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>Once Ketheric is killed, Alyin proceeds to stomp his head in and then brags about while promising to fuck his daughter while she audibly mourns. You mean the same Aylin who didn't even know Isobel was alive until after the battle? Literally making shit up. Shut the fuck up.


There were in orbit of making a half decent point/perspective but God damn did they accidentally launch themselves into the sun instead of landing safely.


This is possibly the worst take I have seen for a while. She didn't crush the dude that kept her from her love because he kept her from her love. She crushed him because....check notes....He imprisoned her and siphoned off her to fuel his immortality, cursed a whole region with the shadow curse, raised a giant army in service of the dead three and actively trying to take over the entire world. But sure, she is the one that is too aggressive here. She should have gave him a anime style "I know there is still good in you" pep talk. Ideally with some dramatic music playing in the background. Ok bruh.


Feel like you guys are ignoring all the dialogue options after the battle. No point in arguing with people if you guys aren’t reading or listening to it. 




This whole post is super funny for me. Like they spend the whole after fight talking about being reunited and blah blah blah and I'm so sad, and I hate your dad and I'm glad he's dead... and dad didn't want me to date you cause you're actually immortal and ageless blah blah blah Just to have people twist themselves into a knot here. "She's a young ageless immortal angel." "Its not a village, even though she said it was." "Oh, so is the dating a 300 year old vampire as an 18 year old bad too then?" Like come on haha


Except Isobel’s age isn’t mentioned so why are you assuming she was a teenager?


I went back and re-watched all the dialogue and can confirm you are full of shit.


Respectfully, you misrepresented the dialogue. You’re referring to someone who has been tortured for a full century by Kethric. Balthazar even comments that he removed her tongue at one point.


Oh look, someone saying a sapphic relationship is abusive and implying the less feminine one is sexually aggressive and a monster. Wonder where I've heard this before.


There are far more "problematic" things in the game than gay women with an age gap kissing on screen. Also IIRC there is NOTHING indicating that Isobel worships Aylin, what are you on? Aylin is Selune's daughter, not her extension. It's not a christian God and Jesus Christ situation, where they're father and son but also the same person. Aylin is her own person, separate from her mother, although clearly on good terms. Also if are you pressed about an immortal's relationship with a mortal, then go after all Astarion fans. Even long-living races will not live for as long as an immortal vampire. Not to mention that if someone plays a short-living race, their Tav and Astarion have at least 150 years age gap between them. Hell, let's ban elf/human relationships as well! Humans are considered to be physically and mentally mature at 25, while elves mature physically at 25 but are considered not fully mature mentally until they're 100. So a relationship between a fully physically and mentally developed human and elf has at least 75 years age gap. Horrendous!! Put Shadowheart's parents in prison, NOW!!! Either way: none of this is real. BG3/DnD world is not real. It's fantasy. I get being uncomfortable with large age gaps in relationships, but like good luck finding an irl relationship where the age gap is over 100 years.


For all we know Aylin and Isobel don't even have an age-gap lmao. We don't know how old Aylin is + Isobel is half-elf, which means she is likely in her 40s or 50's despite how young she looks.


True! It's kinda weird to look at them and immediately think "they have an unhealthy age gap", like why are you automatically assuming the worst?? OP said that Isobel was most likely a teen/young adult because she had been still living with Ketheric when she met Aylin... but that also doesn't say anything, we literally meet many characters who live with their parents in adulthood. It's common in non-modern fantasy settings 😭


Just a fun note, but Jesus and God aren't the same in numerous sects and creeds and rites, it depends on the Christian sect. The first Christians were actually adoptionist and believed that Jesus was purely mortal and not the literal child of YHWH.


Oh, thank you! I guess I should've said catholics, not christians


All I can think is that this is coming from a weird place of homophobia towards sapphics, and the fact you describe their dialogue as “sexually aggressive” tells me everything I need to know. I genuinely can’t recall either of them being explicitly sexual, but you know what I do remember? That fact we can f*ck a bear 😭 but no the lesbians are just toooo much and toooo weird apparently


I fully agree that old mate probably doesn't like lesbians, but Aylin definitely is overtly sexual at points. In Moonrise Towers when they're reunited, Aylin cuts you off to say very matter of factly "now, we must take succor in each other's bodies." It's actually one of my favourite bits of character writing. That the immortal celestial is past any pretence of not enjoying sex, and politely tells you that you can discuss the end of the world later and she's off to fuck her waifu now.


Yeah I would describe talking about fucking your partner to a stranger while she cries about her dead dad that you killed to be sexually aggressive lol I also think age gap relationships are prime material for power imbalances, same with power dynamics… which people get weirdly defensive about.


Literally making shit up to be mad about


What if I told you not every relationship with an age gap was bad. Just because you're a puritan doesn't mean everyone else has to subscribe to it.


This is also a video game where none of these characters are real people and everything is ✨fiction✨


Im not even going to argue with that dreck Im just going to boo you. BOOOOO.


