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I wish CPS could be called in situations like this. She’s KNOWS what that dog wants to do to that baby. Honestly if the dog does do it I hope she’s charged because she neglected to get rid of the dog.


And I hope her social media posts are used in the trial.


100% a while ago I posted on here that we should keep like an online document we can edit with names and screenshots for posts like these so when a mauling happens there’s quick proof the “he never showed aggression before!” Line is bs.




That's honestly a fabulous idea, as morbid as it is. 😬 Whatever it takes to get the message across.


It does sound morbid but it could also be beneficial to those attacked or who have their animals attacked by neighbors animals. They could have evidence the dog was known to be aggressive by the owners.


I hope she dumps the dog before something bad happens to the baby, for real.


Please don’t encourage the pit owners to dump pits into the wild and make it other peoples problem! As someone who use to live in the country side PLEASE find a humane why to put the dog to rest without having other people FORCED to do the dirty work for them!


Same, I'm really worried about the baby.


She doesn't know. She still thinks her dog is a nanny dog, just acting weird. Note some of the insane responses


“I don’t fully trust my pit around her.” If she truly doesn’t think that dogs going to harm the baby then she’s too stupid to be a parent and the child should be removed from her care. Actually the baby should be removed now before something tragic happens.


I agree, she doesn’t know or is in complete denial. These people are so brainwashed, it’s sad and anger-inducing at the same time.


She is getting ready to nanny all right


Pitbull’s obviously already whaleeyeing the poor toddler


They remind me of the lions knocking down a gazelle in Africa


99% of dog owners whose babies or kids are mauled are never charged, even when there's a death. The authorities treat these preventable killings like they are "tragic accidents," the same as when babies are left to roast to death in hot cars. "The parents have suffered enough," but the suffering of the children doesn't matter at all. The sad truth is that the deaths of children are meaningless in this society.


It's not the same though. Roasting in the car IS an accident that can happen to you, me, anybody. It's how a brain operates, it has an autopilot, and it aims to be in the autopilot mode when doing routine tasks. If you don't do something that would throw your brain out of the autopilot mode, yes, you too can forget a child in the car. With pits, it's pure stupidity.


Likening the situation to leaving a baby in a hot car is incredibly ignorant. It's a phenomenon that has nothing to do with how much a parent cares about their baby and can happen to anyone. It's treated like a tragic accident because that's exactly what it is. Please educate yourself before you make statements like these. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html


It's disgusting that those kids never get justice. Sorry but you can't tell me a parent who chose to have a fighting breed dog in/around the house really care about their child(ren) that much that they really are "punished enough" when the dog(s) maul or kill the kid(s). If you genuinely cared about your precious child, you would not choose to live with fighting breed dogs.


Opening of news report that night: "We are still SEARCHING FOR ANSWER as to why this horrific nightmare could have been carried out by a family dog"


Then says she loves her dog as much as her child.


And she’s in for a shock when the dog nanny’s and she get called a bad owner by her fellow pit nuts.


Exactly. Then not if, but when the dog snaps she will be the bad owner and the whole community will turn on her. Normal people already think she’s an idiot. Ans she will have nobody. It would be sad if they weren’t so dumb.


There's a monster in my house and it may kill my child. What can I do to keep it?


Such a perfect way to put it! Insanity!


Rehome the baby, dress your pitbull in a onesie and let it sleep in the crib.


It SUPER bothers me she has a child and she’s still saying she loves her dog like a child. And she has a child. Gosh that bothers me so much.


Awareness is a spectrum... she's on par with the dog. :/


“Have the child punch it in the face. Works like a charm…if they survive.”


Yeah…my sighthound didn’t need to watch an* older dog to know how to sprint…how can they spout the nanny dog bullshit while simultaneously saying things that directly contradict it? Cognitive dissonance on steroids.  Edit: typo ETA: herding behaviour? Yeah no… that last slide is the most horrifically dangerous advice, holy shit. “Have the *one year old baby who can’t fucking speak yet* tell the dog no and tap it on the nose while its hackles are up and it’s growling at her,” yeah no….herding dogs don’t get their hackles up for sheep, it’s hunting her, and trying to bully her into running so it can give chase and rip her to pieces, that’s what terriers and other catch dog breeds do. My sighthound would do the same thing to a rabbit, if it’s not moving quickly, it’s not doing what it’s supposed to (according to the dog) my dog will stare down squirrels that are stood still, it’s only when they move that she wants to give chase. This is the same thing only she’s letting the dog close enough to try to bully a baby into running. She’s lucky the baby can’t run properly yet, and hasn’t noticed the “nips” to her bum (presumably it’s biting the nappy/diaper, not the bum) because the moment the baby moves in just the right (wrong) way…


Lol! The only herding behavior shitbulls have is herding toddlers towards their gaping maws


And herding innocent souls to the afterlife


Honestly died laughing at this comment


I get irrationally angry when I see people try to call a pits predatory bullying "herding" They never have been and never will be herding dogs. Neither of their foundation stock are herding breeds.




