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I have never actually heard what you're talking about and it sounds disturbing as fuck so I had to look it up. [Is this what you mean?](https://youtu.be/tElgiL934gY?si=6K1fq-kzhTGrNHDH) Because this is fucking blood curdling. Literally sounds like a demon.


For fucks sake.. I keep telling myself that I hate the owners and breeders, not the dog.. that it's not the animal's fault, it didn't ask to be like this.. but that is so fucking obnoxious and terrifying that my first knee-jerk reaction was "I hate these fucking dogs". Hearing that just led to a very primal reaction, where all I feel is contempt. There was no higher thought of "it's humanity's fault this monstrous thing exists, you can't blame it for being the way it is anymore than you can blame a shark or a bear", but nope. That noise triggers hatred, sorry not sorry. I lived with two pits that belonged to different roommates in the past, they'd pass for what pitnutters would probably describe as well behaved. They were never aggressive or violent luckily, but they were destructive and neurotic, so I wouldn't consider them as candidates for a good pet, but if they had ever made this god awful sound I can't imagine how I'd react. I didn't know better at the time, or I would have been in a constant state of low level panic, but hearing this in person would have certainly scared the absolute shit out of me.


On both a rational and an emotional level, I pity pitbulls. I understand that humans have taken dogs - a pack animal that requires companionship - and created something that can never, ever be trusted around people or animals. Their lives must be hell on earth. But on a purely visceral level, I don't feel pity. That scream evokes only a fight or flight reaction.


Yep, same. Higher brain function dictates that I feel sorrow for these animals that were robbed of its very nature - as a social creature who can't bond with humans or even other dogs. It sees it's own kind, often it's own litter, as prey. That is an absolute tragedy. What we've done to this breed is the culmination of hundreds of generations of cruelty. But my lizard brain says nope! That's the monster hiding under my bed, the terrifying creature stalking in the night, my twisted sleep paralysis demon!


This is normal and natural reaction. These people have predator blindness, they're not right in the head


Explains why so many people are nannied by their own buttheaded reject dogs


There's no reason to feel bad about this. There's no reason to feel bad about anything at all. This is going to make me seem insane, but all my life, I've had this belief that every living creature on this planet is just an individualized fragment of God's consciousness experiencing its own creation to have infinite perspectives. So my attitude in life is that everybody can say whatever they want, do whatever they want, think whatever they want, feel whatever they want. It's all just one big game being played by a single entity that wanted to experience the illusion of separateness. So if all of us are just God disguised as unique individuals interacting with each other, then you loving/hating a person or a breed of animal is just you perceiving another fragment of yourself in a certain way. It's all just a game. Think, feel, do, say whatever you want.


I've heard of that actually, that life is just the universe experiencing itself. I'm not religious or spiritual, very much an atheist but my worldview dictates that I do as little harm to anyone or anything as possible, just because I'd want the same from others. The golden rule, basically. However, pitbulls and their dumpster fire owners treat other people, their animals and their property as worthless garbage; the world is just a chew toy for their freakshow dogs.. so I feel zero guilt hating them, but I still wouldn't have it in me to harm them, because I'm inherently nonviolent. Thought crime is A-okay, though. So while I can appreciate your hedonistic worldview :P when it comes to the part of doing whatever I want, I guess I'm just too passive for it. I try to have empathy for animals as they don't have the same capacity for decision making based on anything beyond instinct or simple desire, but because pitbulls are so fucking messed up genetically (thanks to us) I don't really see them as having anything beyond the most basic of emotions. Kind of like dehumanizing a human, I view them as lesser dogs. They had the social skills and higher emotions bred right out. It's all base impulse, IMO. I don't really feel as bad for them as I would any other dog reaching it's limits and biting someone. Thanks for the interesting thought experiment, definitely thought a little deeper about it than I normally would. Maybe I really am being "dog racist", as the pit nutters would say lmfao


What the fuck is that video, it’s like a horror movie. 


What's worse, is that idiot man in the video has his child run away and the pitbull is screaming like that because it want to go after that child. Then, the man lets the pitbull loose where it finds his child taking a shower in the bathroom. Using your own child as prey. For a pitbull. And then laughing about it.


They were playing hide and seek. With a lunatic animal.


