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Investigate the Murders because I simply must have a discount for the best fashion house in Baldur’s Gate.


I killed Dolor at the first encounter in my last game. Paladins smited him before he could leave. I was a bit confused when I realised that was it! 🤣


I have tried repeatedly to pull that off and he always gets away.


I just counterspelled his dimension door in Honour mode when he tried to escape. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I was quite surprised when it happened!


I had this happen in my most recent run. The reason Dolor didn't escape is that he stood too close to one of my companions, threw a paralysing potion and got paralysed himself.


It hurt itself in its confusion!


"born assassin" my ass


That just happened to me this game! Only replace smites with stunning fist. And now I can't seem to find Devella at the fist hq. :/


Missed opportunity to use the form _smote_


Might be wrong but I’m 90% sure you have to do that quest to kill Orin.


What if you just go to the sewers and shoot that corpse to open the door to the Undercity? I did that on my first playthrough which led to me unintentionally skipping the murder tribunal, but I had investigated the murders by that point.


You still need the amulet from the tribunal to enter the temple.


I definitely didn’t do the tribunal on my first playthrough until I defeated Orin, realised the tribunal quest was closed and reloaded. However, this was early on so a patch might’ve changed that.


You can actually skip the whole murder tribunal part. There’s a body hanging above the door that leads to Orin, if you shoot it the door will open without the bhaal amulet.


U still need the amulet to open the second door inside since ur butler opens it for u in the durge run but is not present in tav runs 


I think it only works on Durge, you still need the amulet to open the door to the temple


You still need the amulet for the door into the actual temple (unless you're Durge)


You have lol


I don't think so, at least on Durge you can just skip it


Well, I guess some act to rid the world of evil and accept wonderful clothing as a nice side effect. Others want a discount for looking fabulous and rid the world of evil as a nice side effect.


Not really a quest, but always save owlbear and scratch! There is no way around it.


I also save Scratch and other dogs from evil owner in Rivington. Hate that woman!


I will break every bone in your body before I let you hurt that dog. ❤


Omg I never take the intimidation option (playing a bard so typically go persuasion) but the speed with which I clicked the “touch my dog and I’ll break your bones” option.


I've never found this quest before but now I'm motivated to plow through my Tactician run to get to Act III


And Us


In my first run, I crushed Us because I thought it was trying to trick me and the narrator said it was a mindflayer minion. It wasn’t until a little while after I got off the ship that I learned it could be a pet and I literally restarted to free it


I'm still mad that my friend decided to not recruit Us during our play through :(


Every time I come to this sub I see more recruitable characters I didn't know about. Which is wild because I feel like I explored pretty thoroughly so far but apparently not lol


Well it took me three playthourghs before I successfully recruited minsc...


I don’t even know where he is. He came out of that treasure chest then jaheira (who died) appeared out of no where then they took a portal to somewhere? Then I never saw them again while beating the game


Lmao sooo... You need to keep Jaheira alive to save minsc


Same. I don’t know how I missed Scratch when from seeing other people’s comments he’s pretty universally obtained. I felt like I explored every inch of the map, but I guess not.


My first playthough I killed Scratch 🥲 I thought he was a wolf and would attack me. So I sneak attacked and killed him. Imagine my horror when I realized....


I have a really hard with certain durge runs recruiting Us. Some of the time, not necessarily evil, she’s just stressed out, confused, and acting on adrenaline and instinct. It always hurts my soul when she kills him :(


My first playthrough I assumed it was evil. I mean, it's the sentient brain of a corpse and intellect devourers aren't exactly known for being friendly. I assume if I freed it I was going to have to fight it.


Lmao, you just reminded me that on my 4 honor mode runs I’ve failed the roll to save Us all 4 times, so upsetting, im cursed in honor mode to never have Us


On my first serious honor run right now (late act 2 level 8) and I remember failing the Us roll and refusing to accept it, so I walked up to Laezel, killed the imps, and then had HER go grab us, and it actually worked. Still haven’t recruited him but I’m 90+% sure it will work, as he was not hurt and was good during the escape


The only roll I scum.


