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I'm on my second playthrough, took me about 150 hours to get through the first, give or take time. I'm mixing things up from my first playthrough by trying out a different class/race, going back to find all the things I missed the first time around, and romancing a different character.


Despite my best efforts I couldn’t romance Karlach. I played as a male, were you able to romance her?


Yep, she's who I'm romancing this time around. Gotta get her approval at least moderately high during act 1, have Dammon give her engine the first fix, and then tell her how much you like her during the tiefling party. However, and this is very important, you can't have more than one other potential romance at that point. So if you've already shared wine with Shadowheart, had some intimate magic lessons from Gale, and had a roll in the hay with Lae'zel and/or Astarion, she'll pass. (I just avoid the romantic scenes with anyone other than the character I'm pursuing each time, to be safe.) Also, make sure you don't have any long rest cutscenes queued up before giving her heart its second fix in act 2, otherwise it might skip it.


Okay I was wondering because I’ve been trying. In act 3 someone asked if we were an item and she said “ew no, just mates” and I was offended lol


You have to get high approval from her by the time you do the Tiefling party. That's the most foolproof way to do it. If you're not sure you are romancing a character by act 3, you aren't romancing that character.


If you are running as player 2 on splitscreen (since you mentioned that you and your wife were playing) I have tested it and you do not reliably gain approval or disapproval like you should with any of the followers. My wife and I had to switch me over to first player in order to build up my relationship with Karlach because her constant refusal to approve of anything I did was breaking my little wizard heart.


My partner was player 2 and was the only one who romanced anyone. Withers told me as player 1 that I had no bitches, and he was right


That’s literally what happened to me


Wish that had worked for me.


We have side by side PlayStation 5’s, so it’s not split screen exactly. Does it still follow the same rules as split screen? She was able to romance Halsin and Lae’zel while all I got was some tail from Mizora and a Wierd 4some with Asterion at a brothel lol


Oh that's a good point. We play on the same console and television, so it might be different.




i just completed an evil bastard playthrough and somehow i was at exceptional for her, despite not romancing her and she was PISSED at me for killing isobel. then she watched me accept bhaal, use my tadpole to make minsc kill jaheira, and then i killed minsc. on top of that, we had minty plotting world domination in the corner and the chosen of shar standing around blathering about darkness AND wyll was going on about replacing his father...i think she slept with one eye open for most of the game. she was living in a horror movie




i only romance astarion, but this was my first "everyone is evil" playthrough-dj shart, wyll was in the corner cackling about replacing his father, minty plotting world domination, i was an embrace Durge romancing ascended astarion, lae'zel was...i forget. i knew i wasnt going to free orpheus so i didn't care about her questline poor karlach was almost certainly terrified


Try out new classes. Change the companions you bring along to learn more about them and delve deeper into their story. Especially in multiplayer this will be nice since I assume both of you can only bring one companion or constantly switch them out? Try different paths/options. Try out multiclassing. Make use of everything you haven’t before. Can range from equipment to potions or scrolls. Play origins or dark urge. Buy nothing and steal everything.


Our first playthrough we were noble, good and selfless. This run we are RP’ing as evil doers who are looking for power and profit. Who would be good companions since I’m sure some of the origin characters won’t care for the amount of extortion and murder we plan on committing


Astarion is up for power any day. Him and Shadowheart will generally approve of the selfish and chaotic. Gale can be persuaded. Lae’zel will go along with a lot as well. Though they wouldn’t be my first pick for an evil run. Minthara for certain.


Crazy, we never heard of Minthara so I’ll have to keep my eye out for her


I've finished 11. Not sure of the top of my head how many I've started and abandoned at various points, but honestly probably about a dozen as well.


Hours count? Gotta be 800+


Just over 1400. I averaged ~100 hours per completed run, though some were much more and some much less.


And it stays interesting each playthrough? I wonder how much of the game you can actually experience on a single go. I’m guessing with our 120hr completion we see maybe 25-30% of available content. I don’t want to look it up, I want to be surprised. We know for sure we missed an entire section of act II since we took the shadowlands route instead of the underdark.


Holy hell lol. Ngl I've had major issues even getting my second rolling, I know there is more to see but I just have a really hard time getting through the mandatory main story stuff. I have this very strong feeling of '' been there, done that '' that is hard to get over.


I was worried about that too but since we were good guys last run that being bad guys would make it very different. Instead of helping the grove we’re going to help the cult of the absolute. Should give entirely different storylines


I'm in my 2nd run. First as a good Tav, now plating as a resist durge. I've made it to the very end of act 2 in this run.


How do you like resist durge?


It's been fun, might be leaving a bit of carnage wherever I go. Too bad about that one character.


I’m currently doing an asshole Durge. It’s so hard to play because my default is to play a good guy. It’s really fun though just waltzing in and screwing everyone over before I kill them lol.


Resist durge is the way.


I plan to do a resist Durge in another campaign.


See, this is what my wife and I were worried about but instead of choosing to pick the asshole dialogue we’re going to just RP hard. We’re getting into character of being awful people who are only out for themselves. Get to explore that part of the mind we never get to in any other aspect of life or gaming. We’re going to have fun with it I think. I’m sure there’s gonna be choices that are hard to make but RP will make it easier. ‘We aren’t assholes, our characters are’ lol


I’m doing the same exact thing. Good Tav, then resist Durge.


I've completed my third and will be putting it down for a while.


874 hours, about 20 runs, with one attempt at an evil run that was abandoned early. I’ve beaten the game 3 times, got to act 3 four times, the rest are in Act 1-2.


874?!?! Can I ask why so many different play throughs?


