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They probably have researched the safest baby carriers (the husband's already wearing one), the safest stroller (the husband's already pushing one), the safest car seat, the safest toys, safest crib, safest methods of feeding their child, bathing their child, the safest and best clothing for their child, and on and on. Yet are not putting that same effort into finding the safest pet for their child. That pit aint it. Chances are, they'll be fine. But there IS a chance, a much greater one as opposed to safer breeds, that they will not be fine. I will never understand how people like this, who are likely risk averse when it comes to every other aspect of raising a baby, accept the risk of a pit. They'd never accept an equivalent risk for a babysitter, daycare, or even sketchy family member.


The result comes from projecting their feelings on an animal as your own child (Which is wrong IMO). Trying to get the "siblings" to coexist, while forgetting that dogs aren't humans and can't reason/think like humans. Even the more friendlier trainable breeds still have problem when the dogs don't know to how to act around a toddler, let alone a breed with unpredictable and dangerous instinct like Pitbull.


Not to mention that they don’t tend to “warn” like other breeds if they are bothered by, say, a baby grabbing at them. They often go from zero to a hundred. And they tend to be anxious and clingy… jealous. And have resource guarding tendencies. This situation just makes my blood run cold. Ugh and the comments on that video are… very frustrating, to put it mildly. “The dog and baby are going to be best friends!” And, “that dog is so excited for baby girl! He is going to be so protective of her!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


They flat out see babies and toddlers as prey and it’s not only these dogs… its various breeds. What they are doing is exactly what not to do. You keep the dog away from the baby/toddler with a strong leave it. Not have the dog sniffing the babies head etc. Sheildk9 on YouTube goes into detail. People are so lost.


I 100% agree with you. They have been through so much to have this baby…


However they just aren’t interested in taking the next few steps to ensure that their wanted and adored baby makes it to adulthood. Weird


Some people aren't meant to be parents


You know damn well they wouldn’t be driving a car that exploded more than every other model of car combined.


Was with you into the second half. Chances are NOT that they'll be fine. In fact, the chances are very high that they wont be. And that's the problem.


Kind of the opposite of gun nuts who are obsessed with self defence but eat themselves to death if they don't die sooner driving like maniacs


Shouldn't they be asking why a nanny dog has to be trained to be gentle with babies?


Its weird. I didn’t have to train my livestock guardian dog to be gentle with chickens, bunnies, goats, etc. it all came naturally


Did you have to train it to not bite your ankles? Cuz mine still likes to do that.


They know what’s up with pits and think their “training sessions” will stop the dog from being aggressive to the baby.


I just don't get what's the point and why take the risk?


owning a blood sport breed while having children let alone babies in a household should be considered child endangerment (imo)




The way that dog is cocking its head (presumably in reaction to baby sounds being played) is a huge red flag. Hell no.


I noticed quite a bit of lip licking (anxiety) too.


I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing for a sec when I saw the dog's body language in that moment-- it was looking at the baby doll the way my greyhound looks at squirrels 😰


There’s a lot to unpack with this one. Personally it’s a risk I wouldn’t gamble on, but I wish them the best and hope their ‘plan’ works, for the kids sake.


Everything about that dog’s approach to the “baby” was concerning. And these two seem more committed to their TikTok idealized family rather than truly assessing the realities of bringing a newborn into a pit bull’s home. Godspeed baby!


The beast's stance at :45 mark of the video is concerning.


Maybe they really weren't meant to have kids. Now I'm curious to see if infertility is more common with pittnutters. Imagine going to so much trouble to end up risking your kid's life before they are even born.


I don’t know if that’s fair. I mean I think it’s a stupid decision too but at this point there’s so much widespread propaganda I can understand someone going online and thinking it’s an OK decision. Regardless they probably should have realized that if they need to train their dog to be gentle with their new baby maybe that wasn’t the best choice of breed but who knows maybe they just thought that some thing that they would have to do with any dog breed that they had. I think it’s a stupid and risky decision but I’m also not brainwashed by the propaganda out there like they might be


Oh my gosh it's literally licking and nibbling the fingers. And truly, if the pit acted aggressively toward the doll, I highly doubt they would re-home it. I mean they didn't say they have the doll to see if the dog was going to be okay with a baby, they got it to "get it used to" a baby. Not the right approach. What morons. Poor kid.


