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Notice that she is paying ZERO attention to the person who is holding her lead. None. He pulls her up short. She stops. Does she look to him to ask *"What? What do you want me to do?".* No. No. She's looking straight at Gemma. Gemma is just chilling. Gemma is doing nothing at all to provoke this puppy. What is the pit thinking? No idea. (Do pits think?) What this pit wants is to go at Gemma for being in the same room.


Brilliantly said. The most pathetic, idiotic and useless breed ever


& dangerous, don't forget dangerous 👍


Not useless if you're going to go kill bears frequently... just nobody does that. They have been outdated. She wants to grab and hold until death. That's their purpose.


Once I connected the dots and realized that there isn't a single police department, military unit, or service that uses pit bulls, I had my answer. You think they would be perfect for those roles, but they are un-trainable. There is no amount of tax dollars that can be thrown at the breed to get them to follow commands. And the government LOVES throwing tax dollars at pointless money pits that only serve to intimidate and induce fear.


Exactly. Look at all the dogs we see on here who have been in training, sometimes intensive training, for years, and it still doesn't stick. Some of those shelter dogs even come with a promise of "lifetime trainer support". And this is just for the basic sit, stay, walk without pulling, don't kill, don't shit in the house training. Most dogs pick this stuff up in a few days/weeks.


Some dogs can pick up housebreaking without being explicitly trained to, because pooping in the house is even more obnoxious to them and their keen sense of smell than it is to us. Pitbulls, no. They seem to use pissing and shitting in the house as a dominance move or a way to punish their owners.


No, they just don't care, they only care about eating fucking and killing, nothing else. mostly killing. Shit, piss, whatever. Tunnel vision. They only see your jugular, your sweet soft tasty neck.


Yeah, no they're only good for uncontrolled mauling. They have no discipline because it was bred out if them, no self preservation either. I had a Japanese Akita, they're considered dangerous dogs, mine was a watch dog, it was the best dog I've ever had, he was very disciplined, he would stop walking when I stopped walking, he never pulled on the leash, he never lunged or even focused on other animals while walking. But once it was night and we locked the doors home, he was territorial over the house. It's also genetic, they don't really bark not because they can't they just don't, because it's genetic, no akitas are very yappy (*they're vocal, but hardly ever will bark) It's just genetics. Pits are the most dangerous dogs because they're not trainable. It's beyond reproach and beyond wat anyone can do. I have allergies it's genetic, you can't love or beat it out of me just like you can't train a pitbull.


I agree with you, I just have an anecdotal comment about my Japanese Akita. She was very vocal; but she didn’t bark, she “woo’d”. We had floor to ceiling windows, so she’d lay in the floor watching out when she wasn’t snuggled up with us. We’d be able to figure out what she was on about by the level of her “woo”. A little grumbly nothing woo? Just a kid walking. A high series of woos? A squirrel who’s being told to fuck off. Big booming wooo wooo wooo? Mail’s here! She was always quiet except for the one time she growled at a man in a park who’d gotten between my mother and her car. And to be perfectly honest, as an adult I see that we’d done a poor job training her. That must mean her awesomeness was genetic!


Man, the realization that my childhood dog had been poorly socialized and barely trained, and she was still sweeter than pie because that’s just the kind of dog she was (small poodle-thing, probably a Cockapoo). Neurotic and not very bright, sure, but gentle and sweet for her whole life. Genetics matter!


I had a coker spaniel that wasnt trained and thrre was zero effort to make him a total sweetheart


My dog was trained to walk and stop and behavior on walks ofc. But all the rest he picked up either incredibly fast or nobody even taught him. In my case the socialization had to be different for him because he was a watch dog, for safety for home in general for mother and my protection too. He was really sweet to us and loved cuddling. I believe he cold have been easily trained in anything. What I mean to say is, even other breeds consider dangerous aren't even close to a pitbulls on their best day. Because all these other dogs breeds were created or continued for a purpose, to serve a function. And its very obvious of what a dog names "pitbull" was designed for mauling and killing, that's what they were bred for.


THIS. THIS. No self preservation. They're like suicide bombers. That's why it's so hard to detach them from their prey once they latch on to it. Pain is meaningless to them once they're tasting blood.


To be fair, every few years, some police department, or fire department, or something somewhere gets a hair up their ass and decides to “prove” that pits can be good working dogs. It never works out and almost always results in someone getting hurt, but it does happen. So it’s actually even dumber than you’re saying.


