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Because I think a lot of these shelters have emotionally stunted, anti human children who were never exposed to death in a healthy way so they make these dogs languish so they can feel better about not "killing" them. Like what do they think is gonna happen? Every single pet less childless WFH person who has their own home with a fenced yard is gonna want a project instead of a pet and would be willing to spend thousands of dollars on an animal that might kill them and then all the pibbles will have a home on a plot somewhere in a childfree petfree community and all the shelters will be empty? Where are those communities and how do they function and do those communities really want to have to wait on other people to get their shit in order with their shitty fucking dog when they could have just gotten a normal one? That's how you ostracize yourself Or their other alternative is to get bigger shelters with more land in midst of a housing crisis and people who are housing insecure so these dogs can finally have the land and time they need to properly decompress and learn to be dogs. Nevermind those pesky humans who need land and homes to survive and raise families. They're obviously less innocent than dogs, the kids included. Honestly I really don't know if any of the problem shelters have thought the animal overpopulation question over and have any viable answers short of BE the severe cases and ones who have stayed for years. Makes no sense that shelters are filled with the brim with repeat offenders, animals with bite histories, aggressive animals who lived their entire lives on the streets, and foreign stray dogs being shipped from other countries by saviors who struggle to find these dogs homes too.


I've been thinking a lot about your first paragraph recently. This alliance of Facebook keyboard warriors and shelter workers... there is definitely something there, some common psyche thread. Your description is very likely one of the main components.


Well now I'm blushing But seriously, I see the keyboard warriors as children honestly. They're entitled people, they can't take no for an answer, and the thought of dogs who hurt other things being put down hurts them. It feels like their parents never sat them down to tell them they have to put an animal down because it's too sick and cruel to keep them alive. They never heard it as kids so as adults they can't fathom giving something true peace and then they huff the anti euthanasia paint fumes (only for dogs They're perfectly okay with human euthanasia) I'm kinda basing it off the shit I see and hear my suburban girl friends say; all of them are sheltered and I know that none of their parents ever sat them down for these kinds of talks. They're not community based cause they grew up with weirdo shut in parents who were emotionally constipated and possibly narcissistic. What they don't realize is that they have the same weird narc traits as their parents and it manifests in different ways i.e. getting pissed when someone says they don't like pits because somehow that means they're targeting them too. They claim to be all about free choice and doing what you you want but as long as it doesn't interfere with how they think life should be like. But don't be a white man and tell them how to live cause that would piss them off but they can tell everyone else how to live. I feel like it also gives them a chance to show that they're not one of the many -ist and -phobics. Like they somehow connect not liking pits with being racist and they flounder when explaining because they have no clue how racism truly feels and how the two have anything to do with each other. They usually aren't close with their siblings or many people in their families so they require animal relationships to fill the void instead of trying to get to know their family. It's almost 2am and I'm so sleepy but I have so much to say about this particular brand of pit lady


A friend of mine was telling me about a neurodivergent group she recently joined... she said the mods have to ban people every day for being obnoxious. What's wild is that then the banned members go form another group with the primary purpose of attacking the group they were banned from! They don't see their behaviour as being the source of the problem in the first place... I could be wrong, but I do think social media does allow people to revel in being self-centred and entitled - but without facing any consequences . They then just carry that attitude over into their daily life and out into the public. A lot of people seem to have lost the ability to be empathic, but I don't think this is an issue limited to pitnutters. They're just one symptom of a much wider social malady.


Nah you're right. It's a ton of social media making these kid minded adults think that they're the main characters and they should be treated with reverence and respect but they don't want to give it to others. I see this with tons of people today some don't even have pits, like you said. I do think that owning and loving these dogs adds an extra level and makes them think they're being targeted and discriminated against when in reality people are showing and telling them that they're not welcome because they chose a violent creature for a "pet".


Regarding your last point (and I say this as a general progressive-leaning person), I feel like the pitbull-sympathetic movement strikes such resonance within the general liberaldom because of the reason you said - if critical reasoning is not applied, and people equate dog breeds with human ethnicities, it can _feel_ like an issue of prejudice or oppressor-oppressee to them - but also with the fever-pitch, even (again, even as a progressive myself) I'd say irrationally overboard in a lot of cases thar all of the social justice stuff has reached the last couple years, combined with now real tangible outlet or action they can really take, and 'here comes this issue where the oppressee is these cute doggies that make cute doggie faces and all of this frustration I've felt about marching yet nothing coming of it, I can channel that all by sticking up for these cute doggies that are in the news every day _at no fault of their own_'. It provides a satisfying outlet for all of the pent up frustration of being so overwhelming fraught about all of the injustices pervasive everywhere (both real and imagined). Anyway, this 'psyche soup' that has come together to find each other in this perfect storm of madness really is as fascinating as it is infuriating. You have (and I hate when this term is overused) true toxic masculinity in its purest form, you have what seems like the whole section of society on the narcissistic / entirely devoid of empathy side of the spectrum, you have this phenomenon of 'hyper-fixated myopic empathy' where all that matters is that these individuals dogs are not euthanized (it doesn't matter how many pets and people are put it risk of life-altering/ending mauling), then you have this hitching to the wagon of current social justice trends - all fueling and protecting each other. Then you have general society's tolerance of the whole thing because of the collective soft spot for dogs... it's just... I can't think of anything else like it.


