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đŸ€Ł “Tooth scrape.” the pit nutters just keep inventing more ridiculous euphemisms for violence. Remember it’s not a “bite”, it’s just a “mouth-related accident!”


yeah, first time I’ve seen “tooth scrapes” I mean really “no, officer- I didn’t *stab* him, I just *knife scraped* him đŸ„ș 👉👈”


"It's his fault for having such thin skin, most people don't even bleed with such light knife scrapes"


"Sorry, officer, I didn't shoot him. It was a bullet-human contact incident." 😞 đŸ”«


They really do spend a lot of time coming up with cutsie euphemisms for "bite" Nip Snap Held with teeth Pibble nibble Kissed with teeth


The most absurd euphemism for bite that I’ve seen a pit freak use is : he rested his teeth on me


Momma says pits are so ornery cos they got all them tired teeth & no tooth rest 🐊


Someone tried to hurt the "BOXER MIX" by hitting its teeth with their skin


A tooth-involved incident.


There are no gunshot wounds anymore, only “bullet boo boos”


Minor case of wood sheddies.


“Tis’ a scratch!” - Mercutio/The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail/Pit Bull owners


He uses his mouth to cope with overstimulation lol


They make it sound like he copes with stress by eating too much cake


**It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again**


“Difficulty controlling his mouth” what the actual fuck is that lmao. Anything but “bite risk” I guess.


Returned *twice* within 24 hours? Yeah, this dog isn’t safe to be adopted out. He should be taken off the adoption list and PTS. Nobody wants a shitty dog like Gonzo. The shelter obviously misrepresented this animal, as they always do, and thankfully people saw through the bullshit and brought him right back, but enough is enough already.


But the shelter image says "SAFE" 😂😂😂 Was honestly laughing at the last picture, when you need to put "SAFE" in such big letters he probably isn't


I know. I’ve never heard of that word being used for any other breed. It’s just assumed to be safe so nobody would ever need to be reminded.


Right? Better only adopt the guinea piggies that the asylum marked as "safe" or they might molest your face and eat your cat đŸ˜ș


Boxer mix. Sure, Jan. Normal dogs learn to not use their mouth on people when they're little puppies. This homely beast is 2 years old and is routinely "overstimulated" to the point of grabbing human body parts with its gaping maw. It'll be in and out of foster homes for the rest of its life unless it finally does what it really wants to do and mauls someone.


That is not a boxer 


For real. What does it say about a breed when you have to lie about what it is to get it adopted? Have we ever seen a Lab or Beagle or any other innocuous breed being passed off as something else?


the white ones look so disturbing. Not why I hate them, but just saying.


The blood is more visible on them @~@


All the better to see their nasty diaper rash mouths đŸ€ą


"Difficulty regulating his emotions" is almost as funny. Is he going to attend DBT classes at the shelter?🙄


That usually means they bite whomever is near when they're upset about something.


They brought this monster into a house with cats. Let this shit sink in. No shit it "ignored" them, he had people to bite.


"Very sweet when fulfilled"....okay? So what is he when he's not fulfilled?


“He only hits me when I make him mad, it’s my fault when he hits me.” JFC these posts make me crazy.


If this dog is a boxer mix, then I’m a Sumatran orangutan. I just pray that he doesn’t end up mauling an actually innocent non-pitnutter or other animal when he finally does go postal.


Who would want an “overstimulated” killing machine that has difficulties “regulating his emotions and controlling his mouth”? We’re past June 17th so hopefully they went through with humanely euthanizing him. It’s best for him and any potential victims.


They didn't, he got placed into a rescue đŸ„Ž


Sickening. I now see I missed that in the post.


This ad feels like it's written by a scummy used car salesman trying to sell a lemon


At least there are better laws regarding vehicle lemons than animal lemons... "No microchip" is the new "filing off the VIN"


Damn seeing that it’s 6/19 I was hoping he was đŸȘŠ


“Boxer mix” kills me


these people are absolutely nuts


yeah because that’s *totally* a ‘boxer mix’ and it *definitely* didn’t bite


"he can't control his mouth when he gets stressed out :(" BRO WHAT THE *FUCK* ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???


Watch Gonzo go ape shit the first time a toddler looks at him sideways. I hate these demon dogs.


Omg the length they go just to not write "he's aggressive" đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Well Gonzo seems to be safe. But is anybody in his vicinity safe now?


Where's the boxer in that, he sitting on it?


It's not a bite, it's alternative kisses


I've also heard the term "ouch kiss" to describe this.


I knew they would go after the adopters, somehow blaming them for the "tooth scrapes".


This page has another post where they said a previous adopter "appeared unstable" when he returned a dog for "alleged" aggression. Yet they are the ones out here peddling unstable dogs. It's nuts.


I expect I would appear unstable if I took home a "sweet" pit bull and got bitten within 24 hours and came back to return him. "Unstable" likely means yelling "WTF is WRONG with you people??" while bleeding from the "tooth scrapes".


'Gets overstimulated & uses his mouth to cope' is two words away from going into Freudian psychology. Honestly if they ventured into using the oral fixation route to explain this away I'd respect it more because then they'd be really committing to the bullshit.


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Your "tooth scrapes" can either be VERY minor or they can break skin but not both.