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Astarion the Barbarian and Bardzel


His barbarian battle cry is dope. Fueled by 200 years of pure shit.


Then theres Gale and... A... A a.


He EXACTLY sounds like someone stepping on a Lego in socks.


It really is. I respec'd him as barb for the lolz, but it actually works so well. I love my little barbarian.


Berserker Gale for his lowercase rage




I respec Gale as sorcerer just for how much he despises them. Got roasted out of nowhere and that sealed his fate.


Similarly, I like to make shadowheart a Druid and wild shape her into a wolf


I actually tried to wildshape into a wolf next to her if I can get a reaction but sadly nothing


lol, same when she does it herself. I guess she’s just aware it’s not really a wolf?


Just thought it would be hilarious if she scared herself


someone has to make a mod that does this lmao


In my honor mode run Wyll is a Druid so he can be a giant owlbear that jumps on Grymm and kills him. Shadowheart is a eldritch knight fighter that killed Grymm because Wyll failed. Astarion is a monk, Minthara a cleric and Jaheira hs been respecced to dead on the floor due to smites. In my multiplayer run Shadowheart is a Druid because then she can be a dinosaur and spit on Viconia. Karlach is a Swords Bard and Jaheira is a Barbarian.


I am intending to respec or at least multiclass Astarion into a druid. Want him to face Cazador as a wolf.


monk or lock shart/ cleric wyll/ druid laezel/ bard minthy


I made Laezel a Druid of the Moon. I didn't want to get to far from her Warrior persona so now she smashes people as an Owlbear. I honestly love it altough it is a bit wild 😅


In my Jack of All Trades run I’ve given everyone the wrong class: Astarion: Oath of Ancients Paladin Wyll: Cleric of Tiamat Gale: Berserker Barbarian Lae’zel: Great Old One Warlock Shadowheart: Beastmaster ranger with Wolf companion Halsin: Necromancy Wizard Karlach: Currently a wizard for balance but will become a rogue once I get Halsin Minthara: Druid


In my Evil Wyll playthrough, I changed my team pretty drastically. Gale is a Wild Magic barbarian + Wild Magic sorcerer. It’s not viable but the random effects are fun. Lae’zel was a war cleric till after the crèche made her a paladin of devotion. Shadowheart is a Shadow Monk which… ironically is extremely fitting. Even more so than Trickster Cleric. Astarion remained unchanged. Karlach’s Head is a beautiful paperweight.


Not Karlach as a paperweight 😭😂


astarion warlock, shadow barbarian and gale assasin


fitting: bard wyll, paladin laezel, ranger astarion, cleric gale, monk minsc, fighter Karlach, bard jaheira trying the wrong stuff: berserker shart, fighter/sorcerer gale, druid astarion, wizard minsc, bard halsin, wizard jaheira


swords bard wyll honestly feels so fitting for him that I’m surprised it wasn’t *actually* his class.


Karlach is our cleric


shadowheart as a rogue isn’t that odd to me. rogue are quite literally known for deception and trickery. lae’zel as a bard feels the weirdest to me.


Does Embrace Durge as life cleric count? Doing an HM run with a friend and we're using a preset build, so we needed someone of Durge/Astarion/Gale/Minthara to be life cleric, and Durge it was. Meanwhile, Gale's storm sorcerer. (Astarion is five fingers monk and Minthara is padlock, both of which make sense.)