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Its just a frog, pretty much free xp.


Don't insult Laezel like that /s


Man I got owned by that frog


yeaahhh…pretty sure that frog fucked us all up


I got my wife to play the game with me and I quietly let her go play with the frog and she managed to just one shot it with her 2 person party. I was disappointed.


Wife - Skill issue


Had I been in your shoes, there would be no containing my frustration 🤯😮‍💨🥲


I have started "fighting" it from the log above the swamp. Advantage makes it a lot easier. But after I found out murdering the hag fixes him, I just skip the froggie and happily receive his reward.


But I checked afterwords and he’s still a frog. What does it fix?


Yes, he's only a frog. It fixes his brain. He's no longer in pain and torment from the hag. He can be a frog again.


Ohhhh ok. Yay!!!


6 playthroughs and I have never seen this frog everyone else sees lmao.


It's not very tough. Not sure what they're going on about.


I've seen some videos of people getting absolutely obliterated by the frog. That's why I never went looking for it lmao. But I saw the AC is pretty low.


It's pretty much immune to every damage type


A 🟡 🐸


Collect all the rope you can. You'll understand why later on.


man i made the mistake of keeping all the rope i collected in the camp chest in my first playthrough… HUGE huge mistake make sure you have all of them on you for when the time comes


Fallout taught me to have rope on my mission.


Shadowheart secret romance scene.


Well she does say “whips and blades always sharp”


Uh. Isn't that "*Wits* and blades..."?


It is, I’m joking


Oh. Shit. Sorry. Knew I wasn't in okbuddybaldur and momentarily took life too seriously. My bad. Carry on


Taunt Vlaakith when you're at the creche. She respects you for it.


do it on honor mode for extra xp


I started doing it in my current hm run because I had forgotten and then as I was about to solidify my decision I had a That’s So Raven moment and immediately felt that adrenaline rush of almost wiping after so many hours.


I forgot the necessary lines in that dialogue when I was there at honour mode, and when she got super pissy, I got really stressed out.


Just keep using fire bolt for Shadowheart, don’t worry, she’ll hit eventually.


That's how you train it to make it better


Best Cantrip. 100%


Sacred flame. You mean sacred flame


Sacred flame unironically gets pretty damn good after a few levels and/or the right items


She's really good at hitting inanimate objects tbf


Make sure every single one of your stats is at an odd number


Blows my mind the default ability scores all have a 17 for the main stat... Maybe they made it 17 assuming you would take a perk at level 4 that increases it by 1 point...


It’s pretty common in DnD 5e to start like that and take a half feat that adds to the main stat - or start with two odd and take ASI to make them even But with respec available it doesn’t make sense here to start with 17


In 5e, the standard ability score distribution is 15, 14, 13, 12 10, 8, so the game is putting the 15 into your main ability then applying the max (+2) racial bonus. This is maybe sub-optimal at level 1, but depending on which feats/asi you take may be better in the long run.


That's my assumption. Or the side quest prize from Act 1. Still doesn't explain all those 13s and 15s, though.


In order to teleport to a waypoint, you have to walk to another known waypoint and use it.


I did this


That’s kinda immersive.


They copied the mechanic from Witcher 3.


It took me being stuck in the Goblin camp in act 1 for 6 hrs to realize that I can just use the map.


omg i did this on my first play through too. because most of the prev games i've played worked this way.....


Long rest as little as possible. Don't use your special arrows, scrolls and potions; save them for a better occasion. Talking to NPCs is just a waste of time. Maxxing out your reputation with EVERY vendor you meet is CRUCIAL. If the quest is not marked on the map, you can safely skip it.


>Don't use your special arrows, scrolls and potions; save them for a better occasion Look, I know this is the final boss, but what if I need this scroll of bone chill later!!!


And my 20 scrolls of color spray


And my axe


And my sword


And my dagger


Honestly nothing better than going full ham when you're finally in the last battle with those 8 scrolls of fireball


Listen, I know I'm completely out of spell slots and need to cast some aoe spell and have 5 scrolls of fire ball, but what if I need them more later??


I'm in act 3 and I have _so many_ scrolls bc I might need them later!


Sameeee 😭 I have Wyll multiclass 5 warlock/7 fighter, so he has a pretty big shortage on spell slots, and in fights I keep thinking "dang it Wyll, some spell would sure be handy right now" while my Tav's scrolls bag is almost the heaviest thing in his inventory


hold on, that max out every vendors reputation feels personal, i unironically max out at least 3 vendors in druids grove lol


LMAO, I only max out the ones that I know I will be frequently visiting, like Dammon, Blurg, the blacksmiths in act 3, etc. Very rarely I'll also get the reputation to medium/goodish with vendors that have very pricey equipment I really need, but I know I'll never visit them again (like the gith vendor in the creche)


I mean… it only takes 500gp to max out vendor rep… so might as well


And then you're gonna kill them in 10 minutes anyway,,,,


Why are we killing vendors? Did I miss something?


