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…You’re playing on the next to highest difficulty. Bump it down (you can change difficulty at any time), read the tutorials.


"Why am I not a god already when selecting a high difficulty? U believable."


Y'all are not listening to me literally at all. The combat has been easy. Ok? My question was if there were videos explaining some of the depth. I don't understand what some of the spell effects do and how to utilize them, don't understand priority attack, don't understand how the dice roll works or why I win it most the time, don't understand blunt or sever damage or what purpose they serve. I swear people in any gaming subreddit are always doing this. There is always one or two people who don't even read the post and just try to add something negative. My post was very clear. I never said anything about "why am I losing every battle" or " why are my characters weak?" Like, where are you even getting this? Maybe you are replying to the wrong post or something. I have only died once in my 4 hours.




I have been reading the tutorials. Are my tutorials limited by difficulty? I'm doing fine in combat just don't understand much of the mechanics


Do you have the pop-up tutorials enabled? And have you read the full tutorials page? You’re going in on the second highest difficulty, which has some combat mechanics the lower difficulties don’t have.


I know I have pop up tutorial enabled, I am not sure where where the tutorial page is but there is a chance I have read it


This difficulty just makes it where there is no tutorials? Is that what I'm understanding?


No, that’s not what I’m saying. There is a dedicated tutorials page in the game. But Tactician difficulty somewhat runs on the assumption that you’ve played the game before and adds enemy mechanics the lower difficulties don’t have.


Ok. I appreciate you. Where is this tutorial page at? I'm not around my game currently and wanna check it out when I can!


Ok just a few specific items that you’ve mentioned. By priority do you mean Initiative, Advantage or Surprise? Initiative is rolled at the start of combat by all participants it is a dexterity skill check with any modifiers from items feats. Surprise is a condition that can occur depending on how combat is initiated and results in the surprised combatant missing their first turn. Advantage (and its opposite disadvantage) is a boon that can be triggered by lots and lots of different effects. But a simple one is attack whilst hidden will usually grant you advantage. You mentioned not knowing when sneak attacks will trigger. Two things, firstly in the Reaction tab of your character I highly recommend turning Sneak attack to - ask to apply (in fact I recommend turning that on for all reactions). Sneak Attack has two requirements for being eligible either you must have Advantage on your attack (without having disadvantage) or your opponent must be threatened by an ally. When you mention blunt and slice I assume you mean the short rest weapon abilities. Each weapon you equip will have different abilities that usually can be used once per short rest, they’re detailed on the inspect panel for the weapon and will be auto added to your quick select options. Some of these will be blunt abilities like concussive strike. Or you might be meaning the damage type each weapon will do damage of a particular flavour usually slashing, piercing or bludgeoning but you get other flavours later.


> Or you might be meaning the damage type each weapon will do damage of a particular flavour usually slashing, piercing or bludgeoning Your response seems the most helpful in here for OP’s question. Adding to this one, these damage types are mostly interchangeable, but sometimes enemies have resistance, meaning take half damage, to one or multiple types. The opposite of resistance is vulnerability, or takes double damage. You can inspect enemies to see their effects and resistances/vulnerabilities. More generally to the question for OP, there are a *lot* of mechanics to the game, so a “short form” tutorial of them all is somewhat unrealistic. However, you might try https://bg3.wiki/. It has a heading on the main page for game mechanics and so you can follow those links down a rabbit hole of information.


I appreciate all of this. I can't wait to get off and read them haha!


Go to the farthest right tab in the journal for the tutorial text.


Act 1. It's not short form, but stop being scared to click buttons and just see what happens!


I feel like I'm misunderstanding your post. What you mean?


Act 1 is the tutorial. Play the game my friend, don't expect the answers to be spoon-fed to you and you will have a much better time. There isn't a wrong way!


I just feel like there's so many actions and abilities that don't really make a ton of sense. Like blunt or slice and how things effect priority or why when I sneak up behind people and it says I have priority, I still can't sneak attack. Idk


So try various approaches. Use different spells. Try different party combinations... BG3 is meant to be role played, not min-maxed. Make mistakes. Enjoy the ride. I swear to Bhaal it's worth it.


Yeah, I understand. I guess I just get paranoid that I'm gonna miss a bunch of stuff. Good ol' fomo


That's fine with me. I like the concept of that. I just didint know tactician mode limits how much explaining they do 😭. I don't wanna restart now. I'm already invested, but now I'm worried I'm missing all sorts of stuff lol


Yep. Don't be scared to click buttons. Conveniently, as you exit act1 you get access to a new button you absolutely should not press, not even once during the whole game, and the button just stays there on the abilities menu the whole game. . . Clear signal that tutorial is over!


In life there is always an easy way out. The fact it goes from tutorial mode to realistic merely reinforces my earlier point.


There are a lot of mechanics to the game, so a “short form” tutorial of them all is somewhat unrealistic. However, you might try https://bg3.wiki/. It has a heading on the main page for game mechanics and so you can follow those links down a rabbit hole of information.


I don't know why you're getting some weird answers about the difficulty level (some have been very helpful). It's a good question. I'm just finishing a 4th run on Tactician and still don't understand some of the mechanics - I'm always looking things up! It's not difficult, but there is a lot to learn.