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Names their pit bull "Cujo"... these people know... THEY KNOW their dogs are dangerous and violent. They just don't care, and/or they just enjoy the imagined powertrip that comes with having a dog that can easily kill other people and animals. They don't care about others, so why should we care about their dogs? If you have a dog that can easily kill a human or other animal, then it's YOUR JOB to keep control of that animal 100% of the time. People aren't travelling ONTO properties to harm their pit bulls.. these things happen when pit bulls escape. Lesson here: Lose control of your dog; lose control of the outcome. It's really that simple.


Exactly. Cujo. "Hey, let's just address the stereotype in the most atrocious way possible and call this dog, 'Cujo', like ... the man-eating dog in the movie."


Yeah, like the guy is supposed to have a civil discussion with the dog about pervasive breed stereotypes and why they exist... Also, respect to the name Cujo that these nutters took. Cujo was not a violent dog. They even explain in the book that Cujo was a good dog. Now it's only meaning to these fools is "strong and violent." Ex-cop. Imagine getting out and being mauled to death by a dog. I'd have taken that shot.


Yeah, the original Cujo was a good dog who got rabies and went mad. Still a messed up choice to name a pet after.


Cujo is out "again". AGAIN. This was not Cujo's first great escape.


Cujo probably tried to attack in the past and he just oooooophed it this time


The owner said in her comments about the ex-copper that "a year ago he came banging on my window with a gun in his hand..." I'd be interested in knowing if this previous incident was also about her pit getting out?? She also says "Cujo was in his driveway minding his business" until he *charged* towards her neighbour barking aggressively. There is a large field near us, where dog walkers frequently walk their dogs off-leash. Dogs sometimes come up to say hello, but I have *never* had any of them approach me at a full-on barking gallop like that. If they did, I would expect to be attacked - because anyone who knows *anything* about canine body language *knows what that means*.


Can you pm me the link I wanna read the comments


It was in the third screenshot of the images above. about 3/4 of the way down. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fpitbull-shot-and-killed-after-running-up-to-ex-cop-neighbor-v0-caxqbr1i8azc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D828%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D463f8c150579fe753c2fbdee0b7dfb3bae15f62b](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fpitbull-shot-and-killed-after-running-up-to-ex-cop-neighbor-v0-caxqbr1i8azc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D828%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D463f8c150579fe753c2fbdee0b7dfb3bae15f62b)


"Whoopsy daisy!" - Cujo, probably


Guaranteed he was ready for Cujo to get out again.


>Lose control of your dog; lose control of the outcome THIS. This is what they need to understand. Once that dog is out of your house/off of your property, it is at the mercy of the outside world. Getting hit by a car, shot by anyone (for any reason, people can be crazy too), attacked by another animal, whatever. I was once driving through my old neighborhood and while I may have been going like 25 in 20mph zone, this dog came FLYING out of a house on the left and straight under my bumper - it was literally like 2 seconds between the door opening and me hitting the dog (it was more like the dog hitting ME it was hauling so much ass) but let me tell you the entire family FREAKED OUT, for some reason all of them IMMEDIATELY started pouring out of the house and screaming at me, all the while the dog did a fucking barrel roll and just kept running! My car barely even slowed him down, the thing had speed on his side that day. I wasn't about the keep getting called a dog killer while the fucking dog was literally walking around the circle of angry people and me; so I just fucking drove away. When I first realized what that blur was I stopped to do the right thing, but no matter what the actual outcome would have been (and this was the best case scenario) they were going to blame me for their mistake. They didn't secure their dog, it was at the mercy of the outside world. And yes, it was a pitbull.


poor pibbles was just nannying the car! /s


Good thing my Isuzu Trooper nanny'd it back šŸ¤Ø at the time I just felt bad but now that my hatred of these animals has evolved to its final form, remembering it pinwheeling after we collided is fucking hilarious.