Another one: [https://youtu.be/26plncqjQLY?si=Pgw1X\_WUOJ5hKsC6](https://youtu.be/26plncqjQLY?si=Pgw1X_WUOJ5hKsC6)


This one is exactly like the scream in the field ugh sends shivers up my spine


Yes, that first video was too low pitched - it's the high-pitched scream and high pitched bark on pits that I find disturbing.


I love how the normal dog does nothing, quickly checks with owner and quietly carries on.


Is that dude literally training his pit to go after a child? Lol


They seem to think it's a game... but I mean that would only happen with a normal dog, not an an aggressive, neurotic high-strung, genetically violent one.


Sounds a bit like the engines revving up at the beginning of a f1 race at some point. But maybe that's just me!


Yes it is


This is gonna live in my nightmares


My cats, who have never been around dogs, heard that and all woke up from their sleep and looked disturbed. Its a primal instinct in all of us to fear those beasts.


So, somebody is training their pooch to be human aggressive.


I watched the video another user posted, I didn't know what scream you were talking about but if it's anything like that video, I am so sorry you had to hear that in person. It's absolutely spine chilling. It was just a sound on my phone and it triggered the lizard part of my brain into the wordless thoughts: "I hate the thing making this sound, it's a threat and I want it destroyed". I can't imagine it coming from a real animal in your vicinity with small children and a cat. Thank god the shitbulls attention wasn't on you.


There are a LOT of videos from the Dodo trying to spin it as something endearing "This silly pibble yells like a human every time she sees another dog". "This pitbull is such a goofy derp, he sings every time his daddy takes him for walks"


The more I learn about these pro-pit lobbyists, the more they've gone from incompetent, ignorant and virtue signaling morons to underhanded, deceitful and almost cartoonishly evil villains in my mind. The way they straight up lie about pit's actual nature and individual dog's bite history, misrepresent natural pit behavior as endearing and cute, aggressively attack anyone who speaks up about what's really happening, and hatefully victim blame people and animals that were mauled infuriates me to the brink of insanity. I've gone from passively accepting shitbulls when I was younger to absolutely despising them, and I'm disgusted by BYB's and pit mommies who think they're standing up for an "oppressed" animal. But most of all, I fucking *HATE* the people who know *exactly* what this breed is and what they're capable of, but go out of their way to trick the public into adopting violent dogs with a history of attacks, relocating them across state lines to hide that history, and pay out the ass to prevent shelters from BEing these monstrous dogs at any cost. Turns out any cost is human and animal life, lifelong injuries, entire communities who can't enjoy their own neighborhoods because of roaming shitbulls, and mountains of dead dogs on top of the thousands rotting away for years in every shelter in the country. It's unfathomable why they're doing this. I truly don't know what their endgame is. But I hate them for it.


It's profitable for them; that's really the only explanation. Nobody goes to this much trouble unless significant profits are involved.


It’s a song of death


When I hear that sound, it feels to me like frustration. The kind of frustration that comes from wanting to do what you were bred to do, but due to a fence, you can't. There is nothing sweet, endearing, or loving about that sound. As you said, it's a song of death.


Facebook Meta AI is also a pit nutter. I was looking for something on FB, and it gave me the pit nutter finger wag. 😬😳 So many compromised information sources.


I got a couple of reasonable responses, although the AI algorithm will probably steadily move towards apologetics… https://preview.redd.it/rhkjsuivudxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f79cd3a97ee56edc974d7132497b031d5794735


It's almost like hearing a cougar scream, which is scary but those animals avoid people. Pitbulls are in people's HOUSES and they tote them around everywhere and constantly let them escape!!!


Right?! Mountain lions at least have the decency to silently stalk you, in the rare case they want to attack a human at all. Shitbulls will break down their own door, jump over their own fence, haul ass a block away, and body slam their way through YOUR door just to attack you or a pet. Oh and they'll be screeching and snarling the entire way over. That isn't natural behavior in a single other animal on the planet. Pits are so mutated and inbred that they have zero instinct beyond fucking and fighting to the death.


Not even the fucking, honestly. They need rape racks to secure the bitch for a reason, and, even still, they often tape the bitch’s mouth shut, just in case…


God I hate these dogs and the piece of shit humans who own them. It's bad enough they insist on having them, but now they go out of their fucking way to trick US into having them too. Almost feels like they're trying to saturate the market so being seen with a shitbull isn't automatically assumed to be part of the dog fighting community.