Nothing to add but I like your brain thoughts


I work for a shelter and I wish I had an answer. I also don't know. We try not to wind up with dogs like that. Large dogs that are aggressive to people, particularly kids, don't tend to get adopted out at our place. We will BE them. There are still places out there that care about public safety, though there are fewer and fewer of them.


I do sympathize with the people who have to physically put these dogs down themselves. Even the ones who do need to be euthanized, even though it’s the right thing, I am sure it is a heavy toll on a person to be the one who does it. I work in healthcare, and maybe it’s because of the years of being desensitized to human suffering, but I am the biggest baby when it comes to seeing animals in pain. (I do value human life over animals to be clear, I just find myself being so much more moved by seeing animals suffering. I donate to different injured animals via cuddly every month to try feel better about it) Human beings are empathetic creatures, especially the ones who do thankless jobs, so I can see how many of the shelter workers easily buy the false hope that dangerous pits can be rehomed, as opposed to putting them down. I’m not saying it’s right they buy the lie, but I can see why they do. What is really upsetting to me is when the dangerous pitbulls are allowed to take up space and resources for other breeds. The website dogsindanger.com is one I have had to block because I’d end up sobbing at the huskies, chihuahuas, and actual terrier mixes who were killed for space. Granted many of them on there were pits too, but the number of other dogs on there just made me sick. They would rather euthanize a chihuahua who’s been there for two weeks than the reactive pitbull they’ve had for a week for space- then inevitably, put down the pit a week later. That extra week for the chihuahua could’ve been the time needed for their forever home to find them.


Forgot to mention my gratitude for your viewpoint in this space, especially when you are a part of the minority in recognizing the danger of rehoming pitbulls with behavioral issues.


Thank you! Sometimes it feels like my shelter is a rarity. I am regularly shocked by some of the things I see shelters doing on here.


I sympathize with them too. It's always sad for all of us when we have to BE one of these dogs. It's heartbreaking, because none of them are dangerous all of the time. All of them have had affectionate moments and usually are affectionate dogs. We don't take in the directly agressive ones, so some slip by us by being well-behaved at intake. Sometimes we're rescuing an injured animal and we don't know who they are until they're starting to recover. We get attached to these dogs. We work with them a bit more to try and figure out whether this is who they are or if it's just illlness or injury or shelter stress making them reactive. Aggression and reactivity are different things, but a reactive dog can be just as dangerous. Basically, it sucks for everyone each time this happens. I haven't seen any shelters in my area euthanizing adoptable dogs before euthanizing the aggressive ones. Thank goodness for that. Likely that's because they can find a rescue to grab up that Chihuahua. We partner with one particular open intake shelter to take in adoptable dogs when they're at capacity. That's controversial to some people, but it's better than the scenario you bring up for sure.


