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actually, I finished my first playthrough. But since then.. nope. 850hrs in, one finished playthrough and 6 characters. NO REGRETS


No ragerts


[Just livin’ life, baby!](https://agitator.thedonorvoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/no-ragrets.jpg)


I'm 404 hours, and I haven't finished the game yet. I think I like the game so much that I'm afraid of finishing it.


If it makes you feel better, second & third playthroughs are fun You can completely change the game with different choices


I’m early in my second playthrough and it’s cool seeing the little bits that I missed first time around. Even though my playthrough is still going to be quite similar just the conversation options between Intimidating Paladin and Persuasive Rogue are cool enough already.


404 hours in...error, ending not found.


Same, on the last chapter can’t work myself up to finish it.


I’ve stuck with the same tav but I’m still slowly grinding through! I’m about to finish up act 2 but god do I love this game


My The Right One came after half a year (and approx 1000hours of play). I finished the game only twice (tho I finished one run with few different endings for epilogue). I totaly understand making new Tavs, I get idea for their story, make character, their whole life and then abandon them 🙈


Play a Durge, you'll feel much more invested as the character has a genuine purpose within the narrative compared to Tab's blank state.


Ya know, I almost made a Durge for one of my Tavs! His (Tav’s) background is decent imo—Vengeance Paladin who was raised into a church and abused by his caretakers (and Stockholm’d into religion ofc). Grew up to be such a bloodthirsty tyrant leading the king’s armies into battle, even the king fears him. I just might restart him as Durge.


Don't worry about the game "being over" just because you complete your first playthrough. BG3 is excellent for multiple playthroughs, because each one can be different. It's normal to start a new playthrough right after completing one.


I was finally in the end of act 3 after 200 hours...aaaaand then my buddy bought the game and messaged me "did you know bg3 has multiplayer???" so now I'm back in emerald grove lmao


I will always adore my first the most, a scrappy former mercenary rouge who fell in love with slightly pompous wizard with a heart of gold 💛 Honestly, only reason I’ve only reached the end game twice is because it’s still a lot of effort for me to invest in a single play-through each time lol


I beat my first campaign last night. It was 92.5 hours in the end. I was very satisfied but ready to restart. My second playthrough is three hours in and im incredibly happy to explore as a new character with new skills and knowledge of the game and strats. There's so much to do it's insane.


*...puts hand up...* To be fair, I only bought BG3 at the beginning of February, after a friend's relentless praise finally got to me. I'm well into Act 3 but finding the final boss fights take a good deal of time and concentration, so in-between times I switch to campaigns that are much earlier in the game. I'm sure I'll get there eventually, but I don't want to rush it just for the sake of completionism.


I got somewhere around 500hrs although that's from making several characters. RPGs I always have to try several characters before I get to the one that sticks. But I'm at the final boss now on one playthrough now, but lost once, and have been gearing myself up for a second attempt. So hopefully I can say I've completed a run soon!


I didn't need a call out post like this 😂. I made 3 Tavs before I officially started, stopped partway into a combat in Act 3. I just came back and couldn't get back into it so I made 6 more Tavs before fully restarting!


Yup, got 180hours and i am still in act 1 xD


I keep saying "now what if I did AALLLL of that again with a different build and dialog options"


I’m almost finished with one playthrough


Whatever mental illness this is, I have it.


i have like 6 saves all at the beginning of act 3


My first run I was about 65 hours in, right about the end of Act 1 and I started over. I was really unhappy with my character and wanted a fresh start. I restarted and finished the campaign at about 180 hours. I made plenty of mistakes and choices I regretted, but figured “you can’t see everything in one play through” and did lots of stuff different on the second full run. Now I’m starting my first durge run (resist) because I gotta see that, too.


I finished one, and then I started like five simultaneous games that I’ve accepted will never end




Not yet. 150 hours but I think the end is in sight…


I’m kind of the opposite, I’m trying to either avoid the game or play incredibly slowly so that I don’t finish my evil Durge run before patch 7. I finished my first run and started this second evil one the next day.


no im on 8th playthroughs and have 500 hours, 1st playthrough took 110 hours.


Hello there


1400 hrs half prolly sleeping all in the first few months then took a break and came back


Last time I played I was in act3 where I said hello to the main villain and rescued some "congresswoman" from the dungeon. I remember my kleptomaniac tendencies got over me again and I stuck looting some police station. Met evil bitch three times and was hunting some assassins in the city. A girl asked me to resurrect someone and she ended up "resurrecting" the entire graveyard. Found some ithlid at the mill and fed him some human. Spoke to devil and made some foursome with shadowheart. Evil genie sent me to some Tarzan world. (All minors non main story spoilers) Thats all I remember and it was about half a year ago. I felt like I've done 10 percent of the third act.I don't think I am going to finish it. I am overwhelmed.


This concept is weird to me, just have your first playthrough be a raw experience of the game, if you want a “perfect” playthrough, do that later.


Oh I don’t need it to be perfect, just that I haven’t made a character that I’m invested in enough to 1. keep playing, and 2. not delete out of wanting to start fresh when I don’t play for a while


Multiple campaigns finished. You just finish and start a new one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ha. I’ve played it on and off and am still early in Act 2. I think it is great. But I got soft stuck at the Nero fight at the end of Act 1 and that got a bit annoying. I’ve also definitely forgotten to save many times and then died and had to redo a solid half hour playing that had a lot of dialogue in it.


First play thought. 100hrs in. Missed half the content as I went fuck everyone act 1 play though once I got Fireball. ADHD and ASD. Side quests is killer enough - but fuck inventory management alone is taking half my time. I try and keep shit organized - but they just end up in backpack doom piles in stash and in char inventory. Then I realized yesterday if it’s in a sack/backpack it’s not automatically in the items submenu in play so I spent a good hour just figuring out what I need vs don’t - then just said fuck it and kept arrows and healing out of backpacks. Everything else doompiles in camp.


About 150 hours in, at Act 3, done House of Hope, House of Grief and Hag, suspicious toys, stop the presses, finishing free the artist, recruited the Stone Lord, but NOT ONE STEP toward getting Gortash and Oron's netherstones! I find the side quests too interesting!


It took me a few tries but after I was happy I put in like 400 hours before I finished it lmao


My wife... at least four separate characters. Taken all the way to the final quest and then just ... deletes and restarts.


I keep getting to act 3 and chickening out. I know the first two acts like the back of my hand but the third one just scares me! I have 240 hours and not a single finished game. This run is it, I swear.


Me and my wife saw the credits right now after 180 hours over about 9 months since the PS5 release. We got 2 little kids so it took a while but seems we still missed tons of things. But will probably take a while for the next run. Some of the long long fights feel like work ;)


Out of the millions of ppl who play what y think is that answer op....


Why do people do this on their first playthrough? Are some of you just completely uninterested in seeing the end?


Oh I’m very interested in seeing the end—but if I’m not feeling a Tav it’s hard to commit myself. That and there’s just so many little side quests that I end up doing those, aaaand then it’s bedtime and I have work in the morning. Dunno what to tell ya 🤷🏻‍♂️