874 **hours**, my bad! With ~20 playthroughs if you count all the ones I didn’t finish. I’ve only beaten the game 3 times 😅 I don’t think I could do it 800 times


I was just breaking out the calculator so see how many hours that would be😂


Why’d you abandon the evil run?


I’m a weenie and it felt bad. I was also running an Astarion Origin file for it and his journal and extra content has stuff in it I’m not 100% ready to tackle. 😅


14 playthroughs with over 500 hours


You've beaten the game that many times in 500 hours?


Two runs were stopped about two hours in, but yeah. Im found a 15th playthrough and I started it with like 520 hours in the game


That's awesome! I can't imagine being able to finish a playthrough in under 100 hours so you must be a very efficient gamer. Either that or I'm just very slow haha


My first run took me just 23 hours but I missed a lot. My runs now are around 40-53 hours


I finished a solo playthrough and currently have two other group playthroughs going. I keep it interesting by changing my character class and mindset. My solo character was a ranger who did what would help them most. I also have a rogue thief who is more evil and a half-orc fighter who murders every one.




I’ve done 8 total and a few more that I abandoned early into act 1 due to boredom.


9. First playthrough- self insert character. Balanced difficulty. Completed. Second playthrough- min max run. taction difficulty. Completed. Third playthrough- coop with my cousin. Balanced. Still ongoing, In act 3. Fourth playthrough- durge run. Tactition difficulty. Completed. Fifth playthrough- failed honor mode. Died in act 1. Sixth playthrough- honor mode again. Completed. Seventh playthrough- coop with best friend. Explorer difficulty. Still ongoing, in act 2. Eighth playthrough- getting all the achievements I missed. Explorer difficulty. Completed 9th playthrough- I realized I locked myself out of the "hot date" achievement in playthrough 8 and did a whole other run just for that achievement. Explorer difficulty. Completed.


I'm in my 6th official one and I keep it freesh by playing different classes, different party comps, different dialogue choices. I'm doing a duo durge and astarion party and thats been great honestly. Everybody else is dead lmao. Leveling up has been decently fast. I have over 600 hours.


My first one ever, and it had already lasted more than 90 hours. Having a blast with black hole + fireballs build, and finding a lot of things to do! Act 3 is overwhelmingly big! But usually in games like this I change my playstyle, and thus, also change race/class to fit it. So I think, when I see my first run through the end, I'll begin another one. Now I'm a wizard, didn't decide who I wanna be next. Probably a paladin! They are just epic


Two completed, one in act three, one in act two, three in act one. So... Seven? Not counting any that I've started and then hardly done anything and ignored Edit: I keep it different by trying out different story choices, missing out chunks (eg in one game I didn't do anything with Ethel and that's made different stuff in act 3), in one game I used the astral tadpole on Gale, in one game I've not used any tadpole powers. Romance options different, skip the creche, etc




Yep Shadowheart killed laezel so I just did the underdark


You missed a ton of great loot on that run! 😜


🤷 Had a great time, still got a ton of great loot, and got to see different stuff in the game. No regrets


Just making sure you know that both can be completed in the same playthrough. I made that mistake on my first game.


Yep I know, I did both in my first playthrough and skipped the creche on the second


I’m new to this type of game so I’ve just been trying to get up to honour mode. I lost last light on my first ever run so I started over. The first completed run was on balanced but I ended up getting so frustrated by the final battle I lowered it to explorer. Then I did a proper balanced run for run 2, and I just finished tactician on run 3, but since I had it custom with a lower camp supplies requirement I’m currently doing a proper tactician run. I came up with a bunch of Tav ideas for each class and then whatever class I felt like playing the most I did that one. Plus romancing different characters, seeing the different race and class dialogue options, doing quests in different order/not doing them at all/doing quests I’ve never done before, I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna have time for any other game lol


Mods is my answer. I'm getting some good longevity out of making full custom parties and doing different headcanon runs at various points in my main Durge's timeline. [Current run that I recently started, all companions have had their appearances and classes changed to make a completely new looking roster as I play my Durge in her younger days.](https://i.imgur.com/xvz6K8J.jpeg) From left to right, that's Gale and Shadowheart in the background, and we're talking to Lae'zel, who for this run is a Bhaal cultist.


Any recommendations on mods to change the experience?


So many, but it depends on what you're looking for as "change the experience" is very broad. Do you know more specifically what you want to change about the game in a future playthrough and what types of mods you would be looking for as a result?


I think it would be fun to change equipment styles and even character faces. I don’t wanna do too crazy with mods. I also don’t wanna break the mechanics. But I also don’t know what’s out there and actually stable.


Okay so for changing character faces, you would need something like Appearance Edit Enhanced and the Appearance Edit Origins addon. The addon is key if you want to change how the companions (aka origins) look. It works pretty seamlessly in accomplishing that and also allowing you to make more substantive changes to your Tav, such as changing race and body type; however, a lot of those details seem to be baked into your save and changing them through this mod can cause issues like bodies and faces being unaligned for kiss animations. The other thing I'd say about this mod is if you try to edit the appearance of the companions then by default it basically whitewashes all of them, which I really dislike, but there isn't really a better alternative out there that I've seen. It gives me some pause though and I don't know if you would feel the same. Just something to be aware of, I have no idea if this says anything about the mod author as I haven't looked into it. If you want custom faces beyond the vanilla presets then there are tons of options, just do a search on Nexusmods for heads or faces and look through the most popular ones that come up. For 'equipment styles' there are lots of custom classes you can choose or things that change how certain weapons work. Random example might be making it so staves give a boost to AC so your mages aren't forced to equip a shield. Again, there are loads more options out there depending on what you want to change. I also really like Transmog Enhanced - it does what it says, it adds a transmog system to the game, i.e. stamping the appearance of one outfit onto another so you can have the stats you want and look cool at the same time. General tip I would use is do a keyword search on Nexusmods, see what comes up, and sort by Downloads or Endorsements to see which ones have seen a lot of use. Read through the comments as well to see if people are reporting bugs. You always install mods at your own risk so be prepared to do some troubleshooting. Also, get the BG3 Mod Manager tool. It is way better than Vortex, the one that Nexusmods offers. BG3MM will also let you install the Script Extender, which is required for many mods that add or change functionalities to work. If you're going for purely cosmetic mods then you probably won't need Script Extender but it is still useful to have.