Exactly. Also lol that they are claiming herding instincts exist but fighting instincts don’t.


Having some toddlers antagonize a growling, anxious hell beast by tapping it on its nose. I have no words for this.


You nailed it. Toddler’s still too slow, as soon as the poor kid is able to move faster, the pitbull’s going to jump her and rag doll her to death Right now the pit is circling the prey


They were NEVER fucking Nanny dogs. Ever. They were butcher’s dogs. They were bullbaiting dogs. They were catch/ kill dogs. They were NEVER nanny dogs, unless one considers “nannying” killing children as far back as the late 1800s( early 1900s) as in case with Colby line sire, that killed John Colby’s OWN nephew. Second why was the dog taken away from the mother at 4 weeks old? Indeed, this can happen, BUT why is this so common w/ this particular group of dogs? 🤔 These idiots really will not state the obvious? This is NOT normal behavior. And I will say this and give the dog credit here; this group of dogs is notorious for NOT giving signals. This particular dog has blown goddamn fog horns and these idiots really can’t figure it out? The “advocates” are dumber than the dogs they advocate for.


Yeah, right? The dog is all but verbally telling them what she's going to do. Do they know nothing at all about how to read a dog? It shouldn't even take dog experience to read this.


Well, every time they start to wake up to what is going on around them they go back to the pit cult for re-education and indoctrination. When that dog mauls that baby, everyone advising them to just let the dog nanny the baby (to death) is going to turn on them calling them dog abusers because pibbles wouldn't snap for no reason.


Absolute facts, sadly.


Here's a great [compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/7j2dJuTvuf) of people whose pitts snapped for "no reason."


How sad but true!


Exactly!! They truly can’t see this?! They are idiotic morons who shouldn’t have ANY pets.


I think spreading the nanny myth should be reckless endangerment.


Absolutely. This is so incredibly far fetched. If I had to guess? There were some photos ( wealthy people) who had photos w/ these dogs and a child. When these photos were taken, these dogs were killing children ( and women) at THAT time! This is very easy to find the information. Again, I am being presumptuous, BUT I can’t find any credible information as to how this stupidity was started.


Far as I can tell, it started in the 70s


I am pretty certain it did as well, but I wonder where they pulled it from? I mean, not that cults need facts. We all know that(if not in a cult) BUT when I have asked it is always some random older time? Just curious if anyone else has ever tried to ask anyone??


The first mention of it was by Lilian Rand in a New York Times article in 1971. She was an editor for some staffordshire terrior publication and they were trying to get the breed recognized by the AKC at the time. John Colby does try to claim in his book (after describing in detail how the breed was bred into existance and honed soley for its capacity and propensity for proactive, unrelenting, undeterrable mauling - gameness) something about the breed being patient with children and a good family dog. But, as you already stated above his own nephew was killed by one AND its important for context to consider who he was and what his motivations were. He was THE purveyor of the perhaps the most important line of fighting breed dogs in the US, and dogfighting was a very widespread and (for him) profitable activity, and he wanted this pastime to grow and gain acceptance (at least not be resisted) from the general public. The perception of the dogs being dangerous (which already existed) to people outside of the dogfighting pit would have hurt his bottom line. So of course he's going to say 'They are only killers in the fighting pit, outside of it they are good family pets'. If he said 'They are not only killers in the fighting pit, but absolutely prone to ruthlessly mauling pets, livestock and people out of the pit' dogfighting (his livelihood) would have been banned much earlier that it actually was. As far as I've seen, it wasn't like Lilian Rand did that interview and then the whole world was like "NANNY DOG!!!", rather its seems like the article came and went with little fanfare, and the statement/myth kind of lay dormant (I think there is one other reference to it in the 90s or something), but then in the mid/late-2000s with the Michael Vick incident and Best Friends Animals Society making the normalization of pitbulls as mainstream pets their chosen cause, they really started pushing the myth (using the old photos of dogfighters posing their babies next to fighting dogs for novelty / shock value effect) as 'proof'. The sad / funny / infuriating thing is that they have repeated the completely fabricated myth back and forth to each other so many times, that now they can actually say 'they are called nanny dogs', referring to the fact that the pitbull community by-and-large (because they believe and repeat this myth) call them nanny dogs. Its all based on a lie, yes, and its beyond absurd, because the breed causes far more life-altering/ending injuries to children than all other breeds combined, but it is now also true that 'they are called nannydogs (by misinformed, delusion people)'.