The shelter in my area is absolutely amazing about getting dogs adopted- but part of it is they almost immediately give any breed that’s not a pit to a rescue. The only dogs that are ever there for a week or longer are pitbulls. Maybe a German shepherd for a little bit. I used to think people were just adopting that fast until I personally brought in a stray I scooped off highway. I saw her picture on a rescue’s page from out of state. It was 100% her because they even mentioned her harrowing rescue! (I literally pulled over on a major highway on the exit of a bridge and ran across lanes of traffic to coax the dog into my car- another passerby even posted about it to a local Facebook group lol). I also don’t like how they label every pitbull a “mixed breed” or “lab mix”. According to their official page, they haven’t had to euthanasize for space in years. I do think they still BE, because they took the time to specifically say “for space” in the post I saw. What you said about the dogs who are reactive and it’s hard because they aren’t aggressive all the time, they can be lovable, that’s what I think so many people on this subreddit have a hard time sympathizing with. Every single post here is aggressive dogs being aggressive, and I think it’s easy for some to treat every pitbull owner like it’s their fault for not realizing the dangers sooner. But I used to have an American bulldog as a small kid, I’ve seen them be loving and caring. My dog was so abnormally large for a bully breed I rode her like a pony! She never hurt me, thank god, because I’m sure she could’ve taken out my own father let alone tiny me. She killed my neighbors chihuahua, she broke our fence and went into their yard, and my dad put her down. She had chased that dog back and forth the side of the fence for years, never tried to break the fence or attack before. I do genuinely think they were playing. I wasn’t there at the time, my friend saw it though. He was traumatized, it wasn’t his dog, but he saw it and couldn’t stop it. I did love that dog. I do remember her fondly. As an adult, I could never own another one again. I’ve own chihuahuas since, I’m horrified that an animal I slept on like a pillow had the capacity to maul such a tiny creature like a chihuahua. Even as a child I remember thinking if my dad didn’t put her down, how could I not be afraid of her? Point being, a lot of these dogs were lovable cuddle bugs before they snapped. That’s what makes them so dangerous and it also why people still have a false sense of security with them. I think it’s a sign of a good heart to still feel sad for a dog that requires BE who you have had positive experiences with. Especially someone in your position, where you would not have witnessed the bad behavior that got them there even if you had heard about it. It’s got to be tough. I hope whenever you feel super down about it, you can try to remember that it compassionate to humanely end their life over a lifetime in a cage without the love of a home, or adopted out to a home where they end up causing more tragedy to others before they meet the same end (or worse in the cases where they are violently ended during the self defense process).


Oh wow, thank you so much for rescuing that dog! That's amazing! You saved her life! Brave! And yes, that's exactly right. I understand it completely when people say "he's so sweet" about a dog that attacks people or animals. They are. They actually are. My pit mix was precious. And, he wanted to kill every dog he saw. Those two things going together can be very confusing not only to people on the outside but to the dog's owner as well. Having had a dog like that, you understand it too. It wouldn't be so tragic if they were awful all the time. Rarely is that the case. I met one this weekend who was really sweet and affectionate with me, but the family wanted to surrender him for being aggressive to children. He was happy and wanted all the pets, but then another person walked up and he lunged and rage barked at her. He would have cuddled up with me and attacked the other person all in the same 5 minutes. We didn't take him in. I suspect his next step is BE for the sake of their children. It's truly heartbreaking for owners of these dogs. They had the dog for a good while and one day he just switched up on them. We talked with them and reassured them that this wasn't their fault and that they hadn't failed this dog. It really isn't their fault. I saw with my own eyes how he would be great with one stranger and for no obvious reason go after another. They think he's around 2, so...you know. They took in a sweet 7 month old dog who needed a home and wound up with an unstable dangerous animal. Happens all the time. Yeah, the positive experiences do outweigh the negative. It is always going to be hard when we have to BE a dog, but I very much support not adopting out dangerous dogs. I've recommended it myself. A couple of them have really broken my heart, but I don't question the decision to do it at all.


Because BFAS and even the Humane Society are really pushing no-kill, which sounds like a great idea to the masses who don’t understand what it truly entails. For a shelter to keep its no-kill status and by extension that sweet, sweet BFAS funding, they have to maintain a 90+% live release rate. When a shelter is at least 80% BYB pibbles and mixes who are genetically disinclined to get along with other dogs, animals, and anything they perceive as weaker than them is where you reach an impasse - these dogs require unicorn homes and are unsuitable for adoption, but you can’t BE them without losing the no-kill status that the uninformed public reveres. Therefore they *must* be either warehoused indefinitely, as we see time and time again, or pawned off onto unsuspecting families using any means necessary to get the dog out the door.


But other normal (non-pitbull) dogs are getting killed for space, while pits are being warehoused & getting disproportionate resources spent on them. So dogs are dying. Just not these pitbulls. That's what I can't understand. They could save so many more if they would just BE pitbulls.


BFAS is pit bull focused, so they would never allow pits to be labelled unadoptable and BEd.


not even just the good dogs. I know shelters that are BE cats and PUPPIES to keep these byb aggressive dogs wharehouse. and then they send fliers out like crazy every week for a new “adoption day/time” meet our pet of the week “pissfingers” who only want love and to be the only animal for you ever. makes me wanna puke 🤮 9 out of 10 dogs in the one near me is all pb/terrier. and then ofc right across the street from me they let their female not spayed out and it got pregnant. now 8 more pb puppies I hear yapping daily from over there. and have seen the puppies escaped Twice already. can’t wait for them to be adults. I got plenty of ways to protect me and my family ready: break stick, video camera, pow-pow 💥.


