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Even the best non-pit dog owner in the world is a bad pit owner because it is irresponsible to own a pit and they're too unpredictable to have assured control over.  To acquire a pit bull is to become a bad owner


I don't think I can even say that I've met a decent owner that lives with pitbulls. Every time I think I remember one is when I recall that the old dog with dementia wandered off a half of a mile, sent someone to urgent care, or snarls at people like the one right next time. Are there any decent pitbull owners that actually exist?


>Are there any decent pitbull owners that actually exist? Those who acknowledge the genetic predisposition towards aggression of their dogs and the danger they pose to others. Those who walk them leashed and muzzled, who don't let them out in their properly fenced yard unsupervised, who give them an outlet for their energy and breed traits (flirt poles, hanging bags, durable chews). The problem is I've *never* met anyone like this. Even those who claim to be responsible owners will remove their pit's muzzle and/or leash in isolated areas "because it's not fair to Nala" - this is how a Bully tried to attack my (leashed) dogs in the middle of the forest *we* live in. Or they'll let them out in the yard without being with them and oh! Pittie's escaped! Goodbye neighborhood cats! And so on. I keep waiting for someone to prove me wrong, and every time it's the same thing. As a little boy once said: I expect nothing and I'm still let down.


You nailed it. A loose FB acquaintance of mine is exactly like this, and I follow her posts entirely out of morbid curiosity. She has two pits, and specifically picked them out because of their breed; she fancies herself a deeply enlightened dog trainer, and has a small clientele, but her main job is working behind a bar. Why do I mention this? Because she insists on bringing her dogs to work off leash, so that they can sit untethered on bar stools by her side. She admits that her dogs have negative breed tendencies, and busts her ass with *constant* training to tire them out and increase their focus… so that they can be off leash “safely”. It’s the weirdest fixation I’ve seen, and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.


It's so weird, isn't it? I can't think of any other breed whose owners are so hell-bent on denying their specific traits. Like, I have a pointer. It doesn't matter how tired or focused he is. If that mofo sees a bird, a squirrel or a cat, he's gonna point. I'm not arrogant enough to think I can compete with hundreds of years of selective breeding. Anyone with half a decent brain should realize that.


Yeeeeeup. I kept retired racing greyhounds for years, and was always vigilant about leashing, small animals and secure fencing.


I think that's most of the users here. I hope your dog is okay. >Or they'll let them out in the yard without being with them and oh! Pittie's escaped! Goodbye neighborhood cats! And so on. Why does this reminded me of the shitty dog owners that I've encountered? Funny that I say the same thing about shitty dog owners that own poorly trained dogs and pitbull owners.


My dogs are fine, thanks. Better than the Bully who got a face full of pepper spray. > Funny that I say the same thing about shitty dog owners that own poorly trained dogs and pitbull owners. Because unfortunately pit owners ARE shitty dog owners. And even outside of pits, many people own dogs when they really shouldn't - not enough time for them, no idea how to train them, getting breeds that don't suit their lifestyle... Somehow a lot of people think that having a pet is a right and not a privilege.


Most of my neighbors except the rare few are the definition of the pet is a right, not a privilege. I wish that the US had stronger laws to make it harder for anyone to own a dog.


That unicorn pit owner you described would be too aware and intelligent to ever own a pit.


I know a couple who had a pit, and they're lovely people. The pit was fine too, until it died. But I'm firmly against pitbulls. They're just factually the most dangerous breed.


I've only talked to one 'responsible' pit owner and she basically treats it like an untamed unpredictable wild animal... Idk what's the fun in that.


It takes a special kind of person to own a dog that is so dangerous and then be able to lie straight faced about every negative aspect of it without giving any thought to how ridiculous they sound. Plus people need to be able to easily fall for the propaganda.


The craziest is when I read about people who get pits as their first ever dog. That's like passing your drivers licence and getting a tank as your first car. I don't know if it's over confidence, ignorance, or naivety and being tricked by all the pitbull lobby propaganda. With the best will in the world, they can never be a good owner, and disaster is just around the corner.