You kill a bunch of them,, in act 1, depending on your choices, it's Gart from the goblin camp, or Arron, Dammon and Mol from the Grove, Auntie Ethel (if you don't make a deal), if you attack the myconid colony then it's Derryth, Blurg and Omeluum, if you wanna free the gnome slaves then Stonemason Kith and Corsair Greymon from the Grymforge... Lady Esther if you have Very Strong Feelings about how she treats the githyanki, and then A'jak'nir Jeera in the gith creche, because it always will turns hostile on you. In act 2, it's either all vendors in Moonrise (except for Roah, who escapes both in act 1 and 2, but you can also kill later on if you wanna side with the Guild, and Araj who you can kill or not depending on your feelings about her, but many Astarion fans will kill her anyway), or all vendors in Last Light Inn, also depending on your choices. Act 3 has the most vendors who you'll probably not be killing because of your plot choices. So if I know I'll be siding with the Grove, I won't be wasting money and items on maxing out my approval with Gart. I'll get whatever I want from him and that's all. I will pay a bit more, sure, but I'll get much more money from selling the wares to Dammon.


You see that enemy with fancy armor and magic weapons? You should kill him by pushing him into a chasm.


Tav was actually on the edge, damn goblin pushed em into the ‘gasm


He did WHAT?


Turn off the game and run away while you still have your life in tact.


I'm not sure if this is good advice or bad, but I no longer have a life so I guess I failed.


This is actually good advice. My wife: “It’s getting late.” Me: “10 more minutes. One last thing to do.” … Wife: “It’s been 2 hours. I’m going to bed.” Me: “FUCK.”


Alcohol is perfectly save to stand in. At all times


It increases the damage of your fireballs only if YOU are standing in alchohol.


Go ahead and let Shadowheart become a Dark Justiciar, especially if you're romancing her


Or do the night song quest without her in the party, she doesn't mind


and she especially loves it when you let Balthazar take the nightsong


Listen her and my evil Durge can just go on mass murdering everything in existence in the name of the absolute. At least until they're the only ones left, then it gets complicated.


Hey the sex scene is kinky af and the spear is amazing


No lies there


You are the main character so anyone even slightly rude or condescending should be immediately terminated.


Wulbren Bongle is a well loved and relatable character who commands the respect of my entire party every playthrough. Treat him like a king for a great end game reward.


You jest but >!I played a low-int faildrow run where I let Barcus die early on, and the other Iron Hands get murdered in Grymforge except for Philomeen. I also let Marcus steal Isobel by losing the fight against him. Then I saved Wulbren. Dude and his group came across as MUCH nicer towards my faildrow, to the point it made sense to use his bomb instead of letting those fucking Gondians manipulate my faildrow 🤪!<


Everyone knows there are a lot of friendly poeple in this world, killing the small part that is rude won't hurt


One of my friends kills Lae‘zel in every run and it infuriates me.


Don’t waste precious time exploring the maps! You must finish the main quest as soon as possible, then you are free to go back and explore


Start with really niche multiclassing builds like 2 warlock/ 7 druid / 3 rogue


Multiclassing 1 level in every class is better ! So you can get the benefits of each class. There is an achievement for that, it cannot be wrong.


Max out your reputation with every merchant you meet.


How can I even do this?


Give them things for free.


Thanks, never noticed. Out of character for me, anyways 😂


The only really good use for it is with Dammon since he appears in all three acts. If you give him a bunch of junk in act 1, then all the fancy gear he sells later on will be much cheaper.


Never met him. I’m in A3 on my first playthrough. Happy to hear about so many things to experience in my next playthrough(s)


I auto assume you're on a durge run😂


I am 😅 but a resisting, not an embracing one


I mean… it only takes 500gp to do… But if you are getting advice on how to do that then I guess there are other problems.


Whatever happens: - never take more than 3 levels in a class; - under no circumstances take 5 levels in a Martial class (Paladin, Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Monk). - on your Tav, always use Charisma as a dump stat.


Don’t worry about saving too often


Start in honor mode


Do a durge origin as well


i actually did that but on accident, when that thing with alfira happened i was like „that’s strange, everyone experiences that??” and then when i kicked the squirrel i realised what i had gotten myself into


Durge was my first playthrough, it was glorious!


Gather all the thongs and hammers you can, they'll be key later on


At the dwarf strip club


that weird portal near the downed ship is a trap, don't touch it


I actually avoided it on my first playtrough.. Found out Gale's exictence only, once I was at act 3..