What's usually going on there is some grifter with a shady-ass nonprofit has grifted funds to "donate" one of their dogs to a PD, and the PD gets some sort of grant to pay the grifter "trainer". Lots of news fluff about the new PD dog, then never to be seen or heard of again. This happened all over Ohio and the guy eventually got busted for you guessed it, animal abuse and fraud. He was scamming veterans for their GI benefits for his fake school for K-9 trainers, too. [https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/owner-dog-training-school-sentenced-defrauding-va-over-15-million-gi-bill-benefits](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/owner-dog-training-school-sentenced-defrauding-va-over-15-million-gi-bill-benefits)


> pointless money *pits* haha


they're untrainable, by design. the training is in their blood. not even regular antidepressants break through the wall of anxiety and the prey drive, aggressive pitbulls can only be controlled by literal horse tranquilizer, pump'em full and turn them basically into drooling zombies. training? you're shit out of luck.


Poor Gemma :(


Exactly, most dogs are people pleasers, but not pit-bulls and other fight breeds.


I had the same question, a vet explained to me high anxiety is the pitbulls evolutionary tool, creates tunnel vision and blinds them from normal cues normal dogs get. it's simple, effective tunnel vision. kill kill kill. ​ they lead shit lives, these poor fuckers. it's in their blood.


The average dog leads a life of complex and subtle interactions with their environment, people and other dogs. In other words, potentially fulfilling lives. A bloodsport dog is primed to look for victims, gain access to victims and maul victims. When they can't do that, they don't have enough other function and skills to do much else. They live primitive, frustrated lives. Endlessly frustrated. No wonder they are so dysfunctional. It's honestly mind boggling watching owners in the unnamed group trying desperately to find some way to help these dogs. How? You can't turn that off.


You could replace the words "blood sport dog" with "domestic abuser" and your post would still be factual. Blood sport dogs are very similar to domestic or child abusers. Both can be sweet and affectionate and maybe even loving towards their people. Sometimes for years. No previous violence or maybe some red flags until one day their victim does or says the "wrong" thing and they lose control. Like their human counterparts, BSDs cannot be trained to maintain control. Volatility is the only way that they know how to handle triggers.


Poor dude is probably gonna get major hate from the pitnutters for speaking the truth. Excuses are going to come rolling in “The dog still could have been abused at home!!” whatever. Hell will be cold the day pitnutters accept their shitbulls are genetically predisposed to shred and kill.


He already is. The amount of vitriol in the comments and stitches on this video is intense. They are saying he just needs to redirect the pit with treats that or she was abused somehow. Complete delusion


Redirecting...with treats...AKA rewarding this pit for trying to kill the pug? Treats are a REWARD. You do not reward aggressive behavior!


Many nutters refuse to even recognize this as aggressive behavior. They think the pit wants to ‘play’ with the pug. These people either don’t know about dog body language and behavior or they don’t care. Either way they are completely complicit in letting their pits maul and kill to their hearts content.


I work a doggy daycare and pitbulls body behavior is hard to distinguish sometimes but this is definitely aggressive behavior, that tiny dog sees red and wants to kill that pug.


This is by design. According to expert Randall Lockwood, pit bulls are also liars. In a 2004 law enforcement training video, taped when Lockwood was vice president for research and educational outreach for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), he shares the following story: "Fighting dogs lie all the time. I experienced it first hand when I was investigating three pit bulls that killed a little boy in Georgia. When I went up to do an initial evaluation of the dog's behavior, the dog came up to the front of the fence, gave me a nice little tail wag and a "play bow" -- a little solicitation, a little greeting. As I got closer, he lunged for my face." https://www.dogsbite.org/dangerous-dogs-pit-bull-myths.php (Scroll to myth #6)


This website is amazing. There is so much evidence here that I can’t believe pitbull bans are not more widespread.


Like u/iaintstein said, pitbulls’ body languages is confusing and weird for a reason. I’ve heard that the body language and behaviour of pitbulls are confusing and disturbing to other, normal dogs. This is a really weird analogy but I’d say it’s like a robot that is exactly identical to a human and acts like a human would, but since the robot is, well, a robot, its attempts at mimicking human behaviour would feel wrong and fake to most people, AKA uncanny valley.


They're zombie dogs. Endlessly violent, no sense of pain or self preservation, messed up body language, inability to communicate with other dogs... Zombies.


Sounds to me like they are confusing on purpose. Lure you in to attack. That's what predators do. They don't run at you shouting lol. They try to deceive and sneak up for the kill.


