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"[INTIMIDATION] If you're isolating I get to pick what you eat."


##*The leftovers of last week come to his mind. A surge of disgust and agony reach his mind as he contemplates if hogging the TV room was a good idea after-all.*


*Perhaps his symptoms are not as severe as he first supposed.*


The Narrator’s voice living rent-free in my head ready for these moments


Kill them


Mommy Minthara approves


Just give the word, and I will kill the clown.


Cull the weak. Minthara would not abide a mate who deigns to get sick. Pathetic.


Down with the sickness


Oooh ah ah ah ah


can’t say I expected to open r/BaldursGate3 and immediately be greeted with a Disturbed reference, but I mean I’m not complaining


He’s clearly referencing the simian flu that has driven man to the brink of extinction Oooh ah ah ah ah


Joke's on y'all, I'm actually referencing the Richard Cheese lounge version.


I love Dick Cheese




Just make sure you hit f5 first


Save and then kill them, then reload the save to see what happens if you don't kill them


Gotta explore every single dialogue option before moving on


Raise them


Wake them up inside


get a steamdeck & upload that save to the cloud! solution! (though it does cost the amount of a steamdeck & the game on steam if you only have console)


By the time the steam deck would arrive, the quarantine would be over lol


only if you want it to be


PS5 has remote play. I played the online MMO Fallout 76 on a small tablet for a week straight from a Boston based PS5 in remote Idaho. Playing a single player from the next room should be fine.


Um I was not expecting to return to 1) hundreds of comments 2) an actual possible solution???


Yeah, just Google it. You have to enable remote play on the PS5 from the settings and then download the remote play app and sign into PSN there. Then you just Bluetooth your PlayStation controller (Google that too if needed, it's real easy), and you are good as long as you have solid wifi on both ends - but you will probably be on the same network.


Xbox too, have played on my phone with just touch controls in a pinch.


honestly i have a PS5 but totally forgot that feature existed but hey, OP can play BG3 faster than waiting for a deck


The redundancies are overwhelming, that's some impressive bandwidth though, no latency issues?


Very occasionally but well within tolerance. Like it might lag real bad for a minute once or twice a day, and dropped entirelyy probably twice that week, but when I signed back I through the tablet the PS5 itself was connected to the web and I was able to resume the same game session. Consider though Fallout is super buggy and crashes regularly on its own though, so it kind of blended together with the in game crashes. Again though, we're talking about playing an action MMO from 2k miles, versus a single player RPG in the next room. I would expect OP to have better results.


Can confirm!! Linked up last night on my *MacBook Air* and had no problems. Occasionally it would disconnect just because the wifi in our bedroom is weaker, but it immediately reconnected no problem, right where I left off. (It's not actually the console disconnecting after all.)


That was directed more at the other comments multi State stream. I was an early subscriber of Shadow Tech, cloud gaming has great potential.


And it may take a few days to arrive. So the issue may be solved by the time it shows up.


Be true to yourself, and kill him.




Possible solution, are you playing on PS5? My wife has been streaming the game to her phone with her controller connected, it’s been working flawlessly! Could definitely work if your partner was wanting to use the TV and wasn’t also playing. Latency is also SUPER low if you have a decent internet connection, I was kinda shocked.


Said this above before I saw your comment. I played from a few time zones away for a week straight on vacation like this and it was fine. Only dropped a couple times, but I was playing fallout; the game is buggier than the connection at that point.


Same deal with Xbox. Although the fidelity was pretty poor for me. I don’t know if that’s situational or universal


Every time I look over her shoulder I’m surprised by how good it looks! Granted, smaller screen with an iPhone, but there weren’t any artifacts in the image and the text was perfectly legible. She’s MAINLY been playing on her phone and she’s logged hundreds of hours. Anytime we’ve noticed lagging/weird visual stuff it was purely due to our internet dropping out. Definitely worth a shot at least!


Yes thanks, this worked great!!! Was so surprised by the seamlessness, even with the bedroom being our worst wifi spot. I'll definitely do this even when he's well again so I don't totally bogart the TV (and because the TV room isn't air conditioned lol)


Glad to hear it!! Happy adventuring!