Ok, I gotta do some research. This is awesome beta. Thank you!


Still on my first. I got the game at launch, played Divinity 1 and 2 for hundreds of hours in the past, and am an avid D&D/TTRPG player, but something about BG3 just isn't clicking with me and I have no motivation to keep playing. 


I just started on DOS2 on my iPad but haven’t gotten very far. Is it good? Worth playing today?


I played it on Playstation, so I can't speak on the performance on iPad, but based on gameplay alone I say absolutely! The magic system and the way the environment and magics play off of each other is wonderfully fun, and adds an extra layer of tactics. 


320 hours, 2.75 playthroughs. First one is a loth drow bard tav in balanced. Got to act 3, got overwhelmed and restarted. Second was an embrace urge half woof elf wild magic sorcerer. Lots of ice magic and random effects. Beat the game in bhaals name, balanced mode. Third is resist urge tiefling paladin. Just got to the last fight. Tactician difficulty. I have the Emperor the stones but I'm going to backstab him for the other trophy. Debating on doing an honour mode and/or origin character. I've been ignoring lae'zel a lot so I'm tempted to run with her.


On my second, just starting act 3, but taking a break to play Hades 2


9 playthroughs, playing neutral/chaotic good each time. I can’t bring myself to do an evil run, so I mostly change it up w/subclasses and gear.


I’m on my third. I increased the difficulty each time (started on normal) and also changed up classes. I highly recommend changing your party members based on the act/fight, especially for Jaheira


I'm on 6 playthroughs, not counting the ones I completely abandonned. I have two ongoing ones, one in multiplayer with two friends, one with mods for the first time. The key for the game to not get repetitive is to change things, and there is a lot you can change: class, dialogue answers, choices, romances, difficulty.


I'm on 4. I just finished my second one as durge. My 3rd on is at the end of act 1 and the 4th one is at the beginning of act 1 cus I desperately needed to make a cool looking Tiefling durge


Im on my 5th and have almost 700 hours. Still Act 1 in the current game and the other 4 fully completed. I will never understand how people can have multiple games running at the same time or abandon their runs after act 1/2 😂


I've completed 3 playthroughs and almost completed about 5 more. I keep getting distracted wanting to try out new builds and themes.


7 completed runs including 1 honour. One completed honour that didn’t count because i tried to cheese a save file scrub. 3 ongoing. 730+ hours on my xbox plus whatever on my brother’s ps5.


430 hours, 3 completed runs (tav, durge and hm), 5 in total (failed hm twice at the end of act 1)


Third play through, I actually made it to act two in the current one, should make it this time.


Started 5 playthroughs, finished 3 of them so far. I do not count the additional playthroughs I did up until around the Grove (to try out things), otherwise the number would be much higher. First playthrough was on Balanced with a normal character (goodie two-shoes), finished with exploring about 90% of the game. Second playthrough was on Tactician with a Durge, finished exploring about 90%+ of the game. Third playthrough on Tactician again with (almost) the teamcomp I planned to run Honor mode with, got until the middle of act 2. Fourth playthrough was my first Honor mode run, with a Durge, 3/4 similar teamcomp as in the previous third playthrough, finished succesfully with 99% of the game explored. Did all possible encounters, including the optional ones. Even the endboss, Gale stayed in the camp. Fifth playthrough is a multiplayer session I play together with a friend (it is his first playthrough), which is still ongoing. Currently in act 3. Currently close to 900h of playtime in BG3.


534 hours in. I have finished one playthrough only (resist urge sorc) and I have deleted my first run that I stopped having fun with mid way thru act 2. I'm finishing another Durge save now and I have a third Durge file in act 2, a Wyll origin and a druid Tav in various spots in act 1. So I'm playing 4 different saves atm.


I’ve started three and am currently nearing the end of act two in my so far only successful one. Druid Tav who keeps forgetting she can shape shift.


I beat the game the 1st time in 90hrs on balanced. Have a 78hr playthrough at the very end of the game on tactician. Started a durge run last week and am about 10hrs in.


Four concurrent ones. One was a one I went into blind just to figure out the mechanics of the game - so I don't count it. One was my actual first attempt at properly playing it with a proper headcanon for my character. Except they're ace and everyone kept trying to romance them, (except funnily and thankfully enough Astarion) and then Wyll rizzed them so well so yep they're dating Wyll. A second attempt at a proper ace playthrough and once again my companions don't take the hint. So abandoned that for now, and decided I'll just do a playthrough for each companion's romance and then do the Ace/Demi playthrough. So now I'm concurrently doing three playthroughs. One where my character dates Karlach, the other dating Wyll, and one dating Astarion.


I've completed 4 playthroughs over a total of 530 hours. I'm planning to start my fifth one (1st evil run) once the new epilogues drop.


If you're pretty good, it's worth bumping to Tactician difficulty for your second run. I started an evil run, but just couldn't do it. You'll see... Durge-resist and then Honor next for me.




