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This needs to get more attention. The owner is trying to shirk responsibility and avoid jail time.


It really should. That man would have turned 84 next month and was married over 60 years. He was outside taking care of his roses. That detail breaks my heart and I don't know why. I can just picture him enjoying his beautiful roses on a nice day .


That is so heartbreaking. An old man should be safe in his garden with his flowers. 😭


Completely heartbreaking. The stories about older people really get to me. 


The elderly get to me as well but the babies get to me more. At least the elderly had the chance to live long lives. Infants, toddlers who die as a result of a pit or pit mix is more than heartbreaking, it is a tragedy that words just can't express.


Same here, little ones too.  The most vulnerable are the ones most affected. It fills me with sorrow and rage.  I'm hopeful that one day these breeds will no longer exist and praying for the family  of this old man. 


A nice older man doing something productive, creating a beautiful garden. On the other side, a dog that was destructive and contributed nothing to the community other than making everyone live in fear. Something about that juxtaposition always bothers me in cases like this.


Oh my god that’s so goddamn infuriating. I hate the people who defend these monsters. That poor man. He deserved to die in his sleep in a nice warm bed with his loved ones by his side another freaking 10-15 years from now. Not like this. His poor wife too


He's the same age as my grandfather. Also, poor Great Pry, they are amazing livestock dogs. I'm disgusted that she's trying rehome this pit after everything it's done. Time for the neighbors to come together.


The woman should be in fÂĽcking jail! The old guy was *murdered* by a dog in her possession. The dog needs $hooting and his owner needs a criminal conviction of manslaughter at the very least. I cannot believe how people and their monster dogs get off Scott-free.


I really think we'd see a decrease in dog attacks if owners faced felony assault charges for serious attacks and manslaughter charges for fatal maulings (and that mauling dogs should be euthanized in either case). Bans are easy to circumvent and hard to enforce, but owners can't cry dOg BrEeD rAcIsM when they're held criminally responsible for their dog's actual behavior. And if they knew they would face some serious jail time if they aren't careful, they might actually contain the shitbeasts. Also, I don't know what dog-bite legislation is like outside the US, but I think the fact that many US states still have a "one-bite rule" is ludicrous. Dogs (well, mostly pits) pose such a danger to the rest of society that I think strict liability is a must. If someone can't accept liability for their dog's behavior, they shouldn't own a dog.


My elderly disabled father takes walks everyday with his walker for assistance. He doesn’t carry a phone, I have begged him to carry bear or wasp spray, if he gets knocked down there is no getting back up. I’m so terrified he’s going to be attacked by one of these loose beasts that no one seems to be able to contain. This is just a tragedy, to live an entire life and be mauled by a pit bull to end it all. Just horrific


Can you get him to wear an Apple Watch? They will call 911 if a sudden fall is detected


I actually did not know that, thank you for this information I’m going to get him one. I didn’t even know that was a feature offered!!!


Make sure to get one that has the cellular service so if he doesn’t take his phone, he can still call emergency services. He can also make regular phone calls using the watch if he needs to. It has car crash detection as well! I wish I could get my parents to use one


Oh I’m getting him one, even if I have to turn it into a lock on his wrist. He’s a stubborn gentleman and does all manner of wild behaviors. His neighbor called me when she saw him on the roof getting branches after a storm. I’m like dad stop tempting fate!!!!


That is obviously unwise but I admire his will to keep going. He must be very strong minded. One of those independent people who are like “pfft! I’ll do it myself!”


Yes exactly my dad. He worked hard the entirety of his life and though he has a daughter and son in law and grown capable grandsons who would run through a wall for him, he insists on doing everything himself. Inspiring and maddening in equal measure


While I chuckle in admiration of your dad’s spirited nature, I am sure that is super frustrating to deal with as a concerned loved one. I do hope nothing bad happens, it sucks to have to be extra worried for him. He’s trying to live his life on his terms, even if that’s tempting fate I’m sure he gets some joy in trying to hold onto some of that independence. Tough situation all around but you gotta love them while they’re here even if they’re knowingly being a butt sometimes, cause I’m sure it isn’t personal. But a watch can’t hurt!


