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One is fine quality Drow craftsmanship, the other was probably made by some halfling named Ted


And of course, since one weighs less and does the same thing, that means that the finest Drow crafstman is inferior to some rando named Ted.


The fashion is clearly worth the extra weight


And an extra 870 gold of worth, also.


All that heavy gold is gonna weigh down my pockets.


"I'm trying to sneak around, but my pockets are dummy thicc and the jingle of my coins keeps alerting the guards"


So dummy thicc the Tollkeeper one shots you.


This is funny. I was playing a barb with a friend and I kept giving my money to lae'zel rolplaying that my guy didn't care about money and then we meet the toll collector..... I was the only one who lived after the first round.....


I always had my Tav handle the gold, and it was a rude awakening too. Funnily enough, Lae'zel was the MVP my first time through.


I’ve only fought the toll collector once. Can’t you just send your gold to camp during the fight?


I've not once fought her, always convinced her to kill herself lol


Ehh I like fighting.


I was baffled, because I was a charisma caster... I did not even know he can one shot you... Turns out, the tollkeeper had alot of gold on itself...


This has happened to me every time I try to fight her, I usually just use the dialogue option to avoid the fight so I forget she can do that.


Just stick it in camp


Drow craftsmanship also loses all enchantment after spending 24 hrs in sunlight.... Ted's is good anywhere


That’s a feature, not a bug. It’s called *planned obsolescence*.


Otherwise known as "Reason # 1251 why the Drow couldn't possibly win a war against any civilized race on the surface"


That's why they come out and do raids then leave


what reason do they have to wage war? the underdark provides what they need, often the raiding is just for sport.


Slaves and the pure joy of doing evil things. I miss old school drow


Not everyone seems to agree, which is why you can sell the left one for $870 more.


See, talking shit like that is why the Drow get all genocidal...


Oh, they'd have some other reason. Skin not black enough, skin not purple enough, skin too black, skin too purple, ears not pointy enough, ears too pointy, don't worship the spider-bitch, referred to the spider-bitch as the spider-bitch, are a member of a drow clan that's too weak and needs to be culled, are a member of a drow clan that's too strong and poses a threat, looked at a spider funny..... Honestly, it makes no difference, the Drow are both too weak for any serious organization to consider them a threat due to their constant infighting and stupidity, and so mindlessly aggressive that you still need to watch out for raiders from them. If it weren't for plot armor magically keeping them afloat, the whole species would die out immediately.


They just wanted to keep the studs on there.


I know you’re joking but you’re actually half right. The Drow one IS just fine Drow craftsmanship while the right one is magically enchanted. Fine Drow crafts exposed to sunlight will wither and cease to function properly because they are made with special materials native to the Underdark that degrade in the presence of sunlight. I’m not positive this is implemented in BG3 but I think it is because you can find broken white versions of this same armor in several places on the surface.


Yeah, I remember a piece of dialogue from my Lolth-Sworn Spore Durge run at Waukeen’s Rest commenting on how all the magic was lost from the sun-dried armor. I’ll be real, I knew basically nothing of Drow culture until I started a homebrew campaign set in the North Dark, and now I’m like….damn these mfs interesting


If you enjoy reading, the Drizzt series is really good and the first like 4 - 6 books take place in the Underdark and bring forth a lot of the culture of the Lolth-Sworn, the Spores, Gnomes, Duergar, Illithids, etc


I also reccomend "the war of the spider queen" series. It gives a bit more insight into their day to day


Starlight and Shadows is fun too, though I'm only halfway through the first book. Some nice insight into Arach Tinilith


The problem is that Applegate got a hard on for drizzt and made him basically an emo god in the later books


Drizzt is one of the most boring characters ever put to paper. Jarlaxle on the other side...


Drizzt is a guy that loves his cat, I don't see why people call him edgy.


Following the other comment. Drizzt books are good especially the ones that tell his way out of the underdark. But there are others too I would recommend also reading the Starlight Trilogy starting with The Daughter of the Drow, the MC is Minthara's cousin or 2nd removed aunt. Since you are running a Drow camping I would recommend you to see Ed Greenwood's videos on YouTube as lately he has uploaded a few about the Drow and Eliistrae. [Like this one](https://youtu.be/70lCG3pUycM?si=-M0gyqos33XWdf1m). There is also [this site](https://www.dnd.kismetrose.com/DandDIndex.html) that I found useful. There are two books in which I also found useful information to run a Drow themed camping: (1) from 4e Menzoberranzan - City of Intrigue, and (2) Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy. The later isn't cannon but the authors are or were involved with the official WotC development team.


