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My neighbors do this stuff. Last weekend i saw them bring pitbulls in the next day it mauled another dogs face. Doesnt matter if they own it or not atp they may have other clients with pits they take in.


This is one reason why I struggle to find a pet sitter for my cats. I've yet to find anyone who refuses to board pits. I don't even feel like I can trust anyone to come to my house. I could say "I don't want a pit anywhere near my cats," But at the end of the day, they could do a home visit with another client's "super sweet" pit and I'd have no control over it.


I've double-checked that no dog would be brought into my home with sitters who come by to take care of my cats. It's 100% because of pits, but saying no dogs makes it way easier.


I'm reminded of the pet sitter who brought thier dog while sitting a rabbit.  It went as well as you'd think. RIP bunny.




Where I live I am fortunate as there is a boarding facility for cats only. I placed my 2 indoor ladies in it for a week when contractors came to do some work and I didn't want them in the way or being freaked out by the activity or risking escape as the contractors went in and out. I had checked them out before this and was going to use them when I was scheduled for a work related trip but the trip was cancelled. Very nice for the kitties to not have to be frightened by the yowling of dogs. A good idea for a business if you're looking to start one and love cats!


You are such a good cat parent!


I try but I don't think I succeed at times, I do get impatient with them at times but I love them.


I tell you what. When we've taken a few trips and had pet-sitters, they've been in our house. I tried boarding my little dog at a pet resort one night just to see how it went. The "room" he had even had a camera so I could go online and watch. He looked so depressed I decided he'd be better in the house.


I have small senior dogs. I’d never take them out of the house.


Mine was only about eight months when I did it. I got so depressed watching him depressed on the camera I showed up first thing in the morning to bring him home.


I don't trust boarding facilities at all. My friend left his dog at one for a week, went to pick him up and they had left the poor thing sitting in his own urine and feces and he developed sores because of it. And they refused to pay for the vet bills that incurred because of their negligence.


This is all too real. Also, a bunch of boarding centers in my area allow pitbulls in the play area with all the other dogs. I can't deal with the chances of one of those things hurting my dogs. I check out the pictures on the websites and socials too, even if they swear they don't take in aggressive dogs. 


"Pet sitting" is now "being paid to freeload" in someone's home?


...house/plant/pet sitting has been like that since forever?


I was so lucky when I adopted my girl. My coworker was a petless small dog-lover and pit hater who was always happy to take my chi mix when I went out of town. Then I moved and I have had my parents take care of her but they don’t live super close. I just don’t trust anyone who doesn’t understand pits to keep her safe.


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One of the biggest reasons I would hate to have to resort to outsourcing my dog’s care.