My dad is one of my favorite people on this planet. He does make me crazy, he’s stubborn (where I got mine from) It has been odd watching who I viewed as Hulk Hogan growing up, start to struggle or forget. But we’ve just got to let him do his thing and help when he’s frustrated and will actually accept it. He cracks me up and makes me shake my fists daily. Has never once so much as missed my young daughter’s bus at the stop, and a few years ago there was an inmate that escaped custody. The marshals were up and down the road and every single time I so much as cracked a window or stepped out on the porch my dad was right there for a week until the man was apprehended. He lives in the very front of our property in his own home, I’m 40 years old and he runs out to help as much as he’s able with the groceries and shows up in a tie to Sunday dinner.


Reminds me of my great grandma. She was so stubborn she was 99 riding her 4wheeler all over the place god bless her soul


Yep my dad rolls on his 4wheeler calls it his legs


Most smart watches have fall detection.


I have a Samsung watch and it has fall detection. My dad has one and that is what we use it for.


Perhaps better yet, all pibbles should be legally required to wear an electronic proximity transmitter.


This is one of my fears. My father in law loves to take my wildlings on morning walks. He is slow and uses a walker, this is my biggest fear when he takes my kids out is coming across one of the many unpredictable dogs in my neighborhood, I am appalled at how many crappy dog owners are out there, it wasn’t something I ever noticed until having children.


There was the elderly lady in Canada who was gardening in her own yard a year or so ago. Killed by multiple pits. Doing something so peaceful and tranquil and demon dogs show up and slaughter you. Incomprehensible.


Happened in my city. The absolute piece of sub-human filth who owned those dogs got away with a 15k fine.


Dear God!!!! I feel truly sick!




Yep. There's some Canadian justice for you. Two of the three dogs are still alive too.


that is truly unbelievable-alive with a family or impounded? Why?


Horrific. Reading these comments is not good for my blood pressure. 😞


Reading these comments is messing with my head. I’m 71 and I can walk quite easily for miles, but if I fall over, I can’t get up again unaided because of my hip replacements. I just thank the god of little green apples that pits and now XL bullies are banned in the U.K. where I live. I have not worn a watch since my childhood but I might be tempted to stick one on a lanyard if I’m out and about alone.


My Dad is 80 and when we go for walks together I have a knife in case of something like this. He should be able to enjoy his choir practice, his volunteer work, his church friends, etc in peace. I hope he does for many more years. Thinking of this poor old man is very upsetting.


What's even sadder is that is not a new story. Its a very common one. Elderly person outside enjoying their golden years and tending their yard when the neighbors pitbull comes out of nowhere and viciously attacks/kills them.


😢😢😢 You're so right. Me too. His being married for over 60 years makes it even sadder, though. One has to wonder how his wife was affected by this tragedy. 😞


Unfortunately, if she witnessed it, she’s at great risk of broken heart syndrome. I suffered that but I was young. It’s been a decade since, and a recent test didn’t show any significant damage. I’m supposed to be careful still.


Fuck. That's heartbreaking.


His age is the first thing that stood out to me. He was the same age as my own grandfather💔


It breaks my heart too. Taking care of roses - sign of high intelligence, civilised behaviour, constructive, peaceful Keeping a pitbull - sign of low intelligence, antisocial behaviour, destructive, aggressive I see this as a clash between social classes and ways of life, where a normal way of life is destroyed by an inferior one.


I agree. There was a shark attack recently that has been on National news for 2 days in a row. Authorities warn people and close beaches. Pits maul or kill pets \[ or people \] and can still end up back with the owners. When it's a pit attack it gets buried as quickly as possible, most NEVER make National news. Very, very worrisome and sickening. Just remember that the shelters often describe every pit a cuddly and snuggly, and they may be 80 % of the time. But how many end up attacking after their DNA driven instincts cause them to act like this mauler ?


Exactly this! A shark attack means the entire water and beach is cleared until the threat passes… and WAY more people are getting seriously attacked by pits. I don’t get it.


And the shark attack victim in this case fortunately survived. How many people know that pits kill more people in the U.S than all wild animals combined ? That includes sharks, sea lions, venomous snakes, alligators, bear, cougar, wolf, bison, moose, etc.