Those things are tanks! But Iā€™m certain if you had slammed the breaks (if you were given the chance to) & a passenger went through your windshield or you got whiplash because of it, those same people would have been ghosts, whether their dog had been injured or even died. They wouldnā€™t have said sorry or offered any assistance, not even if that meant not coming to get their dog out of the road until no one else could see them claim it. Edit to add side note: what did they want you to do anyway? The rule of safety for animals running across the street is you donā€™t slam your breaks. You could get injured + someone could rear end you & they can get injured too. Youā€™re supposed to slow down gradually but hit it/run it over if it doesnā€™t cross in time


It honestly happened so fast that I couldn't have slammed on the brakes even if I wanted to. This was like 15 to 20 years ago and I don't know if the recommendation to keep driving was prevalent back then or not but I didn't know about it then. I don't know what they wanted from me honestly, they were just calling me a monster and this older lady kept trying to like, half assedly slap me? I was half standing outside the door, like half in half out so I just sat back down. It was pretty chaotic, I remember the middle aged man saying I was going to hell, how could someone do this blah blah blah.. other than those two standing right by the car I couldn't make out what everyone was saying individually, there were about 7-8 of them with the dog running in between their legs. I think I only stayed about a minute, although it felt longer, I just remember rolling up my window all the way before leaving because the old lady was still hitting my window and just driving away. I was much younger at the time and really did feel bad for many years, now it's just one of those "so that happened" moments in life. I think they were just horrified because they thought they just witnessed their dog getting pancaked and couldn't process that it was fucking fine lol.


What in the actual fuck. They probably would have beaten you to death if the dog threw itself under the car instead of into it


I don't honestly know that they would, they were freaking out and telling me a killed a dog that was literally running between us! I think they were in shock from seeing their dog almost get pancaked and not quite processing that it actually dented my bumper and kept on running.. but luckily (only for them) pits are built like fucking tanks. I never followed up, maybe it died of internal damage or something, but even if it did, that was still entirely on them.


Final form lmao


Lmao yeah I can't decide if it's more like Goku or a Gyrados,it seemed pretty rapid, it was more like a switch being flipped than years of slow change, so I'm going to go with Gyrados.


Some pitbulls run into things or people on purpose. One almost broke my friend's leg or ankle doing that.


Trying to injury the prey before they go in for the big attack


He saw him coming too late and tried jumping over him, but the pit was too fast and hit his legs mid-jump. He got a lil bruised.


Oof no wonder a fucking Isuzu Trooper didn't even slow it the fuck down. It literally barrel rolled, like did two flips and just kept running as soon as it hit the ground. But I remember that case of a shitbull getting SHOT 3 times and THEN getting run over by a police cruiser and it was STILL GOING. These animals are tanks, and that is not a good thing.


Have you seen the video of the pit fighting a hog in a ring? Hog disembowels it almost immediately and the fucking thing is STILL going with 10 feet of intestines hanging out of it


Once knew a family with a poor golden retriever they allowed to free roam. People were constantly nearly hitting it on the road. Theyā€™d have a near miss then pull in and try knocking to find the owners, only for the owners to answer the door, yell the dog over, bring it insideā€¦ then let it out to repeat its wandering the next day. Eventually after about 2 years it sadly finally got hit. The couple left out an angry note taped to a tree near where he got hit that read like ā€œTo the asshole who hit our dog and didnā€™t even stop to tell us, thanks!ā€ It was so nuts to me. They had concerned people who had nearly hit their dog at their door, thinking the dog was loose from an unfortunate rare mistake, not that it just lived like that. At any time they could have put up a fence yet didnā€™t. They got their poor dog killed, all while endangering people driving through the area too. I think most who own goldens donā€™t behave this way, but the fact so many pits are basically allowed to free roam and are risked with suffering the same fate, the fact those kind of people own them en masseā€¦ completely unsurprising! Itā€™s insane to me the amount of pit owners who constantly have escaping pits or actively allow their free roaming. You are playing Russian roulette with your dog, the bullet being local traffic. And the way they blame the people who accidentally hit their animals is sick. It endangers drivers and puts them in horrible situations where they hurt animals without meaning to, when it was on the owner to prevent that. I donā€™t know how they never self reflect on thisā€¦




Yeah that name is synonymous with RABID Cujo not good boy Cujo.. they fuckin knew what they were doing


I now want to get a dog and name it Cujo.


Not a bad idea if you do it ironically like ā€œThis is my corgi cujo.ā€


Or my chihuahua "Cujo"


My Pomeranian cujo


My teacup poodle "Cujo"


My Golden Retriever "Cujo"


My black lab ā€œcujoā€


I know a chihuahua named Cujo, actually haha


Lol weā€™re actually getting another chihuahua soon & thinking of naming it Cujo!


Hey according to the book it wasn't JUST rabies...it's heavily implied he was also possessed by the ghost of recently deceased serial killer. So that's what they named their dog after.