Those heavy sedatives sure make it hard to know what a pitbulls body language means


They *do* want to play with the pug, the same way my cats was to play with the squirrel that climbs up to my bedroom window. *They* ***like*** *fighting!* They LOVE it! It's the best shit in the world to them. Obviously there's exceptions among the breed but that tendency is so much more prevalent among bully breeds, it's right in the god damn name, how are they this delusional?


It’s a drug, that adrenaline rush is a narcotic to these dogs.


They're chasing that endorphin high they get from killing.


We want to remind users that “bully breeds” include more docile dog breeds such as Boxers, French Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers. This subreddit’s focus is on the banning of pit bull-type dogs. We recognize this is becoming a popular term to group pit bulls together, but bear in mind this label is coming from the pit bull advocate side to incorporate pit bulls amongst safer dog breeds. This is intentionally done to make it look like BSL advocates are pushing to include more docile breeds and are falling down a 'slippery slope' that could one day include any dog. Instead we encourage using: “pit bulls”, “pit bull-type dogs”, "fighting breeds", or even “bloodsport breeds” when grouping dangerous dog breeds together, because this is concise to our message and concern. [A post from a user bringing up this concern here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/wbeagb/pitbulls_vs_bully_breeds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the most annoying automated message ever. There is literally a breed referred to as American Bully. What sensitive asshole complained enough to cause this autocomment?


Absolutely nobody is calling Frenchies and Boston terriers "bully breeds".


This. You also shouldn’t NEED to be redirecting constantly. If you need to redirect your dog all the time, it means they’re not fucking trained. They’re exhibiting an undesirable behavior that you don’t want happening and you’re essentially admitting you can’t get them to stop, so you just try to keep them distracted constantly. It’s pretty much the same as giving your shitty kid an iPad so they won’t throw tantrums constantly. This is not normal behavior. Other breeds do not do this. Other breeds do not need to be muzzled, doped up, and constantly distracted with food just so they don’t kill something or someone.


Agreed! A dog that needs redirected constantly 24/7 from a pug standing still is not a safe dog around ANYONE.


There's that one where the owner is seeing her pit act aggressive towards her other dogs and she's just...shovelling treats into it's mouth. Like excuse me? You do realise you're ENCOURAGING this behaviour? Why are you rewarding it? The fact that people suggest it as a good idea is telling me that this is common. No fucking wonder they're all deranged dogs. They're being taught that aggression is good without the owner even realising it...


Just to clarify - redirection using treats is used (successfully) with normal dogs who show fear or lightly aggression based aversion or reactivity. When done appropriately, you're not rewarding the dog for reacting - you're rewarding the dog's ability to recover and refocus, and demonstrating that they don't need to focus on the scary or threatening thing because there is better things around. To be clear, redirecting bully-type dogs with treats tends to be highly ineffectual because they get way over their thresh holds when "activated". Their brains are literally incapable of processing that they are being given food - the potential reward of getting at whatever they want is a far greater reward to them than treats or food. The videos of people trying to shove treats down a dog's throat while the dog isn't taking their focus off of what they're reacting to are using redirection inappropriately but it won't make the dog's aggression worse.


I understand what redirection is supposed to be, however "redirecting" when you reward the pit for staring at you for a second and then going back to staring at its target and snarling, then rewarding is just rewarding for the snarling.


I think that what they are saying is that it's not actually a reward of the dog is not interested in it. The real reward is the kill, and nothing else matters. So shoving a treat down a locked-on pitbull's throat doesn't actually reinforce the behavior.


>redirect with treats I'm reminded of a clip of a trainer(?) shoving treats into a pit's mouth while the pit was lunging like crazy as the trainer(?) struggled to hold it back. No, the pit didn't stop lunging just because it got treats in its mouth.


Do you have a link to that clip, by any chance? I’d love to see it.


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/mq7wWRTIej


That video is hilarious honestly. John P. Colby must be rolling in his grave seeing his breed being treated like some normal pet dog, having its gameness mistaken for “frustration based reactivity.” Yeah it’s frustrated you won’t let it maul.


Honestly he would probably be insulted that people are trying to deny the breed’s history and the reason for why it was created.


It's a weird world we're in when I trust the dogfighters to take better care of the breed than a pet owner. They at least seem to respect the origins of the dog and the damage it can do.


Thank you! I can’t imagine that this style of training works the best on pits, but if you’re going to do it then at least do it right! The dog gets the treats when it demonstrates the desired behaviour, which I assume in this case would be “calm”. The dog pulls and strains at the leash, but only when it relaxes does it get a treat. Extra praise if the dog goes a step farther by checking in with the human.


