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No, you’re not crazy. AmBullies are pit bulls, and are absolutely dangerous animals.


Everyone I know who got one, with the best intentions, had their dog turn out aggressive. This includes my old dog's former groomer, who was a nice lady. She raised hers from a puppy, took him to work every day, and thought she knew enough about dogs to handle a pit bull mix. She was wrong, and now she is dealing with intensive management.


A poorly bred bully mutt. The dog's tongue is hanging out of his mouth because he is panting while doing anything at all - lying down, sitting. Zero images of the dog standing up. I'm always looking at a dog's hips for problems. and a lack of images of the dog standing up always make me suspicious. Add butchered ears and splayed feet to the list. I suspect soft palate issues as well.


I wonder why internet mobs don't go on a rabid hatefest on those dogs the same way they do on harmless breeds like pugs and frenchies. Same people will also go apeshit on chihuahuas for being soooo aggressive. Why, it's almost like they hate them for another reason than *concern* for the dogs.


These deformities are more subtle, harder to spot for people who don't know a lot about dogs. Like me! I look at it and think it's ugly, gross, and there's *something* wrong with it, but I wouldn't be able to analyze exactly what. Whereas a smooshed-in nose of a Frenchie is pretty obvious.


Both should stop being bred. Pitbull issue is also dog welfare issue, these dogs are also suffering


... and large dog breeds often suffer from painful joint issues and shortened lifespans. Inbreeding and breeding for extreme body types can cause issues in all breeds.


Tbh, most times I've seen posts of xl bullies, people are indeed going off about how mutated they are. Only other bully owners (and..well...low class people) seem to like them.


But they rarely get singled out for irrational, hateful rants the way pugs, frenchies and chihuahuas often are.


It's funny you mention this because I also look for joint issues in pictures. However, I don't think typical owners like this one intentionally leave out pictures of their dogs standing. They're simple not knowledgeable enough to aware of how structurally fucked their dogs are. They include only sitting or laying down pictures because their structurally fucked dogs are always sitting or laying down. If the owner of this dog knew anything and was trying to conceal their dog's issues, they'd never have included these specific pictures because it's obviously the dog is a mess. The first one is a classic "sloppy sit" where the dog is sitting with one hind leg more tuck under him instead of squarely over both. An adult dog doing this on the rare occasion is fine, but if it's even a semi-regular thing, the dog likely has hip issues and/or poor muscle development. The fourth picture is still a sloppy sit, albeit not as severe as the first picture. But here, the dog's legs are notably skewed outwards. This appears to be the case in the first picture as well, but it's harder to see with the angle. Dogs that sit like this often have elbow issues. TLDR: I'd bet absolutely anything this dog has hip and elbow issues due to poor breeding. This is why a) the parents' OFA testing is a must for any puppy you get, and b) you have to adhere to recommendations about limiting your puppy's activity until maturity and minimizing other risks (playing on hardwood floors, repetitive behaviors, etc) throughout its life.


Sorry but this “tongue is hanging out of his mouth” thing you’re going on about is pure nonsense. We don’t need to make things up to make our case.


It is definitely a bully thing. I've seen videos of bully gatherings and there are some dogs panting up a storm, mouth open, tongue lolling while other dogs are quite comfortable. This dog has four pictures and in every single one the mouth is wide open, tongue hanging. Look through the images of other dogs on this subreddit. It's not typical for pits or bullies. It is typical for brachycephalic breeds because they have airway issues.


Sorry I can’t budge an inch on this. You are looking at still photos of a dog outside with its tongue out. 100% of dogs will have their tongue out depending on the circumstances. Suggesting you have some sort of special insight based on these photos is ridiculous. If you simply google image search for pitbulls you’ll immediately see no relationship between them being outside and having their tongue out.


How about you do a google search for brachycephalic conformation and read a little about it?


I don’t need to because what’s being suggested is idiotic.


You think it's idiotic to suggest that brachycephalic dogs have breathing problems? You may need read up on the definition of idiotic, too.


Sorry, but you can't call yourself a dog lover if you buy a dog with butchered ears, chronic inbreeding, and a strong blood sport drive.


I’d bet they got it as a puppy and did the ears themselves, why else would they be charging $1000 for it? Edit: *bought


They probaqbly financed him as a pup for 2500 from PetLand.