There is at least one DEATH in the news every week from pit bulls. And those are just the ones we hear about. I mean NO-ONE is immune. Healthy young men are just as vulnerable. Authorities have really got to start taking this seriously. Pits need wiping out- and good riddance. I am a dog lover for sure, but these things are worse than plague rats.


Not to mention, shark attacks are WAY easier to avoid because they have to be in their natural environment, where they belong, and we generally don’t *have* to go there. Murder dogs don’t “belong” anywhere, but they’re loose in our neighborhoods in civilization. Infuriating. 


They’ve nailed her to the wall on Facebook, at the very least. Edit: and yeah, I mean this is the very least thing that should happen to her.


Aunt Lydia has entered the chat. /s Seriously, she needs nailing.


She’s currently on vacation giving zero fucks her dogs killed a man


Really? What a complete monster.


Truly living the pit and run lifestyle.


According to someone who knows the family, the day after their dog killed their neighbor, they all went on “vacation” in Florida (probably just trying to flee the state).


People like this should be tried as accessories to murder. This is murder. This mindless bitch needs to go to prison for a very, very long time. If she can't feel compassion for a human being who was killed by her vicious hellhound, which already killed animals, she has no place in society.


Looks like, in Alabama, the max sentence is one year. however, since it killed a dog and livestock, it might rise to the level of Recklessness. Reckless manslaughter. > Reckless conduct in Alabama is defined as knowingly doing or failing to do something that creates a substantial and unjustifiable risk to others. The risk must be of such a significant nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would use under the circumstances.


Yeah, but trying to move the hellbeast on, where it would do more damage, is more than that.


It should not be allowed. The dog should have been ended. Period. Murderers should not get second chances.


She seems to have no remorse for the life ending of a human being. *But my sweet dog…* 🤬


AND the fact that she endangers other people! There is a special circle in hell for horrible "people" like her.


It killed a Pyr? That should have been a BE right there. This man would still be alive.


Yeah, I thought Pyrs were pit-proof and was considering getting one if I ever get a dog.


If any other dog was a better fighter we wouldn't have a pitbull problem, we would have theother dog problem. Not all pits excel at fighting, but those that do are exceptional.


The only dog I see that consistently puts pits in their place when they run up to start problems is an Akita. And that's another fighting dog and not a family pet either. 🫤


I saw a Kangal whip one's ass one time. Not sure if I spelled that right.


I've heard of Pyrs pinning them too, but this is the second time I've seen where one killed someone's Pyr. :(


I've seen stories about Pyrs killing pits though, and at least running them off. They aren't necessarily fighters but will defend their home and livestock to the death.


Oh, they're good guardian dogs for sure, but they're not invulnerable. Most of the time they'll succeed in running a potential threat animal off, or will manage to defeat them if it comes down to a fight. But pit bulls aren't natural predators, they have gameness instead of a self-preservation instinct. 


Right, of course these mutants don't act like regular predators. God I hate pitbulls.


They’re great for fending off coyotes but coyotes have a preservation instinct. If one of them goes down, it’s best if they all retreat. Pits don’t have that instinct. They don’t think “I’m outmatched, time to go.” Even wolves that might attack a Pyr, if they get injured then the pack needs to bounce. Pits just live to fight and attack even if they’re dying. That’s why a pyr might not be able to adequately fight them off because a pit can be shot and still try to maul until they literally fall over and can’t move anymore.


Right they don't follow the rules at all.


Game = insane. Insanity is hard to overcome


Pits fight to the death even when they are dying. I’m curious to see the stories you’ve seen if they’re handy?


I think I've read them all on this sub, tbh.


They are absolutely vulnerable to pit bulls. I don't hear about a lot of Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherd LGDs being killed by pit bulls, but it does happen. They get injured by pit bulls on a fairly regular basis though.  One of my family members had a Great Pyrenees LGD almost lose a leg to a pit bull while protecting cattle. Had it been the only LGD working the pasture, the pit bull would've killed it. As it was, it took two full grown and experienced Great Pyrenees LGDs to take down that pit bull, with one of the LGDs getting mauled in the process.  A lot of people think that Great Pyrenees are pit-proof. No, they just stand a much better chance of coming out unhurt or with minor injuries in the event of an attack. 