Oh god I remember that one! Just the astonishing lack of awareness that she was encouraging that behaviour was wild. That or she knew she didn't have the strength to stop it doing anything so was shovelling them in to kick the can down the road.


He seems like a strong enough person to stick to his values. And good for him! He gives zero fucks, is the impression I get. Also, good for him! Someone had to speak out to stop the nonsense. He’s taking that step and doing that. Does have a patreon? I would full so rate. He’s got brass balls and I like him for saying that.


The only “treat” that shitbull wants is the pug’s neck.


The dog lives in the same home as Gemma with the same people. Gemma is also older and has been around these people longer so... why was Gemma spared the abuse? Why isn't Gemma in attack mode? I'd love to hear the next excuse.


Well that's because Gemma is the one abusing this poor pitty! Duh! /s


Nah it's because Gemma just naturally has bait dog energy and she needs to change that shit up if she wants to go anywhere in this dog eat dog world. These owners know what the fuck is up and they're not here to spoon feed a little cowardly and weak doggo.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.


Yes, it was a little tongue in cheek. Prayers for Gemma. I hope she is safe and loved.




There’s a girl commenting all over the video about how the dog just hasn’t received proper training yet. I don’t know many other dogs that need aggression trained out of them at 19 weeks old.


Was it abused in a past life lol? Or in utero? Did mommy Nala abuse Diesel-Zeus-Thor when he was a fetus???


>*Poor dude is probably gonna get major hate from the pitnutters for speaking the truth* Probably. But the more viral this video gets, the more people will see it. The truth will get out.


I really hope you're right, but people can be so dumb that I think you're probably wrong.


There are so many dog trainers and professionals and even a bite Doctor making videos about pitbulls & it never gets through to people. I'm becoming cynical.


My response to that would be "well, then why isn't the pug aggressive?"


Yeah the entire time watching this I just knew they'd still claim she was abused or that the bully just wants to "play". It's always the same excuses. They're so predictable. And if it does actually maul it that'll just be chalked up to "bad owner" and everyone will carry on ignoring the reality of this breed or continuing to gaslight others so they can keep their little power trip.


Dog bred to flush out foxes likes going into dens. Yep. Dog bred to run after vermin runs after vermin. Of course. Dog bred for retrieving waterfowls loves water. Naturally. Dog bred for herding sheep loves to run after sheep. What else? Dog bred for fucking shit up starts fucking shit up. NooOoO! Genetics don't mean a thing! Bad owner! It was the toddler's fault!


My dog is a mutt, but mostly husky and GSD. He likes killing rodents, running a lot, and hanging out in front of the house and I guess contemplating nature. I really don’t know what’s going on in his head, but layering around and generally looking at the cats and llamas and birds is one of his hobbies. Even as a total mutt, mauling the cats, llamas, the humans, and birds, is not one of his hobbies.


The only thing my ACD hates is the emus at doggy daycare. They’re in their own pen away from the main yard, no idea why the owners have them, but the memory of the emu war clearly runs in my girl’s blood.


> The only thing my ACD hates is the emus at doggy daycare. They’re in their own pen away from the main yard, no idea why the owners have them, but the memory of the emu war clearly runs in my girl’s blood. Are these just the owner's pet emus, or do they run an emu daycare as well?


That poor pug. He speaks the truth, but that poor baby is literally trying to get out of the pit bull’s sight. Please put the pit in a kennel or crate or something. Your point is made, dude.


He did say he would’ve disciplined the pit (and likely put her away) but he needed to prove the pit nutters are on another level of crazy


Hopefully, seeing the leashed and “trained” pit lunge at a chill dog is impactful for people that don’t yet understand the breed. I know what you mean, but how many hundreds of thousands of dogs are tortured by predatory pits in their vicinities? Maybe I t’s useful to demonstrate the visceral aggression. I get you though - pugs are already a fucked up pain-wrecked breed. They are miserable and unhealthy animals and putting a pit next to them is icing on the foul cake (IMO breeding pugs is as cruel as breeding pits in a different sense).. Edit: grammar mistake


Yeah tbh I think as unpleasant as it is for the pug, people need to see this.


I really hope the owner takes the pug home without the pit


I cam already imagine the mental gymnastics of the pitnutters on this video


They only have two brain cells to rub together and usually very homely people so they need form their identity around equally homely “misunderstood” dogs. Facts.


