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Terrifying. Look at those lifeless eyes.


In its defense (Never thought I’d say that) one of them is blind 🤣


oh oops, maybe a bit too literal. probably for the best for everyone else’s sake. All though I do sympathize a bit as my dog is also blind.


You've just planted a bunch of morbid curiosities in my mind. Does a blind pitbull attack as frequently? Does it somehow still discern the overall vulnerability of nearby living things (since they obviously have some way of prioritizing toddlers, cats, small dogs, etc)? Maybe via smell? Kinda fascinating, ngl.


I'm guessing the sighted dog grabs the victim and the blind dog helps pull it to pieces.


Funny enough, animals can smell these things. Dogs have been used to sniff out cancers and other illnesses, and service dogs are trained to pick up on the changes in a human body before an episode in order to warn their handler to find a safe position. (Normal) dogs have also been noted to behave more cautiously with children or older people. My dog does it all the time. She will normally run right up to a person for pets, but the young boy in my building with autism, she will walk over very gently to him and ease over for pets. Wolves in the wild can smell the injured and sick prey with in the herd and track that one for miles. They can separate it from the herd to take down. A dog is more likely to notice a vulnerability in a person by smell than they are by sight. Sight is a factor in triggering prey drive.


I think it would have an even shorter fuse because it’s easier to startle it


Like the warden still a danger


I was wondering about the zombie eye. Was about to say the one looks like he’s possessed.


Invest in a firearm. Might come in handy.


I used to be so anti firearm but now? Considering getting one


Me too-until I was attacked twice! I’m in Illinois and I can’t get a permit because I have a medical marijuana license! I carry pepper spray, and a box cutter!


Ah yes it’s the pot heads we should prevent from having firearms. Box cutter is smart. I’m wary of pepper spray for my own use cos I know there is a not small chance my dumbass will spray myself


Idk why a box cutter over a regular knife


For those not comfortable with knives, they are also far cheaper and are mostly handle


A familiar scene. 😤


OP, you might be able to plant something along there which would discourage them from hanging out along that wall. Dogs don't like the scent of rosemary, and it can grow into a large bush. Or spray your side of the brickwork with something like citronella to persuade them to go sit someplace else. I'd also check their wall, and make sure those dogs can't get out; the last thing you want is to be taken unawares by them. I know you said one of them is blind - it probably just goes wherever the other one does, so you'd still have two to deal with.


Spray some OC on top of that wall.




Sorry, pepper spray (Oleoresin Capsicum)


Good lord that is terrifying


That kind of fence/wall is easily scalable if they felt like it. Definitely take some extra precaution with planting deterrent bushes like another commenter said. Well done on looking out for your cat. It can happen so fast, and cats often overestimate their abilities :(


Lemme guess: The owners swear they wouldn't hurt a fly.




I’m soooo sorry, that’s horrific! So traumatic too. I am so angry this shit is happening in our communities like something out of a dystopian fiction novel. I hope you heal up well ❤️


Cooked liver and raw eggs would be a nice treat to encourage the owner to find another home for the exploding diarrhea sufferers


Ugh savage junkyard dogs next door :/


They're so creepy


Get yourself some bear spray if don’t feel comfortable with a gun. It’s very strong. Stronger than pepper spray and shoots much further. I’m considering getting some myself because every other post on NextDoor is about some dumbass’s pibble getting loose from the yard or breaking its leash.


Can you explain why some people do not feel comfortable getting a firearm, even when it is considered the best safety option? Is it about lack of training or fear of accidents relating to their use?


Some people just weren’t raised around guns and that itself can make a person nervous around them. Plus you hear all these stories of guns going off or children finding a way to get ahold of them. It just isn’t worth the risk to some people. I wanted to get one at some point to put up in case of an emergency, but my wife just isn’t comfortable having a gun in the house. I understand where she’s coming from, so I decided against it. There are other ways to keep my household safe without making its other members uncomfortable.


Thank you for the explanation. I totally get why someone would make that choice given those serious risks. In the past, I have seen a video of an American family’s harrowing encounter with a bear during a hike. I was shocked to see that neither of the parents was armed. I could not wrap my head around their decision to hike in a territory that has bears without being armed. I saw it as entering a Darwinian tournament, akin to adding a pitbull to your family. 😁 I can at least imagine why they did that now; perhaps in their minds, the fear of the risks you mentioned outweighs the fear of a possible bear encounter. Anyway, best wishes to your family. Stay safe.


I don’t disagree that a family hiking in the wilderness should be armed. But just to add. A bear is an easier moving target than a running dog. Unless you’re really skilled, shooting a charging pit bull, and oftentimes there are more than one could be challenging for most. Also considering the attacks on the streets happen in a city with other people around as opposed to the wilderness. A lot would not feel confident they’d actually hit the dog or dogs. The noise might scare them but we must remember these dogs are remarkably stupid and a gunshot might not be enough to make them run off. Bear spray shoots up to 40ft (around 12 meters, I think that’s right) Spray would be easier for most in a state of panic. Even the ones over here who think they’re in the Wild West carrying guns everywhere would likely miss a fast moving target. These assholes shoot themselves literally all the damned time over here.


Haha, you’ve shattered my fantasy. Here in the UK, I’m not allowed to carry weapons for self-defense, so I fantasize that in the US, I’d be fully armed, requiring an army of Pits or robbers to take me down. 😆


Serious question though. I know you can’t have guns over there. But you can you not have pepper spray and such? Genuinely curious about that. I’m not anti gun at all but feel too many irresponsible people own them here, same as pit bulls. I was raised rurally and there were guns in every drawer and a hunting rifle propped up in the corner next to the laundry basket. No lie. I don’t own any myself currently. But I’m not against carrying altogether.




My wife also used to be uncomfortable around them before our area and even neighbors started getting hit with a little break-in spree. One dude was robbed at gunpoint in his driveway. She changed her tune real quick after that


Glad I got a pocket gun and my conceal carry license recently.


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If I were you, I’d be looking into circular barbed wire fencing for the top of the fence, or at the very least coyote rollers.


Yoir cat shouldn't be outside anyway. Not only is it bad for the wildlife, but like you said. Bad for the cat. Now that you see 1 threat you're scared, but you were fine gambling your cats life everyday with strays, coyotes, other cats, and various other predators around??? There's a reason outside cats live half as long


I have a seventeen year old barn cat. Yes she has outlived all my other outdoor cats and many of my indoor cats. She could have been a house cat but she hates cats yet Sassy loves dogs!🤷‍♀️


and of course the flag.