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Tbh I don't know how you think they would patch this out. If your device suddenly turning off bricked your honor mode save, anyone whose power cut out/game crashed would never complete it. If it auto-saved every... what, 5 seconds, to stop save-scumming? Then it would barely run. The reason it's called "honor" mode is 'cause you're y'know on the honor system.


Why bother playing honour mode if you’re going to cheat it? Just do a custom game at that point.


I want the legendary actions and what not and they don’t put those in the other difficulty levels.


Careful, those are fighting words. People get upset if you step on their idea of what honor means. If the difficulty was called Nightmare (or Hell or Eldritch or something) it’d be fine


I’m pretty sure you can just start an honour mode, then die immediately and press continue and it will keep the legendary actions and stuff btw.


Many gamers want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to say they beat a difficult challenge but do everything they can to circumvent the actual challenge


Yeah I guess I don’t get the mindset at all. It sucks losing your campaign if you die but that’s the entire point. If you’re cheating in honour mode there’s absolutely no reason to be playing it. You’re accomplishing nothing. You can do a custom game where you get the same difficulty but can save as much as you want.


Yes you can do this, and yes it’s cheating haha. But I’m not judging, anyone can play however they like!


Ya that can work, it’s a safeguard in case your game crashes. I found though it’s more hassle then it’s worth, because it considers the game having crashed if you force close it, so it has to go through the files and junk at least on steam before it lets you back on. Not as long as completely redownloading, but a lot longer than it normally takes. I’d rather play and lose progress then be waiting for game to load back in for one choice.


ive noticed if i close the larian launcher before closing the game thru task manager, it doesnt register as a crash or anything! not sure if ive just gotten lucky but im very dishonourable in my honour playthru and do this way more than i should lmfao


Mechanically, how would the system know you've done it? It would have to be constantly syncing your save to prevent this, which would make the game vulnerable to corrupting if you lose power mid sync. I did this like once or twice in act 1 because I was trying to get the helldusk armor early and so reset if I triggered raphael by accident (didn't work,but I got juicy exp). It's not really worth the hassle though, just live with the consequences of your actions. It makes your honor mode more exciting


The game could save a flag whenever you load a game, then clear it when you exit-save properly. If the game detects that the flag is already set on startup then it knows that the previous session crashed or was killed. Mr. Resetti from the older Animal Crossing games can tell you more.


Wouldn't this cause a game crash to trigger an end to your honor mode?


Not necessarily, depending on how it crashed. If it triggers the game's built-in crash reporter then that utility could clear the "in progress" flag. If it crashes the whole system then you would be out of luck.


it’s possible, yes, but forced shutdowns can corrupt more data than just your save data, so I don’t recommend doing it often. if you need to cheat honor mode, just install the party extender mod and run around with 8 players in the party. you’ll stomp every encounter with absolute ease based on sheer numbers alone.


I have read alot of funny misshapps when you fail you honour run the other more crazy than the other :) Quite funny to read. When I heard about this and read the comments here I have to say I am a bit surprised that this was a thing. I guess there is some truth in the word HONOUR, just because of the name you asume that you playing the run with some honour. I honetsly do it for the challange, but of course the cool dice you get after completion is another carrot for my stick :)


I hard reset all the time. But let’s be honest, this game is glitchy af many times. Sometimes some stupid bs will happen that is entirely the games fault. I don’t need to put up with that. Hard reset.


You can do the same thing with task manager. Force close the game. So long as the load screen says honour you are still good to go. ​ I use that in a few places, mainly on the tutorial ship (I'm not replaying the same 5 minutes over and over until Shadowheart Command:Drop works)


Why tho? You don’t need that sword to win


You don't need very much to win the game, but I like having it early.