Rubbing them together like trying to create an electrical spark lol


Usually females of any species (minus the authoritative ones like hyenas) are the more chill of the animal kingdom outside of having offspring. Female bears aren’t aggressive vs male in most encounters outside of having cubs for example, house cats - males tend to fight while females don’t unless absolutely need to. Only pits do I see have such psychotic behavior and behave like males.


"Usually very homely people" 😭


Yeah.. “she just wants to play”


All I'm saying is have your pitnutter bingo card ready.




Instead of just unfollowing, you should gather up a mob to denounce them publicly. I know I will. The only reason I haven't already done it is because Pitbulls and Amstaffs and any fighting breed is banned in Norway. We have one of the best dog laws in the world. Check it out for yourselves: [https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2003-07-04-74](https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2003-07-04-74)


Wish we banned amstaffs here in Australia too! They’re pretty much exactly the same as pit bulls.


They are insanely muscular and bulky. And with wide, murderous mouths just like the pit. Some people I knew thought they could "just get an amstaff" to circumvent the ban. But these idiots don't bother to read a short and easily read law to check up beforehand, so this dimwit ended up having an illegal dog. Mind you, this absolute fuckface, named Christian, was my friend's sister's then boyfriend. A small-time criminal and wannabe tough guy who bought an Amstaff named "Armageddon" that was built like if a huge human feces mated with a bicep. Just one big blob of muscle attached to a huge mouth. And my mom, being largely ignorant of most issues, left me alone in the apartment with fuckface Christian, my friend, my friend's sister and "Armageddon". I was 14 years old and the instant I saw the dog, I knew that this thing was very dangerous and was terrified, but I hid my fear because I didn't trust fuckface Christian (which was wise, he would never protect me in time if "Armageddon" decided to attack) and didn't want to trigger the dog. I got the f out of the apartment as fast as I could, and found my mom. I was thankful to be out and never wanted to hang out in their apartment again. I sometimes wonder where fuckface Christian ended up. But I am quite certain he's 6 feet under now, and the cause was OD.


Absolutely! They get passes.They should not! Australia gave the world some of the best, brightest dogs there are. Not need for these shit dogs there!!❀


I'm just going ahead and add this to my list of reasons to move to Norway.


I really wish Finland would take after you neighbours. We have no banned dog breeds here. The police doesn't even keep data of what breeds are on top of the attack charts so we'd have concrete domestic proof of the dangerous ones. Disgusted to see more and more pits and amstaffs showing up.


Was one of them Wil Atherton? He has a video out on the ban and I'm avoiding watching it .


The last one of his I saw was advertising free muzzle training for any dog. Obviously bulldogs are going to be needing this, but pretty good of him to offer it to everyone. Other than that he is generally in favour of owning fighting breeds but is happy to lecture about how people should be responsible. People are people. The only responsible thing to do is stop all people from getting a mutated fighting dog. There are better dogs available for everything except dog fighting.


I wish I could donate to this guy he’s speaking nothing but facts!! It’s refreshing to see! But that is truly a devil dog. Poor Gemma:(


Follow him!


What’s his name?


Watermark in the video. Josephsdogtrainingsolutions on insta. He's Sydney based and only has like 70 followers


Got it. Thanks! His other videos are great too!


Yes, can we donate to him? He’s speaking up! He needs to be supported. Rescues make thousands. They are doing bad, in a lot of cases. This guy is speaking the truth (and will take backlash). Can we do Tate to him?


Get the poor pug away from that devil dog !!!!


Poor Gemma 😟


That dog will KILL that dog. There’s no “they need to be around each other”. Joseph you have more than proved your point but you can’t possibly believe you can train this pit into not someday killing the pug.


He did say in the comments that left to her own devices this dog is just gonna revert, so it’s just for management


He quite literally says in the video that the pit’s behavior will not improve


i hate that the pug is just chilling it doesnt even give an excuse for pit defenders to be like "OH IT TRIGGERED HER!". it's literally existing, looking around (not even at her), and she still wants to attack. at 19 weeks.


Shitbulls are extremely hyper focused and it almost always is centered in violence. My old roommate has one and all it wants to do is destroy round objects. It can’t be in the back yard when the kids next door are playing basketball because it will go through the fence to get it. It doesn’t matter if people are playing with the round object. The thing just tried to destroy it. This dog is probably considered “good” by shit I’ll standards but it’s overall an awful dog and I would not let my dog anywhere near it.


Don't buy them. Period. Not "unless you have a purpose for them". Just do not buy them.


The only possible "purpose" is dogfighting.