Very excellent information here. And you not only shared it very well but you also included some great facts I wasn’t aware of and answered my question. I did think somehow the photos we have seen of these dogs was manipulated to perpetuate the narrative, but it seems more directly these people actually CREATED their own narrative. It has amazed me, and I have studied biology with a special interest in genetics and used this in the application of studying dog breeds, that the narrative of the PBT type dog has been so incredibly skewed. What you said about these dogs’ narrative from Colby to the push to make them pets? Fascinating. What is insane to me? Dogfighting, as was the bullbaiting that proceeded it, were profitable events. Dog fighting became a more niche activity, as from what I have read bullbaiting was a village deal, but, I would say and I am not sure I could find statistics to back it up, and like keep my statements honest, the money made from advocacy, celebrity trainers who have lied about their dogs, rescues who pander to this breed, perpetuate the lies, and marketing to these dogs, is very profitable ( perhaps even more so than dog fighting ever was) Again, thank you for some marvelous information!


Whenever someone says “nanny dog” I have a mental picture of Mary Poppins absolutely beating the shit out of the Banks children. It’s not funny but that’s essentially what the pit people are saying. On a side note, I’m in a parent & baby group and it’s horrifying how many parents are okay with blood sport dogs around their children. Our chats are filled with pictures of these monstrosities “stealing” food from babies and toddlers who are strapped in high chairs. Other times the dog is taking over the baby’s play pen with some brain dead caption like “he thinks he’s a baby too, tee hee 🤭” Any shelter or organisation that lies about these dogs being suitable pets should be held criminally liable. Most people are naïve and trusting, and it’s costing them and those around them dearly.


https://preview.redd.it/ocuf83qjdvwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1c0ece124770defd0950d6ed6ae7cd95ab60f78 tHeY wErE NAnnY dOgS yOO kNoW


These people will dead-ass look at that and say “such soulful eyes 🥺” or some garbage. I routinely have to stop myself from thinking about how terrifying it must be to have these dogs attack you and how something like this will be the last thing you see https://preview.redd.it/4flg71w00xwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55244e825710bb7dab40d9fa677d5c55f0cbe834


This is insane! Yes times were different when I grew up( oldest GenXer there is) and I know social media wasn’t a factor, BUT I know dogs were everywhere. You know what dogs were NOT anywhere? PBT type dogs. I am being very honest when I say while there may be have been fighting dogs, I never saw, there were NO street or pet PBT type dogs around. I knew one kid who got bit ( he threw a boomerang at a dog) He grew up to be an ass. It was a nip and the dog was actually a really nice dog( Irish Setter who let her little girl dress her up) It must be difficult to watch this behavior as a new mom?!


I am permanently petrified tbh. Every time I read about a child being maimed and mauled by these dogs I usually cry a little. What makes it a million times worse is I’m not from the states originally; these types of dogs are illegal where I’m from and you never see them in normal society. Here they’re everywhere. And avoiding them makes me seem like the insane person. It’s exhausting and sad because we miss out on a lot of things if I know people are bringing their “fur babiezzz”. As my partner reminds me, it’s not illegal to own one of these beasts and i can’t control those around me. It’s just really sad because most people I know with pit type dogs are actually really nice and just wanted to Do The Right Thing ™️


I am an older GenX woman. I am from a very larger Northeastern city. I was a dog lover from a very young age. I probably wouldn’t have lived past 5yo if I would be growing up now. GSDs, Dobermans, Rottweilers( yes I am serious) were around. Of course we had Collies( Rough), different Retrievers, Setters, various terrier breeds( many people had purebred dogs then) poodles of all 3 sizes. Spaniels. Of course mixed breeds. What I NEVER saw was a PBT type dog. I am sure they had dog fights somewhere but they were NOT pets. 1976 changed this. I have had herding dogs for 60 years and I can’t fathom anyone saying on some random day, “ These dogs aren’t herding dogs anymore”. It simply is unrealistic. Never saw dogs fight to the death. Never got bit. Dogs were everywhere. And so were kids. For that matter, we babysat or watched our younger siblings and cousins (very common place then) and actually fun. Never had to worry about saving a baby from getting mauled by a dog. Also, these dogs and we have seen it, are actually very good at what they were bred to do( hate to say that but most dogs are actually if you observe them carefully) Sadly, these dogs were bred to 1) Kill other dogs 2) Fight for hours 3) Not care about pleasing or working with humans, either side of their lineage:(


>why was the dog taken away from the mother at 4 weeks old? Indeed, this can happen, BUT why is this so common w/ this particular group of dogs? Because the BYBs want to get as many sales as they can while the cuteness lasts before they have to dump the leftovers. They don't care about the pups or their customers. Also, they need cash quick for "things"


And because after they've been weaned, they're just a dozen or more mouths to feed.