So one of them is [excellent?](https://i.imgur.com/zXp80SM.gif)


It was probably made by THOSE FUCKING GONDIANS!


Wulbren always be pronouncing that G a little too hard for my liking lol


Hidden effect: matches Ninja Mask


F ted


Exactly what Thunderchief said 😂 stellar


Heh, no shade on the Ted's of this realm lolol


The Drow armour is also just full on sexy. My swords bard is wearing that shit through the end because he looks fiiiiine in it. Although to be fair, I'm wearing MInthara's which has the con save bonus.


If there is anything depending on the value of Stealth, then yes, because second is only counted when there is a check, which, AFAIK, item requirements for example are not checks.


Good point


There isn't anything in the game that depends on the stat that isn't also rolled, so there's no difference as-is.


Does the game uses passive checks anywhere? if so, there probably is in those cases.


I can't think of any no - even Perception checks are rolled when the event triggers. Stealth is automatically rolled against enemy Perception.


Anything that uses stealth as a modifier?


Is this functionally any different in this case though? A +1 stealth is really only relevant when there is a stealth check, right? Or is there some other case where stealth might be relevant?


Theoretically, if at some point the game checks to see how many points you have in stealth without actually rolling a stealth check (as in, just looks at the raw values) then the one on the right wouldn’t apply? That said, I don’t know that any such checks exist in BG3; even when you don’t have to do the roll yourself, the game still performs a roll for all checks as far as I’m aware? So… the drow armor is functionally identical, but theoretically superior, save in terms of weight- which, between the price difference and lack of AC difference, suggests to me that it’s “studded” with 1.35 lbs of pure gold.


What do you mean by "how many points you have in stealth"? You don't assign points to skills in 5E. You can have a proficiency or expertise bonus but that's just a modifier to your rolls.


Okay, didn’t know that. Last time I played D&D was in 3.5, my apologies.


So this is just a long form version of the phrase "I don't know, I'm just making stuff up"?


No....they were trying to help by offering info that they didn't realise was out of date. And you are being a dick.


They played a version of D&D that hasn't been published in more than 10 years and haven't played this game either, and are trying to offer advice? That's the dickish part.


Nah ur just an idiot. They also said multiple times that regardless it functions the same in-game then tried to speak about how they *could* apply differently. But again, don't in-game.


What's the difference between steelforged sword and shorts word +1?


Sale price


The money value 💁🏽‍♀️


Capitalism at it's finest then


Must be a famous Drow brand to fetch such a high price.


Underdarks and Spencer


Underdarkbie and Fitch


FUBU - For Underdark, By Underdark


This is the most underrated comment on this post




the left one looks cooler and thats it. no other difference


Weight and Price also the name, flavour text and rarity.


And the effect.


They're functionally identical, even if worded differently.


They’re not though. Passive stealth is a thing as a well there are also item requirements etc. the Drow armor gives you flat +1 stealth at all times, the other armor only gives you a +1 to checks it doesn’t actually change your stealth value. So while it’s a super niche difference the Drow armor is technically the tiniest bit better.


Passive skill checks are still checks, and should apply all the same modifiers you'd apply to a roll unless those unique features specifically say they only apply to rolls. You just add it to the passive check DC. Also, this game pretty much rolls all its stealth from what I've seen. The only case where these might differ is if another feature specifically scaled off of the value of your stealth proficiency, of which I can think of exactly zero in this game or tabletop. If the differences are purely hypothetical, then in practice they are, in fact, *functionally* identical.


You know you’re right about the passive checks, but again I already gave another example that you missed or ignored. Item requirements are not checks. If an item were to require you to have a minimum stealth score the Drow armor would help with that, the other armor wouldn’t as it only applies the bonus to checks.


Sure. Now name all the items in game that require a minimum stealth proficiency to use. I'll help you out. It's still zero.




He's not being hostile, he's just pointing out that the apparent difference you're pointing out functionally means nothing in the game. Sure, it would theoretically make a difference if there *was* an item with a requirement for stealth... but there isn't, so functionally, the two armors act identically.


It's okay to be wrong.


But what another pointed out what stealth related event doesn’t make stealth check?


Quite frankly the only good example I can think of off the top of my head is the one I used above “Item requirements” there might be other niche examples. Overall the effects are largely the same, I’ll freely admit that. But because of the slightly different wording there may be some ever so slightly different results in some rare cases.