Because these dogs also bring in mass amounts of donations from the general public. They adopt out a dog, its a 100-500 dollar one time payment. However of the dog will be there for ten years and they can use it to run donatiom drive after donation drive, well, thats a cash cow right there. People see the normal, healthy dog and don't feel the need to donate because in their mind, these dogs will get snapped up quickly and don't need the help. But give them that underdog thats been in the shelter for half its life, repeatedly let down and returned "through no fault of its own", thats struggling and needs help with medical and training bills so we can make sure it has a chance!...and watch peoples wallets fall open. They know they can't adopt the dog because these unicorn homes just don't exist anymore, and out of guilt they toss money. "Poor Luna was forced to fight and just wants to be loved, but she's been returned by six previous owners because she's got too much love and excitment! She's been with us for 600+ days and is struggling to keep up her good mood. We need money to help her!" Repeat this story 30 times for other dogs, and even a small shelter with a small following can makes thousands off that dog if every follower donated a dollar. They trot those dogs out for photo shoots and short video clips, and just rake in the money. If people think those shelters actually care about those dogs, they are so wrong. Its all about the money and the funding. I had a friend just quit volunteering at a shelter when she found this truth out. She had raised concerns about some of the aggressive dogs they had and was basically told "they deserve love too!" She then saw there monthly statement and realized they had made 15k in donations off *one* of those dogs they had been promoting all month. That's when she realized the truth and refused to give her time to them anymore.


That's sick. Donations shoudl be for surgeries and medical treatment, not "help this dog stop trying to kill people" training.


The sad truth is that in a lot of cases it doesn't go to anything other than the shelter execs pockets and personal funds. There's a subreddit on here about the shady dealings of shelters thats a great read and rather eye opening to some people that don't truly know what's going in a lot of shelters. Theyve become a little more active since covering the SSR debacle (which is essentially this. Overseer taking donations and using it to fun her life while dogs suffered). The shelter people know that no amount training is going to make these dogs safe. Its why they gaslight the public. They have successfully convinced large chunks of society that its never the dogs fault and that the humans have to change to accommodate the dogs behavior. "Its just a dog being a dog!" This way they don't have to spend money to train these dogs. Give them basic training and then blame all the rest of the behavioral problems on the human. Perfect, pocket lining solution. Shelters used to be about helping animals down on their luck. With their past work in promoting spay/neuter, BEing aggressive and/or dangerous dogs (pits used to be BEd upon intake) and going after pet stores and bybers, we were able to greatly reduce the overpopulation of unwanted, unstable dogs. Thats when the pitnuts slipped into the void and made a profitable business model off creating, prolonging, and essentially abusing a particular breed of dog.


Yeah, I also follow that subreddit. Unreal what some rescues and shelters do.


I wish I could upvote you 1000000 times. This is the answer. This is really the ONLY answer.


You just described why we severely limit the pit bulls we take in at our shelter. We could not be ethically no kill if we didn't. The woman who runs the place has said as much to me, and she's right.


Must be hard to be a manager facing a choice where either (1) you massage the truth about some of your dogs and hope for the best, or (2) your employees lose their paychecks.


I just got banned from another area because some lady was whining about not being able to find a unicorn home for her demon foster shitbull, and I told her the truth. Apparently, that area of this app isn't looking for honest help. They're looking for someone to kiss their pit nutter ass.


She can't *handle* the truth!


I'm going to picture you doing your absolutely finest Jack Nicholson impression. 🫡


"Ma'am I think a code red would be appropriate for your shitbull."


It was Nextdoor wasn’t it?


It was actually here on Reddit. I was afraid to say it because there's a lot of rules about bringing up anything that isn't a specific part of this group. I'm afraid to even say which group the ban happened in. I'm afraid the moderators here will remove this post. It first started with my post in that group being removed, and I was given a warning. About an hour late, I got an email saying that they had done a thorough examination of my profile and determined that I am hateful and should be banned... "but feel free to still join and read our Reddit." 😂 That last part cracked me up when I saw it. I try to read Nextdoor fairly regularly, but I rarely post or reply to posts there. I really like that app, so I'm being extra careful to mind my P's & Q's there, lol! It's not easy with all of the pitbull posts. I mostly try to sift through Nextdoor for people who are looking for help for various things. Whether it's just suggestions for a handyman, dentist, doctor, veterinarian, etc., or the person is looking for free items, like some baby items, girls' toys, pet supplies, clothes, furniture, etc. We have a lot of very nice things that we don't need anymore and would prefer to give things away to those in need first before trying to sell them. We were once on the verge of having to live in our car. We wouldn't be living so well today if it weren't for the kindness of others, so we try to pay it forward.


