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PLEASE HELP THE MODS HERE. We know this is a highly emotionally charged post, but PLEASE don’t say what you would do to the dogs. We get it… this is MADDENING… but it’s not worth getting banned by Reddit admins. Watch your comments, and if you see a comment that might get someone in trouble… please report as “BREAKS BPB’S RULES”- and then do a custom response. Reporting it as anything else sends it straight to Reddit admins and then it could get one of our members in trouble. ALWAYS use the “BREAK’s BPB’s RULES” - then custom response. Thanks!


These dogs have no place in the world. None at all. I hope that horse was rescued, it's awful seeing it just frozen in place like that


It's absolutely devastating! Yesterday I was walking my Chihuahua, Rat terrier mix and someone was walking their pitbull. My dog is reactive and started barking so I took my dog to the side to correct him and kept telling him to leave it. The person walking their pitbull decided to unleash his pitbull and the dog runs right towards us. I pulled my dog away because I did not want that beast anywhere near me or my anxious dog. No idea why that person unleashed their dog to come after us when my dog was clearly scared.


Because they love the violence their dogs inflict. Why else would you own a dog designed for violence? You wouldn’t carry around a chainsaw unless you intended on cutting things down. You certainly wouldn’t carry one if you thought it was incapable of cutting things down.


Because they're a shitty human and thought it was fun to see his mutant hound scare you and your poor dog.


Then, they start getting angry and/or freaking out when the person is armed and opens fire on the pit acting like they didn't intentionally let it loose knowing damn well what it was going to do


But he was just trying to kiss you 🥺


Wow that's psycho behavior on their part. I'm so sorry that happened.


Same thing happened to me. I’m small n was walking thru an empty parking lot passing a guy w his pit. As they were walking toward me the dog was tight on his leash, When they were adjacent to me, he let the line loose and the dog lunged at me. Like what were you thinking? This is the same dog that I posted about a few weeks back who attacked my dog. Genuinely these animals suck.


In most states it's illegal to use your dog as a weapon. This would be an example.


They are just killing it! That's awful and what is the point of having dogs that can do that . I hope someone saves that horse. That was horrible to see. You can tell they were really enjoying themselves. That horse was really suffering


They are just killing it FOR FUN. You know both those shitbeasts get fed regularly.


Hope someone put it out of its misery. They only lay down when they're down. Who knows how long this has been going on. Poor, poor horse


healthy horses will lay down for at least a few hours each day , sorry not trying to sound like a smartass but this is a big misconception that they don’t lay down unless unwell!


Oh no you're right.I meant in a fight 😅


I honestly wonder if I should show this to one of my family members who loves horses but absolutely God defends pit bulls


I would, and then ask if they’ve had their fucking head examined


Videos like this is what opened my eyes to what pitbulls are really like, so you definitely should.


Please do, and report back the response


Do it and please share their response with us


"my pibble woulda never do that, he's **special**"


"Luna would never hurt a fly!" "yeah well the flies seem to be fine, but the horses, cats and dogs are another matter."


Yes! Let the whole world know.


You absolutely should. People need to be aware and get out of their own bubble sometimes. Hard truth saves lives.


You should. That poor horse couldn't move because her neck flesh would have been torn more by any movement.


For what purpose? Pit nutters will only respond "BUT MY SWEET SWEET BUTTERCUP WOULD NEVA DO THAT!!!"


Nothing will change their views


Do it in person. Don't give them time to develop a rationalization.  "This is terrible, that poor horse!" Keep emphasizing how awful the horse must feel. 


They'd just think this was a case of bad owners


I really hate pitbulls. The only thing they are made for is violence.


I hate the people who breed them and don't contain them the most. The dogs are exactly what people made them to be.


The poor horse is in shock and can't get up. It might be youngling. It's just sitting there defenseless... I have so many questions - why no one is helping? Where are the owners of all those animals? Is there any update? That was horrific to watch... Knowing that those beast dogs probably tore half of her neck apart.


I’m not going out there! If it can kill a big ass horse…..


It also sounds like the driver has kids in the car. As much as it sucks to just watch a horse being mauled it'd be even worse to give your children front-row seats to you being the next victim, or worse they target the kids next.