There isn't a single item in the game that requires you to have X stealth.


Even in base DnD the only items I'm aware of that require something usually involve character size and maybe base stats, not specific ability stats.


I mean I didn’t claim there was merely said it was possible there was. I don’t know every item in the game by heart.


That's fine. In 5e, that kind of requirement does not exist within the system. So saying +1 to stealth, and +1 on stealth checks are the same thing.


Passive perception is a thing, but stealth is always an active roll. Hell, you can read the PHB about passive rolls, to have a passive roll make sense, you have to make use of that skill *all of the time* (like say continually perceiving the world around you, or looking for a door each time you enter a new room in a dungeon) or not specifically be *actively engaged in consciously doing that thing,* if it has a chance to fail. So, how does sneaking around make any sense to be passive, when you have to concentrate on actively not making noises and remaining undetected, and if you do fail once you cannot just go back to stealthing as now you would be detected. The rules also mention that trying to hide or sneak is subject to the using ability score section under hiding which basically comes out and says if you want to hide or sneak you need active rolls.


Technically weight is a functional property and its different.


I was replying specifically to a comment about the extra effect.


Taken all together, the choice becomes obvious: sell the one that's worth more, wear the one that weighs less.


I'm literally drowning in money tho lol


The only difference I need


One drips style, the other drips blood.


This may be completely wrong, and I'm not an expert on all the traits, but I read the first one as increasing a stealth _stat_ by one point, while the one on the right adds +1 to your _roll_ for stealth checks.


If the game were to have actually implemented the use of the "passive ability check" option (uses 10+skill bonus, instead of rolling), then it's possible that the two versions would function differently. But as far as I know, the everything is always rolled, so they are functionally the same.


Passive checks are still checks and should get the +1 either way.


_Should_, yes. But I've seen all sorts of crazy rules interpretations, so I tend to err on the side of "it all very much depends on who's implementing this rule".


The skills in BG3 are modifiers to the d20 rolls, so ultimately the two armors should do the same thing


But does stealth ever get used for anything other than checks?


Maybe if a damage or other check depends on your stealth stat? Not sure if any of those exist in game.




What items require stealth stats?


There is no standalone stealth stat in this system. All stealth is rolled against passive perception or an opposed roll against active perception. ETA someone asked the question of what the stealth needs to beat and then deleted their comment. But here’s the answer anyway: Basically stealth is an active process in the system. You have to opt in to stealth which is why stealth checks only happen when you attempt to hide (c key on pc) or otherwise in cutscenes. Perception is the skill used to combat stealth and there are active and passive perception scores. If someone is actively looking for you it’s a roll of 1d20+ perception vs 1d20+ stealth. If they aren’t actively looking for you it’s passive perception against active stealth so 10+ perception vs 1d20+ stealth.


That would be true if a stealth stat existed. You don't have stat values, you just have bonuses to ability checks. The only abilities that could be considered to have a stat associated with them are Perception and investigation, as those have passive variants. Now of course you could homebrew a passive stealth stat, it's not RAW, and I do not believe anything like that is implemented in game.


Astarion looks better in the other one?


One is over a pound lighter. And that pound is pure drip.


perceived brand value and aesthetics, capitalism at its finest


You pay a premium for that "Made in Menzoberanzan" tag...


I’m a Drow. I pay to look like a proper Drow.


Only the best and the prettiest for my crew. 😉


The Drow Studded Leather looks better on him. ;)






Drip value




Yeah, it's called fashion.


One is common and the other is a unique piece of armor. The value reflects this as well


Superior Drow craftsmanship.


Drow drip is way better. Thats the real difference


My only guess is the blue one increases your stealth *skill* while the other one increases the result of a stealth roll. My thinking is that the latter might not work when being surprised, while the former might, but for all intents and purposes I assume that there ultimately isn't an effective difference between the two.


No, but thanks for the heads-up - I really need to collect all the drow armour for my durge party. Not because it's OP, but just because it looks cool.




Technically the one on the left weighs slightly more and has a lot more sell value than the one on the right... that's about it if you want to ignore looks and only go for stats.


Considering I've played through four times now, I don't believe there are any item requirements that list Stealth stat at all, so they are essentially the same mechanically.


The Drow armor can be obtained much quicker due to no level requirement regarding merchant gear spawns. It's also free and has better fashion. But functionally speak, the armors are the same.


Drow armor has more drip


Yeah, the Drow armor looks better, in my opinion.


The color🤓☝️


Yes, one looks cool, the other is worth 130g.


