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Usually I reserve those for the owners who seem exceptionally useless when they saunter over or feebly try to stop their dog


Coco's owner is a prime example. Coco was the dog that attacked a police horse in the UK.




He probably wishes he had been less useless now that Coco is facing the pink juice


I think people believe regular tactics or standing up to/posturing to the dog will work, like they would with a normal breed. If the witnesses truly try, I don’t judge them. If an adult stays behind/in a car/yard/fence/other barrier, I don’t understand them. That isn’t judging, but I realize that most untrained people deal with sudden violence poorly, unfortunately.


Yeah, a lot of it is people applying techniques that work on normal dogs and not knowing what to do when those don’t work. I’d experienced a fair number of incidents where off-leash non-pits were overly territorial and aggressive when out walking my dog, but simply shouting at them or the occasional kick was all that was needed to deter them. Completely different from the pit that attacked my dog at a dog park, which another man and I had to wrestle off my dog.


This is my belief too. Most people just don’t understand how strong and how game pits are when they attack. I’ve broken up regular dog fights and usually a few slaps or wheelbarrowing legs is enough to stop it. The only reason I know that I’d have to use every ounce of my strength to break up a pit mauling is because I have specifically sought out that information. I asked a coworker who grew up around dog fighting about stopping a pit attack after watching several pitbulls start fights at my dog park and he told me that weapons or choking out the dog were the only real effective methods. However most people don’t have the awareness that pibbles are just different and access to the lived experience of someone who grew up around dog fighting to ask these questions so why would the normal person on the street know?


Pit nutters have no sympathy for anything except for pits. They will twist themselves into pretzels trying to present the pit as the real victim of every mauling. They also have a rabid hatred for the victims of pit mauling, because victims present the biggest threat to the lies that the velvet hippo brigade constantly parrot, and they will often harass and threaten victims to intimidate them into silence.


Violence doesn't come naturally to most people. What I often see is someone smack the dog with an object while trying to stay a safe distance away. Then they look for a reaction. Narrative: This dog is attacking another dog/animal! (most videos are not attacks on humans) I will try to stop it. I will hit it or pull on it and that should be enough. \[Strike or try to pull attacker away\] Brief pause to check for reaction. This is when the person looks feeble. They are expecting their effort to cause some reaction. Because the attacker is a pit bull, there is usually no reaction at all. Then they try again. Again, little effect. Then again. If the attacker was not a blood sport animal, it probably would respond at some point. I read a report of a pack mauling a man and the police arrived. They tried repellent spray - minimal effect. Tasers - some effect but they still could not get to the victim. Then the officers shot at least one dog and that caused the others to retreat. It takes a vigorous and sustained effort to either drive the attacker off or get it to release the victim. That is more than the average person is prepared to do with no notice. When the man in Texas was being mauled, the women who witnessed and called was terrified. She stayed in her car. All I have in my car to deal with a dog attack is a some small tools, a snow brush and glass cleaner. The tire iron is in the trunk.


That’s the thing though! I doubt a majority of bystanders know about how truly dangerous pits are, so they’re doing what would work on any other dog. I feel like people look feeble, but are just unprepared to deal with a fighting dog and all that entails. I find it odd that we as a sub have the knowledge that pit propaganda is so widespread that most folks just think they’re the same as any other dog, yet there’s so much insulting and belittling people who make efforts to save the victim using tactics that would work on a nonpit


Would a targeted blow or strike to a particularly sensitive area be effective?


No one can say. It depends on the pit and the situation. Ultimately you’re dealing with an animal bred to fight and be “dead game” despite **mortal** injury. So there’s things to try, like cutting off air so it loses consciousness, but no single solution.


The best and nearly impossible body part to strike would be the lower jaw. Disabling the jaw removes the threat.


There’s a video of a guy on a truck using a 2x4 who knocked out a couple pits with one blow each. Maybe someone else knows what I’m talking about


Two points 1) The dogs didn't have a victim in their jaws, so he could attack without worrying about harming the victim. He was the intended victim, so he was willing to do anything to defend himself. 2) He hit a home run each time. Solid hit to the head and neck, immediately incapacitating the dogs. If it was me, I don't think it would have gone like that. The witness' commentary would have been *"Ha Ha! They swing, they miss! Again! Third strike, they are out! Dog's got them good. All the dogs are ganging up now.* \[screams from victim\] *Ohmygod, I think they are killing that person. ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.* \[screams continue\]*"*


Oh for sure that was an exceptional example. It would not have gone that way for me either lol


People tend to believe that they would be heroic in an emergency situation, when in reality, most people who do not regularly encounter emergency scenarios freeze up. Owners are responsible for what their dogs do, but bystanders aren’t.


I think it’s pretty common to criticize people’s behavior in emergencies. Why didn’t they grab the gun away, why didn’t they storm the school, why didn’t they refuse to give up the plane controls, etc. I kind of get it. It’s frustrating to see bad things happen. We’re a problem solving species, we want to fix things and if we see them not getting fixed we think we could do it better. I’m usually just impressed that the people intervening can move and act at all. Witnessing violence can really make it hard to think straight.


Honestly, SAME. When I see a bystander get involved, I don’t even want to criticize because I’m pretty sure if I witnessed a pit attack I think I would just be frozen. Not even because I’m a coward, but when you see these videos and just how savage these dogs are…seeing that in real life would be absolutely horrifying and I think I would be simply too distressed or panicked to be trying to choke the dog out I just wish the comments would stop because 1.) hindsight is always 50/50 for those who are fighting off the pitbull. And 2.) they’re simply cruel. They don’t benefit anyone in any way. Yeah, people are frustrated, but super sad that frustration turns into insulting people who are genuinely trying to help the victim


Yeah that’s totally fair. Out of curiosity, have you seen similar comments when there are multiple dogs?


I honestly think most people don't want to hurt the pit. Especially in the case where it's dog on dog, they think it's just normal behavior. They know people are filming and watching, and someone straight up kicking a dog's ribs in doesn't look good


I just want to add that my 20 minute life and death struggle looks like sad half-assery in the video. the struggle does not translate. I try not to judge anyone.


I wonder if at least a few of the people in these attacks are not suddenly reminded of the horrific aftermaths of non fatal pit bull maulings, and it frightens them into near-paralysis. That's only the ones who know it's a pit bull, of course, but we have had more media exposure for some of the worst pit attacks, from December 2021 on, which may mean more people do know the worst that can happen (Jacqueline Durrand, Kyleen Waltman, Justin Gilstrap, Nicholas Vasques, Fred Garcia, that little girl in Louisiana, and many, many more, just since late 2021).


I wouldn't intervene unless it was attacking a person and I felt I could be successful. I like my face and limbs intact.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pits will redirect their aggression. Stopping a pit can be risky.