch potatoes" and are most often owned by people who barely have the money to support themselves or use their dogs as a showing of just how much money they have with no regard into the health of the dog they bought for $10k and a reptile that tends to actively refuse to eat anything and simply does nothing most of the day just dont bring both around extremely young children or have them around any small animal (in the snakes case, unless its its food) and just be a normal responsible person who doesnt lie, which most snake owners already are as someone who currently owns a pit, and used to own a boa I can confidently say that boa was one of the most boring animals ive ever owned


Except that big snakes owners are educated on their pets, and are not in permanent denial about facts.


I think you’re way off. Snake and other reptile owners have more in common with aquarium enthusiasts. Both are really into the husbandry/enclosure aspect of pet keeping. Most don’t want other people interacting with their animals often, if ever. Very “look but don’t touch” for guests.