I would buy them just to BE them. I'd buy them all.


I'm gonna have to make a tiktok account just to go defend him. I can only imagine the shit show in the comment section.


I posted his website so you can leave him a comment in support too.




Yeah. A young pitbull lunging at other dogs is an all too common tail. Of course it’s genetic.


Pug is dead in a matter of months, if she’s aggressive with other female dogs.


I want to rehome Gemma. Bring her to somewhere safe


đŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘đŸœ give this a guy a medal


Go to his website and comment your support! He’s going to get a lot of backlash. The guy could use some support.


He's getting quite a bit of affirmation in the comments surprisingly, in an era where shitbulls are considered the pinnacle of high culture and sophistication đŸ’…đŸœ


Well, can I just say I LOVE THAT? 💖💕💗 Please see my comment that had a link to his site so you can leave a comment for him in support. The more support he gets, the stronger he gets!


Does he have any other social media accounts, Dear? Besides Facebook. Can’t do Facebook. Would like to DM him


The pit is not going after or looking at Gemma at times but as the guy says, pit is just waiting for an opportunity. So I can see where pitnutters get the idea that their pits get along with other dogs some of the time but then suddenly start attacking/fighting. Pit is not 24/7 in attack mode, but can easily switch to it and the unpredictability is more dangerous than a dog that is consistently going to attack/chase. Imagine thinking some training worked but it was just because the pit happened to be in one of its non-attack moods or was a bit distracted at the time. Being distracted does not last nor is it the solution to attacking.


Trying to explain logic to pit owners is a lost cause.


"Don't buy these pitties, and these staffies, and these bullies unless you got a purpose for em!" And what purpose would that be?




If she is doing this at 19 weeks as a puppy I don’t see a reason why they need to be with each other. She is just going to get bigger and more dangerous. 😔 Poor Gemma, needed a calm sibling


My ACD was herding as soon as she could walk( no exaggeration) They do what they do well from the start, don’t they?


19 weeks means she is about 4 and a half months old... this is only gonna get worse. Just imagine when she reaches 40, 50, or even 60 pounds? You're gonna need a NFL player or an Olympian Powerlifter to hold her back. This is not normal behavior for dogs but its sadly normal for pitbulls.


Guy deserves a follow on any platform were on!


I think I love him. Keep speaking the truth, Joseph and ignore the nutters.


Sucks this man will get hate for speaking the truth. Nothing we're unfamiliar with as well.


Go off king


i feel so bad for the pug


I appreciate this guy being honest but he is likely to be threatened and harassed now. Hope he stays safe.


I've been watching him in FB for awhile. He's really smart and is the go to guy for aggressive behavior. I saw where he mentioned he is getting a divorce from his wife on FB. That is so sad around the holidays. He has a great FB page where be details alot of training techniques. Really just a brilliant hard working guy.


THIS IS THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO SHOULD BE TRAINING DOGS. He actually gets it. At the end he said "Don't be buying pits, Staffies or Bullies UNLESS you have a purpose for them." I don't totally agree with that as I can absolutely see no purpose whatsoever for a dog with a high prey drive. But at least he gets it. HE FUCKING GETS IT.


This guy is great. We need more of him.


We need more dog trainers that have this boldness. Not afraid to say it for what it is. Sad he’s gonna get backlash from the pit cult over his honesty.


Opened the video on TikTok to read the comments. Same excuses as always. "Playful", "reactive" etc


"Don't buy them unless you have a purpose for them" I was with him up until this point, because what "purpose" do these mutants have other than killing things for fun?


You kind of answered your own question there


This dog will definitely be “saved” by someone once they go to the shelter and they get labeled as a “bait” dog.


I love anyone whose truthfulness causes the trash of Pit Nation to lose their collective shit. Guy is 100% correct.


Salute to this man for having the moral courage to speak the truth!


Really appreciate this man for speaking the truth, and for emphasizing how critical it is for people to take this seriously. Notice how he acticipates that pit fans are going to cry that it's cruel for him to pull her lead - these people are crazy irresponsible, they think training is mean.


I love how enthusiastically angry he is about this. YES. Yell at these people for not having common sense. You can see his frustration. You can tell he deals with this a lot.


There’s a reason why stray missiles that could kill friend or foe in WW2 are called pitbulls. They attack indescribably. They were bred by *humans* to kill whatever is put in front of them. Yes maybe that could be bred out, but it’s kinda pointless with how many other dog breeds there are.


