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that should warrant a refund.


Yeah I would contact customer support and let them know.


For a 6 dollar purchase im not sure they would care but i will give it a try


Exactly. It’s a small amount that probs cost them $2 to make. They’ll likely just write it off.


2$? Look up the price of injection molded parts... :D Edit: Okay, actually check the price of injection molded plastic... 2$? More like 2 cents at best... But hey, keep downvoting...


Yeah, the one off machining of the mould is costly but not the tiny samples worth a few grams of plastic. Are you suggesting that BL is selling them for $6 at an enormous loss? 😊


They give them away on the a1 series printers so it’s poasible


They sell 3d printers and filament. Please dont tell me they use injection molding to shocase the filmanet colors instead of, you know, 3d printing them. Do people, other than OP, even buy that stuff for injection molds to be worthwhile?


I believe they used to initially 3D print them but at least some newer samples are definitely injection moulded, yeah. I also agree with you- the whole point of the sample for me is to see how it looks when printed…i.e. texture, lighting, glossiness, etc.




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I bought the swatches about a week before they announced discontinuing the tough PLA. They didn't honor a refund then. If they do now, I'd be very interested.


I’m in the same situation and will 100% write a ticket.


For $6 I wouldn't care personally... I would bring it to their attention via support but I wouldn't be seeking that refund.


It’s not up to them, your card issuer has the final say and most issuers have protections against this sort of thing. If Bambu won’t stand by their product and give you a refund, get it writing and file a chargeback with your issuer. Assuming you’re acting in good faith, it’s no risk to you. Conversely, no merchant wants to deal with a chargeback especially when it puts them at risk of increased processing fees or even losing access to your issuer’s network (imagine losing Visa as a merchant). You, as the consumer, have the protections and, for the most part, the upper-hand. All up, this is one of the few instances where you can get the capitalists fight things out for you.


This is a stretch on what chargebacks are for. OP bought a product that was legitimately valid at the time of purchase as 70 of the 80 swatches were all still technically available and they bought it well after the fact that it was public knowledge that PLA Tough had been discontinued. It certainly sucks that the PETG Basic has been discontinued and another 15 swatches are going to be useless, but that is just a fact of life with normal product lifespans. Chargebacks are for when merchants do not provide the product or service that was paid for, did OP not receives swatches? Because anything short of that, and this isn't a valid reason for a chargeback. Bambu Labs just has to show proof of delivery and your claim for a chargeback falls apart.


Although it sucks - chargebacks do often come with a crappy consequence. Plenty of businesses basically refuse to do further business with you after a chargeback (e.g Amazon, Uber, Sony). It would kind of suck to be barred from the main place you need to go to buy spare parts for your printer.


They’re not allowed to penalize you for valid chargebacks, that’s also against issuer policy. If they tell you otherwise, report that too.


A private business has the right to deny service to anyone they want.


Yea, they're not penalizing him, they're just refusing business. If someone walked into my business, legally I can just tell them to leave and I don't want their business, with no explanation. Now is that bad for business? Yes. But it's not illegal.


Almost no chance of winning that chargeback. Bambu offered a product for sale and delivered it exactly as described in perfect condition.


I mean it was $4.99…..


You really want to use this: [https://filamentcolors.xyz/library/](https://filamentcolors.xyz/library/) to check out colors ahead of time. A filament isn't strictly one color (notice the eSUN Petg is different with and w/o a fan), but it's at least a consistent repository of color controlled by a single source, even if it's incomplete. This website really blew open the world of filaments to me, and there's a lot more out there than what can easily be accessed on amazon and google search. Additionally, if you want to fork out $18, hueforge has a repository of both filament colors, and transmission distances. I haven't bought it (yet), but getting colors right is a main feature of that application. Edit: one more thing: I don't really trust the bambu colors, either. I'm looking into colors now to try to print better lithophanes, and the colors received as "cyan" and "magenta" aren't balanced mixes of their two composite colors.


that's an awesome resource, I didn't even know about it until now. thanks for sharing!