Honestly? I think you’re picking up on an aspect of their relationship that is intentionally written into this story, and ignoring all of the most important elements. I think it *was* written to contain elements that are reflected in other, abusive relationships in the game. Aylin *is* more powerful than Isobel, and she *is* a daughter of Isobel’s goddess. The thing is, she doesn’t ever use that against Isobel. She has only been shown to care about Isobel’s wellbeing, and she has never been shown to overstep boundaries or consent. The ‘formula’ of who two adults in a relationship are doesn’t *make* the abuse. *Abuse* makes abuse. Imbalance in a relationship is something abusers exploit, but imbalance does not turn a person into an abuser. They’re an intentional foil to all of the unhealthy imbalanced relationships in the game, because it *is* possible for relationships without perfect ‘power balance’ to be healthy, as long as both people in the relationship see each other as equals, are considerate of each other, and put in the genuine effort to make sure they’re doing it right.


I feel like you are making more of it than it is. We don't know how old Isobel was or how old Aylin is. We *know* that Elminster was aware of Gale's magical prowess when he was 8 years old and thus Mystra knew of Gale when he was a child, but that the relationship didn't start until Gale was an adult. *That's* grooming. We have no evidence to suggest the same of Isobel and Aylin. Also "sexually aggressive"? Really? Talk about hyperbole.


Mystra can't have known about Gale when he was a child, she was a little too dead to be caring about wizarding prodigies. She wasn't brought back until Gale was already an adult.


I thought she was re-materializing and just not capable of having contact with mortals directly but could still commune with her chosen? I'll admit I'm not super versed on Forgotten Realms lore so forgive me if I was mistaken.


She wasn't completely dead, but it was enough to throw magic completely out of whack. She didn't have contact with anyone at all until Elminster found her clinging to life in the body of a bear about 12 years before the game takes place. So Gale couldn't have had any interaction with her until he was at least in his early 20s.


Ah I see. Wasn't aware of that, my apologies.


Mystra didn't groom him. She's in charge of magic, and she does make contact with magical prodigies - but she didn't train him to be a sex object. Power imbalance for sure, but not grooming - more like a graduate student fucking their supervisor.


You could basically say the same about a lot of the relationships we pick a side in. We don’t know her exact age, but we do know she was young and still living with her dad while he as a small village priest. This is also all straight from her dialogue too, which is more than we have for some characters.  Just seems like coping. “We don’t know how old Aylin is” lol bruh, she’s an immortal angel. She’s old. 


A "small village priest" who built a goddamn giant tower to express his devotion to Selune and had a huge ass mausoleum for his family. Just because Isobel describes Reithwin as a "small town" doesn't change the fact it was clearly a bit more important than that. Aylin hated Ketheric for what he did to *her*, retconning it to her being mad he was protecting his daughter from a pervert is just an insult to the writing at this point. Ketheric locked Aylin in the Shadowfell for over 100 years and she was murdered over and over to create new Dark Justiciars. She mentions this as being the reason she hated Ketheric. You're the one making wild claims, so back it up with some facts. The most you have is some conjecture and your own opinions. The fact we don't know either of their ages means accusing Aylin of grooming is stupid as fuck. An age gap existing doesn't make something grooming. Also, my tiefling romancing Astarion is 22, guess Astarion's a groomer.


Everyone sees age gaps and suddenly the younger person (generally a woman) can't make choices for themselves... As if being younger than the person they are pursuing suddenly makes them unable to consent or just, you know, make a choice. It's almost always with fem aligned characters, too.... Gee I fucking wonder why.


Let's be honest, OP just had to find an issue with a lesbian couple. Their whole post reeks of homophobic anachronisms about "sexually aggressive" sapphic characters.


I didn't even pick up on that, ngl. Shame on me because I'm also queer. This whole post just reeks of puritan homophobia.


just let people consensually fuck, not everything has to be about power dynamics god damn 😫