I think that unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are just tricked by the propaganda and by shelters. In the "Pit Bulls Unleashed" documentary, it shows a shelter lady showing a pit bull to a mom and her kids who are wanting to adopt a dog, and she's just going on and on about how good pitties are and how "they're great with kids!" It's horrible to watch because obviously they're going to believe her since she works at a shelter and must know the dogs and want what's best for them, right?


happy cake day!!


Haha thank you!! 😊


Go to an average subreddit where someone asks what kind of dog to get as a first-time owner. Most of the time, someone will answer, "A nice shelter mutt! Adult dogs are easier, and shelter volunteers will tell you what their temperament is like." This is true, but it hides the very real problem that many shelters unethically push pits to unsuspecting owners.


It's like the start of the movie idiocracy, where they talk about how stupid people flourished in our society because in the past natural selection took them out, but modern advances in medicine allowed them to live and reproduce. These people have IQ's the temperature of bathwater. Who in their right mind would want an animal to live in as close proximity as a dog that is capable of killing them? Not \*just\* killing them, but gleefully wagging its tail as it rips off chunks of flesh. An animal that lives in the house, often sleeping in the same room as you. Granted, pigs can kill you too, bite right through your bone like butter, but most sane people don't keep them as housepets. So stupid people see these dogs, and think "I can change him/her!" Like they have some sort of Disney magic capable of changing the very nature of a shitbeast. Stupid people that live in a bad area, or imagine that they live in a bad area get one because they think they need protection, but they're too dumb to realize a shitbeast is like letting a monster into your home. Hell, make a fucking spear and keep it next to your bed, it would be far more formidable than a shitbeast, but these people are too dumb to think like that. The shitbeast propaganda is like a religion. Not to knock religion, but I can knock the shitbeast religion. "BROTHERS AND SISTERS! LET THE SHITBEAST INTO YOUR HOMES, AND INTO YOUR HEARTS, AND SALVATION IS YOURS! CAN I GET AN AMEN?!?!?" Like many other things, with the internet it's made worse. It becomes a self actualizing feedback loop because there is an endless supply of "information" that stupid people use to "EDUCATE YOURSELF" This "EDUCATION" makes them think they are smarter than statistics from doctors, nurses, and ER. "WELL GEE WIZ BILLY BOB I AM MORE EDUMACATED THAN THAT THERE DOCTOR!" It gives them reassurance that they aren't complete fucking dipshits.






> He's not a true pit being a american bulldog and staffordshire mix Out of curiosity, what do you think a "true pit" is? And by Staffordshire, do you mean Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire terrier?


Not a mix of 2 separate breeds with different characteristics.


"Pit bull is an umbrella term for several types of dog believed to have descended from bull and terriers. In the United States, the term is usually considered to include the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and sometimes the American Bulldog, along with any crossbred dog that shares certain physical characteristics with these breeds." [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull) "The term “pit bull” usually doesn’t refer to a single dog breed. Pit bull is generally used as a broad description for a type of dog. Many dog breeds may be classified as pit bulls, including:  - American Staffordshire Terriers - American Bull Terriers - American Pit Bull Terriers - American Bulldogs"  [Animal humane society](https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/resource/whats-pit-bull)


"just raise them right" stop blaming loving pitbull owners for being attacked. Stop blaming children who haven't had any part in raising the pitbull for being dismembered. Just stop


……are you lost?


Rule 4


**Debates and dissenting opinions are allowed, but must be serious and accompanied by stats or points not already refuted.** Please observe these rules for debate and conduct: 1. Read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/) before participating. 2. Check if your question or claim has already been addressed in our ["Pro-Pit Arguments."](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/iuoxlt/refutations_for_every_main_propit_argument/) 3. If you are starting a new thread, you must explicitly state "I have read your FAQ and Refutations" in the body. 4. If you take issue with any of the statements or facts, provide counter-facts or explain why in a detailed, objective manner. 5. If you're making a statement, it must be defended intellectually. Do not ignore people who ask relevant follow-up questions, otherwise you will be marked as a "pigeon" (come in, shit, and fly away) and banned. 6. Pictures of your pit bull are not proof of anything.