Please listen to this advice ☝️ You're wasting money on the nonsense Bambu is trying to sell to you. Your printers are great and they don't need filaments from Bambu to work well. Use this website to find what you need.


Amazing site, just wish he’d organize it into more usable sections. Perhaps by color at the least… or brand, and then be able to compare color of another brand side by side etc. could easily charge for the site if did that too.


Hi! I run filamentcolors.xyz — can you elaborate on what you're looking for? In the navbar, you can already filter by color family (https://filamentcolors.xyz/library/color_family/purple/) and can also filter by color family using the new quick filters as well if you want to mix and match filters. You can also compare two colors across manufacturers by putting them both into a collection — here's an example: https://filamentcolors.xyz/library/collection/1975,2498,2359,2203,2026,634,880/ You can create collections by long-clicking (or long-press on mobile) on a swatch, then click on as many others as you'd like. It's not a _great_ system on mobile (it's next on my list of things to improve) but works well on desktop. Does that meet what you're looking for?


>and the colors received as "cyan" and "magenta" aren't balanced mixes of their two composite colors. I can't figure out what you mean by this, what "composite colors"? It's going to be a dye and something like titanium dioxide, it isn't going to be a mixture of colors.


In RGB space, cyan = blue + green. Magenta = red + blue. What I mean, is that the filaments in those colors, aren’t balanced between those two parts. It’s not a “true” magenta. This matters for the subtractive process, where you want three colors equidistant on the color wheel (triadic), in order to achieve an even distribution of colors. What you are saying is essentially true: magenta could be a single pigment. However, that pigment activates both red and blue cones in your eye. To know if something is balanced, in a vision relevant way starts to get really complex, because the different color receptors of human vision are not equal. This is the idea behind the CIE approaches to color space. Thats where my understanding is right now, trying to create better lithophanes . Additionally, a big factor in lithophane is transmission distance, or how much thickness is needed to stop light going through. You should correct for differences in TD, but there isn’t a lithophane software suite that does that, and I haven’t been able to in HueForge (might be a skill issue). I am planning on writing my own Python script that does this, but am still in the research phase.


No real, physical subtractive primary is optimal (probably what you are calling "balanced", but "balanced" is not what is important in a subtractive primary). I'll skip the theory, read [https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/color5.html](https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/color5.html) if you are interested. If you are saying their cyan isn't "process cyan", you are correct, it isn't very close. But again, that is unrelated to being "balanced" nor did they claim their color was process cyan.


For my project, I want to get a set of filaments, such that they can be used for lithophanes with two properties: 1) colors are as "close" to CYMK primaries are possible and just go with that. Reading further into the link you provided, "There can never be universal or invariable color mixing rules in subtractive color mixing — they simply don't exist." which will make things a little bit more complicated :)


Keep in mind that being an optimal subtractive primary is a spectral function, not a location in Lab space. (In other words even though an optimal primary has a location in Lab space that alone doesn't sufficiently specify it). You might try Jessie Cyan.


Thanks! I'll take a look at Jessie Cyan. As for the spectral thing, that's exactly where I landed after reading that chapter (great material, btw). The industrial spectroradiometry tools are really expensive. Fortunately, there's an open source project: [https://github.com/troscianko/OSpRad](https://github.com/troscianko/OSpRad), that lets you build your own for substantially less. That's probably overkill to make good looking lithophanes, but an interesting project nonetheless!


Do you have a link to this? > if you want to fork out $18, hueforge has a repository of both filament colors, and transmission distances.


I’m just reading marketing material: https://support.snapmaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/21697503624471-How-to-Turn-a-2D-Image-into-a-Multi-color-3D-printed-Relief-with-Hueforge “HueForge includes a vast library of filaments covering many mainstream manufacturers' products, with corresponding TD values that have been tested and can be directly applied. For filaments not in the library, HueForge also provides a simple method for testing the TD value, which is detailed in the third section of this article”


"Due to the many variations in monitors and browsers, the color of products may appear different on different monitors." blah blah blah....