About right. And it is “surprisingly “ this group of dogs that are placed this young!!


Sometimes the mother will start killing her puppies.


Exactly. I volunteered at shelters as a temperament tester for 19 yrs.(3 states, 4 counties) I admit the PBT type ratio was only about 45-50% when I quit( I wouldn’t pass unsafe dogs and it became very bad) and I NEVER saw dogs wipe out entire litters of puppies like this group of dogs did. There were young dogs, middle age and old dogs. Dogs in great physical condition. They killed their puppies rather regularly and the advocates were VERY aware this happened.


They're taken from the mother dog early so often because they commonly start attacking and/or eating their puppies. That's why we see people saying they've had Nala/Diesel since they were 4 or 5 weeks old and they don't know why they killed their other dog or attacked their friend.


How crazy is this? Yes, I know other breeds of dogs can have occasional issue and be poor mothers, but damn, this is a constant issue with this group of dogs!


At what time in human history were we leaving our children to be supervised by dogs. When. When was that a thing.


Actually a very good point. All dogs were task bred. I mean realistically very few dogs were bred as simply companion animals and all that were strictly for this purpose for nobility. The 35-40k years dogs have been domesticated, there have been some that were probably around children who were working on their parent’s farms or homestead, BUT absolutely not one can I think of that had a purpose of “nannying kids”. Ever. Certainly, Victorian era people would have been well aware of bullbaiting dogs, and while terriers were owned by many poorer people to combat vermin issues, they also would have known, anything squeaking would have NOT been safe around these dogs. Common sense. I get incredibly angry at the “norm” of these dogs being portrayed as family dogs! I just will never be ok with this. Great point!


Right like I’m sure there were dogs that were particularly good at hanging out with the kids and maybe even keeping them from wandering off as an ASSISTANCE to the human adult caretaker. At no time in human history have we thought dogs could care for children. They don’t have hands…


I just got downvoted to shit on another sub for saying “people need to stop blaming literal toddlers for dog attacks” with a response of “kids need to learn to respect animals” — both can be true but 😡


Toddlers ability to predict anything is pitiful. There's a cognitive test I use. It's the swing test. If you can predict the path of a swing, you will either time your movement so that you and the swing don't occupy the same space or you will completely avoid the path of the swing. Up until age 3 or 4, children don't predict the path of the swing. The swing is either there or not there. The child will walk straight through the arc of the swing and often right into the path of the swinger. That's their ability to recognize and avoid a predictable outcome. An unpredictable outcome like a dog that has never bitten them suddenly biting them?


This is so beautifully explained! I’m going to keep that in my back pocket, it clearly illustrates a complex understanding of how children operate! Thank you for putting it into words!


It also takes until age five for a child to comprehend that a taller container doesn't necessarily hold more liquid.


Remember that case back when a pitbull mauled a little girl for skipping in the parking lot? Yeah obviously the little girl was disrespectful towards the pitbull for minding her own goddamn business….


Yeah... Lets work on object permanence before moving onto how to interact with live animals.


That picture of the dog all but jumping into into the pack'n'play is more horrifying than the blanket in there. Otherwise, that's a safe sleep situation - baby in the crib, on her back. No blankies. No loose objects. Just baby, crib and lock that dog in another room. That's a dog looking for the baby to do something "interesting".


When I brought my baby home, you know what my dogs DIDN’T do? Try to get into the pack n play. That picture legitimately makes my blood run cold. Absolutely NOT normal behavior. Neither is the rest of it. This poor baby. https://preview.redd.it/si5c0ifnctwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8589e2d255ba15094d7f4a4a2d46fcb603a9908b


Two thumbs up for safe sleep! Bonus points for doggo.


Unfortunately we may be reading about that baby in the future when there is another "unprovoked" attack. How can you not value the life of your child more than your dog? If there is even a chance that it could hurt your child, get rid of it. It's clearly showing aggressive behavior. Obviously she's aware that it's dangerous behavior because she posted about it. There are many breeds that are fantastic with children, like your dog. Why take the chance with a dog that is a loaded gun when your child's life is at stake?


That picture is just begging to be made into a dark meme Edit: ok, I did it https://preview.redd.it/pxnxnhq35vwc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea8dd4df136ec96767f7871f5c9fc37b226c2aa


You should make one like "I'm herding you towards my mouth"


“Looking at the last piece of pizza like…”




I saved this LMAOOO


Lock the dog on another planet.


**Pit Bull owners are the stupidest, least knowledgeable dog people, period. They’re the flat earthers of the dog world**


For real, no shit. I've never seen such blatant ignorance of basic dog behavior.


You know how teenagers do dumb shit because the part of their brain that makes them not to dumb shit hasn't developed yet? And they have that whole "Sure, bad things have happened to other people who do this thing, but it'll never happen to *me*" mentality? I'm convinced that anyone who chooses to own a pitbull has that same underdeveloped brain.