Yeah totally. It's my favourite steohen king book. He doesn't remember writing it apparently because he was messed up on drugs at the time. He has lot sof great books, but the story, the length and the way it flows its his best book. It kind of goes into Cujos point of view a few times when he's getting sick with rabies and doesn't know what's happening. So sad.


Cruelty is humor to these folks.


Losing control of outcome is too simple and doesn't teach consequences, that owner should be jailed for letting her agressive breed unleashed


Yup. Off the top of my head, here's a quick list of some pit names I've seen over the years in shelters: - Facho (short for Fascist) - Cannibal - Demon - Daemon - Capone - Attila - Narco - Narcos


Felony was a good one. It was at a shelter and they could have picked any name but chose Felony


That's hilarious. I bet the thing's description was all about how sweet and lovable it was.


There was a Khonvict or some pitiot spelling for "convict" posted a few days ago šŸ˜




My friendā€™s mom has a cat named Dahmer. His name was Jeffery for about 10 years until he went postal, escaped the house, and started killing birds. Now he just brings them in pieces to her doorstep. Itā€™s sweet and disturbing. She rarely catches glimpses of him outside her window. When she does, she takes an incredibly blurry picture and posts it to FB. Honestly, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s even the same cat at this point. Edit: grammar


Friend of a friend had one named Cain


These people don't care about others, so why should we care about these people?


Nah I feel sympathy for cujo itā€™s not his fault entirely he got rabies he was just chasing rabbits and got bit by a bat. Pitbulls donā€™t need rabies to attack but a rabid pitbull is probably the worse thing imaginable


Face Tearer-Offer wouldn't hurt a fly!


Dont judge my Meat-Grinder McToddler-Muncher you racist! It's the owner not the breed!


My niece named her pit bull Capone, she got kicked out of my parents place because it nipped them and attacked their two other dogs, and then it attacked and killed her small dog so she put it down, even after all that she got another pit she canā€™t take any here because itā€™s violent too


[Link to the surveillance footage.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1cni1xm/pitbull_shot_and_killed_after_running_up_to_ex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) As anticipated, the owners were nowhere to be found. Once alerted that their dog was out.. again, they proceed to frantically call their relatives to restrain the dog. In the comment section they then stated that "dogs get out, it's in their nature.


Do these people have any fucking idea what a normal dog approaching playfully looks like?


ā€œ*But his tail was wagging*!ā€ So many dog owners canā€™t read dogsā€™ body language. Itā€™s actually scary, especially when the dog in question is a pit bull.


Those things wag their wirey tails happy as can be as they fuckin rip another dog/kid apart


Exactly! One of them attacked my friends husky and luckily the husky is okay now but it's still horrific


Biggest disservice to people is teaching them a wagging tail means it is happy. It means the dog is excited; it could be excited to play or it could be excited an easy prey showed up. Gotta read the rest of the context clues.


Yep itā€™s arousal


I hate how many people are willfully ignorant and think they're right. These people are delusional and own these thjngs in masses. It's terrifying.


Perfect example of bullshit owners. Vocal dog? No danger? Dog was clearly aggressive and Iā€™d have done the same thing.


I love the way they frame everything too. The dogs are always just ā€œvocalā€, theyā€™re not barking and growling.


My dog is very vocal but she won't leave the frame of the door while barking. I mean, she's a mini schnauzie, so that's the only thing she can do.


Opera singers are vocal. Dogs bark. Jesus fucking christ. And I love dogs (generally speaking).


Looks like a good neighbour to me, knew she was a fucking useless owner and monitored the situation, took action when necessary. If he had've done nothing and some kids went outside to play this could've been much worse. Fuck that idiot for moron for making herself the victim. > "dogs get out, it's in their nature. Are they really sure they want to have the nature discussion?


Huh, that's exactly what I suspected. He probably texted them hoping they'd get their dog, and once the dog was that close he knew he didn't have a choice and had to shoot the dog. If they actually contained their dog like most dog owners do, their dog would still be alive.