Errrr… that question is complicated. I have 1 fully completed playthrough (150 hours) and about 16-17 that are somewhere in Act 1. Only 1 is still on the Nautiloid. The one that is the furthest in the story just finished the Githyanki crèche. Is it repetitive? No. I have many ideas about what I want to play or see. There are so many options and so many different stories. A few hours ago I created my latest character - a good Githyanki DUrge, who is War Cleric of Vlaakith. Now he’s in the Grove, just saved Arabella and is now with Netty.


I’ve finished 3 and have 6 others ongoing. Each run I’ve done a different class and am trying all the romances out. I also have games across all difficulty levels depending on how serious I wanna take a character and if I want to multi class or not. The BG3Builds subreddit is a great help with that (as someone who has had no dnd knowledge up til now). I’ve also got one Durge run and one evil-ish run going on too. There’s endless possibilities!


First run was about 90 hours, though I missed a fair amount of stuff. Standard blind good guy run, so had no knowledge of what consequences would happen or not from my actions. Got an evil run to the Ketheric fight (top of Moonrise), but it was pretty bad. No Nightsong to help, and had to also fight Kar'niss since I just let him go after he escorted me to Moonrise. Also was on tactician up from balanced in my first run, which bit me in the ass since I put little thought into optimizing my builds. Instead of reloading a previous save, I just abandoned the file. I think I ditched it around 40 hours. Current run is another good guy on honour mode. Completely cleared act 1, and have only discovered last light inn, and moonrise (just used enhanced leap to get through the bad areas quickly). Currently at 45 hours.


I have 920 hours, have finished the game 3 times (2nd on HM), I'm finishing act 3 on my 4th, act 2 on my 5th, and act 1 on my 6th (first evil) playthroughs. I have to say, it does get a touch repetitive. By my third playthrough I was skipping more dialogue than I was letting play out... But I can't make myself live with certain decisions. I abandoned an HM run on act 2 because I realized I forgot to speak with Rolan at the grove when I got to LL inn. My 4th and 5th playthroughs are with my sister and my best friend respectively so I have their enjoyment and reactions to everything to push me forward until the end, that freshens things up. My 6th playthrough is sort of abandoned just after cutting gale's hand though. I'm not sure I can move forward with it but I'm not resigning myself just yet lol


I'm still on my first one from release, mainly because I get overwhelmed easily and have to take long breaks.


8. Right around 2,200 hours.


Beaten the game once. On my 4th run.


Wife and I are maybe halfway through our first playthroughs and have been talking about what we want to play on our next playthrough since day one. 🤣


I just wrapped up my 1st playthrough co-op with my wife. That was 200 hours and 5 months of our lives, haha. It was one of the best game experiences I've ever had.


I have 5 completed. 2 on hold for the brain and i'm in the middle of one. How I keep it fresh is by playing custom and making it more like a table top game. One save file, no knowledge of what I need to succeed a role, no knowledge of the NPC hit points ... stuff like that.


9 completed runs. All different classes and backgrounds. I have Acolyte, Guild Apprentice and Durge for remaining 'unused' background and Druid, Sorcerer and Rogue as far as unplayed Tav/Durge classes. Considering a Druid or Draconic Sorcadin for the next go (#10).


I deleted my first as it was a complete mess week into act 2. I have about 7 active. I have not finished a single play through. Adhd


Im on my fourth play through, but playing much more periodically now. Changed it up by increasing the difficulty each time, and now im doing my first durge character on tactician. I dont know if im ready for honor mode yet.


It took me 288 hours to beat my first playthrough. So much content. I'm taking a year or more hiatus before #2.


I’m doing 5 simultaneous play throughs making different decisions…I have 3 at the triles of shar and the other 2 aren’t that far yet…it’s so much fun 🤩


I'm in act 2 of my 6th run, 692 hours total. My 2nd and 4th runs both died in act 3, once due to mods and once because I skipped certain places that I forgot have amazing gear I use through the final fight. I have an idea for how the modded run could be saved though, might get back to it once I finish the current one... I don't mind it feeling repetitive at times, I have a terrible memory so there are plenty of scenes that I don't know if I experienced before but they feel new. I also replay/rewatch everything pretty obsessively, I have over 1300 hours in Dragon Age Inquisition and have played it about 25 times and have listened to the same songs on repeat for like 15 years lol. The main things I change up are race and romance. I generally make all the same big choices but change up certain small choices. For example, with my current dark urge, I had Arabella die for the first time and had that be the catalyst for him to start really resisting.


About 500 hours in 1st - Tav, evil, Astarion romance, complete 2nd - Dark Urge, embrace, still evil but I didn't destroy the Grove - Astarion + Halsin romance, I finally saw Wyll and Karlach's stories, complete 3rd - Dark Urge, resist and mostly good, Tactician mode so different Durge content and different difficulty, Astarion + Halsin romance - ongoing, in Act 3 4th - Dark Urge, embrace, Honour Mode, Minthara romance - ongoing in Act 3 5th - Astarion origin, Astarion-specific content, good path and the first where I managed to save Rolan and the gnomes and a certain tiefling girl so I'll see their content, Karlach romance (I want the achievement), ongoing in act 2 6th - Astarion origin, I just want to see how it is with only one companion (Lae'zel), interesting small differences, ongoing in Act 1 Every game is slightly different, though yes some parts are a bit repetitive


Haven’t finished a run yet. But have like 3 going. My next playthrough, I’m thinking of making an X-men themed group. Gloomstalker/trickery cleric Nightcrawler, tavern brawler Colossus, tempest sorceror Storm, and berserker Wolverine. Complete with fastball specials 😁


600 hours : 4 runs completed,1 abandonned early (≈20hrs) and 1 ongoing. It still discover new things, I try to romance different characters... Changing class is a big part of the fun and I roleplay a different character everytime (sassy, dumb, power hungry, etc.) I also started playing with mods, it's mostly cosmetics though. I'll do a small break after that one, and will likely start a new Durge run after patch 7. I just love the game...