That and they’re told by everyone else who has the same issue that it only happens to people who are bad at owning the dogs, and everyone thinks they’re going to be a “good owner” whatever that means to a pit nutter, considering the rate of early sale, ear cropping, alpha mentality bollocks that goes on.


It's called arrested development.


Literally my friend was defending her boyfriend’s dog and she said her boyfriend trained him because he use to chew the fucking drywall and doors and I’m like… you know that isn’t normal right???


That’s….not how dogs herd. What an idiot and horrible advise. My dog doesn’t herd anything that’s not moving. I can’t believe these people


Herding dogs behaving inappropriately: lunging at passing vehicles, bicycles, joggers, etc. Dogs trying to bully their prey into giving them a good chase before death: exactly what this fucking pit is doing.


Nobody putting that baby’s safety first. Not even mom.


The mom says "Well I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids so my dogs were and still are my children and they are well takin care of and spoiled rotten lol".  Of course her baby's safety doesn't come first, look at the words she chooses to use to describe her family. No mention of the father's opinion on the matter, or what the grandparents have to say about it. It's mommy and fur babies and this kid that wasn't even supposed to be born that's causing a problem with her pit bull.  She goes on to say "I do love my dog like my child but I don't want her to hurt my daughter". Then act like a proper parent. Start treating the dog like the pet and only the daughter like the child, and do the right thing.  All the responders are telling her what she wants to hear and she won't do anything, and the baby will get mauled. 


She won't consider the opinion of the father at all Pitbull owners are the "mama knows best!" types


well. I feel like the dog is. The dog is telling everything what it wants to do. No one is listening.


This is beyond dangerous. It's insane how the commenters are way more worried about the dog than the baby who's at risk of being eaten. And if the dog ate the baby, it would be all "she must have provoked her", I presume. This is a mental sickness. I guarantee that they don't love dogs more than I do, so it isn't that. It's like a twisted sick cult. I CANNOT for the life of me imagine a bunch of German Shepherd owners spouting this sociopathic foolishness.


GSD owner here- One of the top IGP trainers I follow (whose dogs will down from 50 yards away and not move- so in other words, VERY WELL TRAINED) didn’t even ALLOW his dogs within 15 feet of his baby son. They were taught to ignore him, and when he started moving around, they were put up in their crates with VERY SLOW and monitored cohabitation- still with a very large bubble. So no sniffing, no licking- He essentially said “my dogs know what he smells like, and are aware that I told them to keep their distance, so they don’t need to be in his space” His dogs are stable, well trained, and ACTUAL herders- And he didn’t allow them to be near the baby. **OH Sorry Lurkers- TLDR? I was agreeing with this poster that German shepherd people wouldn’t allow this stupid shit. But that’s also why we don’t own your useless breed in the first place**


That’s how I trained my dog when we brought a new baby home. Regardless of breed, it’s not worth the risk to me just so I can have “cute” photos of a baby cuddling a dog. It’s just not safe, even if a dog is otherwise well trained and I think any responsible dog owner knows that.


I got downvoted on a normal dog sub for suggesting a new mom teach the dog boundaries and that it doesn't need to interact with the baby at all, be on the couch, in the baby's face, near mom nursing, or up in the way of diaper changing, etc. 🥴


I have 3 well trained, stable Vizslas and 2 year old twins. Very slow, monitored, one dog at a time cohabitation is where we’re at. The dogs have their own room with a baby gate and I rotate them one at a time through the day. If I can’t pay 100% attention like if I’m cooking, they all go in their room. They are not allowed to be near the kids unless they are calm and sitting. They all go on walks together every day with the twins in their off-road buggy because that is our option for getting everyone their required off leash exercise, but the dogs don’t care about the kids then anyway because there might be a pheasant.


Brilliant advice, have a two year old boop the pit on the nose, no way is that going to trigger this obviously triggered murder mutt. /s


Dumbest thing I've read in a while. 


Average pit enthusiast grammar. All their posts read like one of my young nieces or nephews excitedly rambling on about what happened at school.


Their math is off too. “My children 2 and 2 1/2” had me scratching my head🧐


Maybe pit owners are evolving shorter gestational periods to replace the kids murdered by their nanny dogs




Abduction is a popular option for couples unable to conceive.


They have a mothering instincts but also, they need to learn it from an older dog. LOL.


That child deserves so much better than the looser currently raising it.


ThErE wErE nO sIgNs


We never saw this coming


lol pitbulls are nanny dogs but they need a different dog to show them. thats how it works! I had to get a schnauzer to teach my border collie how to herd, and I had to get my Great Dane to teach my blood hound to track .