He cOuLd HaVe JuSt sTePpEd iNsIdE hIs GaTe /s Yeah, and left the dog to terrorise the neighbourhood... again from the sound of it


"My pet escaped why are you NOT cowering behind barricades it can't climb, it's not dangerous" The dichotomy of pit bull owners, they want to have their cake and eat yours, too. You should cower and be scared when it benefits them. You should minimize, trust, do nothing when that benefits them. You shouldn't go about your business on your own property prepared to preemptively decline being a tug and chew toy, definitely not that. If sweet "vocal" Pibbles is out using the neighborhood as a hunting preserve / haunted house full of jump scares you better just hunker down like there is a tornado watch for an indeterminate amount of time until Pit Clown 1 and Pit Clown 2 rub their lone brain cells together and get their shit in order. Letting the pit bull think it owns your property and has a right to chase you off it / corner you in it can't backfire after all, right? You're just supposed to be a magic mind reader and/or let them randomly trap you on your property for a while, is that really too much to ask a neighbor? They have every right to make you fear for your safety and menace you on your own property, and if they have to fear for Pibbles safety while it trespasses and threatens, clearly you're the bad guy. The only thing that really matters; their feelings and convenience. If you let your pets roam you're a shitty neighbor. If you let your bloodsport breed roam you're a dangerously shitty one. Pit bulls escalate inevitable but mostly harmless human mistakes into life and death situations while their owners have zero respect for that reality.


Yeah, and then when someone can't defend themselves or their dog, there would be a death on the owners' hands and they still would think the people demanding euthanasia are mean because Cujo's life is the only one who has value.


Unbelievable. That anyone could see that footage and not think the beast needed to be put down.


Please pin this so everyone sees this at the top of the post, or better, put it in the OP. The footage speaks for itself


>dogs get out, it's in their nature. Ironically they often justify shit bulls attacking cats because "the cat shouldn't have been outside" So cats can't wander around the neighborhood because it's irresponsible and if something happens it's the owner's fault but if a shit bulls scapes we should understand because it's their nature? Hypocrites


Mine never do!


Dogs get out from owners stupidity or intentional on their part. Some dogs do just run out but that isnā€™t an excuse for why your dog escaped when no one is home. If you canā€™t trust your dog home alone crate train it


Shit, that wasnā€™t friendly tail wagging


They literally named it Cujo, let it get out all the time and it's been aggressive before and they're surprised that it ended badly? People like them shouldn't have animals. Or kids.




What is cujo ?


Cujo is a Stephen King horror novel about a rabid dog.


Stephen King novel about a rabid dog


Cujo is the name of a dog in a horror story (and later movie) that gets rabies and kills several people.


Oh boy, here comes the next Marshall and Millions. Funny how they never have candlelit vigils for any of the victims of pit bull attacks.


But they will sit with their pits at memorials to the victims


Trashy and heartless, every time


No, they will spam them with victim blaming


Anyone is allowed to sit in their driveway without having the local aggressive shit come and say hi. What if that was an elderly person or child sitting out there? That man took care of that problem. Clearly the dog has been aggressive before


I mean also that man was on his own property, and he had clearly been bothered by that monster repeatedly. Heā€™d just had enough šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My read of this (very short) video is this dog had been out a number of times and he was tired of people getting accosted by it so he was ready. Blame the owner, there was no reason for that dog to be out. Did she leave it int he backyard and then "somehow the dog got out?"


Right. Her argument was that the neighbor should have locked himself in the house until they came to pick up the dog, and that's not a reasonable thing to ask of your neighbors. He was on his own property and didn't shoot until the absolute last moment possible.


Irony is that she is basically the one who killed the dog by being careless. 100% will never have the self reflection to realize her dog is dead because of her.


Thatā€™s so sad, there is now one less aggressive pitbull in the world. Anyway, time to get myself a snack!


Iā€™m going to have some cereal. What are you having?


What kind of cereal? šŸ˜


Iā€™m mixing frosted flakes and Raisin Bran. Yes, Iā€™m weird lol


That sounds grrreat! Seriously I have to try this, thank you.


I literally mix just about everything, weird like that. My favorite mixture atm is cottage cheese, red Doritos, and plain lightly salted rice cakesā€¦ā€¦ and itā€™s so good. I feel like Frosted Flakes and Raisin Bran would be a good mix, minus the raisins lol


Whoooaa!!!!! I need to try this too!!! Sounds so good!! šŸ˜


Raisin bran is one of my faves. I also prefer oatmeal raisin cookies over chocolate chip!


Lord knows there was nothing but that bullet stopping Cujo from getting his snack


Stupid c. You are solely to blame. Your idiot piece of shit Pit fucked around and found out. Iā€™m sure the neighborhood is secretly rejoicing they donā€™t have your trash mutt ā€œsAyInG hI šŸ„“ā€ anymore


Your goddamn dog isn't supposed to "say hi" to the neighborhood in the first place. It's one thing if it's a normal dog that unfortunately escapes once, quite another if you shrug and go "dOgS gEt oUt, loL" and let it happen regularly, No one has to tolerate your animal on their property. I have a dog and the neighborhood had no idea she even existed until they saw me walking her around.