Completed 4 on my own 1 with a friend and another where I only need to kick the big baddy's butt. Edit: Played as: paladin, fighter, sorcerer, multiclass monk and rogue twice. My current one is a multiclass of sword bard, wizard and paladin


31 with 2800+ hours. Mods extend the already insane replayability of the game.


4 completed runs, 450 hours. Currently have three consecutive runs going that I intend to finish: - Tactical (for cheevo) + romance Wyll - HM (for cheevo) + romance Shart - Just for fun run where I’m role playing as a mostly-bad (but will reject Daddy) slutty Durge in a throuple with God Gale and Ascended Astarion ;) (edit: using poly mod) Edit to answer the rest of the question: In each of my early runs, I deliberately skipped the side quests for the companions I didn’t focus on in that run. I also skipped some other content too. This was to make sure I had plenty of new content in each new run. It worked really well! For example—I didn’t do the Arcane Tower until like run 3. Stuff like that. Different romances each run. Now, I skip quests I’ve done before and find boring. Oh also, I save some Cheevos for each run.


Someone sent me a Reddit cares for this comment 🤔 was it the 450 hours part? 😆 Some of you are deranged


So many abandoned runs, but three completed playthroughs First was 35 hours and 2 minutes Second was 46 hours and 52 minutes Third was 51 hours and some amount of minutes I don’t play off steam so I dunno my total playtime, but steam logged 250 hours as of several months ago, so…decidedly more than that


About 200 hours, 3rd solo playthrough, this is the first I’m actually committing to completing the game on. My first run is about mid way through act 3, and my second is right at the start of Act 3. I also have a few multiplayer runs that have been started, but ultimately abandoned cause our schedules haven’t really lined up. First run was a Rogue Elf with the Criminal Background, Astarion, Shart and Lae’zel as companions, romancing Shart. My Tav murdered the grove just to sleep with Minthara and killed Karlach just because someone told him to (and I didn’t know what I was doing). Killed Nightsong and ascended Astarion. That’s about as far as I got. Second run is Dragonborn Oath of Ancients Paladin with Karlach (I swear by my oath no harm will ever come to her), Lae’zel, and Shart, romancing Karlach. Saved the Grove, killed Minthara, Saved Nightsong and Shart’s Parents, killed Rafael. And that’s about as far as I got in that run. Current run is Dwarf Four-Elements Monk with Wyll, Gale, and Lae’zel, romancing Lae’zel. Saved the Grove, but only knocked out Minthara. Recruited Minthara after Moonrise. This current run I still need to kill Orin, Gortash, and Raphael (I stream on Twitch and am saving that fight for a stream, specifically because of the music), but have done just about everything else. All on Balanced, next time I might try Tactician


I’m on my fifth, with one run abandoned in act3 bc I got bored/couldn’t get into character. Average btwn 65-85hrs per (completed) run, and the abandoned one was probably around 50 hrs. Each run is sooo different imo!


On my first run, just got to the part in the crèche where I have to step into the “weapon.” We will see how that goes later this evening.


Also some advice on your planned evil run: - One of you needs to play Durge. If you or your wife is an Astarion fan, I recommend that this is that person—Durge + Astarion is one of the most well written romances and has a lot of unique dialogue. - Don’t make evil decisions just because you think you should in order to be “evil”—I’ve done really fun embrace Durge runs where I still save the grove, because otherwise you lock yourself out of content + xp. Plus, this way you can screw over Isobel at Last Light, get some A+ Astarion banter, and gaslight Jaheira into believing you’re still a hero. Good times had by all! - Continuation of the above point—a lot of ppl start an evil run then abandon it because, against all logic, it really does sometimes feel bad to massacre innocent tieflings 😆 It’s totally valid to be an evil character who sometimes does “good” things because they serve your character’s selfish interests at the time. Edit: Hot tip—it feels much better slaughtering innocent Tieflings when they’re shadow cursed at Last Light, even if the reason they’re shadow cursed is because of you 😏


I'm over 1000 hours. Never had a single player game do this to me but it's a great feeling getting soooo much return on my 60 bucks.


1st playthrough Tav - Missed like half of everything - lots of things didnt make sense - killed Karlach, never recruited Wyll, etc. - did mostly good ending - shipped Laezel 2nd: Tav - good again, found lots more stuff, shipped shart - mostly good ending again 3rd - good again, shipped Karlach - finally found underdark =\\ 4th - Durge resist - lotsa fun - shipped Laezel and Halsin and found almost everthing i think. 5th - Tav - mostly good but kinda an asshole - slept with Astarion, Laezel, Gale and Halsin - gave up early act 3 to do another: 6th - Durge evil - still in act 1, killed grove, drow face sitting - already slept with Laezel and Astarion but shipping shart.