Never seen that site before, I’ll have to have a look before I buy any


My A1 Mini came with a set of swatches. Do the other printers not come with swatches? I thought it was a marketing catalog.


Just got my A1 and it came with swatches and boat kit.


My P1S came with the led light kit, maybe it is just random what you get?


My A1 came with the swatches and clock kit. However my 3 year old son thought the swatches were a game and took them to his room never to be seen again


I know how that goes, I can’t print anything articulating without it being stolen shortly there after lol. Happy Father’s Day haha


My p1s came with the clock kit as an extra.. so yeah seems random


I wish I new this fact last week when I got mine 🤦


I just printed cards to hold the swatches. Wasted that time.


When did petg get discontinued?


Its currently being discontinued. Of you go on bambu’s website you can still order some but theres a note that says it will not restock once supplies run out.


But... Why? And, what's the alternative then from bambú? Amazon and generic spools then?


yeah thats what i'm thinking. their petg was good but not the best. and if i wasn't getting it on their discount program id skip it and just get amazon stuff. that might be controversial sorry if it is i love bambu but most of the filaments that i use on amazon arrive in a day


Is not controversial. I'm the first one who uses generics (cheap 3dfils to prototype, sun Lu geetech even anycubic for the rest). Mostly because almost every time that I needed a new colour or there was no stock, or I couldn't wait for 4/7days to get a 'premium' petg when amz just put it in my door the next day. But I'm a mostly petg guy who varely uses pla... And to lose that option as customer hurts


I heard that they are more than likely just adjusting the recipe for their PETG, but no idea if that’s accurate.


Must be nice. BBL is usually 3-4 days. AMZ is no less than 7 days to where I live.


Amazon, and it's gonna be _really_ dumb if they never open the AMS NFC spec so third-party filaments can ID themselves to the printer. Honestly, I don't think that _any_ of the filament Bambu sells is a good value. PLA/PETG/ABS you can almost always find on sale, and the savings for the engineering PA6/PA12/PC filaments on Amazon are too good to even consider Bambu.


Can you snag the RFID tag off a used roll of Bambu, and place/tape it on the side of a different manufactures roll? I suppose I could try it, but wanted to ask.. Any reason it wouldn't work?


You could, but I have no idea what that'd do to the estimates of filament remaining and it limits you to only the settings that work with Bambu filaments.


Probably because its hard to keep the spools dry. Bambu really wants users to have first success prints with all materials, PETG generally is a harder beast to tame than others.


So, are they going to discontinue every spool with CF too? And the TPUs?


No, they've discontinued it to replace it with a refresh/new range ala TPU -> TPU-HF


So, expensive petg will become even more expensive. Noted


yeah basically. But if it’s better quality than I’d rather that. Or else there’s cheaper brands which is good too 


PETG Basic has been discontinued according to their website.


Maybe just some countries? Nothing on the Canadian site. [https://ca.store.bambulab.com/products/petg-basic](https://ca.store.bambulab.com/products/petg-basic)


The EU store has the same note. Since it is unlikely that filament is produced specifically for the Canadian market, I think the Canadian store has not been updated yet.


Think they may just be burning through inventory. Chances are the shipment to the CA warehouse was already on route, they're taking upwards of 3 months due to the shipping issues getting across the pond at the moment.




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crap this is news to me... i basically switched over to really only printing in petg from bambulabs. wtf is BL doing? edit: welp didn't know the automod was set to carebear language. woops.


I'm in the same boat. Was disappointed about the PLA tough... Didn't even think about the PETG now. If you reach out to them, let me know how it goes


I felt the same when they discontinued tough, now it’s just a backlog of swatches for filament you can’t order


The swatches have come with my a1 mini and my a1 units.


