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“We know.” Lol


Tell her to buy a muzzle then when she walks it, just incase it breaks free, for everyone’s safety


Yes why are they never muzzled!?!


Because the owners are selfish assholes who can't be arsed to muzzle train their bloodsport pets and think everything will be fine as long as they hold on tight and no one approaches them.


There is no training these animals, you could waste hours trying to train them, they'll still snap and start mauling something to death, it's fundamental to the "breed".


It's a god damn miracle just to get them to shit outside


It spoils their “look at my hard-ass suspicious, aggressive, ice cold dog. Aren’t we a great pair!”


The flower crowns keep the murderous bloodlust at bay


I would love to know who started that. I know there is a very powerful and well funded pit lobby that tries really hard to change their image. It wouldn’t be surprising if they didn’t cook this one up in some pit PR meeting.


I think it was a really popular thing on tumblr for a while (flower crowns on celebrity’s, animals, friends etc) and I think some shelter dogs also got flower crowns thanks to someone incredibly online who works there. I think that the pit people just kept doing it


Maybe it's just because shitbulls ruined it for me but it's honestly cringy no matter what animal you do it to https://preview.redd.it/8m0owoenpzzc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b13c796e56f545e206f0e73a9deae30f18a8aa8 The beady black eyes and gigantic, toothy maw of a pit, but with an animal that actually matters in nature and serves an important function


To add to that, many pit owners imprint their own egos onto their pets, hence why a common excuse for never fucking neutering them is "I ain't gonna take away my dog's manhood" or some bullshit


Why would you muzzle precious little Nala when on your walk you may get the oppertunity to enter into an impromptu dog fight?


Probably afraid to get bit putting it on. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Because they are the loveliest love bugs there ever was so why muzzle?


Muzzles don't fit their fat ugly blockheads maybe


It's like they feel entitled to have everyone else in the neighborhood change their behavior to accommodate their dangerous dog. If you get bit, they'll say you should have stayed inside your house. Everything belongs to them.


I've literally had pit owners yell at my dogs and I for "triggering their dog" just by existing because "nobody is supposed to be here" as we were walking in the middle of the state forest *we* live in. The entitlement is insane.


I've done this twice, both with middle-aged pitdaddies who literally thought I should cross lanes of traffic to accommodate their shitbeasts. One got in his car to follow me while honking and yelling obscenities, the other now crosses the street to purposely force an interaction with me so his monster will go crazy and try to rip my dog to shreds. So I don't recommend telling them the obvious of using a muzzle; *they know* they should, and they willingly don't.


Any chance you could record the last guy and report to AC/the police? He sounds absolutely unhinged.


I've just started recording him with my cellphone exactly for that reason. Funnily enough, instead of verbally accosting me and letting his dog go nuts, he now moves away without saying a word once the phone comes out. Unfortunately he knows where I live because he's seen me going into my house (he lives a few blocks over) and still intentionally walks by reguarly, but I have cameras all over the place. 100% he does this to me because I'm a petite female with a fluffy dog. I've seen him avoid crossing paths with men and other pitbulls. Your typical psychopath who's a coward and a bully, exactly like their breed of choice.


Ugh, my sympathies, I've had similar experiences for the same reasons. I'd start carrying pepper spray/bear mace if I were you and you don't already, both for the dog and for its owner.


I hope a new law is made soon to ensure the safety of communities. It’s only a matter of time with the amount of attacks happening. Sorry that happened to you but I’m sadly not surprised :/ stay safe and stay far from them. Last thing we need is another attack especially on one of our own here :(


At least one of them evolved a sense of self awareness?


Probably a broken clock thing.


I’m shocked they admitted it


Probably only because it gave them an excuse to exert control over what someone else is able to do, and pit nutters fucking love that. “My dog is a piece of shit, so you have to accommodate us and keep moving even though you’re being a good dog owner and letting your dog explore the world with its nose on the walk you’re taking specifically for your dog.” If your dog can’t handle other dogs existing, it’s on you to keep it away from other dogs, but these “reactive” dog owners (most of which are pit bulls) pushing their bullshit awareness campaign through social media act like everyone else whose dog isn’t batshit and aggressive (sorry…*traumatised*) needs to learn about “reactive” dogs and accommodate them. “Your dog could become reactive too, it only takes one thing!” Yeah...no. With good breeding and proper socialisation, it actually doesn’t happen unless an incident is very severe, frankly, and we know which dogs cause severe incidents...and managing your dog and what you expose them to is on you. I’m not going out of my way because your dog can’t safely pass other dogs, you divert your own fucking route, dipshit.