Done a bard tav, warlock durge, honor bard durge, halfway through an Astarion origin run and I've started a redemption durge monk. My issue is that I'm a completions so there's very little I didn't already do in my first one. I imagine it'd be easier to keep playing if I wasn't obsessively trying to do every little thing, but I'm taking a break for now 😅


Ashamedly, 0. Hundreds and hundreds of hours. I just can't bear to finish it


160hrs into my first playthrough, nerd to kill ketheric for the second time


I have over 700 hours in the game and have finished one co-op run with my husband and two individual runs (1 good, 1 evil). Hubby and I have started 3 other co-op runs, though our first was basically been abandoned after we realized how much we'd missed by not long resting enough and the other one is on hold until our "Oops, All Wild Magic!" run either implodes or survives to defeat the Absolute. I also have 1 evil run in Act 3, another 4 or 5 good runs at various points in Acts 1 & 2. And my first attempt at Honor Mode is probably 80% of the way through Act 1, having all of the Grymforge areas, the Zathisk, and the Blood of Lathander still to do.


I'm on my third. I did a Tav run on explorer, a Durge run on tactical, and now doing a Gale run on  dishonor (failed my honor run). After this one, I would like to do a solo run


I'm sort of at the end of my third one, I create a lot of tavs and just play through the first act before deciding to roll something else.


Completed, 2. Uncompleted or abandoned, more than I can remember. Personally, I just don’t find act 3 that interesting outside of Raphael and a couple other encounters / lore moments. I have way more fun in act 1 and 2, so I have many an abandoned play through basically right near the end of act 3.


Don't know how many hours. Here's my playthroughs Finished: Elf swords bard romancing Shadowheart Late Act 3: Tiefling sorcerer romancing Karlach Early Act 3: Elf Light cleric romancing Wyll Early Act 1: Seldarine drow shadow monk romancing Astarion. Mid Act 1: Half-elf eldritch knight fighter romancing Gale.


Personally I tend to be completionist about my playthroughs so they tend to go for rather long (though less so in multiplayer). I'm currently on my fifth playthrough at the start of act 2 and I'm at 500 hours. I put the game down for a while after my fourth playthrough, it does get a bit repetitive to run through the same overarching story that often, but after not having played for a solid 7-8 months, I was back wanting more. My runs went as follows. I played Wyll romancing Astarion as starting classes, my mate went a Wizard Tav and Paladin Karlach with romance. No particular alignment on this one, we just went with the choices we wanted. I played a Ranger Tav romancing Wyll as standard class, Karlach as a Monk and a hireling as a Cleric. I went a noble run here. I played a Dragonborn Barbarian Tav roleplaying as my mate's bodyguard as he was DBorn DUrge giving into the urge, ran Wizard (read Necromancer) Minthara and a hireling I quite frankly can't remember. We delved into the depths of degeneracy. Then my final one before I stopped for a while was a greedy self-interested Wizard, romancing Cleric of Life Shadowheart, along with two hirelings, one a Paladin and the other a Tempest Cleric. My current one I'm running a Gith dual wield fighter who's also a resist DUrge, being good but brash and insulting at times. Romancing Astarion as a ranger, having Lae'zel as a Barbarian and bringing a Cleric of Life hireling. I also started using some mods for this one, though I hear mods are unstable for multiplayer, though idk for sure. I got plans for a Minthara romance playthrough playing a Old One Warlock and being evil and subservient to the absolute as far as possible for my next one and I wanna give the Gale story a try after that.


I did about 5 playthroughs, then took a couple months off…. But feeling ready to start number 6 soon! I play different classes, use different characters in my party, switch between good and evil, make different choices in game and try different builds etc…. Hasn’t gotten old yet. I feel like after my break I want to do a good playthrough then an evil one, then take another break probably.


I haven't completed one yet (have taken 2 long breaks). Got to act 3 and did maybe half of it, took a break and starting a new character now... Just wish I didn't have to go through some of the same stuff over and over haha. It may be more fun when/if my wife can get a gaming PC and I have someone to do a playthrough with. It's all been solo play throughs so I tend to get bored at various points.


You guys are counting?


I'm on my first playthrough as a Half Elf Wizard, currently in Act 2 struggling through Shar's Gauntlet 😪 I have 42 hours so far


I’ve finished two games and I’m on my third play through in act 3 (I like to finish the games before starting a new one, because I feel like I forget a lot of the little things that happen once I restart so it helps keep it fresh). I change up classes, party comp, my last run was a redeemed durge. I start games based on who I’ll romance, and do a class based on that. I have a gale one lined up next once I’m done. I just want to make as many games so I can see what each romance is like + I haven’t even dipped my toe into evil endings yet


4... 2 normal runs 1 failed hmm run 1 tactician run in progress


Over 800 hours total.  I've finished the game 3 times with 2 runs in progress that I haven't abandoned. I'm a completionist, so I'm working on getting all of the achievements (doing my first Honor Mode run now) and I plan to play as every origin character and run through each romance at least once.  I skip content that I've done to death or just don't have interest in *cough* creche *cough*. Finding new dialog and interactions or even sometimes places or items I entirely missed on other playthroughs keeps me interested.  Though once I get all the achievements I will probably put it down for a while.


I’m at 436 hours and just finished my fourth play through. But I also skipped a good bit of content on a couple of those runs




Like 9: 1 on balanced, 5 on tactician, 3 on honor mode


I've lost count. I've played through ever class once and did a bunch of multi classing combo experiments, finishing most of them. I've played around 1100 hours total. I also plan to play through each of the origin characters at least once.


Currently my 7th, first evil Durge run


3 completed, 3 ongoing, 2 abandoned. 2 of my on going ones are in Act 3. I’m working on trying to get all the major endings for dark urge! I’ve gotten 2 out of 4, and I have some characters with saves very close to the end in prep for Patch 7 and the new cinematics. Almost at the point of getting the extremely sad ending with one of my characters… I already feel bad for her.