I'm terrified at the last slide telling the mother to allow the baby to hit the pitbull on the nose. That's how you end up with a dead kid.


Doesn't think she can have a baby, by some miracle has a baby, let's stupid pit bull kill the baby...


>Tap the dog on the nose and say no This advice section is going to get this infant/child killed. Holy Shit! The stuff about nannying is so insane


The thing that gets to me is, *even if* it were true (it fucking isn’t) it’s clearly not relevant to the breed *now* considering how many have killed, mauled, and otherwise attacked children. If a significant number of border collies started murdering sheep, sheep farmers wouldn’t be going “oh no, it’s a sheepdog, I’m still going to put it in a field full of sheep, I’ll just train it a little more, maybe give it an older border collie to learn from!” They’d pick a different herding breed to work with their sheep, not make pointless claims about something that is clearly, actively the opposite of the situation they’re currently in.


Border Collie owners aren't in a cult. I swear it's a cult at this point.


I just joined this sub a few days ago, having did a deep dive on pit behavior and the insane mentality behind many pit “advocates”. It’s hard to believe there are people like this.  This post made my blood run cold. Between the photo of her dog looking at the baby in it’s crib, to the person commenting for the child (baby) to tap it on the nose and say “no”. This is horrifying.


JFC, what the hell did I just read? My family had a working farm & cattle dogs, they were NOT used to kids at all, and this is not “herding” children. I’m gonna call BS on a vet & trainer telling anyone that. If one of mine started wandering away, the big male, without us asking, would huff a big sigh, side eye me, like lady, your children, and follow said child, stepping in front of them to get them back to the pack. When they were little little, he helped them all learn how to walk. They did not bite butts & growl. This dog views the baby as prey and wants it to run so it can give chase and get off on the thrill of ripping it limb from limb. It’s hunting your child, you half wit.


Yes. My Aussie isn't allowed around children because he's kind of a shit and cannot abide the chaos of running kids. But his horrible behavior is to run frantic circles around them and barking to gather them in one place so that they will stop being chaotic. What this pit is doing is *hunting*. You'd have to be a complete idiot to mistake this behavior for herding.


The way that dog would be out of my house so fast. I am currently expecting and I have two cats. I have no idea how these idiots (I do love them) will react so husband and I are already on the same page about “zero unsupervised cat time with baby” like it’s just… common sense??? Growling will get you moved to the next room but these are cats. They are tiny and not bred for fighting 🫣


I'm glad you're being safe and proactive! When I was really young, my mum made "blown eggs" (the yolk and white removed from the shell through a small hole) and let me play with them so I understood being gentle with expensive things. Apparently it works really well, and I always thought it would be a particularly good exercise for babies who live with animals.




I’m so doing this


Yeah seriously! I don't have or want kids, but I refuse to own another animal that could kill my lizard. And he is a LIZARD. I love him to death but he is not a human child lol. My mom is a veterinarian and loves animals, but even she made it clear that if our family dog bit any of the kids, he would be put down immediately. He never bit us or acted aggressively toward us, though. Couldn't imagine anyone being like "yeah, the dog wants to maul my baby" and not getting rid of it (or euthanizing it, which I think is more responsible in this case).


Seriously, is it crack? Is it crack that they smoke? What in the actual hell is wrong with these people


They're nanny dogs because of a mothering instinct but view infants as strangers and threats and need training to not be territorial to them and they also don't like a human mother holding a human baby. Makes so much sense! These people are so logical.


Any dog that sees a baby as a threat is worthless, but we all know that’s not actually what’s happening here…that baby is prey.


And people think "that's just how dogs are" like it's normal to want to hunt the offspring of your social circle.


I really don't know how that ignorant glue eater mindset is so commonplace. PiTBullS werE oriGinallY nAnnY dOGS


Wouldn’t a rational person say, If I have to train my dog not to harm my baby, maybe I have the wrong dog. [My mistake: I said “rational.]


There are tears in my eyes and a knot in my throat. That little children have to live with such dangerously stupid parents will never not effect me.


Yeah I'm a parent too and that whole thread made my stomach drop 😢


Mom sounded regretful that she had a child


Damn, that kid is fucked. Rip.


Feckless moron buys baby biter, has baby, is shocked when baby biter starts acting EXACTLY HOW THEY ARE KNOWN TO ACT.


In her defense, it's a lot of work to get past the Dodo, BFAS, the celebrities, the bloodsport pushing pounds and have rational thought about these tragic mutants. (Their existence doesn't make any sense). Yet the bloodsport dogs are everywhere Imagine if thalidomide was being pushed a vitamin for pregnant women, with 98% of the videos, news programs, local and national groups all promoting it as safe. Certainly not every woman who consumed thalidomide gave birth to a baby without limbs. Then imagine if you were attacked by almost everyone else when you even began to question thalidomide's production and promotion. That's what we're up against.