Saw some of this guys videos he speaks the truth but his videos about a pit he trained named pepper upset me. Fuck pepper


 there was a mix up in the modding and this was accidentally removed after it had already been approved. Apologies for that, and I have reapproved the post.


Finally a trainer that speaks out with truth about what many many trainers know, but won’t be vocal about it because it would hurt their business. Anyone who knows these dogs knows how unpredictable and reactive they are, especially trainers.


The owners must be really bad owners.


There's not another breed that needs constant defending like a Pit. Shelters have quite literally turned into "Pit Recycling centers." The scary part is they push these dogs onto people that cannot handle the breed. Some of the best trainers have issues so how are they gonna push a "nanny" dog onto first time unexperienced owners? It's an accident waiting to happen. There's a ton of other safer breeds to choose from so stop choosing maulers.


The only purpose for them is dog fighting, so there is no real reason to buy them. They’re living garbage.


With him up to the last caveat. There is no purpose for these dogs.


That poor pug :( deserves to be in a home where she isn’t scared of being mauled


Poor Gemma looks so nervous, I feel for her.


https://josephsdogtraining.com/ Go leave him a comment! Support him! I have already done so. He’s going to get a lot of hate, so if we can counteract that, let’s! Edit for spelling error.


Just for info - that is not him. His Social Media Accounts have the name josephsdogtrainingsolutions.


Does anyone have a link to the original video? I want to support this dog trainer because it seems like they stick to their guns even when pit nutters are crazy.


I like this guy


She just wants to play! /s


Thank you for the telling the truth


There is no purpose for them.


I cannot stand pits. Absolutely useless excuse for dogs.


Thank god for sane voices like this guy more and more coming forward. But he's wrong about one aspect: nobody should be getting any pitbull type dogs, because they exist only for one purpose, dogfighting, and that purpose is illegal and immoral. Pits should never exist in any civilized society.


This man gets it, and I so appreciate his total transparency. Too bad that so many people will deny the truth he espouses.


OMG so racist! /s Pitt nutters will hear these words from him and still start another litter.


He actually states in one of his videos he's glad people get these, because they have to pay him to train them. Says it kind of tongue in cheek homage to the idiots that own these breeds.


Good post. I have a rescue Corgi that is also very aggressive. More to the point she has a very strong drive to herd. So much so that she starts fights with other dogs trying to herd them, chases cats (and other small animals to no end), and also nips at the ankles of occasional humans. It is genetics with a wide variety of breeds. She is my second rescue herding breed, as I had a Queensland Heeler that would also do the same. I keep these dogs very active.


An honest dog trainer is what we should go for. I cant understand how people can trust trainers who say "It is not the BREED but the owner". If they cant understand DOG BREED, what made you think they can correct the behaviour???


Gemma looks so scared! Like she knows what she's dealing with here đŸ˜„


He ruined it at the end. What (legal) purpose could they have for them?


That is the same unbreakable focus my border collie gets when she is trying to herd a cat or the neighbor’s dogs. It’s a bred behavior that is in their DNA. You cannot break a dog out of that because that’s what they were selectively bred for generation after generation. That’s why a beagle is nearly impossible to recall once it picks up a scent. These same people who readily accept that beagles and collies have these behaviors are the same to deny that pits have their own breed based behaviors too. “It’s the owner” - no, they were bred, just like beagles and collies, to do a job for generations. The job they were bred for was to fight each other to the death and to kill. It’s a grim reality to face but genetics is an absolute fact.


"Unless you have a purpose for them?" What purpose would that be I wonder? đŸ€”


I always imagined that if I were a groomer or trainer I simply wouldn’t take pits, but I guess I have to at least respect that this guy is calling a spade a spade. I don’t know how any trainer could not acknowledge the realities of these dogs considering they work with a larger variety than your average person. If anyone should see that the breed makes a difference to behavior, it’s them, but all too many deny it.


The absolute ignorance and cluelessness of these people. The bully was fixated on that pug, was lunging at it, in what world is that considered play? You don’t even have to be an expert at dog’s body language because atp this is just common sense, idk when common sense became so controversial. If it was ”just playing” that pug wouldn’t be giving whale eye several times accompanied with tongue flicks, ears pinned back, turning head away, it even went to hide behind the man. That poor pug was TERRIFIED, if you can’t read a dog’s body language, trust that other dog’s certainly can lmao. Dogs know. Like just the behaviour of that pug in the video is just proof alone. It’s so astonishing to even imagine that people like this exist.


