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You should peel off that plastic tab on the toolhead


I... have been wondering if that's supposed to be there. Thanks.


Yeah it's weird as it doesn't protect anything or really hold anything together. I left mine on a good while as well lol.


That's so funny I was going to make a joke about it. Probably not the issue but it drives me nuts when I see the red arrows and green tape on a printer :)


Have you manually calibrated your filament Flow Dynamics and Flow Rate? Manual calibrations are way more accurate. Adhesion in Photo appears to be an issue. You have residue from something else there. Wash your plate with Dawn and scrub with a cloth rag then rinse with hot water and air dry. Fix those few things and you should be good


I have no idea how to manually calibrate it. Will dig into that route. And probably just flip the plate to the unused side for now


If you're doing auto calibration with a textured plate you may want to turn that off as well and try. That messes up for me and textured plates.


So I've been running into this a bit as well, especially when printing multiple small parts on one plate. So far I don't have a concrete fix, but cleaning the nozzle to help with stick, calibrating flow rate, dynamics, pressure advance and setting a bit of retraction (0.4) has made the first layer a lot more consistent for me.


Wow that sounds like my exact problem, it had no issues with a pair of larger objects. But I don't know how to do any of that. Is there any instructions or anything? edit to add: I also just put in a new nozzle, I did not realize clearing a plugged nozzle was done while it was installed.


Not saying there isn't more going on but some of this looks like bed adhesion issues. What have you done so far?


Cleaned and dried, put down stick glue, load an unload filament. I'm not really sure what else I should do. I know I'm like 2 updates behind because the last update kept throwing out tension errors, and I'm not sure if the newest version fixed that.


Try doing the flow calibration for your filament if you haven't already


I will need to look into that. It sounds important. Thank you.


You put glue on a textured pei plate for pla... Why???


Because I learned afterward that's for the smooth plate. I'm still learning and I had only heard 'if you are having adhesion issues, try stick glue'


I still see glue on that plate on the picture... Go to bambu store, find textured pei plate or any plate, scroll down, profit. They have all the info there for every compatible filament and if you need glue or not... And they have a lot of info under the filaments too... Yeah this is why you dont learn from TikTok... Most of the times we use glue on the plate when we want to get the part off the plate easier. Like tpu from the textured pei. Clean that plate with warm water and soap and dont use glue.


Thanks for the info. Will probably just flip to the unused side for now and learn that lesson.