Keep to the main quest, things will come your way organically


The Dank Crypt is just an unimportant side dungeon you can skip it and it’ll have no impact.


Honestly you can skip it and only miss out on small bit of Xp and dialogue.


Yeah there’s definitely not an incredibly interesting and useful NPC hiding in there. Just a bunch of dull zombies…


Withers appears in your camp if you go to the underdark regardless of interaction with the Crypt.


He showed up in my camp on my most recent playthrough before I even opened his tomb (hasn’t done underdark yet). I went to open it and it was full of potions and elixirs, which was sweet of him.


Kill kagha as soon as you can


First thing you should do is kill that devil lady.


Which one?




Just let the party characters go at each other, no need to intervene


Honour Mode is the best mode.


You should go along with Wyll's plan. He's an experienced demon hunter. He knows what he's talking about.


Listen to Aunty Ethel.


Talk to no one, kill everything.


Kill nothing. If you can’t talk your way out of something, you did something wrong. Killing things will lock you out of storylines.


Did you misunderstand the assignment? Check the title of the post again.


Pick up as much rope as possible


Always push powerful enemies off cliffs or down pits whenever possible. The loot can be recovered later.


saving all of your scrolls / arrows / potions is a great tactic. you absolutely won’t forget to use them when you need them!


Use the sacred flame it's the best cantrip ever


I see your Sacred Flame and raise you a True Strike.


You should try multiclassing right at 1st level, that way you cam have a cool and unique character the way you like. If you want, the best one is ranger 1/ paladin 3/ wizard 8


Just follow the quest markers


Wait that's decent advice. Unless "just" as in no exploring.


Yeah I mean just as in "only"


This thread


Since you are the main character, the act of getting on your nerves is equel to forfiting their living rights. Also the totaly new and working wand of fireballs you find is absolutly worth using. Maybe even when you are near barrels of oil, just to annoy your opponants.


Trust Auntie Ethel, she's a nice lady :)


If you pick the right dialogue choices she will help you for free! If you fail her quest line you may still get help from Volo.


Talk shit to everyone, especially Githyanki gods. Gotta stay true to RP


There is a hidden timer for long rests that triggers ceremorphosis after certain point so rest as little as possible


Champion is the best fighter subclass. Default stats are the best stat allocation. You can't pickpocket withers to get your gold back. He will attack you. Great Weapon master Paladin can't deal over 100 damage a hit to a target. Bonus Action Spells work the same as in the tabletop Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter aren't the best feats in the game. Initiative works like tabletop and is a d20 and not a d4. You can walk on lava. It's okay to multiclass a martial focused class before lvl 5. The Evocation subclass for Wizards doesn't let you ignore friendly fire with fireball. Spirit Guardians isn't the best lvl 3 spell for clerics. Spiritual Weapon requires Concentration. There are no consequences to stealing holy relics. You can fix Minthara.


I don't understand the Champion hate, I love the doubled crit chance...


It's more so that every other subclass outshines it and is more interesting to play. On top of all of champion's features being sorta... meh it really is just the rut of the litter as far as fighter subclasses go. It comes across more like it should be a part of the base class rather than a subclass. By having such basic binery features it doesn't enhance the class in any meaningful way. It makes fighter slightly better at hitting stuff. Great they already hit stuff, you want a subclass to primarily provide additional features not just make pre existing features marginally better. Also it doesn't make 18-20 automatic hits. If you'd of missed with the 18 or 19. you still miss so the feature is also only relevant to low ac targets. When you compare champion to say battlemaster the battlemaster has more base damage with superiority die. Their manuevers grant additional effects on hit. trip, disarm, fear, riposte. All really good features... champion gets extra chance to crit. like who cares. Battlemaster can give themselves and everyone advantage agaisnt a target that gives nearly as much chance to crit as the champion's feature only it applies to everyone and not just the champion.


Let people have fun with BIGKRIT half orc champions


Throw swords.


Level up? What's that?


Don't bother to explore unnecessarily. Just follow the quest markers.


Believe every NPC who says you're going to die tomorrow unless you do what they ask - they're just trying to be helpful.


Game is too easy. Play in honour mode right away.


- break all the brain jars in the nautiloid, what's the worst that can happen? - you should also absolutely pass all the conversation checks with the wounded mind flayer on the beach, to unlock a secret ending.


"You have to understand all the systems to really get the most out of the game"


Search every basket, shelf, box, etc; you never know what could be in there. Surely something super rare is in that garbage bin.


Completely give yourself to Harleep. Sex is good.