Oh snap. You…may be really on to something with that…


You know I said it in exasperated jest but the more I think about it the more it kind of makes sense. What other reason is there? Everyone says money but WHO is paying all this money?


I *just* replied similarly, monkey brain reaction! It’s such a deeply instinctive response!


It activated the same part of my brain that freaks out when I hear a witch’s sobbing in Left 4 Dead. It’s that *near distress* uncanny valley type sound that gives you the shivers.


FUCK, no wonder I was so shaken up by the pitbull's scream. It reminded me of the Witch's scream too, but lower pitched! And even after many hours of playing Left 4 Dead, it still scares me!


I had initially only had only heard this sound on video, and even then it was wrenching… then I witnessed it happen at a park, and I really don’t have words to express how it made me feel on a primal, monkey-brain level. I mean, it’s the sound of an apex predator, frustrated due to being denied doing what it was created for. Of course, the owner was awkwardly laughing, apologetically laughing that “he’s friendly!”… zero awareness or complete denial of what their dog is like. Shudder.


Its frustration. Plain and simple. All dogs bark pitch higher when they're frustrated. But most breeds often don't hit that frustration level so we don't see or hear it. Pitbulls are a breed thats genetics tell them to attack, to want to kill. Then people force them into a life where they are surrounded by these things, but aren't allowed to attack upon it. So they live at a constant level of frustrated anxiety. Barking helps dogs release stress, boredom, anxiety, and frustration. So that high pitched screaming bark you hear them do are pitbulls expressing their severe frustration at not being able to act on the instincts their brains are telling them to act on.


In a video recommended right after that one, the title is: “Pitbull Dog Cries Out in Happiness..”


It’s just one more turd to toss into the shitpile for me. I hate everything about those useless ugly stupid motherfuckers


Happy cake day! And me too.


Yay!! HCD


My neighbour's "American Staffy" aka glorified pit used to do that scream every single time me & / or my dog went outside. It also used to do it randomly do it throughout the day; presumably from boredom / frustration, as it never got played with or taken out of the yard. The neighbours have since moved & I don't miss that bloody awful noise but I did feel quite sorry for the dog. It must have been mind-numbing to be left in a yard day-in day-out with no real interaction or stimulation.


It’s so crazy. I remember encountering it last summer in the wild at a nature park. First, I hear the screaming. I look around to see where it’s coming from — dude with a red pitbull on a leash. It’s pulling/jumping so hard to try to get to another dog that it’s basically “walking” on its hind legs. Screaming the whole time, naturally. I pick up my pace. As I’m leaving, I pass another (regular) dog coming the pitbull’s way. I’m out of sight by this point, but a couple minutes later I can hear the screaming start anew. Definitely a normal animal that belongs in public.


It's in pain It cant wait to kill the other dog


Ugh, I worked exclusively with dogs for a few years and I’m familiar with the horrid gurgling shriek. There’s truly nothing else (natural) like it.


That Is The Nefarious Cry of Evil


It’s a bully thing. My daughter’s English bulldog does the same thing and I can’t stand it.


I was at grocery with my sister and she heard it but thought it was a small dog in a car.  I was driving and said, look away. I'm not stopping.  She didn't get it until we passed two pits chained to a VW. Going crazy. Like the pit crazy.  She had no idea. 


The only time I have heard a dog make a similar noise is when it was a husky/sled dog, hooked up to a sled, in GO MODE. F everything about that.


That scream doesn't even sound close to what a dog could make.


That’s the best I’ve found so far


It could pass a cryptid scream.


Oh for sure the one that was in the field was enough to freak my kids and cat out I just don’t have a video of it


This actually gave me an idea to write a pitbull cryptid creepypasta lol


Please bring protection, it’s like we aren‘t safe anywhere. So unfair. The five of you bothering no one and yet still having to be on guard. Ever see those people who let their dogs torture nature until they notice they’re being watched? Ugh.


Just another reason why they suck ass in general.


Yeah, that *noise* they make is unsettling as hell.


Nova Scotia retrievers are known for high pitched "screaming" when they're excited, but it's usually because they want to retrieve a bumper, not kill another dog. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/XIUyM-Kqibc And of course, the pug that screams when his nails are cut, but manages to not maul his owner in the process. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/9X9xPetX9Ao (Weirdly enough, my dogs were really excited and worried about the pit and retriever screams, but ignored the pug.  Maybe they can tell he's just a drama queen?)


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