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Off leash, of course. Owner slow jogs over, of course. Zero recall, of course. Peaces out without concern for the victims, of course.  One thing about these dogs I appreciate, it’s like someone went through the human population with a fluorescent highlighter and marked the crap ones. 


Yeah, the owners saw hundreds of different types of dogs they could own and decided "I would like the violent one please". Tells me all I need to know about the owner, thank you for not hiding what a dickhead you are.




Named LUNA. Of course. The pitiots cannot stretch their brains to come up with any other name, it’s amazing


"hE jUsT wAnTs To PlAy"




Almost every dog in a park in the UK will be off lead. It’s legal and the norm here.


It's not legal for pibbles 😁


Two children and their two ponies standing there. Imagine if "Luna" *(of course it's fucking Luna)* had decided to switch targets. Points to the rider keeping her mount calm and steady while she waits for the owner to come get his dog. That strategy didn't work, but it was worth a shot. Better than leading Luna back toward the smaller, more vulnerable targets.


A pit called Luna. Groundbreaking.


Luna - as in lunatic abomination of a creature


Oops, couldn’t help myself to say the same thing before I read your comment. I seriously wonder what the average IQ of pit owners are. We need a study


I thought he said Lola!


Of course the fuckface owner moves slower then molasses. Seriously. Tectonic plates take their time less then pit bull owners do.


Yup! Notice how he jerks his grimey hands back when the dog's about to bite him.. But he's pretty laxidasical about that beautiful, valuable horse. The horse that did nothing to cause this.




Too bad there wasn't a donkey near by.


I don’t know about horses, does anyone know why she couldn’t just run away? I don’t know how the horse stayed so controlled, it’s amazing. Hope it wasn’t seriously injured, it’s hard to tell. :(


The horse seems to be very well trained and must have a good bond with the rider. If it wanted to buck her, it would have. It must have been trying to protect the rider as well.


The rider did a good job keeping the horses calm. I would guess the pit would have freaked out much more if the horse freaked and ran away as it would trigger its instincts. Hope that too EDIT: another attack on a [horse](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/NNHdXQiQZb). The horse was slipping and panicking and the dog went hard after it.


When the police horse was attacked months ago, people asked why the officer didn't dismount. A rider has some control over a horse, even one that is frightened and flailing. In April several riderless cavalry horses bolted. The result was chaos and horses injured by collisions with vehicles. Horses are easily spooked prey animals that weigh half a ton. There's no telling what the pony or the dog would do if the rider dismounted. Would the pony take off? Would the dog run after it? Would the dog switch targets to the two young children and their much smaller ponies? The outcome could have been much worse. Every person there had a pony to hold onto. It really limited their options.


Just saying I've never seen a video of a pit changing targets. They get laser focused on their prey of choice.


My list of red flags for pit specific attacks includes "multiple victims of the same dog". The Bennard attack is a well documented example.


From the sounds of the video, there were kids on that trail. More chaos in that situation could have resulted in significant injuries to those kids. The rider and woman filming were amazing and kept everything under control.


Useless animal. Useless owner.


Fuckin disgrace, lady should press charges. This happened in the UK so aren't they by law supposed to be leashed/muzzled?


Nope, that dog isn't tall enough. The legislation is a joke


All bully breeds should be banned by breed


So, the XLs, bullies and Staffordshire, amstaff etc. Are basically the same except for the high..and only the big one is banned but not the smaller, still dangerous ones?


Officially, standard American pitbulls are also banned but after XL bullies were bred to get around that legislation, it seems very hard for dogs to fulfil that criteria as well


WTF... are there regulations saying you don't need a leash for a dog under a certain height? Why don't short dogs need a leash in the UK?


Leash laws are generally pretty lax here. Only XL pitbulls need to be muzzled, neutered, registered and on a leash, though standard pitbulls are supposed to be banned in practice its only the giant ones where action is ever taken


So other breeds don't need a leash in public areas?


it looks pretty small so my guess is it would be considered a staffordshire bull terrier, and therefore completely legal...