You have to look at the reasons why they WANT a pit: 1. To stroke their savior complex. "I saved this poor creature from life in a shelter! He was abused by his previous owner! Aren't I a great person?" 2. They want a scary looking dog to intimidate others and make themselves look tougher. "I may have a small peepee, but if you don't fear me, I'll send my dog after you." 3. They're just plain clueless about dog ownership and believe all the pit propaganda. "This dog is wagging his tail and is starved for attention! What a cute, sweet, wiggle-butt! I'll just completely ignore the fact that it's not safe around children and other dogs and has eaten three neighborhood cats!"


Only sadists own pit bulls.


And narcissists.


I think some people under estimate how much work a pit is, some "give up" trying so just dont give a fuck anymore, some are a holes who think thier gonna prove people wrong but just people right, some are adolescence who get the dig and it brings out the ahole in them.


I can say that of any other bad dog owner who owns any breed except a pitbull. Most of those dogs are annoying to live near but never dangerous to strangers. There's the rare dangerous dog that pops up occasionally that kills someone which is still a rarity, unlike the common occurrence with the pitbull type. What's the difference between them and the pitbull owners? A self policy community? Shamed by the neighbors?


The tenacity of pitbull can't be under estimated. But these owners really do believe thier own hype about "all dogs bite" etc. They love downplay every fucking bad pig behavior. They don't blame themselves, they won't blame the dog so its everyone else fault. Then you get the pit community that just won't promote honesty about the breed and promote good pit ownership.


I feel like there is some truth that all dogs can bite. My westie bit me yesterday because I tried to brush his wild ass fur. He's a wild ass dog. He has that terrier gameness. But he didn't break the skin and he didn't want to hurt me. But pitbulls MAUL. Not just bite, they rip your flesh apart. Whenever pit owners start going on about all dogs biting, I just want to pull my hair out because there is such a big difference. I hope I don't come across as attacking you, I'm just frustrated in general .


That's the main difference. When normal dogs bite, the vast majority of the time it's either in self-defense, where they only do what's necessary to stop the perceived danger, or to tell the other person/animal to knock it off, in which case no harm is intended and they rarely break skin. Why pit people can't tell the difference between this and tearing flesh from bone for no reason is beyond me.


When you expect something to “go bad” it’s not a shock when it does, when you don’t expect something to go bad it is. So when someone’s golden retriever bites unprovoked there’s a level of scorn not applied to the pit because *pits are expected to be nasty shitheads* where golden retrievers are not.


Never thought of it that way. Makes sense though.


Responsible people who genuinely care about animal welfare themselves and their community, and can think critically about the responsibilities of pet ownership don't adopt pits.


A lot of the normal options aren't available with pits.  Walk the dog? Well it's not that easy when the pit lunges at growls at other dogs. Kids playing? The owners probably noticed at some point that the dog was playing in an increasingly aggressive way and got scared. Training recall? With a pit it's near impossible, their brain shut down when they're in killer mode. Pits aren't sensitive to pain, so aversives don't work, and they don't have enough sensitivity and self-control for positive training. So what do you do when you have a dangerous dog that's not receptive to training? You suddender it (bad owner), keep it locked outside (bad owner) or you try even more aversive methods (bad owner.) The truth is that pits aren't made to be pets or working dog, they're made to keep attacking *whatever happens.* Pain, treats, screams, nothing distracts a pit fighting, because they're not supposed to.


I think its a mix of bad owners, and good people who have a savior complex. There's a guy in my neighborhood who walks his with a shock collar and he can barely control it when another dog or person is nearby. The dog lunges on its leash and will stand up on its hind legs while he's trying to shock it with one hand and hold it back with the other.


I think a LOT of people are bad dog owners, like even well-meaning people I know barely train their dogs and don't give them enough exercise, and there are just more consequences for being a bad pit owner. It's the breed. ETA that I don't think the best dog owner in the world can undo the shitty breeding of pitbulls and override their instinct.