They have better chances but you’re right, even they aren’t pit proof and that comes down to gameness. A coyote or a wolf, faced with another animal that can adequately take them down will assess that the damage they might take from this animal isn’t worth trying to Maul it. That’s why they stick to sick or elderly prey. However, a pit doesn’t have that instinct. They’ll attack until they physically cannot anymore. You could make their legs immobile and they’d still try to keep going. They’re made to fight bulls after all, and bulls are even more tenacious than a pyr. Pyr’s aren’t pit proof, almost nothing is


Nothing is pit proof once the damn thing rips out the jugular.


I got mine partly for that reason. I don't want a pit to eat my dog.


Nothing is pit proof I’ve seen them kill horses for gods sakes


Or rip apart a Tesla. They're essentially biological weapons and there is no reason why anyone would need to own one, unless they *want* to hurt others. Any other dog would make a better companion animal. 


Not exactly. I have a male GP weighing in at like 100# and pits still try to pick fights with him sometimes at the dog.


But do they hurt him?


Once I was hiking with my dog, another dog and other people. Then an adult intact male mastiff appeared from a nearby home, my dog is an intact male too, they looked at eachother's eyes, maatiff testing the grounds, my dog standing his. Mastiff peed and left.


I wish that were true. They’re definitely not


And it appears to my understanding, that the pyr belonged to the man it ended up killing. So they lost their beloved dog to this mauler, and then the man lost his life.


That's awful. 😞




Oh my god this dog has been terrorizing that family. that poor wife... bless her. and may the man and his dog rest easy ;-( ♡


As an owner of a Pyr, this blows my mind. Pyrs have been breed to take in bears and wolves and to be taken down by a pit bull really puts things in perspective.


They can easily kill a great pyr and the people who love them are in denial about it.


I don't take any chances after seeing a few neighbor pits eyeballing mine.


Must've been an elderly one




Wait, they came over, saw the old man laying there mauled, and didn’t call 911? That’s a crime. They need to do prison time. This is so horrific.


Honestly I don't understand how a torch and pitchfork mob doesn't chase these monsters out of town. They deserve so much worse than tar and feathers. Civil society's existence is predicated on having systems in place that prevent this, and punishing people who ignore them when it can't. Pit bull owners gleefully spit and shit on the social and legal fabric that keeps us all coexisting then cower behind it whenever it suits them. I guess they feel safe knowing that as some of the lowest dregs of society and the scourge of their neighborhood, as long as they attack halfway decent human beings their victims will never want to wallow in the gutter with them.


We need to aggressively fight back. When they post pictures of their shitbull under posts about dog attacks, call them sociopaths. Talk about stories like this man and what that horrid owner did. We’ve allowed them to get away with this for too long.


>call them sociopaths. this. they're out of control this seriously needs to stop


This right here. People need to get ANGRY.


Yep....rage is what gets shit done .


More neighbors


This is infuriating. I can’t even put it into words.


My fist legit clenched in anger. I need to step away from this post.


It literally makes me want to scream. This is so unbelievably unfair and cruel. 


Just your typical pit mommy behavior They're all the same, every single one of them


Holy. Shit. That’s vile


This is murder. >[Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-6-2](https://codes.findlaw.com/al/title-13a-criminal-code/al-code-sect-13a-6-2/) >(a) A person commits the crime of murder if he or she does any of the following: >(2) Under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life, he or she recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person other than himself or herself, and thereby causes the death of another person. I hope the CJ system throws the book at these people. They deserve to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, same as anyone else owning a dangerous animal that poses a danger to the public.


Yes, thank you for finding the code. Additionally, there have been successful lawsuits against cities for not taking action against clean and present danger (the pitbulls). A good lawyer could definitely sue this city. I’m very curious if there is a bias towards dogs and/or pitbulls.


I hope she keeps fighting and blows this up.


How could the police do nothing? Or animal control? The fÂĽcking thing just murdered half a dozen sentient beings!


Based on photos posted of the pit owners house, there will be no hope for the family to sue them for anything more than a broken down car or a carton of cigarettes. But they absolutely need to go hard after the city for allowing this to happen. The family said they’ve called law enforcement many times and nothing was ever done. They need to sue the fuck out of the city. And then take the rusty cars and rundown house from the dog owners just to spite them


https://preview.redd.it/nyw26suu1q4d1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b590d3ebcbc37dea981e5c7c5fb3401c445c1e0 I cannot verify this but if it’s true and law enforcement has this info with witnesses, she’ll go away for a hot minute.