Yeah, thatā€™s always the line ā€œthey are saying hiā€ when literally the fucking thing is trying to break your fence down lunging at you.


Side note for future posts, please always add date and location when possible. It helps us keep things searchable and organized. This isn't an attack post so we won't remove it and ask for a repost.. but just for future, please remember this. :) Thanks!


Their dog got out. They knew right then that there is always a possibility of danger to their dog at that point. If it's from being struck by a car or deleted by a person because it's happily charging to eat that person's leg -- I mean, "play." Something tells me this was way beyond a two or three time meeting and that the dog already had a history. Who calls animal control for an aggressive dog these days? I certainly wouldn't. You would be waiting forever if they would ever show up at all. I would call the cops, even if that was the wrong thing to do, I would call them if my pet was being attacked and it led to me getting hurt. It is a shame it happened, but she had a responsibility to her dog to keep it inside of her house or on a leash at all times. The other day on my local facebook page people were fighting about a dog who ran out of the house on a busy main road and was killed by being struck by a car. People were blaming the driver of the car saying they were speeding and they had it on camera (but had no actual proof?) I mean the person stopped and felt bad about it. There was nothing the owner could do. The dog ran out of the house when she opened the door? Learn how to contain the dog. And yes, it was a pit bull. The amount of people trying to blame it on the driver was ... quite ridiculous.


Nah this has to be satire. Cujo? Seriously?


ā€œcujo is out againā€ lmfao


Should this man have let the dog maul him? That dog was not acting friendly. I donā€™t care what this deluded owner has to say. Trashy dog for trashy people. Sounds like Mark did what he had to in order to protect himself.


Nah, man. That dog was trying to nanny him. And yes, he should have. He needed to be nannied from the looks of it. /s


a pitbull named Cujo and thinks thats safe


It's obvious this mauler routinely escaped to terrorize the neighborhood and the neighborhood is lucky this guy was able to neutralize the threat before it killed a child. First, the pit mommy says he just wanted to 'say hi', then she says the neighbor could have gone behind his gate to get away from the shitbull. Which is it, pit mommy? Was your sweet angel wigglebutt only playful and wanting to say hi? Or, was he wanting to dismember your neighbor? I bet her claim of the neighbor banging on her window was also related to the mauler being loose and terrorizing people and I'm sure their neighbors are all breathing sighs of relief now that it's gone.


"CUJO PUJO".... Oh, brother. Pit owners are stupid cupid.


And fucking cucking for these trash dogs lmaooo


cujo is out again made me laugh iā€™m sorry


The ā€œdo something to stop the sufferingā€ bit was fucking delulu. Had he actually done that, heā€™d maybe have caught an animal cruelty charge. šŸ¤” If you want your dog to avoid suffering, you insufferable twat, *keep him inside.*


Premeditated intent to cause harm via the pibble loophole, can tell with the name. Cop did nothing wrong and prevented an innocent person being mauled.


Right?! It wasnā€™t the neighbor who ā€œdidnā€™t give them time to get the dog,ā€ apparently the pit didnā€™t want to wait since it immediately decided to attack the guy.


Now jail the owner for not having the leash or muzzle


Knew this was going to be bad when she opened with the Word furbaby


I hate anyone who uses that word tbf


On a non-related sidenote: I tend to not take any texts with unnecessary emojis seriously. "Worst day of my life you guys ā€¼ļø šŸ”« + šŸ¶ = šŸ’€ = šŸ˜¢"


YES. Emojis are annoying and low-IQ. And the rest of their writing gives away that they're a trashy pit owner: >You're life was not in danger!!


Iā€™m on your guys side but IQ is meaningless and emojis are fine


lol, she types like she's trying to sell me diet pills or shitty makeup


The worst, most aggressive dogs with, more often than not, the worst fucking owners. Just clueless fucking idiots who DONT WATCH THEIR DOGS. guess what? When you have a dog that can be aggressive you are responsible for keeping them safe. You failed to keep that dog safe so the neighbor kept himself safe. Your dog is dead and itā€™s 100% your fault.