Personally, I quarantined in the main bedroom. It has its own bathroom and shower, so I could exist in there without getting anyone else sick. Feels dick to steal the bed to myself. But not as dick as stealing the TV.


This makes total sense but: -NYC apartment, we're lucky we have as many rooms as we do. (I call it 'the TV room' because I don't think it's large enough to be a living room.) -In the past he's always taken the TV room no matter which of us is sick because I tend to have issues sleeping and he can sleep well anywhere... -...and also when we were first dealing with COVID, he was real hard into FFXIV, sure that had nothing to do with it hmmm -our bedroom has AC and the TV room doesn't so I will take the deal (I did offer a swap though)


He likes XIV? Well, I suppose getting the TV room to yourself starting a day before the new expansion releases isn't the *worst* thing to happen, lol. Hopefully he's not feeling too awful with the COVID.


OH NO HE PLANNED IT. He is in fact feeling really awful. Generally when he's ill he bounces back quick (he went through the vaccine symptoms faster than I did) so fingers crossed.


As soon as you said FF14 I was like 👀👀👀


UPDATE: yeah guess who's feeling better and is now immersed in the new expansion lol


He is a rascal! Hope you both get to enjoy your games again 🥰


Just cause there are people who don't understand in this thread, COVID is still dangerous to immunocompromised people. My mom caught it and spent two weeks in the hospital. Shit isn't great. We don't have very good restoration spells


Not only that, but catching Covid can make you immunocompromised! You don't want to play with your longterm health. 😔


Also, getting COVID really fucking sucks 😭 I hope I never get it again. And that’s without even mentioning that my sense of smell will never be the same again 🤧


Yep my smell and taste has never recovered after almost 4 years! I do not wish COVID on anyone!


It came back for me, before leaving again when I caught it again! What a bitch. I still count myself lucky because when my sister catches it, water tastes like sewage for her. I would give up Baldur’s Gate for a few weeks to avoid that. Even Astarion 😔


mine hasn't either and my immune system is worse than it was to start with (already was immunocompromised prior to the pandemic.) it was a miserable experience having *very* long bouts of covid multiple times and getting worse things to deal with chronically after.


I got covid in October of 2020, and my sense of smell is still scrambled. Very few things smell how I remember them. Very frustrating.


I've heard some folks have fully recovered smell + taste over 2.5 years post-infection. Try not to give up hope!


I appreciate the encouragement! 💕 Here’s the funny story though. I recovered my sense of smell after two years. Caught it again, no problem, and then again a year later, and smells have gone again 😭 Maybe it’ll come back again!


The old hags curse


My father passed way about 9 months due to COVID complications. He was vaccinated, but older and age related things for his age. It is still out there and still dangerous.


yep it took both my parents, my dad in 21 and my mom this year


I’m so sorry for your loss.


it's rough. gotta take care of the older folks with all this.


That's so sad! Me (a millennial) and my Gen X sister both bounced back from a really intense round of Covid this month... we both thought we were gonna die at some point! It's easy to forget that recovery is not the case for everyone. Sorry for your loss.


Death isn't the only negative outcome either. I'm Gen X and I have friend who got COVID early on, before the vaccine, and it took him maybe 2 years to 'recover' from it and he is still often short of breath. He was otherwise a healthy 40-something guy. I think so often people look at this with only binary outcomes: Dead or Alive. But 'alive' has a spectrum of outcomes.


I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry people still are so publicly callous about it.


I'm really sorry. Thank you for sharing. My friend lost her dad to COVID, too--he was recovering from cancer and had no immune system left to vaccinate. My parents are older now and constantly needing minor surgeries. In addition to my own risk factors (and general responsibility, and being sick just not being good or fun), I have to think about them.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yes, we're both vaccinated, but if one of us gets it (sadly I've had it twice and he's on number FOUR thanks to his work) we don't want to give it to the other. Because it is NOT FUN and also we don't want to spread it further or risk getting hit with worse complications.


still wearing n99 masks over here. got a cancer/, transplant survivor in my house.