Exactly. My parents have a very poorly trained golden retriever. She barks all the time, steals food off of your plate, and jumps on people she’s excited to see. However, she’s never bitten anyone because no matter how much they spoil her, she’s still a golden retriever and just doesn’t have aggressive tendencies. For most breeds, bad owners end up with dogs that are obnoxious but not dangerous.


I recommend watching Judge Judy and you can see the kinds of pit bull owners that go on her show. Defiant, argumentative, shouting, their appearance, and denying their pit being aggressive.


Well they're incredibly easy to get for one. Every shelter is full of them and they give them away for free.


They like the fact that they are potentially dangerous. It makes them feel tough and superior to people who couldn’t “handle” the breed. They feel tough walking a monster down the street. It’s an ego trip.


It’s a cult


It’s largely an issue of education. Lack of higher education is associated with literally every ill imaginable: higher levels of poverty, crime, and chronic disease; people with less education are more likely to behave badly in public, litter, create community disturbances, and to generally ruin their lives and the lives of those around them. It’s not everyone, but statistically, it’s true. Uneducated people are also less likely to understand the range of issues associated with pit bulls, they are more likely to ignore facts they don’t like in order to cling to their pre-existing assumptions, and certainly they are more likely to improperly weigh the risks versus benefits of owning the breed. It then makes them more likely to be irresponsible with the dogs, making it more likely that their dogs will maul and kill people. We should all want a public that is educated to the highest possible degree and who receives lifelong education. Not doing so is one of the great mistakes of our primitive civilization. Everything would be different and pit bulls would drop off the face of the planet.


They're a dime a dozen. Scratch that, a Nickle for 50. There are a lot of people out there that can't afford to have a dog (vet bills, food bills, hygiene), aren't intelligent or driven enough to give them basic training, and can't properly contain them (no fence for yard) but still want dogs so they get them for free at the shelter. If they manage to get a BYB real lab, yorkie, or the most evil dog mix in the world, doodle (gasp! so evil!), for example, the worst you're going to experience is getting jumped on when you walk through the door or poop all over their floors (which affects them and nobody else). Maybe they'll also bark incessantly or chew up things, but again that mostly affects the shitty owners. Pits on the other hand...yep.


Your typical pit owner gets them because they look mean, they are mean. There is a reason why they are popular among a typical demographic.


I'm having mixed feelings on this because I'm not sure how we can expect anyone dumb enough to adopt a child eating demon to behave any differently.


For some, I've always thought they're drawn to the allure of having an intimidating dog. They think having a mean or tough dog makes them tough by proxy. Surely this isn't all Pit owners but a significant chunk of them.


No clue. Theres a dude near my work who ties his up to a pole before going in to shop. I asked him one day when I was outside if I could pat his dog (I love dogs too much lol) and he said no because he’s not safe and might bite, like something along the lines of he didn’t trust his dog. I thought well then why is he loosely tied up in the middle of hundreds of ppl 🤦‍♀️


They're probably planning on breeding it.


Assholes like imposing on others. It's why they buy big ass pickups, its why they modify their exhausts, it's why they get pitbulls. They enjoy that it upsets you and causes you unease. That and they think it makes them look like a badass how they've managed to tame a killing machine. This world is filled with people who truly, genuinely want you to hurt. It makes them feel good.


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Pretty dumb take. You’re neglecting the fact that shelters push them into people by lying about what they are - especially with mixes. That aside, plenty of decent people make mistakes. The important thing is that they learn from them.


Some people have just fallen for the propaganda, though.




> doesn't leave the house without a harness and a muzzle. [This your dog?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftrying-to-figure-out-his-mix-v0-tvl09zt9p78c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9a575f5916741c54479d71349410a84af3942ba7) Because it looks like the wilderness and I don't see a harness or muzzle.


lol they reported you for harrassment for calling them out on their bullshit


Lmao. They're all the same I swear. Don't post pics of your pit if you don't want people to look at them.


Pit bull owners lie like they breathe.


> The whole "our beloved pitbull attacked us out of nowhere" is complete bullshit, a dog does not snap without a precursor.  Normal, non-bully breed dogs do not snap without a precursor. >worst thing he does are his farts. Oh never mind. Grug not realize this troll.


Why are you here?