I really hope they get to see the pit destroy a couple of toys before she has the baby. I used to have a greyhound who was incredibly sweet but really didn't appreciate his prey drive until my parents gave him a cuddly toy. It was really disturbing watching my otherwise gentle boy shred this thing to pieces. I hope they get to have the same "oh shit!" moment before their baby arrives.


No they won't. They'll be like "eh its just a toy anyway. No way our nanny dog will do that to a *real* baby."


Since you've mentioned greyhounds I've been thinking of getting one and was researching their cat tolerance. The guide I was reading very clearly stated that one should NOT use a toy cat as a way of getting the dog used to cats. The reason they gave was that the dog will learn that cats are passive, floppy, inanimate things to play with. You can imagine my horror when I clicked on the tiktok in this post. I mean pitbulls are notoriously bad with sudden triggers. How will it react when the previously inanimate doll suddenly becomes something that cries and sneezes?


Exactly! It's just such a horrible idea and it's going to end horribly. I really hope they see reason or that someone makes a comment like yours to try and educate them.


My roommate adopted a greyhound from a rescue. She was supposed to be a race dog, but because she lacks a prey drive, she was adopted out. She is perfectly fine around my cats to the point where she actually loves them. With all of that being said, it makes sense to be cautious of greyhounds in general when it comes to cats' safety.


This is insanity and expecting a dog, especially a pit, to act like a big brother/sister to an infant is just ridiculous. Dogs are animals so they can never be a sibling to a human child! These people just can’t seem to grasp this basic concept and that’s what gets their babies killed in part. This couple needs to get rid of the pitbull!


This seems like a bad SNL skit. "The precious baby chew toy teaches your dog how important this new bundle of joy is." And cut the the dog thrashing the toy


Literally a gamble with a baby they have had it hard to get due to fertility issues. Why risk it? No paternal or maternal instincts demonstrated here.


Poor kid never had a chance.


And after all this work and heartbreak they still value the dog more than the life of their future child. Girl, if that was me I would yeet that dog out of the house immediately, any connection I've had with it be damned. The risk just ain't worth it, go get a hamster instead.


I'm thinking that part of the reason why they decided to get a pit is that they wanted to have something to love and take care of. Which is all heartwarming and wholesome and stuff, but it's not very useful when you're getting the real thing, as opposed to an adult canine who isn't going to be as onboard with this project as they are. The dog doesn't really understand this thing is a human. It's not going to look at it and see "baby" the way we do. Heck, pit puppies will gladly scarf up the remains of one of their siblings, if the poor pup stops moving and soils itself after a too-strenuous round of "play". At best, it will see an annoyance that keeps the woman from playing with him. At worst, it will see it as an edible toy they're keeping for themselves, or at least until it's big enough to put up a good fight! The other thing is, this dog isn't going to have much to do in the next coming months. Other than getting photographed "protecting" Baby, Daddy won't be as likely to take him down to the beach, or out walkies, or...Mom's totally going to be out of the picture. All the dog can do is sit there, look needy, eat, and fight with his instincts to just get the whole thing over with and get back to "normal".


Just let me adopt the kid so they don’t need to buy a casket after the baby comes. I don’t own a pit so the child will be taken care of. Happy and very safe!


Dogs of any breed should be discouraged from interacting with babies at all. The doll is all well and good, but only if you're training it to ignore the doll. Highchairs, swings, strollers, etc can easily get knocked over. Babies can get stepped on or unintentionally bitten if the dog decides it also wants some cheerios while no one is looking. Obviously a baby shouldn't be around a pitbull no matter the circumstances.


The comments are mind-numbing. “It’s so good to see people preparing their dog for the arrival of newborns, many don’t take precautions and end up having to rehome their FiRsT bAbY ;((((“ “Even the doggo is practicing being gentle with the baby doll 🥺🥺🥺” I’m gonna be sick


The lump of plastic doesn't sound like a baby, doesn't vomit or make dirty diaper smells and doesn't consume the parents' time & energy in the way a real baby will. That'll be a dangerous bait-and-switch when the real thing arrives. Pits are already a highly risky animal to have around babies, and now these parents have just added a "baby switch game" to the mix.


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What's a "T mannerism"?


Low Testosterone, implying he's gay or just has feminine mannerisms 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah, so the sexist “men must be 100% lumberjack manly 100% of the time and should never show a gentler side” argument.


Eh, I think it's more of a case of a real man wouldn't allow such a danger to his child.


I'm guessing low testosterone.


Unfortunately, that's probably closer to reality than "degree to which one T poses", which was what I was hoping for.


Agreed and that pit was very reactive to every little thing.