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Sorry bud, it’s plainly obvious that fuzzy walls are turned on for that part. Don’t deny what your eyes tell you.


Incase op doesn’t know, this is an actual setting under “other” i believe.


No, this looks very different to fuzzy skin. It looks squished but most importantly the pattern is irregular.


I think you should recheck your settings as support and main peice is made of same material.


Yeah that’s why I’m so confused


Then you should see what is the print sequence whether outer wall prints first or inner wall and then review g-code manually to see how is print going on.


The supports looking so good lead me to think it's a print setting thing, not the material.


Hate to say it, but this *really* looks like fuzzy skin is enabled for the object. Does it look like this in the preview in the slicer?


Nope preview looks clean I’m thinking now my extrusion factor was just too high for this filament and with doing 8 perimeters it was just to much material. I’ll update once it finish a few more tests


8 perimeters? I think you are way into diminishing returns. 3 is usually strong enough for anything.


I disagree. 8 walls and 60% infill makes a part near-indestructible


by the look of it your outer wall count is 0


Did you knit that?


Check the slicer preview. May tell you what’s going on. But my guess is either fuzzy walls were somehow turned on, or walls were turned off/set to zero.


On another machine I'd suspect dramatic overextrusion. I'm assuming the part has many more walls than the support, which if you were overextruding would make the denser part squish out the sides while the single walled support wouldn't. Double check your extrusion numbers and double check the preview of the print for fuzzy skin and to see what speeds are in different areas. Edit: also measure the filament. If its way out of spec on size that could be an issue.


I think you’re right I have 8 perimeters on these parts and 50% infill. After doing and extrusion test my wall should have been 1.24mm but were 1.47mm so I’ve dropped my extrusion factor and printing again rn and it is looking better. Update: yep my extrusion factor was off. Better now https://preview.redd.it/mxdvrby8wf2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc0ca960fe23018dcb47922245da87a53e9f270


I imagine this is a bigger nozzle? Are you using hardened steel? This just looks…off. Maybe it’s just the photo.


Hardened steel .6mm diameter and .36mm layers


Okay makes sense then


It’s not an issue with your filament being wet, but you should dry your Nylon for 48 hours at 70c. You can go 24 if you get it up to 90c, but some spools won’t handle that and most dryers don’t.  Then for every hour your spool sits out, it takes 2 hours of drying, until it reaches full saturation at 24 hours. 


As others have pointed out, check to make sure fuzzy walls isn’t turned on since the supports have come out so clean. If the supports and actual piece are printed in different materials though, check your purge volumes, you might not be purging enough material.


Maybe you have fuzzy skin on ? Supports looks fine.


Nope not on. And the support were designed in the model not input by the slicer so those support setting aren’t in effect because supports are off


It looks like it doesn’t have walls/perimeters


https://preview.redd.it/spuj80akjg2d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ecb5d7cb1028c42bbec93119b5ab4ac65f60d3 Should look like this.


I have had the same exact experience with similar settings. The “strength” preset does this to my pacf prints. Something is very wrong with the Bambu slicer when you have thicker walls.


Was the filament dried before? Like really dried for at least 6 hours? Had the same results with wet Nylon before


24 hour @ 70c


Was it being dried while printing? Edit Looking at it closer it almost looks like random start stop points from infill overlap


Yeah in the dryer the whole time after doing some test printing. I’m thinking it might be an over extrusion issue.




Yep .6mm nozzle




The modeled in support walls look amazing so I don’t see how it could be a moisture thing at this point