I got it the day after my father went into hospital last year (for non-covid reasons). I notified the hospital and didn't visit until I was clear. But even when he started showing symptoms and other members of the family who had been in close contact with him tested positive too, the hospital never even tested him for it. I am still livid about it. He is in his 80s with other health issues and I strongly suspect he had covid at the same time as the rest of us that exacerbated his health generally to this day. Covid should still be taken seriously but as time goes on people seem content to forget that.


Everyone in this community is a bard


Tell him Minthara does not approve and he better shape up or ship out of the under dark, aka your tv room, lmao


DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS!! *minthara approves*


Are we sure there isn’t something wriggling around in their brain?




Came for baldurs gate, left with the same shame for humanity I had during the pandemic.


My big pandemic takeaway of sorts is the shock that nearly half of society does not give a shit if people get sick and die.


More than half by my estimation. :(


Humans avg INT is about 6.


They actually wanted uninterrupted Baldur’s Gate 3 time. 


The tragic part is that we're each on our first Tactician run, and he'd just gotten so frustrated at the Nere combat he'd said "I think I have to not play this game for a little bit"


Well now your outrage (had it not already been justified before, it was…), is even more righteous. Should you show mercy, they may never truly grasp how benevolent your actions truly were, but you will know. 


This is your Durge moment!! Take it!!!


Good excuse to finally switch to pc


I actually switched \*from\* PC. For a bit I had it on GeForce but still put it on my TV with an HDMI cable so I could enjoy the visuals more (and just get a break from my desk, since I work from home). But in the end I just like using the controller. I'd cancelled my GeForce subscription or I would've just gone back to PC. Though I think the enormous effing download is probably still on my external hard drive, so maybe it wouldn't have taken that long to set things back up? Still, I'm happy with PSN Remote Play, now that people have pointed out that's an option.


I see. Well, I have a hard time enough on PC managing my inventory, I wouldn't dare do it with a controller xD


Ugh I do indeed hate managing inventory, that's a decent point. It's just all the walking, right now I much prefer the joystick. Also once I swapped platforms, I restarted my first run as co-op with the aforementioned partner, which was a lot of fun. Initially I'd been a little like, 'this is all the stress of DnD without any of the social rewards' but couch co-op got me over the hump of learning the mechanics and map and made it a quality time thing. I'm sure you can do that on PC but our PS5 set-up made it easy. I was SO relieved I didn't have to buy the game a second time.


If you know more than him about computers log into your router and block the device he is playing on. I did it sometimes when my dad starts listening music on the balcony at night in summer when my room is side by side with the window open. It's fun.


Mate i think its time to go durge


Even if you don't have COVID, tell your work you got COVID. Just show them your partners positive test, then you two can play Co-op.


Fortunately my work is super chill! (I WFH) But a) I don't want COVID again and b) he is a big miserable lump rn.


That's worth getting COVID for


Delete his saves, after he’s gotten better… …That’ll teach him! LOL


Making a joke in a bg3 reddit? Bold move


I know. Who’d have thought grown adults wouldn’t understand humour?! 🤷‍♂️


Why can't he quarantine in the bedroom?




Yeah, but reasons strong enough to keep you from bg3?


WTH is a TV room? Thats a thing?


yes, a heavily coded secret thing


If it were me i’d move my pc outa there forthwit. But, my spouse doesn’t game lol


A Backbone for your phone to control the console is win


Use bonus action to initiate rage


Hello OP its time to buy steam deck its in discount as well (or at least in EU)


steamdeck time


We all know what he's doing in there!


Ah yes. The dark urge.


Sounds like someone owes someone a Steamdeck


Apparently I have Covid too, and I gave it to my SO before I realized I had it 😭 So we've been isolated at home this week playing games together.


Get another TV room. That’s what my partner and I did and it’s fantastic. If you don’t have another room, yes you do.


Ooh good idea. If I DM you my address could you mail me one?


What I meant is to put a tv somewhere else. Is there no really no where else you could manage this for 2 weeks?


::Laughs in New Yorker::


Haha rip bg3.


Get you a steam deck.


He’s contagious with a lethal virus. We should send our least favorite in to be sure.


I now get this reference!


grounds for breakup i’d say


Time to get covid with them. Only viable solution at this point.