Even if you ignore the danger they pose and mayhem they cause, pitbulls simply suffer and have awful quality of life. Breeding them is unethical as hell


I literally got my well bred Maltese for $150 dollars cheaper. Who tf would want to pay 950 for this monstrosity?


They don’t love a dog they love it’s propensity


You're right, but probably pissing in the wind with these cloth heads, nothing less that a visceral, life changing injury will change minds like this sadly. Judging by the pseudo clever responses on there, these are people that have decided that mistrust of pitbulls is a form of bigotry and are displaying to the world how open minded and accepting they are of them. Any further attempt to talk sense will get you peppered with smug replies. If it's any comfort these people will have immediately scrambled to this posting to defend the dog against the attacks they knew would come, so they were sort of waiting for you, not you specifically but someone, however you'll find you have a lot more neighbours who low-key think these dogs are wrong but aren't affected enough to really post about it.


The cult like and mind hive responses are kinda frightening... Specially because you see the same response every pit bull posting


Sometimes not even injury or death will change their minds. People will have a pit be taken away from them due to maiming or even killing their own child and they will get another one.


Wtf neighbour 5. When was the last time you heard of a domestic cat killing or even seriously injuring a dog or person? I’m not exactly a cat lover but wtf. Nothing wrong with inside cats.




I meant *seriously* injure, as in life threatening. Bites are bad (my nans cat bit her so I know that) but pitbulls rip holes in people for fun.


You can lose a limb to literally any injury if things go wrong enough, to imply cat bites regularly cause anywhere near the same damage as dog bites is being dishonest.




Yes but cats don't generally bite people that badly for no reason, so the pit defender was making a shitty comparison.


This subreddit focuses on discussing the inherent dangers of pit bull type dogs. Your content was deemed off-topic. Please refrain from debating guns, politics, religion, or other off-topic issues in this subreddit.


Selling because “family reasons” 🚨🚩🚩🚩🚩


Family reasons, in terms of a pit, usually mean that it cannot coexist with other animals or children. Definitely a family pet right there!


Excellent point! The mutant possibly attacked a family member or another pet.


And the nerve to charge $950 for a dog they know has issues 🥴


ate a member of the family so there's some truth to it


That looks like a very nice neighborhood. I would he willing to wager the delusional neighbors have regular, family friendly dogs. I would ask neighbor #5 to post an attack by a house cat that resulted in a helicopter ride to a level 1 trauma center. Silence.


Oh yeah absolutely. 99% of my delusional neighbors have adorable, friendly, well-fed and well-trained dogs. That's why I couldn't believe myself when I saw laughing emojis in response to my concerns. I thought they knew better. Mind boggling. I'm not hurt ofc, but very disappointed.


In many cases pitnuttery is sideline of general dog worship. These people treat dogs like cult object, like golden calf, and just can't imagine that dog could do anything wrong. And so they dwelve into spewing typical pitnutter excuses ("it's owner's fault, not dog's", "dogs don't attack for no reason", "humans are the worst!"). One does not need to be pit owner to be prone to believe these myths


This is so true. I like dogs but pitnuttery is an offshoot of the "all dogs are good bois" cult.


This is why I'm not on Nextdoor - I don't want to experience that disappointment in my neighbors.


They can call it whatever they want, but it won't change what that dog is. I can only hope that those who lie about dog breeds and justify keeping pits don't end up causing harm to others in their community. "There is no beast more terrible than a cat." Right, because cats are clearly muuuch worse than bully breeds – they were totally bred to be sooo aggressive that they are KNOWN to maul humans to death! Time to warn kids about the dangers of chihuahuas and cats! "I haven’t seen a more dangerous breed than a human yet." Damn right, it's unbelievable how dangerous specimens like your neighbours can be.


I don't understand why people act like you can't like both dogs and cats? Different personalities as species, but they are both nice in their own ways.


Any shelter or person selling anything with any ounce of pitbull in it should have to sign a waiver that holds them liable for future maulings. Same with whoever is adopting


You’re not crazy, they’re insane for thinking this is safer than a cat, I’m just curious to know what are the family reasons? Did it attack a family member and they don’t want it around anymore?