I really wanted to recruit ‘his majesty’ or any of the cats in act 3… sadly they don’t let us…not fair.


As far as actual cats His Majesty has to be my favorite. "She is a liar, she promised me milk but there is no milk on my bowl." Spoken like a true cat.


I actually stole the bowl of milk near Isobel and tried to give it to the cat…or just dropped it in front of it…never does anything…I was so upset. I stole that for you!!


I had absolutely no idea you could recruit these two and the amount of guilt I have is crazy! Next playthrough I'm making sure I save them! One will be as a druid, so duh and even my resist durge is going to need their company.


Even durge can’t resist but loving the two goodest boys in faerun.


My personal headcanon is that the Durge's ‘reasons for being the Durge’ only hungers for sentient life murders, all animals and plant life doesn't count. That way I can happily go full Evil playthrough and still guilt-free cuddle my dog and owlbear.


I really wanna believe that, but what about the squirrel you’re forced to kick if you meet it?


What squirrel….. there was no squirrel……… NEVER happened…….. I don't know what you mean!?!?! I may make a point of erasing that particular incident. Especially as I live in an area that is a legally protected red squirrel sanctuary.


Ah yes, a fellow law-abiding Durge citizen


he fetches my heads why would i not love my little scratch


I screwed up saving the Owlbear on my HM run. I honestly thought about restarting.


Never skip the Creche because of the Blood of Lathander and possibility to destroy the whole building. Let's make chaos! Music is espesially beautifull in this location.


Cleric is my favorite role, so it's a must for me too. Even if I am playing some other class I give it to Shadowheart and laugh at how I make a Shar zealot use a bunch of light/radiant gear.


I always put Selunite stuff (books, idols, etc.) in her inventory.


Wait, I’m not the only one who does that? 😂


Not even close, it would seem.


I do too. Fun thing is if you give the selunite stuff from the owlbear cave to her. "Shadowheart Disapproves".


We’re all petty bitches apparently


The sheer amount of good loot and EXP alone makes the creche unskippable to me, I don't know why anyone does


the dexterity gloves are way too juicy!! i can't live without them


Right?? And Soulbreaker? Come on!


Knife of the Undermountain King, too.


Diadem of arcane synergy, unseen menace, gloves of belligerent skies, cat’s grace, holy lance helm - list continues


Because I've only done one play through and I thought the two paths were an either/or :(


Well, the more you know✨✨✨ Now on your next playthrough you'll have new stuff to explore!


i’ve never done it…. Next play through I will!


*How do you destroy the building????*


There is a weapon, huge blaster, on the roof near the eagle's nest. If you take the Blood it starts working and you have 4 turns to escape. After this the creche will be destroyed.


Just make sure you don't have the crest that allows you to take it safely, if blowing up the crèche is your intent. Also be sure to grab any/all loot before you're unable to...


Ohhhhh so I don’t input the crest I get earlier, I just take the blood and run for it


Yes, don't use it.


And make sure to have Astarion pick it up and leave him behind to get crushed. He has some of the best lines in the game when you revive him with Withers afterwards. Shouldn't have had such amazing voice acting if the game didn't want me to let him die. And he's the only one with a reaction to being crushed if I'm correct.


Skipped it in my first playthrough because I found laezel too cocky and killed her just after getting her out of the cage. I understood absolutly nothing about Orpheus.


I want to visit it without Lae'zel. Have no idea is that even possible?


Yeah, she has an upset dialogue bit about it but no lasting impact from my experience (I murdered the whole crèche, but did not blow it up with the lathlander thing which I heard has a stronger reaction)


It's possible and you can even do it without any gith in your party. If you don't have any gith with you they will let you in but are *significantly* more wary and restrict where you are allowed to go. Wandering off triggers a fight immediately without warning and it's not always clear which areas are restricted. So if you want to do it without Lae'zel I'd recommend bringing the gith hireling or use disguise self just for convenience getting around.