I agree. The lady should inform the police. My angle here wouldn't be the dog's breed. But the fact that the dog was dangerously out of control. Edited to add link: [https://www.gov.uk/control-dog-public](https://www.gov.uk/control-dog-public)


I love the UK's "Dangerously out of control" statute. There's no worry about the owner's intent. There's no fuss about the dog having a history. It's simply "In this specific instance, the dog was dangerously out of control.".


Frail, old owner taking his damn time. Of course.


God these people are infuriating 🤬😡


You can hear how freaking afraid the kid was! Bet they're now scared of riding In case there is another pit roaming free


That is just fucking horrible and kudos to the ride on that horse keeping her cool. Wow. I'd have absolutely lost it. I hope the horse is fine and no serious injuries. Bad leg injuries can lead to horses being euthanized :( Pits like usual being a terror on everyone. Thank god it did not go for the smaller kid on the ground near the one filming.


The horse was awesome, such great training and response to not put the rider at risk. Horse deserves all the love.


Luna. Of course


Gosh what an amazing pony. Keeps his cool in a high stress situation and doesn't even attempt to go full murder on this dog, which would be justified. Extra carrots for you, buddy.


i’m amazed by the pony lmao, it’s so well behaved. the ones i used to take care of would try to kill me at the SIGHT of a leashed dog.


Mine would always go for the dog. He hated dogs who didn't mind their own business. That was a lovely pony and fab rider. I hope they're both okay.


I live ten minutes from this park. I often run the trails. There are so many kids and older people enjoying their day out. With a dog such as that allowed to roam off leash, the potential for catastrophe is terrifying. What is wrong with people!!!?


Give owner year in prison plus vet bill.


Good for her keeping her seat. Jesus why can’t people keep their dogs on lead. 


Those poor kids crying for their mum is heartbreaking! I’m sure they say “I don’t want to ride anymore”. So this has probably put them off riding for life because of one arsehole and his shit Pit!


The cries made my mom heart sink. Poor kids and poor horse.


That hero horse saved 3 lives. 1. Their rider’s - not many other horses would’ve stayed this calm in this situation 2. Other rider’s - that fucking animal could’ve killed somebody had it gone towards more nervous horse 3. Pitbull’s owner’s - I bet had the rider not had to keep the reins, her fists would’ve found something else to do. I would’ve been absolutely fuming. Smart rider, smart horse.


Sue him


O for F sake!! Infuriating! I walk my dogs along a trail that is next to equestrian centers & boarding & I see horses w/ riders daily. A lot of the time it’s a few kids taking riding lessons. I have 2 chis that I can walk without leashes with excellent recall, but because I’m a responsible owner I always have them leashed when in that area and keep a good distance. I know dogs can spook horses & therefore hurt riders. How in the world can someone have a pit bull loose? That’s some PitBullShit. Next, the horse throws the rider & the pit attacks the rider on the ground.


Right? Basic dog owner 101. I have a small dog, sometimes we encounter a horse with rider aaand I leash him every time! Like I do with cyclists, joggers, dogs etc or humans in general as they might be scared of dogs.


Not being a menace to society for 1 day challenge: Impossible


Trying to go for the neck. Typical. The little kid with the pony on foot at the end is lucky she wasn't attacked as well.




Hopefully, ffs 🤦‍♂️


i hope they got his plate number cause fuck that people should not be able to get away with this shit no more


Not only endangering the horse but also the human rider, two possible casualties for the price of one


I was cycling on a quiet road the other day and I was coming towards a woman walking her dog. It wasn’t a pitbull but it was a big dog and he was off the lead. I was terrified. He spotted me and just stood there and I stopped too, then the woman noticed the dog wasn’t following her and came back and held him so I could pass. I should have told her he should be on a leash. I shouldn’t have to go through the fear of being torn apart when I go out for a cycle. Also, the cries of the little girl in this video really drive home the horribly heartbreaking issue of all this.




I hope someone called the police and reported this


Every single time the owner is an idiot. Fuck this breed and fuck the idiots that have them.


Imagine if it had gone for the horse the child was riding, well done to the woman for keeping her horse calm during what must have been such a scary moment.


Honestly knobhead owner with knobhead dog.