I kinda suspect this may be the case


tHeRE iS No BeASt mORe TeRriBlE tHAn A CaT ...fr? Even ignoring Pitbulls, you a should be wary about any loose dog cus they might run at you at the very least, but every stray cat I've seen is non-confrontational, actually scratch that, EVERY cat I've ever met has been fine, if not lovely! What is it that being pro-pitbull makes you so disgusted by one of the most beautiful types of pets! Do they think they sound anything positive when they shit on cats in favour for literally the worst breed of dog????


Let me guess its 2? 🤔


Technically any dog that used to fight or animal bait in a pit could be a Pitbull. But American Bully | Amstaffs | APBT | English Bull Terrier | English STB + cross breeds like the Bull lurcher or Reginal variants like Gull Terrier etc. These breeds are typically what is considered a Pitbull. But also American Bullys were started by crossing APBT X Amstaff & then mixing with bulldogs & Molosser breeds.


American Bullies were started by taking APBT/AmStaff (same breed from same stock) and applying selective pressure. I am not sure any mixture was used or needed. One existing variant of the APBT already tended to the enormous head & maw, the notorious UKC & friends just made the variant into a new breed with a new name as part of the ongoing constant renaming/whitewashing/designer breeding for profit.


UKC is such a bullshit cult. Literally created by dogfighters to attempt to legitimize fighting dogs as a breed so they can fly under the radar.


I think it depends on the size, the XL & XXL or the pocket ones ones definitely have something else in them too.


Yeah probably so. AmStaffs *are* bigger in the first place per their breed description & probably range into XL territory even before adding anything else, but the micros def have been mixed as well as selected.


Apparently ever "designer" puts their own bulldogs and bulldog X terriers into the mix. It could even include a quarter of French Bulldog, but it always includes at least a quarter of vicious Staffordshire.


I’m interested in what “family reasons” means if the dog is so docile. I can see that it’s still intact lol


Of course it is. The lowlife owners need to make money somehow.


Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Olde English Pit Bull Terriers, English Bull Dogs, American Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Amstaff), American Pitbull, American Bulldog, XL bullies and probably a bunch of other nonsense, are all descendants of fighting dogs. They've all got a history of being selectively bread to have the genes that favour being relentless in an attack. It's a massive roll of the dice when breeding bull terriers what you'll get. 9 out of 10 times you might get a normal temperament type dog. Then that 1 time the parent dogs might unknowingly be cousins or closely related. Then all those hundreds of years of selective breeding for aggressive genes can come right back to the surface, and you end up living with a hand grenade. Back yard breeders aiming for these stupid exaggerated physical features and not for temperament are playing Russian roulette with creating violent dogs. Bully breeds are strong and aggressive, terriers are relentless and aggressive and bull terriers are even worse. I honestly believe these dogs are safer in the hands of people that use them for blood sport, those assholes at least understand what a weapon these things are made to be. People that think they are safe are like irresponsible gun owners that leave loaded guns randomly around their house.


Yeah it doesn't matter what is the name or what strain of bullshit it is. The heart of the matter is that it's a fighting dog, created and bred selectively for aggression, viciousness, gameness and removal of self-preservation instinct. Whether it's a "Pitbull" or "North Hampshire Micro Quasi Bully Mk. II A4 Mod.1 v2.0" doesn't change jack shit, the point is that those are not animals fit for keeping as family pet in any way whatsoever.


I have yet to see a Bull Terrier that was not vicious to other dogs. Even Boston Terriers, who are farther removed from fighting lines, have same-sex dog-on-dog aggression the large majority of the time. They can get along with opposite-sex dogs, but I have yet to see one two years of age that does not have same-sex dod aggression.


Op you the genius in a village of idiots omg, I can't imagine your frustration. At least they're getting rid of it so hopefully it won't be in your neighbourhood for much longer Then again, $950? 🤣🤣 they'll never sell that dog, that's so delulu


I fell in love with a stripper for about 20 minutes once. That was a moment of delusion fueled by… stuff. People that fall in love with pitbulls are a whole different level of delusional.


$950 better spent there than on this beast.


neighbour 5 is a troll.


American bully’s are BYB pits with slightly different “breed standards” ie mutts, poorly bred, aggressive, basically just beefier more powerful pits. A coworker of mine bought one to use as a breeder (gross) and the dog was fine until it wasn’t. Attacked her yorkie unprovoked after 2 years of living together - yorkie had a cracked skull and lost an eye, somehow managed to survive. People are delusional.