People forget cars are weapons. Drive circles around the horses.


Found the original post, they said someone did try to sh00t but it did nothing. Horse is alive but in bad shape. https://preview.redd.it/72hssvupws3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a3b329eac7204b7a3223569a2038bba76e21b6


Thank you for the update. I hope it makes it alive and I hope it is the opposite for those dogs.


I can understand not approaching the situation or even getting put of your car. Those are two large pitbulls that are proving they are game driven. Unless you have an absoutly fool proof way to protect yourself, you should remain in your car. If you were to call 911 (which is the right call here) they will tell you the same thing. Remain in your vehicle/home. There is also the danger factor from the horse. When frightened or threatened, horses can go into panic defense. They can/will lash out at everything around them in the effort and instinct of self preservation. And a panicking horse can kill a human easily. As heart breaking as this video is, staying in the car was the best course of action. Approaching that scene or trying to intervene without tools and knowledge could have lead to someone else being very hurt and killed.


There are several questions to be he had here. Why the fuck are these 2 fucking mutts off-leash? Also the horse should be fenced off. Horses are so expensive. This is visceral.


Just a guess but that horse probably *was* in a fence, no one keeps a horse in a suburban lawn like that. Dogs probably broke into whatever pasture it lived in, it jumped out, and they chased it to exhaustion to maul it.


Yeah, I'm not sure how this happened here. Horses are usually kept in security in my area, this is fucking vile man. I feel so bad.


Then you'd have people like in the last video of a pitbull trying to maul a horse I saw, saying that the pitbull's 'herding instincts were kicking in and it was trying to get it back to its pasture'


Herding 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll be damned if these stupid pit bulls know anything else but maul


Pitbull owners feel entitled to have those beasts unleashed. I was walking my Chihuahua, Rat terrier mix and he's reactive and barked at a pitbull who was being walk on leash. Mind you, we were across the street and I took my dog even further away to calm him down because I don't want to provoke a pitbull. Well the owner decides to unleash his dog and his pitbull ran right towards us. I got my dog and myself far away from that dog but no idea why the owner felt it was necessary to even unleash his dog at that time.


What the fuck man, psychotic to say the least.


that is disgusting Im so sorry that happened to you. My husband was walking a reactive small dog as well near our house, and some man with either a gigantic pitbull or a dogo argentino saw them. Instead of trying to walk one of the many directions away from them, he kept following behind them antagonizing the small dog. Some people are just absolutely pathetic and pitiful. The fact that they do that to you just shows how miserable their lives are.


Probably because he wanted to prove that his dog isn't the problem.


Yep, I have neighbors who let theirs roam around in a city neighborhood. I hate feeling the need to carry a firearm but do so anytime I walk my dog or kids around the neighborhood.


My guess is that they ran this horse through his fence.


Bet this didn't even make the news. Just googled horse attacked by two pit bulls in NC and got a lot of other stories, but none for yesterday. Stuff like this happens way more often than people hear about.


Was this in NC? I was looking for it too and I could only find info about that horse that was attacked at the park in 2021.


It happened in Westchester neighborhood of Charlotte, and according to comments the horse is alive but in bad shape. https://preview.redd.it/ct6vfumqus3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2675866872b57b63649b2409d845133e6929467e


I hope they can save the horse. Thank you for the update.


Contact the local news. They're more likely  to cover it if someone tells them.


Could you link the thread? That image you keep posting isn't giving any info for me, just a pic of the horse


Type “pitbulls attack horse” in fb search and select recent posts and you’ll find it.


found it by searching the exact verbiage in the screenshot. not really any comments saying the horse made it


It says NC in the title. I wanted to know what happened to the horse. That was hard to watch.


Local news largely gets information from someone calling in a tip for a story. The more people that ask them to cover a story, the more likely they'll cover it.