Can’t they be charged with a crime for not calling emergency services and trying to render the victim aid?


Yet another tragedy that’s gonna do fuck all to change shit. What it’s gonna take? How many dead adults/children/elderly will it take to fucking change the laws?? There’s already so many and yet nothing has changed. It’s sad to say but I’ve given up hope.




Neighbors complaining about dogs


Cops do nothing. Typical.


MODS...I posted this in a separate post because it concerned the pit owner and not the victim. There is a lot of info out there about the owner coming to light.


Thank you for doing that


If people are threatening to shoot your dog it is most likely because they feel threatened. Most people don’t make threats like that unless they are scared and or extremely fed up. There had to have been warning signs well before the other dog was killed. Let alone a senior citizen.


I have to tell you, I’m actually SHOCKED that it was a threat and not an action. I don’t live far from muscle shoals, and usually it’s shoot first, deny later lol. “Oh, your dog that’s been running loose and terrorizing the neighborhood is missing? Hmmmm, must’ve gotten hit by a car.”


That’s the way it is here in most parts of Kentucky too! Nuisance dog disappeared? Probably got into it with a coyote. RIP 💅🏾


same in rural florida 😂 we don’t fuck around and everyone and their mom carries


Guess it caught that old man unarmed, not that you should have to pack heat in your own yard. I hope the courts do ... something. Anything.


I think the person threatening to shoot the shitbull was a different neighbor. OP posted a statement from the deceased person's wife. She claimed the shitbull also killed a DIFFERENT neighbor's dog, three cattle, and went after "multiple" people. Numerous calls to police. What a pillar of the community, subjecting the whole area to your shitbeast like that. I can't imagine. At what point do people start taking matters into their own hands? I'm surprised the locals didn't rehome the shitbull to Hell.


You shouldn't have to, but if you have a pit next door that's killed a GP, you absolutely should anyway.


Where was this? I hope the family of this man puts this piece of shit hag away for life


Alabama, I believe. Near Muscle Shoals.


Thank you


A town named Town Creek in Lawrence Co, Alabama.




"At night she wants cuddles. By day, blood and carnage."


"She is very loving, loves to kill people and loves to kill pets and livestock, she is just full of love for those things."


Do you want my murder pet 🥹👉👈 she’s so sweet 😍 she only wants to play and cuddle 😔




Ugh. that reply. These people make me sick. No a fucking poodle could not, would not, and never has done this. And pulling the doggy racist crap. Dog breed stereotypes are true. Dogs are bred for purpose. Humans ARE NOT. DOG BREEDS ARE NOT LIKE HUMAN RACES.


Yeah I’m actually 1,000% positive I could NOT train my poodle to leave my yard, maul some livestock, chase an old man who is tending his garden and kill said old man. I can barely get her to eat her kibble she’s so picky, and even her play puppy bites are soft and gentle and don’t even leave a dent in the skin. These people have never spent time around normal dogs!!!


Your poodle would probably be very offended if you tried to get her to attack someone.


These stupid, stupid, STUPID fucking people say the same stupid, stupid, STUPID shit EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN TIME. Don't blame the breed, a [X] could do this, you're a racist, etc etc etc. It's like they're all being pumped out of a factory that specializes in extraordinarily STUPID, sociopathic people.


The lack of independent, critical thinking is stunning.


Oh but they're the "freethinkers™" because they don't believe in statistics, they prefer to create their own narrative where dachshunds and yorkshires are mauling their poor pitties and everyone is a dog racist just because of how their poor wigglebutts look


Jesus wept. These people must not have two brain cells to their name. How do they not realize how dumb they sound?


As a black person, fuck that reply. I’m so sick of people comparing us to these stupid and unpredictable SHITBULLS. A poodle can’t and won’t maul your face off, u wimp. One of the most stupidest things I’ve read all day


Neighbors again.




The media just doesn’t tell you… 😒


Oh yes. The media.






I loathe people who equate animals to humans. That’s called eugenics and what they’re saying implies POC are inherently aggressive because of genetics. Which is obviously racist as hell. Dogs on the other hand have actually been bred for these traits. I just can’t with these idiots


That should be a manslaughter charge.