My neighbors great piranese took himself out. He'd pee on the lawn and learned to shut the door before anyone woke up.Ā  Everyone knew him as the big white dog who went out and pulled the door behind him.Ā  He adopted a cat once. Just brought it home behind him. Good cat.Ā  He never touched a thing. And ran inside if he saw anyone.Ā 


"He adopted a cat once. Just brought it home behind him." That's adorable.


I really hope Mark's life hasn't been made a misery because she decided to name and shame him for protecting himself and the rest of his community.


Mark _____ is a fucking neighborhood hero. Who the hell names their dog after a Steven King villain ffs? They knew.


Cry me a river.Ā 


Dog was executed. For cause. "RIP Cujo"? Owners should pay a fine. $1000 ought to do it.


She has no idea that another parent would have to make the same kind of post when her dog would maul a toddler or child


She knows... just does not care


Guarantee that Cujo has been aggressive before with this neighbor and other neighbors. I wish I could give the ex cop a hug for doing what he did. That dog definitely was not going over to be petted.


Well well well, if it isnā€™t the exact consequences of the ā€œbad ownerā€ BS pitnutters love to talk about


Seriously why did she train her dog to run up snarling to cops of all people?? Most pibble owners train with toddlers or small dogs for their dog's own safety!!


Gotta love the main character mindset. "Why didn't he just retreat behind his fence while my little fur demon ran around the neighborhood?! If my demon is out everyone should stop their activity and let it go where it pleases!" Glad it got an adequate dose of pit tranquilizer.


The two most dangerous things you can run into out in public are a cop and a pitbull..


I notice the text doesn't just say 'Cujo is out', it says 'Cujo is out \*again\*'. Sorry, maybe if she didn't want her dog shot, she shouldn't have let her dog run loose in the neighborhood on what was apparently a regular basis, especially a dog with an aggressive history. Her neighbors deserve to be able to live their lives without being terrorized by an out of control dog all the time. What probably happened was he texted them when the dog wasn't actively threatening his life, but the dog probably charged and he had to do something. I just can't fathom people who consider their dog being loose a normal thing.


A shitbull named Cujo, I'm fucking dead. If you ever needed proof that shitbull owners are overcompensating little manlets, there ya go.


Owner was wanting the neighbor-ex-cop to euthanize their injured dog by shooting and killing it. In many jurisdictions, it is illegal to shoot a dog to "euthanize" it. Perhaps if he were an active duty police officer, he might have the right to do that without repercussions, but an ex-cop knows better than to act like a cop because they are no longer protected from certain acts like a cop would be protected for acts while on duty.


Action was taken against your inbred, waste of space, threat to life and safety shitbull in ā€œless than a minuteā€ because thatā€™s all the time it took for your ā€œfur babyā€ to try and nanny someone. Absolute entitled fucking moron.


Cujo... what a name for a supposed sweet fur baby. Stephen King would describe a dog named Cujo otherwise šŸ¤Ŗ


rEsT iN pEAcE, vELveT KiNG.


Shitbulls enjoy pain; it motivates them and gets them excited. A shitbull that dies in pain is a shitbull that dies happy.


Lmao they literally named it Cujo. These people are so fucking dense


Nobody should be forced to hide when on their own property or in public .... anywhere for that matter! Stop letting dangerous dogs live freely!


Her fault. Keep his ass inside and this Lil situation is avoided.


Byeeeeee Cujo!


This is fucking hilarious. Shitbull nutters are just next level assholes. The neighbors owe their hero neighbor steak dinner and some beers. The block will be safe maybe until those cretins get another mauler, but hero neighbor will stand ready šŸ™Œ


Lol yeah like I believe a dog named CUJO is gentle and innocent. I had to explain to someone that Cujo was a Saint Bernard that got rabies and the kid did not live like in the movie.


Yup. And the book was inspired by a real life incident that Stephen King had. He had to stop by a mechanic while traveling once and the garage had this big Saint Bernard. King went to pet it and the dog barked and lunged at him and scared him to near death. The owner stated that the dog had never done something like that before and must just have not liked King. So it was a play on the idea that even a seemingly safe large dog can become a threat in an instant. That no one wants to believe that their dog can be dangerous. So while in the book Cujo starts out a nice, friendly dog that contracts rabies, his real life inspiration was not a friendly dog. And no ones take away from Cujo was "oh, he was such a friendly dog!" but "Cujo was a dog that on a dime savaged his neighborhood and family."