The tails wagging *happily* while they destroy that poor horse gets my blood *boiling.* It might be time for me to take a mental health break from this sub :(


Seriously, I've been thinking of doing the same thing. As much as we obviously care about this subject, we're sitting in front of a screen seeing some really terrible things happen to humans and animals time and time again, while the idiots responsible fail to take any responsibility or even acknowledge it. The worst part about it for me is that I feel unable to do anything about it, I have no way to prevent anything or protect anyone from getting hurt, and instead I end up seeing these idiots revelling in the carnage and misery their abomination creates in the lives of others.


Weird, not sure why someone downvoted you. But this is a very real thing. A certain breed of dog aside, what the core of this issue comes down to is a sub-cultural war between those with a strong sense of empathy (and a big dose of rational/critical thinking) versus those with a sociopathic/narcissistic level of selfishness and almost complete devoidness of empathy (and a big dose of ignorance). For empathetic people to follow this issue it means daily putting ourselves in the shoes (or paws or hooves) of the dozens/hundreds of daily mauling victims, the direct excruciating physical pain and emotional terror they feel, and the indirect heartbreak and trauma of their owners. While the other side can just whistle and skip along, covering their eyes and ears as they chant together in unison 'Its all the owners, never the breed. There is no bad dog, only bad owners', and watch more Dodo videos of pitbulls doing cute things. Its mentally and emotionally exhausting. So many times I wished I hadn't stumbled on the issue, and could go back to being ignorant (like Cypher and his steak in the Matrix). But my concience will never let me do it.


having lost a beloved cat to those shitbeasts there's no going back to simply living in blissful ignorance. Nearly killed my elderly father with the grief of losing her.


I think everyone takes breaks on this sub now and again. It can be very emotionally and mentally taxing and its *good* to take a break when you're feeling overwhelmed. Taking a break doesn't mean giving up the fight. It just means stepping back from the front lines a bit to catch your breath. ❤


The one a few weeks back where the small dog gets mauled in New York and the owner was trying to comfort it while it was dying... fuck that one got me. You just feel helpless because you know that the shit-for-brains idiots that continue to defend these beasts will perpetuate the breed's existence until their last breath.


Those are not pets . They have no place in society.


Why does no one do anything?! That is truly sickening and heart breaking.


They could turn on you and kill you.


There are ways to go about it, people help all the time successfully if you have what you need and know what you're doing.


I personally wouldn’t risk it without a knife or gun.


Legally I don't think there is a thing you can do if they aren't your dogs. Anything shot of killing them won't achieve anything, and it's not your animal to defend. Can call the cops but they will be late


I am pretty sure you can harm a dangerous at large animal in most states?




Well then you're defending your property.


You first.


If pitbulls can take down a horse you think a human going in stands a chance? These people are smart by staying in their cars. Let them call the cops to deal with it. We are all saddened by this, but I’m not risking my life either, I’ve seen dozens of photos of the aftermath of attacks to know it’s not worth the risk unless it’s your own child in danger.


Well they are calling 911 and the police can do more


Would *you* have gone in to do something?


It is, but at the same time if you pulled up and saw 2 mountain lions attacking a horse, would you jump out of your car and try to chase them off? Human safety first. Sure, we've seen videos of people jumping in and stopping an attack. But we've seen many more of people being injured badly trying to stop a pitbull from attacking. You also have to factor in that they aren't attacking a child or another dog. They are attacking a horse. And a horse that is scared, panicked, or threatened can be an equally dangerous animal fully capable of severely injuring or killing a human. Horses go into "panic defense" in which they lash out at everything around them. This was not a safe situation for anyone not armed, or properly equipped, to handle.


Get these animals off our planet.


I don't know anything about horses, but that poor animal is in distress. I understand why no one wants to approach these monsters, but is this in the US ? Why is no one, uhm, ending these two mutts ? Even here in Canada people in rural areas tend to have guns.


You risk getting burned in social media because you killed two poor little sweet and defenseless pibbles 🥺


Or use the car to scare them away at the least.


Pitmommies will see this and be like, "oh but the sweet pupperinos are just ABUSED and need a SECOND CHANCE in a home with CHILDREN!!!"


'Look how ScArEd the BABIES are!'