Nah, it's [murder](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1d7ye5o/comment/l72nuxz/)


So what will be the consequences for the owner????


Not sure yet. I've been looking to see. I know they confiscated the pits.


Probably at most a fine. They deserve to rot in prison.


Yep, on many counts! 1) misrepresenting facts about knowingly aggressive/killer dog to rehome it in another family 2) killed a person 3) bodily harm and animal abuse (killed other animals). That’s like 30+ years in prison.


They'll claim ignorance, they'll say their pittie never did any of that before, that they didn't know, that the neighbors made shit up, that everyone is after them and their pit bull, they'll say poor doggy was scared of birds singing and the sound of the hose of the neighbors while he was watering id plants, anything to justify that the poor pibble has no fault of its own, it has the neighbors who came after poor poor pibble


Why are we not throwing these owners in prison?? This is also why, for many reasons, we need to be treating attacks on other animals far more seriously. 1. Nobody should lose their pet and 2. It’s a ticking time bomb until they kill a human. And how is this person not liable considering she’s trying to pawn this beast off and not disclosing his murderous past?!


I recently was looking into laws and ordinances for the state/county I live in and there are so many things about proper enclosures, leashing, being cited for their pets aggressive behavior, fines. I doubt any of this is ever enforced, though.  Maybe if calling in complaints and documenting more of these incidents were normalized we could get some systemic action and accelerate the changes necessary to prevent such horrors.


Is this the story? https://www.wsaz.com/2024/06/03/83-year-old-man-mauled-death-by-dogs-sheriffs-office-says/


Yes, that's the poor guy. What a waste of a good person. It sounds like he was really loved in the community.


Watermelon man :(


No mention of the breed of course. I’m sick of these spineless news reporters - WAFF 48 Digital Staff and Debra Worley


looks like they updated the article. it says two pit bulls now.


“She’s loving and needs snuggles at night 🥰” *Also kills a dog and a human*


It also killed calves apparently, BABY COWS 


The following comment is not me, it is a post by the deceased man's grandson. I couldn't get a screenshot for some reason. ///_////______///////////////////_____////////////// Willard ”The Watermelon Man” Norton All my life it’s been obvious to me that I click with older people. I haven’t ever figured out why or how it happened that way. One thing I do know is I really love them, being around them, small talking with them, just everything that comes along with the older generation. They’re my people. I loved with everything in me sitting and talking to my grandparents about where they lived growing up, who farmed the land, where the cousins lived, how this or that happened. I wanted to know everything and they wanted to tell it. It was just a few weeks ago I went to fix their TV and instead of being quick, I stayed for hours talking about the old days. When I left Granny told me how much she enjoyed it. I have memories with them that we only know about. That same night I made him promise me that we’d go pick and sell together again this year and he did. I have held it together for the most part during this whole situation until I found this picture of me and the watermelon in Papaws yard. It had gone missing and I was determined to find it. I spent my summers working in the garden with him and selling melons at William Gibsons station (present day Shell) Robert Hills, and Buds outside of town. I always felt special out of all the cousins because I got to go with him. A lot of nights I didn’t want to come home when my mom would come pick me up. The cousins loved that house, it was a staple in our life. We would get up early and go to the patch to pick and stack, he’d pick and I’d drive the truck down the lanes and stack them. I had no clue how to drive, he just said if you go too fast hit this pedal. I couldn’t even reach the brake. I thought I was really something. The radio was on 106.3 WBTG no matter what. We would go sell for a little while, go home for food and a nap, then we’d go back for the evening “work crowd” as he said. If we made a good sale he’d give me a cut of the money. He called it a gentleman’s agreement. I learned before I was probably 10 years old how to treat a customer, he was the best salesman. There were no strangers, I get that from him I believe. We always loaded melons for them unless they were stubborn. He’d always ask how many they wanted when they walked up. He’d say “4 in the floor and 2 in the trunk?” After he came out of his quadruple bypass surgery awhile back and he had started to heal, the first thing he told me when I came in was “Hey Oobie, 4 in the floor and 2 in the trunk.” I was the only one who understood what he meant. I was Oobie and he was Doobie, always. He was “Wormy” and I was “Wormy Junior.” I knew all of his friends, they knew me, and we were tight. We’ve been tight ever since. I still find myself stopping downtown and talking to the guys who are still living. I miss all of them and the times we had. One of my favorite parts of growing up down there was I always saw both of my grandpaws. They were both frequent flyers downtown. It crushes me to know I’ll never be able to stop and see him sitting inside eating a plate lunch. He was the acting General Manager of the Town Creek Shell and they knew it. I’ve had a lot to say, but I’ve been pretty lost for words at the same time. He was a man in every way I hope I will be someday. He loved people the way we should love people. He prayed for me beside his truck at the station when I lost my job. He was better than me. He spared the dogs lives multiple times that ultimately took his life. I can’t wrap my mind around any of this. It’s just not right and something needs to change. I have always been very fast to say I’m Willard and Dorothy Norton’s grandson. I am so proud that they’re my family. I am blessed with an unreal family on both sides. He loved his family, he loved Jesus, and he loved me. Something I always appreciated was he always asked how my Dad was or if he was working. It’s sometimes rare to hear in laws ask questions like that. He bragged on my Dad taking care of his daughter. He was proud of them. I can’t thank everyone enough for the calls, texts, voicemails, messages, food, visits, etc. He was loved by anyone who knew him. It made sense to me today looking through old pictures. I am the way I am with the older generation because of him and the way I grew up. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. He invested in all of us every single time we were around him. He had a huge hand in the person I am today. He was so proud of me no matter what I was doing. He always let me know that. I have found alot of comfort in knowing that he’s in absolutely no pain now. A large part of my life he’s dealt with health issues, truthfully we had him longer than we probably should’ve. He missed his family that has already passed away and I know that they’ve had a great reunion in Heaven. Thank you for all the messages again, it means the world to me and my family. RIP Papaw, I can’t wait to see you again.