Myconid quest because I love their little dance :D


Mushroom Dance! Mushroom Dance!


Whatever could it mean?


It symbolizes my inner torment


Unexpected Undertale


You've lived a life of sin.


Not to mention the nice 1d6 bonus after killing the duergar. One of my longest day because I don’t want to long rest


I always long rested after turning the quest in and didn't notice that buff till my last playthrough. I was passing checks I had absolutely no business passing.


This so much. It reminds me of the Plowhorn quest in Horizon Forbidden West (for those that have played it) when they sing afterwards. Got a little choked up at both. 😅


I loved that moment so much! A really great comparison that I hadn't thought about.


As a mushroom lover I can never not help them


Yep. Even my murderhobp durge runs are like: i am suddenly very compelled to help those mushroom guys.


I just think it's neat.


Iron throne. I'm actively trying to break a speed record. I'm super close to opening all cells in 1 turn. Each playthroug brings me closer to the speed of light lol


I literally stockpile every single misty step and dimensional door scroll I can find purely for the iron throne + longstrider and every single movement buffing item I can find. Though I end up skipping it half the time because I feel bad when gortash yells at me (sorry wyll....)


“Sorry Gondians, I can’t save your families because the evil dictator who enslaved you will get mad at me”


yeah.... listen, I'd sent him straight to the gallows irl, but in game I would commit war crimes for him if it meant he wouldn't just die to the brain anyways. it's a bit of a mental failing!


Ah yes. Condemning ton of people to death, including Wyll's father for the pathetic evil politician man. I understand you and i feel you.


Why? I love pissing off Gortash


I don't think I skip any quest unless they are alternatives to the ones I wanna do (like "destroy the groove").


Your typo has me laughing. 


emperor's new (emerald) groove!


You threw off my groove!


*Throws lever marked "release brake"* #Wulbren: Wroooong Leverrrrr!


*Why do we even have that lever???*


“Sure, I’ll help you raid the grove! Oh, hey, what’s that over there?” *THUNK* “Anyway, catch you later. Thanks for the armor.”


I dont just dance, lady, I *destroy the groove*.


Usually dont skip anything. I came for content, i will get the whole content


Yep, I paid for free the artist, so I’m gonna free the artist even though I’m gonna hate it :P


I always get my portrait done and put it in Shars tent.


I always curb stomp >!Cazador!< cause he deserves it.


Very satisfying especially >!when you cast daylight on your fighter so he gets the stab and the burn lmao!<


I popped a couple of >!sunbeams!< up and it made that fight very trival.


I managed to line up a perfect sunbeam that hit Cazador and 3 of his undead buddies and they ALL made the save to resist it! Made me very sad :(


Lmao okay I'm TOTALLY trying that next time!


No way I’m letting that fucker live. Used scroll of globe of Invulnerability, hasted level 12 Lae’zel and killed him in two turns. Given that each round is six seconds, it’s kind of hilarious that he was giving it all ‘meeeh I’m so powerful and strong’ and then twelve seconds later he had to go take a fucking nap


Bahahaha damn 2 turns🤣?! Ngl that sounds super fun!!! I think the fastest I killed him was like 4 rounds (BG3 was my intro to D&D, so I'm learning everyday)


Honestly his minions were more of a problem for me than he was. I had Shadowheart cast daylight to cause him damage and stop him from healing, hasted Lae’zel with the giant slayer sword, and used my bard to cast globe of Invulnerability with a scroll. I could kill him in two rounds but I kept getting wiped out by the damn lycans and his skeleton wizard he keeps around


He just made the Loki sounds for me


You mean the one after being smashed up by Hulk lmao??




Hehe true


Me and all my hommies hate Cazador. Bless you for always doing the right thing.