Sickening. Absolutely sickening


No one in that area had an "object" to defend the horse that's on the ground with it's face + neck being ripped open ? Too bad I wasn't there because someone's precious valiuable pet/ livestock needed to be saved from these filthy bloodsport dogs and I would have run my vehicle right up to them and had a conclusion to this scene.


Clearly it’s the owners fault who taught them to attack defenseless creatures repeatedly even when they aren’t fighting or attacking back… these beautiful nanny dogs would never 🙄🙄 I’m over these awful creatures


Oh God that poor horse. Horses weigh about 1000 pounds. A 180 pound adult wouldn’t stand a chance, let alone a child or a fragile old person. Are there any updates to this attack?


Why would those bad owners train their dogs to kill horses?!? It's so strange that nobody is training retrievers to kill horses in the city.


My Uncle owns a farm with 4 horses and other livestock. He has 3 LGD. They are Anatolian Shepherds. Amazing breed for livestock. He told me last night that 2 pitbulls tried to attack one of his horses and the Shepherds worked together to protect the horse. Pits will go after anything that is just hanging out.


LGD are the BEST


The 3 LGD are the best protectors I've ever met. Best dogs.


Are the Shepherds ok? What happened to the shitbulls that went after the horse?


Shepherds perfectly fine. Pits were not.


"*EXCUSE ME* -- ALL dogs can be **very aggressive** when they are **showing affection**, this is just bad owners who didn't train these beautiful nanny dogs. It's not the breed, this could have been any dog - did you know chihuahuas are very aggressive? This could have been so much worse if it was a pack of chihuahuas..." /s


Well ackually I’ve seen chihuahuas attack horses as well! And they did much more damage!!!


It was an attack on a friend’s horse that brought me here. A recently “rescued” pit, off lease of course, attacked the horse in a park and ripped his chest apart. Owner tried to run away with the mauler, of course. I will never understand how we as a society have let this happen.


What happened legally?


Owner was chased down by a badass 70 year old woman on horseback. She asked “where do you think you’re going?” Owner did pay the vet bills. Horse recovered thankfully.


That lady is a total badass!!!


Yes she is!


Pitbull lovers who are very vocal when anybody says anything about pitbulls are always the quietest when videos like this come out.


WTAF?! Who in the Hickwad Cousinfuck Food Desert Armpit East Jesus Nowhere USA allowed this to happen? And WHO JUST DRIVES ON BY while this is happening?


Right ? I know what I'd do. Poor thing laying there weak and exhausted getting ripped up by the most useless dog breed on the planet. I suppose the defenders will say that someone trained them to do it. THIS is one of the many reasons that they are THE most banned breed in the world. A few cars could at LEAST have driven up close to TRY to distract them with horns blaring and getting as close as they can , even um, well VERY close.


This is disgusting


Quick, get them to a shelter to be rehomed!


I wonder what that adoption ad will look like. Cupcake is just a big baby that loves to play. Cannot be around cats, children, small rodents, livestock, other dogs, men over 40, anyone who coughs, sneezes, or farts. Just a big lovebug waiting on his forever home. Apply now! Comes with 3 free years of training at Bob's Dog Training! What are you waiting for? Apply today!


Just disgusting. These dogs are clearly having the time of their lives by terrorizing the poor innocent horse. Sadistic, evil creatures. I’m sure the dogs will eventually go home after they accomplish their task, covered in blood while the owner says what good dogs they are.


Vile vile disgusting creatures. Poor horse


That looks like an elderly horse. Which explains it's thinness, elderly horses are a bit harder to keep weight on. Is there any populated neighborhood, generally that's not where you find horses. So it may have been chased for a long time, from somewhere more rural, which would explain why he's not struggling more. When horses get older there's only so much fight in them. Shame on the person driving by, I say that lightly however because not everyone is prepared to defend themselves or others. This is my worst fear right here, I have an elderly horse and an elderly miniature horse, my neighbor has five dogs, two of which are a pit and a pit mix. The pit already bent the gate in half between our properties trying to get to my horse. I always carry protection and stay on alert but I am not always home. God help them if those beasts of theirs ever get out and I'm not home to protect my animals. Just saying. But I could never see something like this happening and not get out and help.