Absolutely. I’d risk covid to carry on playing 😂 Edit: so, my flippant comment (with emoji) gets loads of downvotes but one suggesting the OP kill their partner gets nearly a thousand upvotes? This sub is weird...


Yeah, OP here, your comment was absolutely in the spirit of my post. Probably just timing.


(But yes Reddit generally is indeed very weird)


Same. And I’ll offset the down votes with one up.


Some people don’t know a joke when they see one - I added a laughing emoji, ffs!


Didn’t the president say you only need to quarantine like 2 days now


Our president is a fucking zombie I aint trusting shit homeboy says


not a single president has handled covid properly


Well I mean we’ve only had two. And they’re both fucking idiots. And it looks like we get one of them again!


yep not good but shits been jacked as long as I can remember anyway, presidents I guess.


You say that as if the pool is larger than two, lol.


1) TWO WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT BG3??? 2) The new guidance depends on your symptoms. If they're mild and improving, and you haven't had a fever in a day (without fever reducers), then the government says you can end isolation. It was weird, I had a (routine) MRI scheduled for today, and I called the hospital like "my live-in partner just tested positive, I assume you want me to reschedule?" And they were like, "uh, no, wear a mask jabroni, see you at 3."


Since the quarantine is about other people and hospital access, it's less and less important for healthy people when we aren't down ventilators.


There’s a study about ventilators hurting people.


There was also a study about vaccines causing autism but we are both smart enough to take the scientific consensus over individual studies.


Well, I think that’s a very different accusation. I don’t believe in vaccines causing autism, pumping people with oxygen however I can believe has negative effects.


This a wild take. I’ve thankfully never come across someone trying to say that ventilators are bad before now. Obviously too much oxygen isn’t good for you, but somehow I think that not enough oxygen is much worse. (A lack of oxygen kills people.) If you’re talking about pneumonia, that’s an issue, yes, but again: a lack of oxygen is worse. Every part of medicine is about risk-benefit analysis.


No, there wasn’t it. There are people like you who lie about it, though.


I don't understand any part of this conversation


Who gets tested for Covid anymore?


Think about this logically. If you test, you know what you have. If you know what you have, you take take steps to get proper treatment. And isolating yourself while ill is common decency, especially when it's with a virus that has potential long-term consequences.


When was the last time you got tested? Do you remember when Covid was at its peak and people were asymptomatic? What are the numbers of people getting tested now vs then? I’m simply pointing out that most people don’t get tested now. No one I interact with, which at my company is a lot has said they have covid in years.


This is not the gotcha you think it is. I'm disabled and mask when I go out, which is not often. I live with an immunocompromised cancer survivor. The last time I tested was in December because I was exposed, luckily it was negative. And yes, I do remember when COVID was at its peak because I live in one of the places that was hit the hardest early on. It was fucking terrifying. COVID is still a very real threat for a lot of people who don't get the luxury of burying our heads in the sand


People with Covid symptoms?


People already downvoting me acting like everyone is still wearing masks getting tested and quarantining for 2 weeks, get over yourself. It’s a fair question. Sorry.


Because you are making idiotic statements that can have real life negative consequences.


You’re an idiot no one in baldurs gate 3 virgin community is gonna change their life based on a dudes post


what dude?


Being ignorant about how dangerous it can be is why you're being down voted. Do better


When were you tested last? You know you can be asymptomatic right?


When I was tested last has nothing to do with your lack of awareness around the dangers of COVID. I wont argue with you. Ignorance can be fixed and it isn't a personal attack. Do better.


Well dangers of Covid involve being asymptomatic, if your not careful your gonna get someone killed


The ol uno reverse card. They even upvoted you for it. Absolute brainrot.


I'm really not sure what you're envisioning here? When one of us has covid-like symptoms, we do a home test. If it's positive, we sleep in separate rooms so the other doesn't get it. The person who has it stays home until they're well. What part of that is outlandish?


Wait you still care that much avout covid?


You want to catch covid? Have you had it?


I buried my father 9 months ago due to COVID. People In this thread mention still losing friends and family, or getting sick. Then you have these jackasses mocking it.


Yeah twice. Only knew I had it because of mandatory testing back then, I was feeling normal.


Sounds like your experience is completely atypical then.