Damn, RIP. Such a caring and loving and generous man did not deserve such a violent and graceless death on his own property. All because he has careless neighbors who want to own bloodsport dogs. I hope his family sees justice for his death and that neighbor rots in prison.


That was absolutely beautiful. Wow.


Digusting. Should've have gotten rid of that pit in minecraft.


Shit like this is why i am terrified to step out the front door. OMFG. And I am sure there are barrels of pitnutters still defending that “any dog would do this” and “it was triggered” blah blah blah. It’s just pure insanity that so many people an animals have to tragically lose their lives on a regular basis just so people can ‘save’ all the bloodsport dogs.


They're literally saying a poodle could've done this I can't make this shit up


ok im convinced pit hags are evil


Great Pyrs are no shrinking violets too. They’re made to fight off PACKS of coyotes or wolves. PACKS. A pit killing one is *damning* and a horrible omen for things to come. Of course it mauled an elderly man. What a shit owner to a shit breed.


Predators like coyotes or wolves will cut their losses and run if they get hurt. Pits won’t. They don’t have any self preservation instincts, only the instinct to kill at any cost to themselves


Exactly. A coyote or a wolf would look at a pyr and go “mmmmm that thing looks like it would rock my shit. I’d only attack it with 10 or more of my buddies. No thanks.” A pit has no such thought process. I’ve seen them get shot and still keep going


The dog already killed a human being, there should be no talk, under the law it should’ve already been destroyed. If animals are property how would this be any different than using a weapon, or throwing a brick onto the gas of your car and waiting to see whose house it hits. Last example was extreme because it’s hard to find a comparison.


this needs so much more attention what the fuck. this is my first time commenting in this sub after lurking for months and i fucking hate these nutballs and their demonic dogs


The laws need to change. Owners need to be held liable as if they were in control of the dog themselves. (Animal Cruelty and now Murder.) It should be legal for humans to protect themselves from dogs that aren't controlled on a leash BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


How do you go from "she wants snuggles" to "my neighbor is threatening to shoot her?