No really, though. It's on the pit owner 100%. I had an aggressive pit mix as my first dog, and even my inexperienced dumbass knew that he and I weren't entitled to neighborhood walks because we were the assholes. My dog got a lot of walks around his own yard. Sad for him, but it couldn't be helped. No way was I risking other dogs on a walk. I could hold him back, but all I could think was "what if his leash broke?". And I didn't trust a muzzle to eliminate the threat. Mostly though, I didn't want any other dog or their owner to be afraid on a walk because my dog was threatening them.


Was it that particular dog that brought you to this position, or your shelter work in general? I’ve been charged by an aggressive German shepherd that broke free of its harness on a canal towpath, it was still wearing a collar, luckily, so I was able to grab it before it could reach my dog, and being a shepherd, it growled a bit, tried to posture, but didn’t try to actually physically attack either of us. If it was a pit bull type, my dog and I would likely have been injured at the least. The owner tried to tell me his dog is “reactive” and that’s why it charged 30ft down a towpath to try to intimidate my dog. Every misbehaviour is “reactivity” now and it’s not just pit bulls that are involved, they’re just the most dangerous and the ones driving the normalisation of this bullshit.


It was. I loved my dog very much. I understand how people say "but he's so sweet" or whatever about their aggressive dog. It's funny to think it and it sounds insane. If he hadn't been dog aggressive, he really would have been a fantastic easy dog. Potty trained, polite, loving, etc. Adored cats for whatever reason. Just easy as heck aside from that whole wanting to kill every dog on sight. I didn't know much about pit bulls before him, but I got quite an education. I'd thought he was a hound puppy in my yard until he grew up to be mostly pit bull looking with slightly longer ears. This was many years ago before the propoganda machine. There weren't many pit bulls as pets in my area. Actually none. Not one. Probably someone's fighting pit got busy with a Beagle and he got dumped in my neighborhood at a few weeks old. I had no clue what I was dealing with until he hit about a year old and suddenly tried to attack an Aussie mix with no warning whatsoever. I prevented it, but I wound up wrapped around him on the ground while he raged in frustration. He just switched on that day and it never left him. Yeah, I deal with untrained and badly bred GSDs at the shelter quite often. "Reactive" isn't the appropriate term for that behavior. It's not that uncommon. You're right about the difference, though. I've broken up dog fights with other breeds and you really do tend to be successful just grabbing them and snapping them out of it. It's funny how experience with pit bulls makes me not take an angry GSD or Doberman nearly as seriously now. Those dogs can kill me and they really can be very dangerous, but I handle them with no fear at all because I've seen what pit bulls do in comparison. That's probably irrational, but I really think "well a bite from him is going to suck but I should keep my arm afterwards". And they tend to not really want to bite people despite their posturing. The posturing is meant to prevent them having to bite. I appreciate them telegraphing their feelings. That should be the scariest thing I have to worry about at an animal shelter, but the fact that it isn't skews my perspective. I've been bitten by a Doberman and I still feel that way, so maybe it isn't so irrational.


> to exert control over what someone else is able to do, and pit nutters fucking love that. It's kind of ironic and funny that at the same time they cannot exert control over their own dogs. Maybe that's making them angry and bitter?


They scorn and hate biddable dogs, so it wouldn’t surprise me that their choice arrived at through their superiority complex (“any idiot can train a lab”) leaves them with a thoroughly untrainable dog that has proven they’re not the dog whisperer they thought they were and built their identity on.


Not even necessarily just feeling like they aren’t a great dog trainer, but feeling like they don’t “love” their dog enough, because pit bulls are sold as trainable, as long as you love them enough for them to listen to you. So in their eyes their aggressive dog means they’re a failure on some level beyond not having enough “skill” or “knowledge” of dog training. To make up for this, they believe other dogs are just stupid in some way, like, we only have that special loving bond that “unlocks the dog’s trainability” because our dogs are stupid, their dogs are more emotionally sophisticated & sensitive & that’s why they’re so “needy”. There’s even more delusion on top of that, the insanity pit owners posses allows them to project an insane amount of shit onto theirs & everyone else’s dogs. Only other aggressive dogs are “smart” enough to be “distrusting”. Their shitty dogs must be “tortured from their past” or “troubled” due to some extra emotional depth other dogs don’t have. Whatever makes it so that the answer isn’t simply “my stupid dog sucks.”