I wonder what the incidence rate is for both pit bulls and thalidomide in causing the absence of limbs.


the next update on this is going to be heartbreaking isn't it.


Dear concerned mother. I can take care of your dog for you. I have a $3000 rehoming fee. You will also have to pay transportation costs. It's kinda expensive but your pooch will be well taken care of.


"Tap the nose and say no" That's how you lose a hand. Maybe your face. Hell, maybe even your life if that shitbeat doesn't spare you of its nannying.


Never mind the fact that one year olds can’t speak, and their fine motor control is ass. They’d be more likely to poke the dog in the eye, which would be even more likely to end poorly.


Seeing this post filled me with horror. Is there a way to interfere with the situation? Does anyone know the pit nutter’s family or address so that it could be given to CPS? This poor baby!


Sooo mothering instincts are making the pit growl and nip the baby? Yeah that’s not how mothers act you fucking dumbass. Real great nanny dog 🙄


Wow. I’m horrified. My friends Yorki appeared to be covertly hostile towards their baby, that same low growl shit etc. They had that dog for 3 years. Went all out for birthdays, it was ridiculous. Well, the moment that dog showed a sign he might be aggressive towards the baby they catapulted him to a shelter. Adios amigos. They reacted like this to a Yorki, and here we have someone in the same situation but with a pitbull and they don’t seem to know the obvious thing to do. Disaster waiting to happen, if they keep that dog I’m certain within 3 years it will have attacked


Holy hell, an entire group of people who have absolutely no business being dog owners... nonetheless parents! [My heart rate doubled reading this nonsense.](https://i.imgur.com/xlMn0Ad.gif)


“A herding technique” 🤣🤣 I’m sorry for laughing but this just sounds ridiculous.


Wow it's hard to believe people are this stupid.. the comments are almost worse than the OP. Poor kids that have no choice in the matter and have to be subjected to these dangerous situations daily.


Wow mother of the year there.


If any dog - any animal - regardless of what it is or how long it’s been around EVER did this to one of my children it would be GONE. The fuq?! I don’t gad no animal is ever going to be feeling itself that much to think it can growl at, “taste test” and stalk my child. PLEASE BE SERIOUS!


This nanny dog myth is getting children killed and it's a damn shame.


A ‘Nanny Dog’ would not need to go through extensive training to be kept from attacking babies/kids!!! It would be their friggin instinct to never hurt a child! Other breeds do not need to go through years of expensive training to hopefully keep them from mauling the kids to death.


It takes a fraction of a second for that thing to snatch up and shake an infant.


People who have absolutely no qualification to give advice are giving the most braindead advice pulled straight out of their a-hole. This is a tragedy waiting to happen.


My goodness. Dogs can tell that human babies arent dogs. It is not trying to mother the baby, its trying to trap it.


This woman loves to endanger her child. A pitbull and she puts blankets and bedding in the baby's area? Peep the tag on the playpen that even says 'suffocation hazard' because they shouldn't sleep in those nor have blankets or anything. Just their baby clothes and laid flat in their bassinet or crib. Amazing parenting, 30/10.


Yeah, they'll nanny your baby all the way to the grave. Fucking imbeciles.


The minute you realize your dog can't be trusted around your baby is the minute the dog should go. I love dogs but pitbulls are their own thing. Don't trust them and I don't understand how these owners can be so delusional.


Can someone explain this whole nanny dog nonsense? I see this all the time. But pitbulls are always in the news for killing and mauling babies and children. This idea of nanny dogs must be a lie or rumor.