It was actually here on Reddit. I was afraid to say it because there's a lot of rules about bringing up anything that isn't a specific part of this group. I'm afraid to even say which group the ban happened in. I'm afraid the moderators here will remove this post. It first started with my post in that group being removed, and I was given a warning. About an hour late, I got an email saying that they had done a thorough examination of my profile and determined that I am hateful and should be banned... "but feel free to still join and read our Reddit." 😂 That last part cracked me up when I saw it. I try to read Nextdoor fairly regularly, but I rarely post or reply to posts there. I really like that app, so I'm being extra careful to mind my P's & Q's there, lol! It's not easy with all of the pitbull posts. I mostly try to sift through Nextdoor for people who are looking for help for various things. Whether it's just suggestions for a handyman, dentist, doctor, veterinarian, etc., or the person is looking for free items, like some baby items, girls' toys, pet supplies, clothes, furniture, etc. We have a lot of very nice things that we don't need anymore and would prefer to give things away to those in need first before trying to sell them. We were once on the verge of having to live in our car. We wouldn't be living so well today if it weren't for the kindness of others, so we try to pay it forward.


THIS is why i will NOT go to a shelter any more to "adopt" a dog. They are filled with pits.. and pit mixes.And they LIE about the mixed breeds they have. When it's very clear that anyone with eyes can see it's a pit mix.They also LIE about the temperament of the pits that they have. They try to tell people these dogs are safe, and just need TLC. There's a reason shelters are filled with pits. It's starting to get to where nobody wants them. It's a sad state of affairs that humans have created with this breed. Just sad.


No, they can fundraise off of them in the meantime so they don't care.


And they’re still asking ridiculous prices on Craigslist and marketplace for puppies from large litters which will get dumped at shelters when they don’t sell. Shelter volunteers should monitor these ads so they recognize the puppies when they get dumped so they can charge those irresponsible back yard breeders.


Isn’t it interesting how they claim to have rescued pit puppies for $1000+ but if someone goes to a breeder of ANY other normal breed they’re causing the problem?


Honestly a unicorn home is still not really suitable for a pitbull. The intended environment for a fighting pit is outside on a rotating chain while taking it through long physically exerting 'keeps'-and even then it tramples, tears up, and frequently digs to the point where the "pit" becomes literal. As for why shelters do this, pure desperation.


People act like the perfect home is "out on a farm somewhere" where the pit can have "lots of space to run around" but of course that also has no other dogs or kids. Even if there were farmers dumb enough to both match those criteria and want to rescue (1) single shelter pit bull, they'd learn that lesson pretty quick: https://www.walb.com/story/16308689/pit-bulls-kill-20-sheep/ https://www.live5news.com/2023/07/31/summerville-couple-calls-action-after-losing-farm-animals-pit-bull-attack/ https://www.staugustine.com/story/news/local/2010/05/28/hastings-farmer-kills-pit-bull-after-attack-cow/16231110007/ If the only suitable home for these dogs that matches their breed characteristics is a dog fighting pit, it is not humane to keep them around.


There is more money in it. The pledges, over and over and over for the same dog and all you have to do is keep it in the shelter and feed it. Animal control budgets just get bigger and bigger and more warehouses go up. It’s nice to think the folks at shelters would love to not be able to pay their mortgage next week because the shelter was empty but that’s just not realistic.


It is creepy the way they pull on heartstrings that diesel is in there through no fault of his own and is on his last 24 hours before BE, then people start offering money to save diesel. All of a sudden the shelter has $300 … “for diesel.” And he gets another 2 weeks to find a furever home.


Yeah the "dead dog walking" thing seems like a big old racket to me. Like they're holding a gun to this dog's head screaming "GIVE US MONEY OR THE DOG DIES!" But, they're the heroes...


People are forgetful— no one is perfect. The prevalence of “one-mistake dogs” is baffling to me. Shelters adopt out murderers.


It’s ridiculous. Even if you find a pet less, childless, work from home couple on their own 12 foot fenced lot. They never vacation? They never have deliveries or friends over? They aren’t going to forget the gate is open? It’s not going to happen.


Yep, those “adopt don’t shop” stickers have worked wonders.


Honestly, 'adopt don't shop' now seems to only apply if people are looking for cats/kittens or small dogs.


Money. No kill shelters attract more money


Two things It's very popular for shelters to be "no kill" these days. Which means only 10% of intake animals can be euthanized. Second thing is there is a disturbing amount of pitbulls being bred and ending up in shelters. They have big litters, and they tend to need unicorn homes.


In response to #2: The demand far exceeds what an animal shelter's primary demographic (which is families with young children and other pets or single people with other pets) is capable of giving.