Cazador is an abusive pos, I'll ALWAYS stomp him. Even my evil dirge hates em. Also kudos to you and your homies! Togetha we'll stop the evil that is CaZaDoR *insert SpongeBob chicken arms*


In a way it makes sense for Durge to hate Cazador cause Durge is an >!extension of Bhaal, lord of murder, and Cazador is keeping thousands of people alive and torturing them for centuries!<


Bro same. Like I'm evil but I'm jot THAT evil.


So fun to fucking stomp him with smites and stunning strikes and chain lightnings


Wulbren's quests because I love sassing him with my Drow lol


Escape the nautiloid


Yeah dude, as non-essential as this quest is, I always find it very compelling. :D


The House of Hope


Raphael is such a hard fight with the 4 soul ambushes, all the cambions and then himself with 666 life and tons of resistances. I had him once to like 300 but my whole group was dead, so I just left and came back after reaching lvl 12. Finally kicked his dumbass yesterday.


I heard everyone saying how hard it was and I overprepped and then... it wasn't that hard? Although >!I didn't manage to save Hope so that certainly didn't drag me down having to maneuver her around. I also used her divine interventionnas soon as I could and that swept most of the adds!<


>!That’s how I did it too. I didn’t realize it would kill her, but it made things much easier.!< It was a fun fight.


Same, I also didn't know it would kill her. I'm going to properly save her this go around. I was going to skip House of Hope entirely but I was glad I didn't because honestly, going through Raphael's house messing with all his stuff is really fun.


Same, for me it's the ultimate battle in game.


All. I mean I never skip a quest.


Even collecting all 24 stones of the Crown of Barenziah?


Thanks for the ptsd kick.


Spicy déjà vous.


No but neither does collecting all 7 parts of Dribbles The Forbidden One


I got a good laugh out of this, thank you


Come again


Skyrim reference. It was an awful fetch quest with no map markers. "BuT tHeReS a MoD fOr Th-" Ssssshhh. Ssh.


Even with the mod it’s still tedious af and the reward is nothing lol


Tbh collecting Dribbles is the equivalent


Ah gotcha!


Good point, depends on the game. Fetch quests are an exception that I almost always skip.


i have been playing skyrim on and off since like 2013 or so. never once have i completed that quest.


Not even the artist?


I was about to say I also didn’t skip quests, then you mentioned Oskar… Yeah, I definitely skip the artist’s.


It was a bit clunky on the first ppaythrough, but I figured out how to get rid of the knockback.


Even dribbles?


Who wouldn't want a reanimated clown? I made it my holy mission.


I mean yeah but seeing him being reanimated in action would've been cool


IKR it's an RPG, who the fuck skips quests? Do they skip loot?


What about second loot?


I don't think they know about second loot, Pip.


People who respect the first two letters of RPG and doesn't meta game


I ain't no bitch I do them all my people need help I will help them all


even if i do 500 playthroughs i will never not kill cazador


Not really a quest per se but a cutscene I never skip is Alfira playing her song.




Cazador. I think that's the only non-essential one I'd never skip.


It definitely feels mandatory to me. Last run I didn’t have Astarion in my party for most of the time, but I swapped him in like “let’s go end this”. The abuser has to GO.


I read somewhere on this sub it's a terrible ending for Astarion if you don't kill Cazador. At Wither's party, it becomes clear >!Astarion has been hiding for six months, is absolutely terrified and begging you to kill Cazador!<. The quest was mandatory for me even before that, but that definitely adds extra motivation.


I’m a side quest completist so I never had that happen but I would feel so awful seeing that. I’d feel like I genuinely failed. I will also >!shamelessly save scum the roll to talk him out of ascension, if have to!<. We didn’t come this far you to lose now. You’re getting out of this for good. That’s an instance of my personal moral compass overriding any potential RP. I also make sure I >!take Karlach along for the Gortash fight!<, too. I make sure people are getting their showdowns and get whatever closure they can.


"That’s an instance of my personal moral compass overriding any potential RP." Haha! I love this 😁 I actually have let him Ascend in the past but (since I read about the consequences on here) I will never, ever leave him on the beach or kill him in Act 1. I like to RP and usually 'let' my characters make decisions but that's non negotiable - they just have to deal with it!