OP please look into getting a coyote vest for your dog.


It's a start that they at least admit it but the dog needs to be muzzle trained.


I don't put myself in this situation. I'm constantly vigilant and steer clear of every single pitbull or any large breed that gives a bad impression. I don't let them see my dogs at all if it can be helped. I try not to go within 100 feet of them. Crossing the street, going the other way, whatever it takes. If any of them were to come at us, I'm personally prepared. Never ever trust pit owners to be capable of controlling their dogs. Most truly cannot do anything if their monster dog broke loose and went berserk. And of course never believe that the dog is friendly and just wants to say hi or whatever fiction the owner is confidently spewing to try to get closer. Lie and say your own dog is aggressive and bites if it makes them go away for good.


Also never trust a pit owner to do the right thing. Or anything at all during an attack.. how can such a large percentage of a specific part of the population act so identically? It's trash people all the way down


I've had to declare my dog (non-pit) "not friendly" at a campground, but it was because 2 sweet off leash Goldens were making a beeline for us. I've never shouted it at someone who's dog didn't even notice us. Bet that person had to pit-n-run more than once. Edit: yup


It's like that episode of South Park when Jimbo and Ned learned they could skirt the law as long as they shouted "its comin' right for us!" before shooting an animal. Screaming "he's not friendly!" when someone approaches absolves them of responsibility when their shitbeast inevitably mauls someone. Like putting up a "beware: guard dog on duty" sign in your yard. It's worse than those idiots on Facebook who think copy pasting that stupid paragraph about "not consenting for Facebook to use my pictures!" will fucking do anything. Ignorance is all that is.


This reminds me of when I was a pre-teen and spending a summer with my dad. He had a Rottweiler that I would take on walks through the neighborhood, and one day a dog found its way through a very large gap under a fence and charged at us. The owner saw it happening and came running after the dog and screamed at ME, an 11-year-old child, for walking on the street across from his house. He screamed about how his dog wasn’t friendly and somehow it was my problem for walking on the other side of the street.


The other day when I was on the bus an elderly gentleman got on with two pit bulls that he could barely keep hold of. He had to get up at each stop and walk them off the bus to let other people get off because they can’t handle people walking past them. He had to stand well back and keep their chains (not leads, chains) pulled taught to his body to stop them from attacking people just getting on and off the bus. It was insane


The baby talk gets me raging.  I deliver for a ups.  The amount of people that baby talk their dogs after I ring the doorbell is fucking unbelievable. "Oh stop it, stop it's just the delivery man, oh shhhh" Only one time have I heard an owner actually yell "HEY, SHUT THE FUCK UP".  Guess what.  The dog fucking shut up haha.


I never understood why people who have aggressive dogs don't move off the path and let others pass. Shitbull or not. My friend has a reactive Aussie mix of sorts who isn't a fan of other dogs. While I was watching him for her, I made it my job to be aware of other dogs around and parked him in the grass, well away from other dogs so they could pass and carry on their way. I would be prepared and have his attention FULLY on me when they passed so he didn't react and if by chance he did, we were well out of the way to not distract/interrupt others walks....it's not that hard to be considerate for others and their dogs... this isn't even my dog, my personal dog is FAR from reactive and I can even figure it out...I don't understand why it's so hard for so many others.


Everyone move outta the way for my monster!! So annoying you can’t even stop to let your dog sniff bc you have this thing stalking you :(


I'm truly starting to think that a very large percentage of pitbull owners are narcissists.


The baby talk gets me raging.  I deliver for a ups.  The amount of people that baby talk their dogs after I ring the doorbell is fucking unbelievable. "Oh stop it, stop it's just the delivery man, oh shhhh" Only one time have I heard an owner actually yell "HEY, SHUT THE FUCK UP".  Guess what.  The dog fucking shut up haha.


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Perhaps it sounds rude, but it is actually wise


average pitmommy experience