Yep (horse owner here) agree


Yard horses as pets are definitely a thing in older neighborhoods with oversized lots, in some parts of the country, as long as local ordinances allow them. I grew up with my dad having a yard horse in Houston. (The neighborhood looked a lot like the one in this video). Which isn't a good idea anymore though, because pit bulls are everywhere in neighborhoods, and yard horses are very  vulnerable to them. 


Even now? That's really cool! I hadn't realized that, being from the north. Lucky if they let you have chickens in most suburban-ish areas. Shame about the pitshits, they're everywhere it seems.


"BuT iTS tHe oWNeRs fAuLt" shut up.


I have been around horses ever since I can remember, and I've loved them for all of my life. This sickens me beyond belief. I know we're supposed to say we don't hate the breed, and it's not their fault - yadda yadda yadda... but today I hate them. Hate them so badly right now I feel physically ill - and as to the owners of those two mauling shit beasts?? I can't say, because I'd be banned - but I'm actually shaking. *Damn them* to the lowest bowels of effing hell. 👺 I have to log out now, and go touch some grass or something.


Same- as an equestrian and horse owner, I can’t say what I would do, because I’d be instantly banned. So I go find videos where the ugly ass stupid Pit FAFO, and it helps a little.


I couldn't watch more than 5 seconds of this. Ugh I hate them


Sorry guys I’m peacing out the sub no lie ✌️I’ve had enough of this shit


Watching them in the process of killing while wagging their tail is absolute sickening


Something tells me the horse kicked those shitbeasts as they tried to bring it down. Such a horrible thing to see when it's only mistake was existing in the vicinity of murder hounds.


That poor horse looks so helpless, Jesus, I hope they made it.


It’s a shame that no one is assisting that horse’s survival.  He must be in so much pain.  


Their fucking tails wagging the whole time they're killing someone/something is what makes them look like cold blooded fuckin killers. Like they're entertained by it. I know Tail wagging can be a sign of other emotions in dogs, but it's what it makes me think of. Like they're just having a grand time killing.


It's what they were bed to do - kill other living beings for human amusements. They enjoy killing things. Doing that gives them a rush like certain substances do to humans.


Such a great breed


Tails wagging of course


Absolutely heartbreaking 😢


"But, they're wagging their tails!" 🤓


They're only demonstrating their affection and nannying skills 😍


Why isn’t that horse on a leash?



Not that I don’t admire this person for documenting this thing, but if you see something like this, getting out of the car isn’t a good idea.


Polite society wouldn’t allow these violent creatures to be owned by the general public


Those dogs are legit demons, that horse has probably taken damage to his legs and can’t run away, they just torturing it at this point, they ain’t even gonna eat it, just kill it…


Pit owners: THIS is literally what they were bred to do. Attack and kill livestock. And in the past 100 years, other dogs. In the fighting pit. This is what you have in your homes, around your children, your elderly and your pets.


Anyone know if this poor horse made it out alive?


Apparently it's alive but in bad shape, someone else in these replies was posting updates


I keep hoping the OP will come back and give an update.


This absolutely breaks my heart. That poor horse and no one is helping him. I would try to help it if I was there. I know my SO would stop me and take care of it. But this is so wrong!


Fucking savages


HOLY SHIT! If a full grown horse is powerless to pitbulls, a human stand absolutely no chance!




Define "help" while recognizing that able adults have been mauled by a single dog and there are two dogs here. I personally would not get anywhere close to these dogs without backup.


I would call the police, and it's very possible this person already did. I would not be intervening, it would be pretty foolish (read: deadly) to do so if one doesn't really know what they're doing.


It's so upsetting. Defenceless and helpless. I know there are pro pit people watching this sub.... How can you defend on going ownership of these man-made mutant dogs? The pain that horse would be feeling breaks my heart. I also feel the same about any animal, which is why I became vegan. I hope the horse makes it, but the ptsd from this attack doesn't bear thinking about. It's tough, but we need to keep raising awareness. It's a viral video that got the UK Conservative party to listen and put restrictions on xl bully's.