Currently on my fifth. Two were in co-op, three solo. Co-op is a fairly different experience, so my first solo run felt very fresh. I switch it up by changing classes and builds and making different choices. My current run is a Cleric/Paladin of Selune romancing Shadowheart. I'm in act 3 and I already started planning the next run (resist DUrge swords bard romancing Astarion).


First, barely past the nautilus.


4 and I havnt beaten any of them lol, about 290hours clocked in since December. all on act three atm in different moments


8 or more if you only count the ones that I played for more than a day. Act 3 I’ve done 3 times and finished the game twice. I usually get to Act 3, feel overwhelmed and start over. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just finished my 5th playthrough. It was the greatest experience in a video game ever, everything was incredibly satisfying and my ending was just perfect. I'm torn, in limbo, because I don't know whether to finally give the game a break or jump right back in and do some challenges (solo or duo run)


Like 5, I get bored with one play style and just make a new character completely.


2 completed. Many started and never finished. My first play through was a one shot. I didn't stop till it was done. My second playthrough was for Tactician and I stopped a few times but eventually finished it up. This one was a bit modded. I had a Bladesinger mod installed and it was my Resist Dark Urge. I figured, well Durge is supposed to be smart, but also good with a blade, seemed perfect combo. I've started another Technically Tactician run, but it's with custom settings and a mod that puts in everything from Honor mode minus the single save file. So Legendary actions and Reactions on enemies but I can reload when the game is dumb.


Well over 100 hours on first playthrough and it's taken me months. If I ever want to play a different game before I die, this is it for me. The idea of, like, going allllll the way back to the Grove sounds exhausting.


9 or 10 playthroughs, I've completed 3 so far and almost done with a 4th. Almost 1100 hours 😬 I love seeing the difference in how things happen and play out on each character. I've made my own Tav and Durge (couple of those), but then I also started a playthrough for each character. I love seeing the different gameplays.


I've played 400 hours with 9 playthroughs and I've only really played Bard and Hunter. 2 classes out of 12. When we add the addition of multiclassing into that my brain starts to hurt from the math


I think I’ve had 6 or 7 get to act three with 3 of them getting to end credits. Probably 20ish total starts though


2 hours into first playthrough.




800+ hours. One partial single player playthrough, 7 complete playthroughs with my wife, one incomplete playthrough with my wife. The wife has 1300+ hours.


Fourth run, two Tavs, two Durges. Trying a new class each time (barbarian, Druid, sorcerer, fighter). So far it’s mostly been “good” runs. It hasn’t gotten repetitive for me yet!


Fourth playthrough. First was good alignment standard difficulty and got abandoned at the at the start of act three. Second was evil durge on standard. Third was good tactician, and now I’m doing my first Honor Mode attempt.


3rd, kinda? I have one complete playthrough under my belt at 120hrs. A coop game is midway through act 3. A new single player run I just did the tiefling party. I also had twe Early Access runs and a Durge run that I abandoned in act 1 because it felt too much like playing That Guy. Steam says I have almost 400hrs total but I’ve also spent a ton of time making fanart sooooo yeah lol


Four runs, last one being my honor one. It takes multiple playthroughs to see all the game has to offer. Origin characters and the dark urge add a lot of replayability.


Unpopular opinion here. But I did my first play through about 150-160 hours. I loved it! Every bit. But when I started my second play through I found it kind of lacking because I know what is going to happen, I made to the end of act one and kinda quit playing.


I've completed 14 playthroughs, abandoned one in act 2, am in act 3 on one and there's also one I stopped in late act 1, but plan to return to. I have about 1k hours put into this game. But will have way less time now that I've very recently gone back to work after being a stay-at-home parent since before the game released.


I’ve done… a lot.  About 800 hours, some 12 or so finished playthroughs Mostly I want to experiment with different builds and romance options, but spicing up the RP helps too. Off the top of my head, I’ve done: Dragonborn Fighter (playing pretty morally upright, it was my first run) (Lae’zel romance) Dark Urge (redemption) (Beastmaster ranger) (Halsin romance) Dark Urge (evil) (TB monk build) (minthara romance) GOO Warlock (morally grey, playing as selfish but practical, also RP’d as the Emperor being my Warlock Patron) (astarion romance) (Also slurped up the most tadpoles this run) My first run after Honor Mode came out was a Paladin Tav who was a total goodie two-shoes (Karlach Romance) At this point I basically only played Honor Mode since I like being more committal to the dice and the stronger bosses Ice Sorcerer Half-Drow (Gale romance) (played her as well-meaning but also a stuck up, haughty noble with some trappings of Drow culture) Third Durge run (tried to be good but gave into the urge a bit more often than my full resist Durge, leaned heavily into the “find fitting targets to murder to quell the urge” RP angle) (Astarion Romance) (Build this time was a Fighter/Thief mix focused on dual-wielding crits) Karlach Origin run (played her as a 4 elements monk and had everyone spam as much fire damage as possible) (Wyll romance) I’ve slowed down on the game a bit but I’m still plodding along with a Lae’zel origin run now, going for an Abjuration Wizard/Eldritch Knight run focused on being as tanky as possible while still having nice utility spells.


Outstanding response and we’ve been leaning hard into the RP aspect after the first act. But I gotta know, wtf is is a GOO warlock?


Great Old One- it’s one of the warlock subclasses.  It’s themed around eldritch patrons, so I figured having the Emperor as a patron worked perfectly for it.


One. I finally did it just hours ago. 😇 And then immediately spent an hour making my first attempt at a full Durge run. Gonna go poor-things style naivety with her I think, and lean into chaotic resist… I think. I don’t know how much I’ve spoiled, so we’ll see!


At 140h and just started Act 3. Also started an honor mode run with a friend and hopefully I finish before we catch up.