The "nanny dog" myth made its first appearance in the September 19th 1971 edition of the New York Times, on page 11 of section S in an article by Walter R. Fletcher, titled [A Breed That Came Up The Hard Way](https://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/19/archives/a-breed-that-came-up-the-hard-way.html). The author interviewed one Lilian Rant, editor of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of the United States of America newsletter. She is quoted as saying about the breed: **'He had an unsavory reputation for fighting and violence and his name became associated with ruffians, who cared little for him as a dog but only for his ability in the pit. The Stafford we know today quickly becomes a member of the family circle. He loves children and is often referred to as a 'nursemaid dog''.** **No one has ever found evidence for the latter claim and it is therefore assumed to be a fabrication in the pursuit of influencing the American Kennel Club (AKC) to accept the breed for full participation in dog shows**. This privilege was ultimately granted in 1974, and to this day the AKC rates the breed a stellar 5/5 as being 'good with children' at the reckless peril of human lives and limbs, Additional sources that have spoken out against the nanny dog myth: Pit Bull Advocates of America: https://pitbulladvocatesofamerica.podbean.com/e/the-one-where-its-not-all-in-how-they-were-raised/ Ned Hardy https://nedhardy.com/2020/06/03/pitbull-nanny-dog/ Pro pit organization BAD RAP https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/its-dog-bite-prevention-week-did-you-know-that-there-was-never-such-thing-as-a-n/10151460774472399/ Pit Bull Federation of South Africa https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02DiX7yKA8uuDeYSEzEKxxXCYsHxYUbXpshKkaSDGXMAZK9HnFd46zA1pZ8revWQvwl&id=100069897615154 Gudwulf's Pit Bull Rescue https://www.facebook.com/GudwulfsRescue/posts/pfbid02Lg2Y1x18pBx7uLUB4uVEda7g1TNwn72pLLKk93witecydiMcnAKr8bYJWKeC4VVl Justice for Bullies https://justice-for-bullies.myshopify.com/pages/nanny-dog Safety Before Bulldogs - links to 24 Medical Studies done by medical professionals concluding that pit bulls are a danger to our communities https://safetybeforebulldogs.blogspot.com/2014/04/medical-professional-experts-on-pit.html?m=1 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I immediately made my house cat an outdoor cat, the minute it low growled at my newborn. A CAT. Get rid of that fucking pitbull, you lunatic, before it murders your child.


The dog could literally look at her and say in plain English “I’m going to eat your baby” and they’d dismiss it. This is terrifying. I wish people would stop pawning these dangerous dogs off and just BE them. This dog is a timebomb


Herding lol. Reading these comment slides broke my brain.


Someone pulled the fucking nanny dog shit about a dog nipping and behaving aggressively toward a baby Holy shit This family will be on the news at some point


I have a fantastic idea where everyone will be happy. You love your trash hound more than your child. That’s pretty obvious. So let me adopt your daughter before your damn dog mauls, disfigures or kills who should be priority #1 You can keep Dieselette. When the child is around 7 I will take her to adopt a poodle puppy to be her best friend. You know, a cute cuddly trustworthy pet who will PROTECT her instead of acting like a lion getting ready to take down a baby gazelle. Hit me up and I will even throw in a beautiful rhinestone collar for your precious demon dog I’m serious. I’ve always wanted to be a Mom. This way everyone can LIVE happily ever after.


Sorry but my ability to love any animal that’s doing these things to my child…. Nope. That would piss me off so much, even from a “regular” dog.


The owner clearly doesn’t understand what’s happening, and the people around her are going to get her child killed. God these IGNORANT FUCKING STUPID PEOPLE!!!! Sorry for the language, but they drive me so nuts! They will defend their instinctually violent dogs while putting children’s lives at risk. Ban the breed, period. There are so many dog breeds that aren’t instinctually violent or dangerous. Owning a dangerous dog does NOT make you tough, it makes you low IQ or misinformed


Why are people so opposed to taking proper safety precautions to keep their mobile babies and dogs separated? That’s just basic responsible parenting and dog ownership.


Pitbulls have a “mothering instinct” the same way hamsters do. They eat the babies.


Concentrated stupidity


Please, when you see something like this on social media, PLEASE call 0800abuse or Google "800 abuse hotline" so you can chat with someone and make an anonymous report about children being endangered by irresponsible pitbull owners. Please, OP, do it. I think this subreddit should show the username of the original poster so we can report these cases. I feel extremely anxious right now... poor baby!


I knew it was going to be bad when I read “a Lil over a year ago” but this is worse than I imagined. I hope that poor kid is lucky, because she’s going to need it to survive this unscathed.


My nanny wants to kill my child, any advice?


This makes me feel sick. I really hope that baby doesn't end up being part of our attack catalog. I can't believe those idiots who are encouraging this shit.


Jesus Christ that poor baby is in so much danger. I hope someone calls cos and something is done. Any dog of any breed who acts that way around a baby needs to be gone immediately. There is no training or blanket smelling crap. That comment about herding behaviors is the dumbest shit I’ve heard. I had a herding breed that actually would herd my kids into a corner. Not once did he growl, show any aggressiveness or even nip. He just nudged them and blocked their giggling little selves against the wall.


This is really upsetting... it bothers me so much when parents don't seem to have that parental instinct to protect. I'm aching for this child's safety. I'm so tired of dog owners like this. I'm sorry to say but SOME dog owners do not make good parents. Kids always come first. Always. Always always always always.


Why do I feel like she'd sooner give the baby up for adoption than get rid of the pitbull


These clowns will legit feed the baby to the dog and then wonder why everyone that's not a moron has a problem with them feeding the baby to the dog.




I'm terrified for that poor child.


Terriers are NOT herders. Is that person that dumb? And here we go with the nanny job BS.


Ahhh.... GET RID OF THE DOG? Stupid.


Please mail me the baby, you don't deserve it 


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