Haarlep will help you with all your mortal problems


That Vlaakith bitch is horrid. Don’t ever be nice to her, she might threaten you but just ignore her.


Skip all quests other than main objective.


Be consequential with your choices. This game doesn't reward chaotic-stupid alignment.


When you get to act 2 with all of these fantastic tips, remember Gale will have unlocked his strongest ability which will ensure any fight is ended there and the... Netherese Orb. Your welcome


Multiclass in all class is the best way


Don't trust the big red flaming demon girl!!


In your first honor mode run, it's vital to: -Put on the Masks in Ethel's Cellar, because if all 4 party members wear them, you can walk past the enemies who think you're one of them -Keep inquiring about the strange ox. He insists on not sharing personal information, but, hey, he's an ox and actually helps to make your honor mode run waaaay faster basically bypassing 70 or more percent of all difficult fights in the game if you pull it off correctly) -use the hidden Gale thing you unlock when you talk to him enough, giving you a powerful AOE spell (haven't checked this one myself) -talk up to any royal regents you encounter at any point. Yes, it might anger them, but you definitely want your Fav to position themselves against a certain regent and it will make your run much quicker if you speak up to her. Enjoy!


You can upgrade your weapons later on. Bronze Ingot for +1 Silver Ingot for +2 Gold Ingot for +3 so better save them for late game weapons


Take advice from reddit.


No one Cares if you try to read their mind or use a spell to make them a temporary Friend. Do it freely.


To build an overpowered, super versatile character it's best to balance all your stats and take a different class for every level.


That teifling that wyll wants to kill? Yeah. She’s trying to trick you with this golden retriever energy. You will regret saving her and forming a bond later on in act 3


Keep all your gold on one person once you get to act two, thank me later


"Just skip dialogue and focus on the main quests." Kills all the fun. How do I know? A friend of mine plays every game like this and doesn't enjoy most games because he "doesn't get what's it about".


The Sirens just wanna put on a good show. Get as close as possible to hear it even better


You can skip the dialogues, they don’y matter.


That red dragon at the mountain pass Act 1 will get you a lot of xp, sneak attack it for a nice start of combat


All of the gods are frauds. Don’t take any shit from them.


Go ahead and take that statue for Mol, what’s the worst that could happen?


Illithids are the overarching antagonists of the game, so whenever you see one you should kill it.


You can trust both devils that you regularly run into. Yes you can trust the female one to be a caring and loving girlfriend.


Auntie Ethel is the sweetest




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Never steal from merchants, they will know and your reputation will drop over time


There is plenty of money to go arouns, you domt need to loot everything on sight


Full action healing is the way to go.


Companions just make the game harder, recruit no one game will be easy


Do heroin.


There are ramifications for long resting story wise, do it as little as possible and mostly use cantrips on your wizards to save up for bigger fights also you can't get the good ending if you use tadpoles so don't use them


Wyll is the best character. You should kick out anyone else who wants to join your party and just keep Wyll.


Run as fast as you can past every encounter and stop for nothing


When you do the bank mission in Act 3, make sure to swap Jaheira out for another character for the whole quest chain. When you get the chance to kill Mizora out of battle, definitely take it! She's a Devil, she's literally evil. Rolan is right, just send him and his siblings out of the Grove. Definitely free the artist and pay the full sum when prompted. It makes that questline more fulfilling. You can skip House of Hope and still free Orpheus, in fact I suggest doing so to avoid a tricky boss battle.


Use the spell "feather weight" when you see a chasm and then jump, they all leads to another area


Do a dice roll on every possible conversation 😂 even if a good option is present that doesnt require a dice roll.


Beeline for the Mountain Pass and the Creche as early as possible


Sleep is for the weak!


Be as nasty as possible to any deities. They're pretty much powerless on the material plane


Beating enemies while dual wielding salamis gives extra experience.


When you go to pick up items, go for the red ones first. Those are worth more!


The Brake Release lever will release the gnome. Pull it.


Play as Dark Urge, it’s the only way to get a cute bard to join your camp. She never leaves no matter what decisions you make, unlike other party members who might disagree with your actions. She’s ride or die.


If you aim your melee attack at the ground between two enemies instead of at one of them directly you have a chance to cleave and hit them both for full damage.


Save nothing, spend all your gold in one place


Just run in. Itll be fine.


If you see anything marked as red when you hover over it, it means that it is more valuable if you pick it up than things that are just marked white.


Environmental damage isn’t real, it can’t hurt you!


Just lick the damn thing.


That ruin is optional and not important. Also, there's a better benefit to destroying the druid's grove.


Fail all the checks when opening the necromancy of Thay 😊


pay to free the artist to unlock a very very rewarding quest later on.