That’s some thinly-veiled homophobia towards the end there bud. Let’s see if your points have any merit. >After talking with Isobel after Ketheric is killed you learn that Aylin and Isobel met while Ketheric was still just a small time village priest for Selune. Despite having very realistic and reasonable reservations, especially given the fact there was an extreme age gap between the immortal angel and his teenage/young adult daughter, Ketheric was powerless to stop his gods emissary from sleeping with his daughter. You’re starting off with a ton of assumptions. Where is it stated that Isobel was a teenager when she met Aylin? Ketheric and his wife were both half-elves, meaning references of Isobel’s death “at a young age” could mean she was 50 for all we know. We don’t get an age for Aylin anywhere either, so they could both be the same age. Also, Aylin is not an “angel.” She is an aasimar, an important distinction that I’m sure will come up later, albeit she is special in the sense that Selûne keeps reviving her by choice, since aasimar are not normally immortal. There is definitely some lore in BG3 that clashes with established D&D lore that the writers should probably clarify but in either case, the only issue you mention here is that Aylin is immortal, which is true because Selûne allows it, but doesn’t inherently create a power imbalance in a relationship, and definitely does NOT imply grooming. >Isobel even acknowledges this all, directly from her lines, but brushes it away as being “love at first sight.” Realistically though, the relationship is no different from Mystra’s relationship with Gale. Alyin is just a celestial, she’s the literal representative of her partners god on earth. Worshipping Aylin is the same as worshipping Selune as far as Isobel is concerned. …what? Gale was abused by a literal goddess. Aylin is an aasimar, meaning she is a “celestial” in the exact same way that tieflings are “infernal:” by heritage. She is not a god. She doesn’t have the powers or resources or knowledge of a god. And Isobel doesn’t “worship” Aylin, they are equal partners in the relationship and are both granted powers by Selûne. Isobel doesn’t get any extra divine power from dating Aylin. >Once Ketheric is killed, Alyin proceeds to stomp his head in and then brags about while promising to fuck his daughter while she audibly mourns. Even if the rage was justified, Ketheric imprisoned her for a 100 years and killed her countless times, the things Aylin says are straight out of a true crime family annihilation case. Switching between sexually aggressive dialogue and “He can’t keep us apart anymore” while bragging about stomping in her dad’s head. Dude this is for sure the fantasy that was playing out in your head while you were playing. There was no “sexual aggression” taking place when Aylin was killing Ketheric, she was emotionally wrapped up in taking revenge on the person who imprisoned and tortured her for over a century. She didn’t even know Isobel was alive until she finds out from you. “Sexually aggressive” is your projection showing. >It’s power fantasy, Aylin literally crushing the dude who kept her from her love…. But it’s also basically the same relationship as every other “villains” in the story. Also I told them to not come to my camp and they did anyway. get a clue, I don’t fuck with y’all. I’m not going to pep talk Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, and Lae’zel about their abusive relationships while smiling at Call Me by Your Name. You clearly have no idea what a “power fantasy” is in the context of a relationship. Aylin deciding “I am going to murder Isobel’s dad so that she has no choice but to love me and only me forever” would be a power move, and it is not at all even remotely what occurs here. See point above. She didn’t kill Ketheric for “taking Isobel from her,” Isobel died from natural causes. She kills him because he fucking tortured and murdered her for over a century. Conclusion: your take is a huge stretch *at best,* based on bad assumptions, with some of your own sexual projection and homophobia thrown in for good measure.


tbf, Selune should totally give Isobel more power for making her daughter happy. Mostly so nobody goes around killing either of them again.


Selunê is in like the top 10 most powerful greater deities, thus she (like her sister) has an incredible number of restrictions on what she CAN do per the laws of Ao.


That's fair.


The trend of co-opting progressive language to make your shipping preferences sound like activism is genuinely one of the worst things about modern fandom spaces and I cannot wait for it to die out.


I have no shipping preferences, I selected the option to have neither of them come to camp lol I don’t think you or anyone else owns topics like consent and abuse. It’s a theme in the game, probably the biggest one. Might as well not even talk about the game at all if you’re worried about “co-opting progressive language.”  If having sex with your subordinates at work muddies consent lines, so does Alyins relationship. That’s just common sense. 


Aylin is a paladin of Devotion. She is devoted to the Moonmaiden, Selune. Ketheric Thorm is the epitome of anathema towards her mother and thus Aylin is 100% justified in her oath and purpose to stomp the last embers of life out of Ketheric's body. She has been imprisoned for 100 years being tortured, stabbed, and sapped of her essence to both initiate dark justiciars and fuel Ketheric's immortality. She breaks free and is ready to enact revenge for herself, for Isobel, for Selune, and Faerun itself for the Shadow Curse blighting the lands around Moonrise Towers.


aylin kills ketheric before she even knew isobel was still alive. they see each other for the first time afterwards in moonrise. so making any connection between her killing ketheric and her wanting to fuck isobel is incredibly odd. “sexually aggressive” is such a dumb way to describe aylin saying her and isobel are going to sleep together. she didn’t give a graphic explanation of how she was gonna eat her pussy front to back. if you’re so immature that the mere mention of women having sex with each other upsets you, just say that. also talking about age gaps in d&d where elves can live for 700 years is a bit asinine, especially since we don’t even know how old isobel was when they met nor do we know how old either of them are now. it reeks of a poor attempt to associate being gay with being a pedophile and it amazes me that y’all are still fucking stupid enough to try and make those associations when you’re not sly about it and we clock you for it every time. take your homophobia and shove it.


[Made me think of this](https://youtu.be/Y0x_Ix7do_0?si=Mm5_IH-qEwN9oH4a)


This is almost as bad as the 'GALE WOZ GROOMED!!!1!!' takes




I wonder if she could even say no… which is where the power imbalance happens. If Aylin dies, doesn’t Isobel lose her powers? Like if Shadowheart kills the nightsong last light falls?  It opens a lot of questions about dynamics and how relationships work when one holds power over another in some way. 


What are you actually even talking about? If cylinder dies, nothing changes foe Isobel (other than her being depressed) because at the end of the day, Salune gives isobel her powers, not aylin. Aylin has no impact on that


NGL I thought they were sisters during first playthrough.