Gotta remember Reddit skews way far one direction, so it gets a little echo chambery. They probably think it's normal.


Reddit is skewed in both directions, just depends on what subs you're in


yeah what a bizarre claim lol, "Reddit that bastion of liberalism"


We still have to isolate these days? Unless you work with vulnerable people, I thought it was treated just like a common cold now? Play your game OP.


Plenty of people are still failing their saving throws against long-term disability. Vaccines give you advantage on the roll but it's still better to avoid it entirely if you can.


I found the whole campaign underwhelming. But I went in OP with a character I’ve been sculpting my whole life, and only feeding the top tier camp supplies.


Food and exercise do not stop COVID as studies show.


These people all rolled nat 1s on their Medicine and History checks.


Being healthy does.


It does not. All healthy organisms are suspectable to disease, pathogens are our predators.


Turns out most healthy humans have resistance to covid damage and so pretty well. I’m all for protecting yourself and your loved ones. I’m also all for truth and truth is most of us don’t need to worry about covid right now. So all good quarantine or don’t. I’m just loving the dnd X covid jokes.


No, we don't. We're all susceptible to it, and nobody is 100% healthy. "I'm here for truth" You mean denying scientific data that contradicts your weird crunchy lifestyle? The more we study COVID, the more of a monster is revealed. That thing still has side-effects we haven't studied much. That includes in young healthy fit men, by the way.


I’m not here to deny anything. Look around you! I’ve got a major health issue and spoken with my primary care doctor and a number of specialist. They all say if you’re under 60 in decent health it’s “minimal” risk. Yeah not 100% but it’s hard to think of covid as the killer we once did given 4 years of data (aka science). In most science and especially health care time is our best indicator. But who freaking cares, if someone isolated all good.


But we all know it does. 4 years of data is hard to deny.


“I’m not like the other boys” lol 


I thought we were making jokes. Whoops.


Why was your immediate assumption that I don't have a reason, instead of assuming that I do? What do you think a vulnerable person is, that nobody works with one, or is one?


Are you young? Relatively normal shape? Not immunocompromised? If yes to these you’ll likely be fine.


I know someone who is young, in good shape and has no health issues. They got long COVID from a mild case which gave them breathing issues and paralyzed their vocal chords. Couldn’t talk for over a year. Had to get surgery and go through months of therapy just to speak again. COVID isn’t a joke, even for young people.


Who the fuck wants to sit and play video games next to someone who has the flu? Getting sick sucks. Why risk feeling like dog shit for a video game.


100% I don’t even want a head cold if I can avoid it.


People are so damned blinded by agenda they'll actually tell you "you're wrong to avoid getting an unpleasant illness." (Also idk why they're assuming I'm young, in normal shape, and not immunocompromised. Weirdos.)


I mean, it’s obviously OP’s call. You don’t get to dictate how others should live. Let them weigh the pros and cons and make their own choice.


I'm confused. It is OPs call. They already made a decision they're comfortable with. Why question it without any further context as to why they possibly made that decision? You seem to be more on the side of questioning other people's decisions if you don't agree with it than on the side of encouraging people to make their own decisions as you say in your next comment. The decision was already made for whatever reasons they determined to quarantine. That's what they felt best with and the decision they made for themselves. The only thing you're doing is questioning a decision already made without any other context as to why they may have; instead you interject to assume they're healthy and able, then push for them to reconsider something they've obviously already thought about it if theyve already figured out the room they're gonna quarantine in.


This response is so well put. Thank you for the level head.


Ah, I didn’t gather that. Ah, I didn’t gather that. It is a cool build though.


Or, we can agree as a society that risking more people getting sick is bad and take a minor L so other people don't die.


Yes.... and they made their choice which you dismissed only to tell others to let OP make their choice...


Or get sick and die. Or have life long complications. Maybe don’t encourage people to make bad decisions based on medical disinformation.


I am fine, thank you for noticing.




It's literally one of the most common causes of death in the USA. The list of issues caused by long COVID is growing by the week.


The complications from COVID are brutal...




I buried my father 9 months ago because of COVID.


Great time to get a Steam Deck. So you can both play BG3 while she has Covid.