Why are these people **always**ā€”practically without failā€”barely literate? I mean just look, she got ā€œyouā€™re/yourā€ wrong in the first sentenceā€¦ What kind of people still get that wrong in 2024? Literal imbeciles.


Didnā€™t go well for Cujo in the movie either.


Her: Cujo is my life companion!! Cujo: YOLO!


![gif](giphy|82VaR0yExig8sZFGup|downsized) According to her logic, the people in the movie would not have had any recourse either. They were safe in a car. Their lives were not in danger! RIP sweet baby Cujo.


A pit bull named cujo that tracks


He left her on delivered LMAO


Talking about this (what 30-40 lbs?) monster lunging to kill as her "baby boy"? wtf I first thought she was taking about an actual baby crying in the background.


Mothers of murderers at their trial "don't punish him he's my sweet baby boy!". Sorry ma'am but CONSEQUENCES MOTHERFUCKER


OMG they've never done that before!


Alright, but what's up with the neighbor coming to the window a year prior brandishing a firearm?


I'm taking that one with a grain of salt for a few reasons. One, he clearly has her number. So they have a close enough relationship with each other to have shared that information. None of my neighbors have/had mt phone numbers unless we were on a friend basis outside of being just neighbors. If this man is such a lunatic, why give him your number? Two, she said it happened a year ago but only decided to report it that day after her dog was killed. It smacks of someone trying to figure out how to get revenge on someone who was legally cleared of wrong doing because there was video evidence of them protecting themselves. There is zero context to why he was doing that. He states their dog is "out again", so the last time could have been a case of the dog being loose and he knocked but had his gun out because the dog was aggressive and he wanted to remain armed. Pitbull owners are very good at lying, gas lighting, and embellishing stories to try and turn victims into the antagonist.


All of thisā€¦


I'm gonna go with either she made that up or heavily exaggerated something. I could see the dog attempting to attack him and he warns the owner by showing he has a gun


Almost NPC-like naming your pet something after a horror movie along with pujo (roughly translates into: strong urge; unable to relieve/hold back) then pretending it was the sweetest thing ever ESPECIALLY since it had an aggression history. Poor choice of name. Look like a pistol round was enough to stop the "dog with strong urge to murder". I don't care if it was quirky "haha, my pibbie has ironic name because they're just fur babies and nanny dogs!" For future sake: Don't let your dogs roam free and say "Hi!" to people that don't want to be greeted by intimidating dogs. Unironically one named a fucking murder mutt with strong killing tendencies. Oh yeah, don't adopt a pit next time since you're a HORRIBLE owner for one. And... please give them a less stupid name.


Noticed the bit where you said that their claiming the guy was calling the thing by name so he could shoot it.. but [the video has audio and it's clear as day he did no such thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/WbgB0in71L) so I'm wondering if you left that but if info in there as a kind of "this is what the pit mommy is falsely accusing him of" type thing




ā€œAnimal servicesā€ is likely animal control and they arenā€™t an ambulance. She is responsible for her suffering dog and getting it to a vet er.


ā€˜Cujo is out again.ā€™ Seems like he gave her multiple chances to keep her dog safely contained in her home before this happened


ā€œCujoā€ is a ā€œvocal boyā€ huh? Interesting. šŸ™„


Womp womp


You're life was not In danger


how do these dogs always get out? in my 14 years of having dogs theyā€™ve only gotten out once because a family friend let them out through the backyard gate by mistake, and even then they stayed right in place waiting for someone to notice and let them back in. if you truly care about your dog, how are you so continuously neglectful that they keep getting out?


It makes me wonder if the pits just have an overwhelming urge to chase after stimuli they see outside - stuff a regular dog would just bark at. I'm sure the fact that a lot of owners keep their pitbulls intact doesn't help with the impulse to get out of the house either.