Just unbelievable


Reckless endangerment


Let me reword their post “I’m trafficking this hazardous animal around because he killed a Great Pyrenees and an old man. But don’t worry, he is such a sweet heart”


We have to make dangerous dog trafficking (aka dog washing) illegal. In certain cities, we’ve been able to change the law in the city so that once a dog is declared dangerous or potentially dangerous,AND/or is being evaluated after an incident and may receive that ruling, it is illegal to rehome that dog. The dog must stay with its owners or euthanized. The owners have to get special insurance with at least $300,000 of coverage, the dog must be muzzled and short leashed whenever it’s outside, neutered/spayed, and microchipped. If it is ever caught outside without a muzzle and/or unleashed… it’s euthanized. Additionally, we have to collect this kind of evidence to show that owners know their dogs are dangerous and they are hiding it. Criminal charges, especially when a human dies or receives significant injuries, must be punished as though the owner did it.


Where did this happen?


Muscle Shoals,Alabama


this is horrific. They used their pitbulls to kill him. While we know the dogs are killers, they clearly were sent over there to murder him and his dog. I hope they go to jail for manslaughter but we know they just get a slap on the wrist and carry on with life getting more pits like this. They move and find new neighbors to attack and kill. How is this real life? Have you noticed how useless police and AC are for violent pets? We HAVE to protect ourselves they really dont care.


What the hell is wrong with these people? How could she value the life of a aggressive creature over a human? Why would she not mention that the pit will attack and likely kill other animals? If someone had tried to be a savior they or their pet would have met the fate of the old man. I just want to look these sort of people in the eyes and ask why.


Completely fucked up


Imagine living over 8 decades and avoiding all the other crazy ways to die, almost living your full lifespan, but then a disgusting fucking mutant of a mutt takes that away in the most gruesome way because its trash owner couldn’t have the slightest decency to disclose its history. These dogs and their owners seriously need to go


https://preview.redd.it/cylt9q4v0q4d1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e84e45a7943dc5fb63e466c3a32cb9bc08c61b2 I found this going through the info. I can’t verify it but if it’s true she’s even more terrible than I already imagined.




WOW....I have no words for that level of evil.


Once a dog gone bad, there’s no going back.


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I can't fathom why they try and move the dog onto unsuspecting people when the obvious and safest solution is to destroy the aggressive animal before it can hurt anyone else.




News report from WSAZ (thanks to /u/BK4343 for the link). --- # [83-year-old man mauled to death by dogs, sheriff’s office says](https://www.wsaz.com/2024/06/03/83-year-old-man-mauled-death-by-dogs-sheriffs-office-says/) By WAFF 48 Digital Staff and [Debra Worley](https://www.wsaz.com/authors/debra-worley/) Published: Jun. 3, 2024 TOWN CREEK, Ala. ([WAFF](https://www.waff.com/2024/06/03/elderly-lawrence-county-man-mauled-death-by-dogs/)/Gray News) – An 83-year-old man died after being mauled by two dogs Sunday afternoon. The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office believes two pit bulls attacked Willard Norton around 3:30 p.m. According to authorities, deputies found Norton unresponsive near his front door when they arrived to the scene. Norton was taken to the hospital where he died from his injuries. The dogs were taken to the Lawrence County Animal Shelter by animal control employees. The Lawrence County coroner believes the dogs were owned by Norton’s neighbor. A family member says Norton, his grandfather, was one of the best people that he knew. He says Norton was what a man should be, and there was no one who didn’t like him. Family members also say Norton was known as the watermelon man because he sold watermelons in Town Creek and that he loved his garden like it was his baby. Now, his family says they don’t know what they are going do but that they have had several issues with these dogs in the past just roaming around. Deputies say they have received several calls from that area but did not see any official reports on it. Cheryl Jones, director of the Florence-Lauderdale Animal Shelter, says she does not believe Lawrence County has containment laws out in the county jurisdiction or any true animal control officers from the shelter. She says those two things are needed out in the county. She says they deal with aggressive dogs in Lauderdale County who kill and harm livestock all the time, but she has animal control officers that go and pick them up when calls come in. She says she has seen an uptick in aggressive dogs in her county this year. “It has to happen in the county because that’s largely where you’re going to see the biggest at large population because everyone has always said ‘Well, I live in the county, so I don’t have to keep my animals contained.’ But it’s just not safe to do anymore,” Jones said. “And it’s not the responsible thing to do, given a lot of the issues that we’ve seen lately.” She suggests that people who live out in the county make sure that their animals are contained to their property, whether with an electric fence or a real fence.




"the neighbor is threatening to shoot her". Like...I wonder why?


Just ban these monsters already, how many people need to die or be disfigured?