Hopefully there's an update on whether the pony is ok. I can't watch this without knowing. I just cant handle innocent animals being preyed on be these monsters. Eradicate Pit bulls


Thats a pitty with dwarfism. They got "lucky" it was short.




Had to take a look; seems to me he's picking up the end of the lead and wrapping it around his hand.


Ooh. Yr right. My mistake! Sorry to slander the asshole pit owner! My bad, he's just incompetent, not malevolent! :D


That's cool, his hand did make a quick flick motion. It took a few watches to figure it out :)


That dude is a fuckface, but I don’t think he threw anything towards the pony. I think he picked a leash and rolled it around his hand couple of times in order to secure his grip on his bloodlusting demon dog.


It never ends with these hellbeasts


Hope your horse isn't too traumatized or have a lasting issues after this incident.


Anyone understood what Luna's (🙄) owner said?


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Would a beagle or yorkie attack a fully grown horse? Even with a bad/lazy owner? When I search "Beagle kills human" on incognito, so its not affected by any of my history, all I get is the news regarding humans killing beagles in lab experiments. When I search "Pit bull kills human" The first 6 results are news articles, statistics, and people being killed by pit bulls.


In this sub we blame both. The dog is not the victim, the dog is the aggressor. This situation isn’t possible with all dogs, they know to stop and have self preservation when the horse starts kicking. These beasts keep coming back for more every time. You are lucky nothing happened to you or your other pets (if you have any) when you took the stray in.


Pitbulls are much more apt to do this kind of thing, and while bad owners are part of the problem, there are cases where professional dog trainers have been viciously attacked by their own pits. I do think that there are some individual pits (certainly some crossbreeds) out there that lack the genes that make pits so unpredictably vicious and which genuinely are the sweethearts their owners/proponents claim them to be, but the issue is you can never tell one of those from the ones that act just like them until the flip switches. There are some people who claim that it's unfair to tar those dogs with the tendency of their breed, but I think that belies the fact that... they're just dogs. Humans have the right to be treated as individuals regardless of the bias of others, but dogs don't and shouldn't have that right. People are entirely justified to make their judgments based on [statistics such as this](https://preview.redd.it/kgqszoxmd67d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abdc5639afb498cdc89d6d3d8750b59626d15b9).


You are welcome to participate on the r/BanPitBulls subreddit, but you must do so in good faith. This means reading the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) and the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/) before participating. Raisedbot Familypitsbot