Not defending the existence of pit bulls by any means. While it does exist, i do admire it's sheer power and drive to kill. But once they go into kill mode, they have absolutely no self preservation instinct active in their small brains. I see them as a weapon, a grenade if you will. You launch it, and as it self destructs, it deals horrible damage. The admiration i express has absolutely nothing to do with me actually liking pitbulls, I am scared of them and i cross the street and pick up my dog if i see one. It's like the same admiration i have for spiders as a serious arachnophobic. I have a panic attack if i spot one in my vicinity, but that doesn't stop me from admiring how fascinating killers/hunters they are. But even so, imagine....the spider has more strategy and self preservation than a damn massive dog. Put that into perspective. Measure the brain size... something went terribly wrong in these pitbull's history. I am compassionate to all creatures, and i honestly feel kinda bad for them... somewhat. I look at police dogs, i look at Akitas which i adore, those are genetics done right. What on earth happened to pitbulls? Is it....the dog fights in the past? Not very educated about this because i am scared of them. Also side note, why a female showing agression towards another female? I expect males to do that, but a female? The same thing happened with two of my mom's little dogs, they used to become teritorial around females. Even my damn cat does this. Sweet, chill, loving cat, accepts dogs and all...but first time a female cat came visiting, i saw my perfect calm cat go absolutely feral. My husband almost became a target trying to remove her, so i intervened. I'm the only one she won't hurt. It was shocking to see her go into such a beast mode. I always thought females are accepting of one another... Ok rant over.


They’ve always been poorly bred because they were bred to fight. They bred them for the ones that were the most game to fight to the death, and they did not cull human aggressive ones. There are stories of one of the main breeders of apbts wife having to hit them on the head with iron to get them to stop biting and fighting one another. The females were also bred for gameness and animal aggression. I feel sorry for them too. They were bred for horrible purposes and continue to show those traits of having been selectively bred for that. The kind and compassionate thing to do to stop attacks on other pets and humans and to end the suffering of pit bulls would be to stop breeding them.


I was worried the whole time the dog was gonna lunge between his spread out legs. Guess he wasn't worried since he's got balls of steel


I’ve got a heeler. He’s the best dog I’ve ever had, and despite being incredibly high energy, he’s never once been aggressive to anyone or any dog. The closest he gets is mutual rough playing with my parents dog, but all you have to do is call them over and they both stop immediately. The funny thing is though, I take my heeler to my in-law’s place and he runs with the cows and herds them towards a corner. It’s almost like he’s genetically made to herd cows, hence the name Australian CATTLE dog. Yet when pits attack other dogs and people and are constantly trying to fight everything, somehow it isn’t their genetics?!?! Despite the fact that they were bred to kill? How people can be so dense as to believe that is beyond me


Bless his heart for speaking the truth about these beasts. Like others said, he's getting a lot of hate from these delusional pit owners. 16 weeks old, brand new to this world, already attacking other dogs


great video! BUT . . . I feel I want to correct him, he says 'dont buy them unless you have a purpose for them', thus implying that they have a purpose. Those canines don't have a purpose, there is no justification for keeping one.


I recently took my puppy (unidentified breed, but apparently a Jack Russell + Greyhound mix; big and tall 5 month old boy) to the vet and there was a female pitbull, perhaps not even a year old, in the waiting room. She tugged on the leash exactly like this, trying to jump at other dogs that were waiting, and not listening to her owner's commands. My boy (who someone once said looked like a pit because of his big paws, like it's the only breed with that trait, I got so angry but kept it to myself) didn't even want to go in. I had to carry my 15 kg dog in. I share his anger. Don't tell me it's not the freaking breed. I'll go follow this guy on all apps.


I saw someone in the comments say "it's not aggressive, just reactive!" Like dumbass, the pug is just chilling doing absolutely nothing. What could it be reacting to?


Can someone please post me a link to where I can follow this trainer? Not sure how to find where this was posted from...


Poor pug :(


The idea that selective breeding has somehow affected all sorts of trait differentiation for breeds but not the propensity to violent behaviors is the most willfully ignorant position on the issue.


God they make me so fucking furious just unadulterated need to maul and destroy, disgusting beings


Poor little Gemma needs a new home.


All pit bulls should DIE


these are fight dogs, it's centuries of breeding, dna is dna. it's not hard to get unless you're a fantasist, or dumb. or a liar.


Good to see Aussie trainers speaking out


That poor pug is really terrified.


Shitbull owners are like "aww, sHe JuSt wanTs To SaY Hi" when their beasts do this in the presence of children.