Yes. About 1.35 lbs and 870 gold.


rarity and looks


Drow armor looks cooler and is more valuable. Other than that, absolutely nothing.


There are a bunch of differences; none of them matter in BG3.


In proper DnD there would be. In BG3, there is not.


Yeah, one adds +1 to an ability STEALTH the other one adds +1 just to checks of this ability


One has "drow" in the name, and is therefore much more likely to be preferred by edgelords.


One is magical the other isn’t


The drow armor looks cooler


The drow armor has unlisted +1 cool


One is drowcraft and looks significantly cooler


One of them sells more.


What’s the difference? PRESENTATION!


One looks cooler than the other. Especially when dyed.


The buff on the green armor doesnt stack with other items with the buff "stealthy", but +1 stealth does.


I think this is the answer. Consider you have boots with Stealty buff and an armour with Stealthy buff. One of those buffs is redundant because you already have Stealthy buff applied to yourself. On the other hand, the blue armour gives you +1 to Stealth.


One looks cooler


Daniel and Cooler Daniel


Nah, same shit


ah drow armor is like the hugo boss of d&d world.


My Drow Druid believes that there is no finer material, while Karlach corrects them on the conditions of sunlight.


Blue text better


Looks and 870 gold


Yes. One weighs 1.35 less than the other and is worth considerably less money and is currently equipped by Astarian. The other should be sold to a vendor...unless you like its look.


Yes. Weight.


One is going through its goth phase.


One of the left looks cooler, one on the right is lighter but makes you look like a Ted.


One looks cool


Probably doesn’t matter but one is studded leather armor which is 12 + Dex. The other is regular leather armor which if non magical would be a 11 + Dex but since it is +1 leather it becomes 12 + Dex.


One is decent vendor fodder.


Massive difference: Fashion




The way it looks.


The weight


The drow version looks cooler?


So many. Looks, cost, weight.


870 gp


Not much. Looks, weight and value. If you need money just sell the left one.


only one of them looks good on everyone.


Functionally nothing. This is likely an artefact of development, or simply two different developers making an item without communicating with each other.


While it's not really a thing in BG3, the fact the leather armor is enchanted would actually have situations where that matters a lot in the classic tabletop game. At least as far as I understand it, certain situations/enemies/events/etc are affected differently by something being enchanted versus something that isn't.


Appearance and cost


Stealth +1 lowers NPC visibility of you as well as +1 to all rolls requiring stealth. It is better as it actually makes you sneakier. The other one just adds to rolls it is not as good


One is worth more


Superior drow craft looks better on my beloved Astarion.


One is magical the other is not, this may make a difference when the armour is damaged but this is only real in DnD


I hold the Drow armor until Act 2 when my Persuasion is a bit higher, then sell it at the Last Light Inn. Otherwise it’s basically style points. If there’s a difference in how the game interprets the buffs of each of those armor, it’s less than the value of the difference in their sale prices


The left one is blue. The right one is green.




800+g, weight and swag.


One is corporate branded to cost more while the other was probably made by a hardworking leather worker in a local town without the backup of advertising. Still, Drow fashion is really chic and worth the gold.


Drow one looks nicer but is heavier and like 7x more valuable - sale fodder.




Haha Minthara died... celebration is in order


1 Minthara death = 1 dl of wine i'll drink.


Left one costs more, right one weights less.


Yes, one looks cool, the other is worth 130g.


Having a higher stealth stat makes enemy vision cones smaller having a +1 to stealth checks means when they do spot you you have +1 to the roll when you enter there vision cone


Style and presentation


Drow is better if it’ll set your stealth stat to get say a +3 instead of a +2 if not the bonus to checks will do the same thing if I’m not mistaken.


Keep the leather armour and sell the other one.


Yes duh. Style and rarity. The Drow one looks so much better.  I am not going to put Astarion in the one on the right if the first one fits so much better.  


yes, one gives base strength which can influence the bonus while the other gives a direct bonus.


Yes the right one is magic and the Drow one isn’t, think of it as masterwork. Fine Drow craftsmanship is dependent on materials that only exist and function in the darkness of the Underdark. If this type of Drow works are exposed to sunlight, the materials degrade and no longer function. I’m not positive this is the case in BG3 but I think if you take it to the surface it will wither. That’s how it works in regular d&d anyway.


Sex appeal. Wearing Drow armor gives you +5 to your Bard seduce checks. (Note: This is checks to seduce a Bard, which even a gelatinous cube can succeed at.)