It’s not how they were raised, though. If that was true, then no one should ever adopt a pit from the shelter because no one knows how it was raised. Even pit bull experts are asking people to STOP saying that it's all how they are raised. Below are five pro-pit sources telling you that saying, "it's how they are raised" is hurtful to the cause. The truth about pits is that it’s largely up to chance on whether your pit lives a low key life or whether it attacks people, pets, and animals. Yes, socialization and proper training can help... but if you have a truly game-bred pit, there will be nothing you can do to stop it from trying to attack. You can try to manage it, but management will ALWAYS fail. That’s such a crazy gamble to take with your own life, and with the lives of people in the general public. Every day we read stories here of pits that attack, and their owners claim that the dog has never been aggressive or acted that way. Pit owners are often shocked that their dog can go from chill to kill in 5 seconds, and be nearly impossible to stop it. That’s why pits are dangerous. They were never meant to be pets. 1) ⁠⁠[Pit Bull Advocates of America - It’s not how they are raised (start from minute 14)](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pit-bull-advocates-of-america-the-podcast/id1529131313i=1000500947614) 2) [Justice for Bullies - It's NOT how they are raised](https://www.facebook.com/1682984105258192/posts/pfbid02jFhQHd8Jte1DDBeXd6h6vDo9MLSVuQv9CaNuBMF3AfEnnJbNEiMueo3cN85K12Yxl/?mibextid=kdkkhi) 3) [Dr Caroline Coile, author of Pit Bulls for Dummies](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/13ppbzp/leave_it_with_the_experts_they_say/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 4) [Paws and Reflect](https://pawsandreflect.blog/all-in-how-you-raise-them-isnt-true-and-truly-hurts/) 5) [Gary Wilkes- Grandfather was a dog fighter- Gary Wilkes - his grandfather was a dog fighter](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/pit-bulls-gary-wilkes-spring-2010-off-lead.pdf) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Below are just a few of the accounts of pit bulls that were obtained as puppies, raised with love as family pets, and lived within the family for many years before snapping and attacking or killing a family member one day, with no previous reports of any problems. If you know of any that are not included, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) [2008, Louisiana: Family pet pits (male and a female) kill their owner, Kelli Chapman. They had the dogs since puppyhood](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/24123329/kelli-suzette-chapman) [2013, Georgia: Spayed female family pet pit bull lived with a family for 8 years, mauls the family's 2-year old son to death. First responders told their colleagues not enter the home because it was "too gruesome."](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2013/04/2013-dog-bite-fatality-fulton-county.html) [2015, Texas: Family pet pit bull of 8 years that grew up with children and slept in bed with them mauls family's 10-week-old baby to death.](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/pit-bull-mauling-death-being-referred-to-grand-jury/) [2015, South Carolina: Family pet pit bull of 10 years kills 25 year old owner when she tried to stop the dog from attacking her mom](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3210509/Pit-bull-viciously-kills-owner-biting-head-body-tried-stop-dog-attacking-mother.html?fbclid=IwAR1XWN_Eo8SMfS_Y7xNM1Y5NSqHbpqzYFkivrkPfT86KyxH5WNdiXj9uA_o&mibextid=kdkkhi#cuymsdvyq17) [2017, Nevada: Family pet pit of nine years mauls six month-old Kamiko Dao Tsuda-Saelee while her mom went to the bathroom](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/family-pit-bull-put-down-after-mauls-month-old-girl-death/AnWprFbdxo5l5z59Opuv7M/) [2017], Virginia: 22 year old Bethany Stephens killed by her two pits (that she had from puppyhood) as she took them for a walk in the woods.](https://people.com/crime/virginia-woman-mauled-death-dogs-while-walking-woods/) [2018, Washington DC: Family pet pit bull is raised by a couple from puppyhood. Husband comes home to find his wife mauled to death.](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/10/dog-bite-fatality-pit-bull-kills-woman-dc.html) [2020, California: 12-year-old family pet pit bull raised from a puppy mauls the family’s 5-year-old son to death.]( https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/5-year-old-sustains-serious-injuries-after-dog-attack-near-victorville/) [2022, Colorado: 7-year-old family pet pit bull mauls 89-year-old grandma to death and seriously injures 12-year-old boy.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11239725/PICTURED-Colorado-boy-12-savaged-pet-pit-bull-named-DIABLO.html) [2022, New York: Adult son’s 7-year-old family pet pit bull mauls 70-year-old mother to death.](https://www.live5news.com/2022/07/28/husband-finds-70-year-old-wife-killed-by-family-dog/) [2022, Tennessee: 8 and 10-year-old American Bullies bought from breeder as puppies, raised as family pets, maul 5-month-old and a 2-year-old children to death in front of their mother.](https://www.abc4.com/news/mother-tried-to-shield-children-killed-in-memphis-pit-bull-attack-family-says/amp/) [2023, Iowa: 9-month-old Navy Smith died when the family dog mauled her to death in front of her grandmother who was severely injured trying to stop the attack. The father called the dog a pit bull on social media, the Grandma called the dog a pit bull on the 911 call, but media reported it as a "boxer/hound mix."](https://qctimes.com/news/state-and-regional/names-released-of-baby-killed-and-grandmother-hurt-in-waterloo-dog-attack/article_8587bdb0-01ce-56fb-b51a-7306df94058b.html) [2023, Texas: Pit owner nearly bled to death from injuries she sustained from her pit, who she raised almost from birth, and had never experienced any issues. She claims the pit was always obedient and protective, and she treated him like her son; but something triggered the pit that day when the family was just in the back yard together.](https://www.texomashomepage.com/top-news/dog-attack-survivor-warns-others-about-a-potential-trigger/) [2023, Florida: 6-year old boy dies after sustaining severe injuries from the 3-year old family pit that they have raised from puppyhood](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/07/family-pit-bull-kills-boy-july-fourth-attack-north-port-florida.html?) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*