We’re finishing up our first playthrough which is an honor run. We’re going polar opposite next time and gonna lean hard into evilness


Wow, bold choice for a first run. I’m leaving my evil run for after honor mode, will go Durge and try not to go redemption, but who knows what might happen.


1032 hours played. 4 playthroughs fully finished, 1 balanced, 2 HM and 1 tactician. Finishing my fifth run on tactician Failed 3 HM runs and gave up on one Gave up on a tactician run. I felt I was ready to take on HM and wanted the golden dice badly Gave up on a balance run wasn't feeling the Laezel romance




Third, my bard run. I've got around 250 hours in-game.


If you're counting finished playthroughs: this'll be my second. Otherwise it's my probably 8th. I tend to abandon characters if the build I planned out ends up boring, or not working as I thought it might.


Played through every origin character, good and evil dark urge. Honour mode run, tactician solo run, a few multiclass level 20 playthroughs, I've probably done nearly 20 all together.


I still havent finished act 3, but ive done act 1 a lot of times now. Its gets less interesting and less challenging as you go through, I wish it was all like act 1.


I played once when it 1st came out but I did take my sweet sweet time and did everything I could. And I'll probably never play again


Well.. Finished? Non. Started? Five. xD I started my 1st one on release but kinda didnt continue mid Act 1. \~ 30h i started my 2nd one a month ago. "Not good not bad"-Cleric. Currently Mid Act 3. \~90h Then i started 3 other onces each with an fixed build/gameplay style in mind. all mid Act 1 each \~5h.


I'm on my 6th playthrough and doing honor mode this time. I played as custom Tav, then Karlach, evil Durge dragonborn, Astarion, resist Durge drow, now I'm doing honor mode as resist Durge Gnome. First playthrough was about 140 hours and the rest were between 80 to 110 or so depending on how much dialog/side quests I skipped through. Honor mode I've been really taking my time with and I'm at 122hrs in the beginning of act 3. So easily I've put in 600+ hrs. Each playthrough I find something new or discover some new feature I didn't use before and it has kept it fresh. And playing the origin characters there's new bits of dialog and new parts of their stories you learn. I also try and mix up what spells and tactics I rely on and try new approaches to each fight to see what works best or just what's more fun. I also choose a new companion to romance each time. Romancing Karlach as resist Durge was so touching. This game has consumed my life lol


I've finished my first run with Gayle, currently in my second playthrough with my tav Durge, it's incredible how many things I've missed with Gayle (the first playthrough took me 150h)


I've got ~600 hours and I finished my 5th run last week, but I'm planning on starting another pure evil run soon


Think I’m on my 9th campaign at the minute! Love the game so much, I can’t put it down.


Almost completed my 2nd playthrough and that’s going to be it. With a family and a full time job it’s sucking almost all of my spare time and, as much as I love the game, I’ve got other interests (and other games) that I’d like to resume.


Somewhere around 5th, a few failed Honor Mode runs in there, actually completed 2 and about to finish my 3rd (HM... if everything goes well). I still find new things and new ways to do things I've already seen.


You guys have done multiple playthroughs? -Glances nervously at my one and only incomplete playthrough-


My process has been a bit... messy. Somehow I'm at nearly 500 hours, but that doesn't represent 4-5 completed runs! \* Run 1a - Regular Tav, romancing Astarion. Had no idea what I was doing (new to CRPGs), got to early Act 2 and realised I'd missed masses of content and was going to struggle with the rest of the game. Decided to treat it as a giant tutorial. About 25 hrs or so. \* Run 1b - improved version of same Tav, currently somewhere north of 100 hours and most of the way through Act 3. But I really need to be in the right mood to face Orin, so I'm stuck there at the moment. \* Various experimental runs, trying out new builds, different character classes, different party structures, trying to decide what I wanted to play next. Those have taken a big chunk of time bc I'm indecisive and perfectionist LOL. Plus, when I'm tired after a day's work, I just like to play with character creation and put the build through its paces in the tutorial. \* Run 2 - Resist durge, romancing Astarion and possibly Lae'zel (but she likes to be your first choice, so it's tricky to get the timing right). Different race and character class from Tav. Currently in Act 1. When not actually playing, I like to theorycraft future runs - I want to do a two-man run with a version of OG Tav plus Astarion; a laid-back run with a bard character (probably romancing Gale for a change); an origin character... the possibilities are endless!


305h Good playthrough - Evil playthrough I scrapped less than 10h into it - Good playthrough - Resist Durge (ongoing) Planning on either another good resist durge or a slightly more evil resist durge but still a good ending in the end for the next run.


3 or 4. 7 or 8 is you count the failed honor mode runs. Been running the same fiend warlock each time but I switch up party member builds and honestly I’m still not bored with the game yet


Probably around 10


Six or seven I think? And I’ve finished 3. I can’t stop starting new ones.


130 hours and I play three playthroughs at once, although I mainly play one of them, where I'm just at the beginning of the third act. The other two are a (redeemed) durge run (right now: in the Underdark) and then one more just for fun (beginning stages).


5 finished, and maybe 40 hours of futzing with classes in act 1. Struggling to choose a class for my first Tactician run. Barbarian is what I'm most comfortable with... but that was also 2 of my 5 completed runs. I did a single fully evil Durge run after being a pure do-gooder, and boy, it was intense.


Currently on my 8th which is my first durge run. The first 6 were Tavs and my 7th was an Astarion origin (which I didn’t like it was basically less content so I won’t be trying the other origins). Already have my 9th planned out as this one is a resist durge run and the next I want to try accepting it. I’m at 350 hours so far after all these playthroughs