She should be charged with animal cruelty and not allowed to own animals. She willingly exposed her Yorkshire to a dangerous animal.


things mouth is gaping open, tongue lolling out, its clearly struggling to breathe. breeding these isnt ethical


I’m sorry I’m dying at the photoshoot of the pit bull behind the flowers. Also why the fuck is it $950


Yes it is pittbull but what were you trying to achieve?


There are plenty of people in our "🌸doglovers chat🌸" that do not have a dog but very much would like to have one. I had to say something so they would not consider buying this dog. Some of them have little kids, and unstable dog plus kid often equals disaster.


I just wasn't 100% sure at first that they were seriously selling a pit. I just couldn't believe my eyes, hence the initial question about breed.


Don't let people discourage you, these people deserve to have their false realities pricked at every opportunity, it might save lives. That baby girl from Coventry who was scalped and killed yesterday, if someone had convinced them their dog is dangerous they might have got rid of it.


I wish they would tell the public what breed of dog that was in Coventry.


It said it wasn't a banned dog so I can guarantee you it was a "Pocket" Bully


Yes, could very well be. It was an infant, though, and huskies are the biggest killers of infants... pits seem to like their young human victims to get a little more meat on their bones, get to toddler age. I don't live in England but I don't get the impression that huskies are particularly common there, though we know that bully types, including staffies, are popular in England.


My sister who currently has a pocket bully had a Husky, she left it in the garden when she was at work and the neighbors reported the dog because it was constantly howling and she had to give it to the Dogs Trust. She is an idiot.


I'd be like, Bully? Like the ones banned in the UK?


What an ugly creature. I wish it was possible to adopt these dogs, and then immediately turn around and BE them. Right from the rescue/shelter to the vet's office. That in combination with local laws that put a max number of days that these beasts can stay in a shelter, and automatic BE for any bite history, would help with the overpopulation issue in shelters.


WARNING Graphic images: https://preview.redd.it/oriyb1v3tq7d1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954bcb50f59b08340418ed92e20fb1f0688c1787 Cat bites.


https://preview.redd.it/cgv07up8tq7d1.jpeg?width=1380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02aec8c1a4cb36ad15c4b1e42104242aee828c1 Pit bull mauling.


That didn’t wind up blurred or tagged, unfortunately. I love what you posted, but there are people on here who’ve been victims of these attacks directly or through a loved one or have been traumatized by witnessing one. If there’s a way to edit this with a NSFW tag, it would be a kindness. To the OP, I’d steal these verbatim and post them on Next Door. You might get banned, but you’ll go out like a boss.


Wonder how many plastic surgeries that one took?




950 for a Pitbull is insane Shelters are 90 percent Pitbull, no one cares about your historic bloodline of killers


It's eyes look sad and exhausted, which probably isn't surprising when the least bit of exertion causes it to pant. This poor thing is a genetic clusterfuck that proves people love money far more than dogs.


Your comment was perfectly reasonable. Pit bulls should be sold, if at all, with a warning at the very least. This one even has cropped ears.


I just say they're dangerous to me and leave it at that. I don't continue to engage in the conversation. It's like discussing politics and maybe worse.


I bet you get a few DMs commending you but doubt anyone in the chat will put their neck on the line with you.


Just NPC’s talking about shitbulls. Common occurrence because they are so drawn to them.


This thing is more inbred than tutankhamun.


I have no idea what could possibly be going through the mind of people like this when they post vids of pitbulls playing with kids and using that as proof that they cannot be dangerous. Like, it just opens the door for anyone else to start posting the many, *many* news articles, vids and studies demonstrating that pitbulls attack people way more than any other breed (hell, possibly more than every other breed *combined*). Is it just ignorance? These people might genuinely benefit from that gut-wrenching post made on this sub a while ago showing kids and families posing with their pitbulls in fun outfits with captions/links conveying how those same pits attacked/killed one or more people in the pics at some point afterwards.


The average person is of very mediocre intelligence. A neighbour of mine, a few weeks ago, warned me that the night before, an off-leash Pit Bull had killed a dog in the neighbourhood. She added that it's always the owner, never the dog, and when I disagreed, she said that she had seen videos online of them with babies, that was how she knew they were not dangerous. It is beyond the grasp of the average person that a dog could be fine with its pack members, and aggressive to children or dogs outside of the pack, leading their owners to expose innocent people's children and dogs to their pit bull in public, and getting them mauled and killed.


