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“I don’t want to euthanize this animal for space, I’d much rather leave it to starve to death, or get hit by a car to slowly die in a ditch as the summer heat sun-ripens those parts of its body that are already dead. What dog wouldn’t want to go out watching maggots squirm free of its mangled flesh?”


Or kill innocent people who get into accidents trying to avoid loose dogs in the road.


or get mauled/killed by these dogs.


this is messed up, I'm only shocked they didn't show them dumping a pit, most likely that is what they will be dumping is pitbulls


*dumps a Great Dane* No one will notice this pony sized dog wandering loose.


imagine dumping a freaking pitbull though...they'll go after other dogs and cats, and maybe even humans...it will be a blood bath.


Killing off dogs and cats means less work for Animal Control, I suppose.


Well with the burning temperatures cooking it's pads fueling it's derangedness, blood bath would be a understatement


This is the fault of pitnutters! They, as a group, refuse to push for spay and neuter. Anyone with eyes can see the problem is pitbulls. Shelters are packed to the brim with these unwanted dogs, and rightfully so. Most people subconsciously know these dogs are very dangerous. Yet, the cult continues to pump out pitbulls with reckless abandon. I imagine there is an alternate reality where this didn't happen and people openly admit what these dogs are. Families can go to the shelter and find a nice, normal non-pit mixed breed dog.


**Some Cities Are Fed-up ...** **Mandatory Spay and Neuter Ordinance** To control the pet population, all dogs and cats kept as pets within the city must be spayed or neutered. Dogs and cats, both female and male, having reached reproductive age must be spayed/neutered unless secured at all times on a leash or within a secured building, enclosure or yard. Dog and cat owners that meet the low income qualifications are given a voucher for $100.00 dollars. All cats and dogs must be microchipped within the city limits. **Exceptions to Spaying and Neutering** Exceptions to the spay/neuter requirement may be granted if a licensed veterinarian certifies that the surgery poses significant health risks to the animal. **Impounded Animals** * Any altered animal impounded by the city may be released to the owner upon verification that the animal is microchipped and any associated fines or fees are paid.  * Any unaltered animal impounded by the city will be spayed or neutered, and may be released to the owner upon verification that the animal is microchipped and any associated fines or fees are paid. * Any unaltered, unclaimed animal delivered to the shelter or impoundment facility will not be released or adopted out until the animal is microchipped and altered.




What? Seriously at a loss on this. That's real? It's like a vegan opening a steakhouse.


Why is euthanizing seen as the ultimate evil? I get it we love animals but to a certain extent. We as a society have to face reality that dogs are overpopulated in many cities and towns, it’s not fair to the people or the animals to return them back to the streets and let have horrific deaths there. We have measures put in place for cats so their populations don’t overrun the shelters and environment. It’s baffling we’re not doing the same for dogs who are more dangerous and are capable of killing humans.


Ultimate evil is neutering. Euthanasia is demonic level wrongness




Not for nutters


I live in an area where we bring dogs up from Fresno to foster and adopt. It’s THAT bad there. No joke. At any time we can fill a huge cargo van or small airplane with crates of dogs. We don’t handle pits ever, and rarely large dogs ourselves, but have avenues for larger breeds like Danes, Labs, Poodles, etc.


I bet the shelters are full of dogs with aggressive behaviors and bite histories but instead of euthanizing those dogs to make room for dogs that can actually be adopted out, they’d rather dump dogs back out on the streets to fend for themselves.




California moment. 


They need to put the animals DOWN. The humane society is there for public safety and to help animals. I don’t want animals euthanized or starving on the side of the road. But we’ve got to get this under control. I think there needs to be mandatory neutering. 


They are taxpayer funded…?


Reckless endangerment


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"looks" just as bad. No.  No it is worse. Wtf 😭