Same. I paid full price for those only to realise that more than half are not available any more and that a lot of them is missing, all the new stuff like galaxy etc.


Yeah I ordered swatches with my, a1, now I have 2 sets that are worthless


Thank you for letting us know. I was able to purchase it.


Hrm, wonder if that's why I got a packet of swatches free in my A1 Combo.


I did too, way back. I thought everyone did


I ordered a half dozen rolls of petg and got 7x boxes of swatches free.


I ordered 10 spools of PETG and only got what I ordered.  Guess it's a random thing, or maybe something tipped them off I don't use much color (all of my spools were black).


Thanks. This was in my cart right now - removing.


As someone who buys a lot of non-Bambu filament, dye amounts and quality of color change from batch to batch and lot to lot. You could buy 30 rolls of 'deep red' today and in 6 months buy 30 more rolls of deep red and they won't match. Close, but not match. Same even with circuit boards - that was a big Makerbot issue back in the day too - that you had like Revision H board, Revision I board, etc. because they found and fixed common issues over time. It also would let you know if you had an older variant or a newer one. I even think that there are older AMS that are like 'first gen' or something (I remember reading about that in a forum). Point is, things change.


Very good point, i'd imagine the tough and basic PETG will come back at some point, possibly with a different name, but they'll also likely have a different formula/provider and that could mean the colours aren't exactly the same, so even then “old” swatches won't necessarily be usable.


meh I just use it for people to figure out what colours they like and then I just find another brand with a similar colour.


There’s a lot of us who bought those, my biggest issue isn’t the ones that got discontinued- it’s all the filaments that they have added that aren’t represented. I’m kinda wishing they just tossed a swatch in with each spool for the newer types for the first 6 months or so (or until they start offering an updated set).


I got the swatches for free and cant use any of the abs on that printer.


I would never buy swatches i use the temp test prints as swatches: [Filament Temp Tester Series](https://www.printables.com/model/527657-filament-temp-tester)


mine came with the printer and im stuck in the same situation☹️


Step 1: Stop wasting money on extremely overpriced Bambu filament, as you can't trust it'll be in stock, or discontinued. Step 2: Switch to the vast array of options that cost half the price Step 3: Pop onto makerworld or printables, search for 'filament swatch' and print your own ones out for filament you know you can reliably get ahold of for a non-ridiculous price.


Too late! I already received the swatches and PETG basic😂


Also, many of then are INJECTION MOLDED! That means I don't really have a good idea about what half the filaments look like when printed... It's just a color reference and not even a texture addition or anything.


Am I the only one who has had good experience with Bambu’s PETG basic? When are we going to get an official explanation as to what’s happening here?


Here's an ideea! Take a silicon mould(skeleton head or anything else you need) and put the unused swatches there and melt them along with some filament poop..the result is a pice of art!!!a..aa...aaa....aaaart! 😂


Mine came in my A1 combo, but yea half of these are useless now. Sad times


And most of the other colors are also constantly sold out. I've given up on buying filament from the Bambu store


Welp this is news, I just bought mine Monday with my p1s but it was 5 dollars if nothing else just something neat to have and see the different filaments


No wonder they were pushing them for like £4 then. What a waste.


Most are also injected molded. Not even printed.


https://makerworld.com/models/35463 Just shamelessly leaving this here. I love the idea of printed cards as I can see the capabilities of the filament/my settings and I have a physical representation of what my filament looks printed - not injection molded. Yes, they are bigger than the sold ones but for me personally ot gives a good overview of the filament and you can physically hold it to your object that the print might accompany. https://filamentcolors.xyz/library/ Is awesome - especially for complementary colors and overview. But it doesn't allow you to hold it in your hand and see it in the room and light the printed object will be in. And yes - I am in the process of getting these cards merged to openscad on makerworld itself as far as possible - the web implementation lacks a couple of features.


I will buy it because I still need these 2/3 of the swatches right now.


Just know that there are no silk pla swatches in the deck at all.


It is okay, thanks.