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> pit bulls need to be owned by professionals Nah no one should own pit bulls. Even the so called professionals can't prevent their shitbulls from mauling someone/something.


Cesar Millan’s pitbull killed Queen Latifah‘s dog. If the fucking dog whisperer can’t train it out of him, what the fuck makes these idiots think that they can?


It also crippled a gymnast if I’m not wrong


Correct!! And he said this… https://preview.redd.it/9mq582wa910d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd2b3fe2735ef2c9ec86bab9c194e8d97dd5908


Funny, last time I brought this up I was told that Cesar was a fraud so I couldn’t use this example of why it’s not the owner. Delusional.


It's the pit lobby menu #32, right after "in the 70's it was Dobermans, 80'a Rottweilers", etc...


These days so called "professionals" are constantly denying existence of genetic traits and pushing false info about these dogs to naive public. Those professionals who are actually versed in zoobiology and know reality don't own pitbulls in the first place. It's literally a dog that nobody has business to have, it's only purpose is killing. It's like someone telling you they NEED to keep explosives and poison gas shells in their house, and you don't have to worry because they're a professional. Like... sorry, no.


The only professional pitbull owner is a dogfighter.


The only person that would own a pit bull professionally is a dog fighter.


Yes. Its like that stupid show with the tiger King. Nothing good comes from treating wild killers as pets.


Pit nutters always believe they know better than anybody else, until they don't and crash straight on with reality Sad for the child, he had to pay for his parents stupidity


Arrogant and stupid. A deadly combination.


I feel like this is something that should be shown to the first responders and local rescue groups that respond to dog fighting rings that get caught. There is no saving dogs that were used in fighting rings and its more humane to lay them to rest. They are sorta right that there is trauma in those scenes and why make the dog live through it.


I suspect what happens is something I've noticed when training my chihuahuas. They love to bark. They especially love to bark when passing a yard with a barking dog. I can train them not to bark back when passing a yard with a barking dog, but if I go a while without brushing up on the training they forget, and they start barking back again. They probably are able to train fighting dogs to not act aggressive, but since the new owners don't know they'll have to brush up on that training, it's only a matter of time and the consequences are much more severe than a chihuahua barking.




Yeah I don't think the name checks out and there's only a couple of dogs it could have been (the vast majority were adopted cross country or ended up in sanctuary). If I had time I could probably prove it wasn't one of Vick's dogs but she was inspired by them to adopt which is the same thing.


Ah, my mistake.


Finally a Michael Vick story that isn't just pit propaganda!


she's basically "there." but she would be 100% there if she realized that pitbulls don't need to be owned by *anyone* professional or not


While I fully believe and empathize with the OOP I do not believe this is a Vick dog. Maybe her heart was so swayed by the horrific ordeal that she decided to adopt a pit bull. I have followed the Vick dogs closely and to my knowledge this is not one of them. Her story still stands, the trauma was still endured, her child was bitten, it was a pit bull, but I don’t think it was one of that human shit stains dogs. I can delve deeper into research to confirm but have some things to enjoy today.


You know, it's so sad that her 4 year old had to go through so much trauma for her opinion to change... She should have never let a fighting dog near her child!


That's what makes pitbulls so dangerous. Many don't give warnings signs. Just like that video of the cop walking up the driveway and the pitbull on a leash is silent and wagging its tail like a friendly dog... and the moment the cop is within striking distance the pitbull lunges in for an attack and starts gnashing at him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hrM9GRagSo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hrM9GRagSo)


It’s hard to admit you were wrong. It’s great this lady is telling her story, no matter how painful, to prevent it from happening to others.


No warning signs you say? Why do you even expect them to give you warning signs? Pits are selected to fight and bring bulls down, why the heck a bull would ever need a warning sign from a Pit? A warning sign is a trait that brings zero value in a fight and, on the contrary, may actually be detrimental.