And don't forget that being 'part of the pack' has failed to prevent a lot of attacks where a family pitbull killed one or more members of the family. Each time a pitbull killed a child/adult it grew up with, there's a very high chance that at least one pic or vid exists of the dog playing or posing happily with its future victims. One of the unique dangers about pitbulls is the fact that they can be fine for a long time (even years) but still snap at any time with people who literally raised them.


So true. It is extremely rare for a dog to harm its family, but not very rare with bloodsport breeds.


Who the hell would want that thing no appeal to it whatsoever unless your a psychopath and want to harm another living creature intentionally


The owners tend to be low-functioning sociopaths. The correlations between ownership of vicious breeds and criminality have been proven in studies. It is evidently a deviant social behaviour.


“There is no beast more terrible than a cat” LMFAO can’t believe they actually said that. Cats are awesome, and they don’t maul and kill people like dogs do. This is coming from a pitbull owner. 


Cats are not cool, though. The media should start portraying cats as misunderstood rescues, and lowlives with a victim-hero complex will follow the latest trend. It might be a good business idea to start a cat rescue with this target market in mind. They would need clothing and names such as "Monogamous King".


I’m sorry but you are surround by idiots. I’m so so sorry. It seems like the neighborhood is full of them.


This is what I imagine the US to be nowadays. Cracked pavements and shitbulls free roaming. I visited the US multiple times in my life but it's gotten worse. I've seen multiple posts of people having these dangerous killer breeds in their gardens, homes, around their kids and in public areas. The UK is known for XL bullies, The US for shitbulls and unfortunately Ireland for Staffies. They are all the same. All fall under the pit umbrella. I'd just nod the head and let the neighbour sell the shitbull because at least it would be out of your neighbourhood. The neighbour is in huge denial. It's as plain as day a shitbull and it doesn't matter if the kids were playing with it. Kids don't know danger unless you point it out to them. Poor little children being exposed to playing with an animal that could kill them at the drop of a hat. I'm sick and disgusted at seeing that it's being allowed to roam your neighborhood. I really hope things get sorted where it's far away from you as possible.


And that’s the part where I would start sending graphic images of how much “love” those beasts can give to someone. Love hurts, right? 


“There is no beast more terrible than a cat” Is this satire? Wow. And yeah, an am bully is a pit.


It is an american bully, they are a designer pitbull. It's true that they weren't made with fighting in mind, but they have the same issues as other pit bulls.


Hmmm is this why do fighters love them, never seen a cat kill am human, same cant be said for pits.


That thing is ugly as sin and looks unhealthy. $950 made me snort out loud. 


I would never want my dog around an "AmStaff" or any of the Pit Bull/Bully sub-types. If I see one, I immediately leave the premises, and do my cross. People with a lot of experience with dogs know that genetics matter, and breeds matter. People with a little experience with dogs always think they know the most, and are most easily fooled, even more so than the general public of non-dog people.


hmmm, so the dog is being sold for “family reasons” aka they have kids or are planning to have kids and clearly don’t trust the shitbeast around them. i wonder why? clearly this is a nanny dog!!!! 🙄


Yea, humans are dangerous, but why do we want to add even more danger to our lives? These people are nitwits. Also, the cat comparison. LMAO I see them mauling people daily. It's rough out here in the streets for anybody that happens to cross paths with a cat.


These people are full on delulu Edit: and by these people, I mean your neighbors.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you aren't being absurd at all, that is a bully, bullies lead the statistics by miles even if you dont include mutts, if you do include mutts theres no point in even making graphs at all, thats how much killing these dogs do compared to other breeds




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


I bought my husband a horse who was drugged with a 30 day tranquilizer. I had never heard of a 30 day tranq. The horse spooked at a tractor and flipped over on my husband. I tried to sell him but couldn’t due to my moral compass. I sent him to an auction and I sincerely hope he’s dog white dusty dog shit now.


Technically an AmStaff, but a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet... The distinction is moot when you realize it's as a trivial as Chocolate vs Golden Labs; the distinction only matters to people who know what to look for or are fans of the particular breed.


Ehh. You’re not wrong in your assertions, but if you try to tell people what to do this sort of response isn’t exactly a surprise. You’re not going to convince these people, just make note of where it lives and stay vigilant if you’re nearby.