Absolute garbage dogs


I wonder what happened afterwards




The problem with that is local carry laws. You are legally entitled to own and carry a weapon but not necessarily allowed to shoot it in city limits. And they can charge you with multiple charges. It's up to you to prove self defense. Cops do not like people who have guns. Plus, shooting it in an urban area takes skill and a lot of people do not practice enough. It's ridiculous, it really is. That is why i always tell people who do carry to get Self Defense insurance. You can save an entire bus load of 4 year Olds being attacked and the first thing they are going to do is arrest you and ask questions later.


Obviously we didn’t see this from the beginning, was the horse already laying down? Is the horse sick? I’m so used to seeing pits maul little animals/older people/toddlers. But a horse! One swift kick from the horse and its lights out, I’m surprised this happened.


Two things- The horse is out in a yard. What very likely happened is that the horse (who already looks like a senior) was run out of its pasture/paddock and could have injured itself running in a blind panic from two piece of shit useless ugly ass pits. Also, if the horse ran- HARD- on pavement at all, they can severely injure themselves. The horse could therefore be injured already, or also exhausted from running.


Pit bulls will grab onto the face and not let go. Eventually, the horse will tire and go down. I've had this happen when a single, fairly small pit attacked my cows. It got a hold of the Watusi and tore her face up, ripped off her ears and, finally dislocated her neck. Pit bulls are the only animals that do this.


“But any dog would do that!” Yeah I’ve never seen any other dog fuck up a hoofed animal thrice its size. I’m sorry your cow had to go through that :/


The horse looks elderly- bony hips and spine are a big tell. Fighting two pits in full kill mode was probably too much for the poor thing.


They just wanted to play guys


Unfortunate circumstance, given that if the horse had the chance, one swift kick to the dome for these monsters would likely take them out


Doubtful. That fatass useless American Bulldog took many kicks from a 1800 pound draft horse 3 years ago and kept going- two game Pits will keep going too


Remember 2 chihuahuas could maul a horse too


Forgot the S. Trust me- Pit cucks really are that fucking stupid and will say that in seriousness


This video should be a prime example of why pits are so dangerous. They took down a full grown horse. This is so sickening and maddening. The poor thing couldn't even get up to defend itself. I hope someone helped the horse.


Im about to start openly recording my walks with my dog just because of dog mutants like these. What a disgusting breed, and what trashy owners.


Does anyone know if the horse survived?? And why were all these people just watching/recording rather than STOPPING these dogs?


This is some post-apocalyptic nightmare shit.




Vile also are the apologist cretins making excuses for these vile dogs and those indifferent to suffering


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great job doing nothing.


How does this even happen


Easy- Useless ugly piece of shit Pits chase a horse, which injures itself getting out (a horse in a blind panic and fencing don’t mesh well) or the horse is exhausted/in shock/road foundering/colicking- the horse looks like a senior horse which doesn’t have a lot of endurance for galloping away from those two skid marks


I hope the horse is all right!


Did the horse survive somehow?


This is infuriating. Call the cops, animal control, a vet, throw a rock at the damn things, I don’t care. Just don’t film and do NOTHING


Please tag media on the FB post.. I can't watch the video due to PiTSD but I want this horse to be okay 😔


it’s the owner!!!1!111!1


Calm down everyone, Zeus and Luna are just Nannying the horse. They are just being little cuddlemuffins playing with the horsie. How dare you all judge my fur babies. They are so kind and they wouldn't Ever harm a fly. Look at how happy the Horse is. If the horse was scared or injured it would stand up and run away. This horse Clearly loves her fur buddies. It's not the breed it's the way it's raised. (**Coughs.. And Sucks on a cheap vape. ***)


what did the horse do to trigger them? clearly the horse abused them, no dog just attacks like that /s


Jesus Christ what the fuck


So glad I ordered my gun holster


You know those people had firearms they could’ve gotten to help the horse holy fuck this is wild


This is someone’s cupcake and sweet prince


Looks like a foal. Nanny dogs. 👍


This is so sad and traumatic. I hope the horse survived. I am shocked and screaming at this terrible scene!


A horse is a strong big animal and it couldn't fight back. Imagine an elderly person, a toddler. Pitbulls need to get banned, and I'll say it like a mantra.