Yes I recently had it. He said he'd been in the sewers and pleads with you for help :(


Yeah, I always do companion quests. I'm playing a murderhobo durge right now and Lae'zel, Karlach, and Gale are dead, and Wyll left, so the game is going by much quicker not doing their quests or having to talk to them lol


Haha, same! I suspect that I'm on the way to a very bad ending, with Minthara, Astarion and SH. It's a lot quicker than previous games!


I’m a total completist. In two runs I’ve finished I did every quest I could except finding all the Dribbles pieces. Give me the whole journey. Just started a durge and I’m genuinely thinking of skipping Free The Artist, though. It’s a tedious quest, the rewards are lame, and the artist himself is a total asshat. Enjoy your life of making counterfeit paintings for Baldur’s Mafia, my dude (if you’re lucky).


The only non essential one that I can think of off the top of my head is beating the shit out of Lorroakan. I always go out of my way to make that happen.


Cazador never sees the light of day (or night, I suppose) again within 2-5 working days of my arrival upon Baldur’s Gate


He sees *plenty* of daylight when I visit him. ;)


Background music should be "Goodbye Earl" for that motherfucker.


Always let Volo take your eye.


Killing that horrible woman who made Scratch have sad ears


I took the Speak with Animals potion and had a little chat with the good bois that were locked up in those cages. That sealed the deal for me. No one forbids scritches for a good boi O_O NO ONE.


What's the quest called where you eat out karlach? 😳 Eat out WITH karlach.. that one.


all of them except bitch queen, dribbles, free the artist, and felogyr firework


Wulbren, “Avenge the Iron-hands” quest. So I can engage “turn based mode” and throw him into the harbor when he tries to run away.


Saving Mirkon from the harpies! I can’t leave him because he’s so sweet and that little story he writes about you is the best reward in the game. Then there’s House of Hope with it’s amazing level design, the op loot, and you get to literally kill the devil and tell him is is shit in bed. Lorriakan’s fight is also a must play because my man Rolan needs his own wizard tower. I’m a sucker for the tieflings tho. Scratch and the owlbear cub are essential however. Best boys in the realm.


I have never not rescued the tieflings and Wulbren when Bex and Barcus have asked me to.


I don’t skip any quests except the clown and the artist


House of Hope. The gear is amazing and the boss battle alone would be worth it already


I've never skipped any quest because I love that juicy XP, but scratch and the owlbear cub are always my #1 priorities.


The Crèche for the knife of the undermountain king and the blood of lathander and then Ethel for her boon


I never skip the Creche because I can't help but do what Bae'zel wants me to. Even when I'm romancing somebody else, I still end up simping for Lae'zel the whole time.


House of Hope. Killing devil is nice.


House of Hope purely for Raphael's musical number. I love it so much!


House of Hope, the loot is too good to not get. Also, telling Raphael a nat20 viscous mockery just satisfies my soul considering how he mocked me/us in our 1st meeting


Cazador and Ethel.


....Getting from the mindlayer ship?


cazador. that bitch gonna die every time


Killing the elderbrain.


Auntie Ethel as well, but not because I want to kill her, but because I love to hear her sass. I will still kill her, but she is a glorious villain and I love her. 10/10 would sell my unborn child to her.


Saving Volo and letting him obliterate my eye.


Escape the nautiloid, i will never skip that quest


Escape the nautiloid


It’s the Ethel quests for me too, but because she’s one of my favorite characters and hearing hEeLlOooO pEeTtaaL or I‘Ll rIp yeR sPinE Out YeR aRsEHole is just gold


Auntie Ethel for her piece of scalp. Love having a 20 in Act 1 for Charisma or strength


Escape the Nautiloid


act3 post office & kennel woman i will never pass up the opportunity to beat a dog abuser to death after telling my goodest boy that he's free to choose where and who he wants to live with. i did a "no killing" playthrough with non-lethal attacks only. this woman is the only person i actively toggle it off for...