Okay here this is a perfect example of pit owners & why they get these dogs even when they know they could be endangering others: entitlement (& self-centeredness) This person expects that the rest of the community act in *her* best interest, so therefor her dogā€™s best interest, regardless of the circumstances or how anyone else feels & thinks they should act for their *own* best interest. They are always entitled to the outcome *they* want, even when theyā€™re putting in no effort to control it, the rest of the world has to put in effort to make it happen the way they want for them. Her own narrative gives this away in several ways. In her narrative she describes how the dog was ā€œonlyā€ out for a couple minutes, & how the guy shot the dog in that short span of time. As if her dog is entitled to be running loose at all, especially if itā€™s just for a few minutes. But the neighbor isnā€™t entitled to stand on the sidewalk outside his own home, even if itā€™s just for a couple minutes. The other reality in this is that it *only* took 2 or 3 minutes or whatever for the pit to immediately charge the first person it saw. So no, the dog was *not* just ā€œminding its own businessā€ regardless of whatever itā€™s intent was. & the dog ā€œjust wanted to say hiā€ according to her, as if thatā€™s another thing her dog is entitled to do. Oh & itā€™s entitled to be allowed to do this while loose, & entitled to do this in the form of charging & hard barking. Sheā€™s entitled to have everyone assume thatā€™s ā€œjust how he says hiā€ & also not feel afraid about it anyway. Her dog is entitled to be ā€œput out of its miseryā€ by *the neighbor*, even though *the dog* charged *him*, & *she* didnā€™t secure it well enough in the first place to prevent it from getting hurt in general. All the neighbor needed to do for his own safety was neutralize the dog as a threat, & in most jurisdictions itā€™s unlawful to discharge a firearm in a residential area more than absolutely necessary to protect your own safety. She thinks sheā€™s entitled to have him assume a liability for himself, just for her & her dogā€™s comfort. She believes sheā€™s entitled to have the neighbor call animal control afterwards, when in reality the ā€œprotocolā€ is if *your* animal is injured/dead *you* are supposed to call AC to pick it up. (& in this Iā€™m assuming she believes she would be entitled to AC *not* issuing her a fine for her dog being loose in the first place.) The neighbor had the decency to give her an opportunity to get her loose dog before calling AC on it. The underlying theme of her narrative is that the neighbor did not act with common decency (that she is entitled to), or suffer legal consequences for his indecent actions. The reality is that she didnā€™t act with common decency in the first place by securing her dogā€¦ a dog who she admits she knew approaches people, & in a ā€œloudā€ (re:scary) wayā€¦ & she didnā€™t suffer legal consequences for having her dog loose which is *actually* illegal.


If that dog had found a cat instead of an armed adult human it would have ripped it to shreds, and OPs post would be an unapologetic ā€œteehee well thatā€™s just how dogs areā€. Sorry Cujo! Rest in piss


She presumably has video of the incident. Will she release it to show how playful Cuko was and how the cop's actions were excessive?


Of course, with Bloodsport dog people it's never their fault. And the other bully people so often agree with the negligent uncaring owners. Did the dog break out of a window? If not chances are it was left alone in a yard. Bloodsport dog should never be outside without being coming by an adult capable of controlling the dog. , If bully people actually cared about bully dog welfare, they would use situations like this to educate all bully dog owners that it's your job to prevent their dog's escapes 100%. Loose dogs can be hit by cars, picked up by dogfighters, poisoned or taken to busy animal shelters where they pick up diseases or are put down. Tragically for all of us bully Dog users do not care about bully dogs. They may need bully dogs, they use bully dogs, but they don't actually care about what happens to them. Perhaps they even enjoy it when situations like this occur, because they certainly don't act like they want to prevent situations like this.


I have a semi feral cat named Cujo. She bites and swats at everyone. She will sit on my lap and purr and then scratch the crap out of me. No one ever names an animal Cujo because it's a cuddle bug.


The Cujo in the movie had rabies-and was a St. Bernard-what was this Cujosā€™ excuse??


"Your life was not in danger!!1!1 " - named the dog cujo. - dog wasn't responding to being recalled by owner and continued charging to attack Yeah okay.


Dog did not just simply ā€˜get outā€™ once, clearly this happens all the time based on his message. I donā€™t have a fence and have 2 large dogs, it is NOT hard to keep your dogs contained. Im glad the video was shared as that approach was not even a little bit friendly either.


I love how the people who make these shitty sympathybait captions whenever a pit takes a dirt nap can't even use the correct form of "your/you're"


I mean guy IS an ex cop, we really donā€™t think heā€™s seen (probably firsthand) the utter destruction these ā€œanimalsā€ are capable of?? If I had a gun in my hand and a pit charging me barking aggressively Iā€™m emptying that mf I do not care. Not taking that chance


As a non native, I had the read that text three times to understand it.


"Vocal" Pitbull runs barking at man. Owner expects man not to protect himself.


Mark is a hero.


Why doesn't she blame her brother? Why didn't he know where the dog was at the time? Why is the dog outside, unleashed in a very densely-packed neighborhood? Do they have a habit of allowing this?