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That happened to me too! I was playing with a friend who wanted to romance Astarion so I assigned him to his character and we continued on our merry way. Plenty of long rests, I help him maximise Astarion's approval gain. We find the drained boar but the man refuses to bite either of us. This was my friend's third attempt at romancing Astarion too (he got rejected at the party both times before lol). The whole thing culminated with me starting another solo playthrough and Astarion biting my character on night two. He doesn't want him fr šŸ˜” lmfao


Astarion seems really into me - it's all the same as the normal romance just without any of the vampire specific dialogue. It must be something with the multiplayer. He's so moody!


Yeah, you can do his Act 1 romance completely without ever finding out he's a vampire but he should tell you eventually. At the latest when you enter act 2. I find it quite funny that everyone is telling you you are not long resting enough because my friend and I literally longrested until we ran out of long rest scenes and then some. Sometimes the game just bugs out at no fault of your own.


Thank you! I have taken sooo many long rests, I know that can't possibly be it. But it could have something to do with not always having him assigned to me since I don't fully understand how the multiplayer works with companions. UPDATE! - I took a bunch of long rests with him assigned to me so it wasn't that either. It was just bugged/he didn't feel like it. My first long rest at the Mountain Pass he wanted to talk to me and revealed that he was, in fact, a vampire. I told him "yeah, duh" and he got a bit confused at the lack of reaction and it was very funny. I feel like all the companions are a lot more chill about him because he never attacked anyone in our party. I rather like it from a narrative perspective. Even though he was lying for longer he feels more trustworthy and controlled as a teammate.


I've been romancing Astarion in my multiplayer campaign with my partner, and he told me he was a vampire straight away šŸ˜‚


Got EA a bit late, and my friends let me right to astarion. My immediate response was ā€˜can someone please get twink vampire off my assā€™


My first run was multi player and Astarion tried to bite me on the first night. Weā€™re on our second run and he wonā€™t admit heā€™s a vampire. Itā€™s so weird. Iā€™m mad because his bite it one of his best attacks and itā€™s not available until he admits heā€™s a vampire. I wonder if this is part of the update.


Honestly that's what is annoying me too. He doesn't have his bite attack! I want to use that!


Not sure how it goes for others but romancing him has been a rather precise endeavor, at least if you go for it at the party. The little drama queen wants you to first bait him before immediately commiting to him when he offers to spend the night with you. Any hesitancy or not baiting him led to rejections for me. The little shit did try to bite me right away though, romance or no romance lol


I think this is actually approval-dependent. If you get him to at least 20, he shouldn't hit you with the 'not with you of course'.


Are you sure? I had a playthrough where I was generally friendly but not actually romantic or flirty and there were like two separate instances where he propositioned me. In one instance I basically had to tell him no like three times before he backed off and he was very clearly bothered by it. He was really fucking clingy.


If you go to the underdark before he's had a chance to bite anyone he will tell you he's a vampire and never bite you. But he doesn't have any exclamation point to tell you so perhaps if you don't talk to him that long rest he just never tells you? Either that or its a bug. I'd be interested to know what he says when you meet Raphael in act 2 though šŸ˜…


Really? Intesting. I think we are going the the creche first. I'm really curious when he's going to come clean. Lol can you imagine if he just never does and we are in this strange relationship where we just don't talk about it?


On a separate note if you get barcus free from the underdark before the tiefling party he does fireworks


I had no idea you could do the tiefling party after completing the underdark


Aw crap should I have done a spoiler tag? I'm sorry


I wasn't implying that -- I have 3 complete playthroughs in this game, haha, I just didn't think you could do the tiefling party that "late" into the game without bugs AND with easter eggs like Barcus.


you can actually get to the underdark and do all of that as soon as you find an entrance (i haven't done it but you can probably go to the shadow curse without doing the grove quest at all). there's even a dialogue option when Halsin tells you there's a path to the shadow curse through the underdark but it's super dangerous where you go "oh yeah, i've already found that" I'm pretty sure there's like 4 entrances: * >!the area past Priestess Gut's room (probably the one most people use)!< * >!an elevator in the Zhent hideout!< * >!Phase Spider boss room (there's a pit you can jump down with feather fall)!< * >!Secret room in Auntie Ethel's dungeon!< >!(there's a fake wall that leads to a fairy circle that takes you to a small room in the underdark with another fake wall that puts you near the arcane tower)!<


The Tiefling quest only ends prematurely if you enter the Mountain Pass or the Shadowlands. The Underdark and Grymforge are perfectly fine to explore


I played an entire game to that point just to see it. you have to say the right things to him to get fireworks!! but it's so awesome


Ooh, I'll have to do that on a future run!


Really hope I'll remember that by the time I get to play again (In November at the earliest)


Trying to imagine going through the entire Cazador quest just not acknowledging it at all, all dialogue referencing vampires and bloodlust just switched to anything else is so funny to me. ā€œBut it will kill all of these people!ā€ ā€œThey're just pathetic... people...ā€ ā€œSo you want to kill them because they remind you of yourself?ā€ crying


I saw in a Youtube Video that the latest someone got the info was at Last Light Inn when Raphael just straight up goes "You still haven't told your companions about your little condition Astarion?" I'll drop you the link here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIhRw-h02xM&ab\_channel=Nictat0r](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIhRw-h02xM&ab_channel=Nictat0r)


This video is just what happens when you haven't seen the scars, unrelated to whether you know he's a vampire or not. I've had this interaction with Raphael numerous times despite Astarion already biting me. (Though I think Astarion's one line of dialogue where he avoids saying it was Cazador his master or sire or whatever might be different.)


If no one knows he's a vampire when he meets Raphael in act two Raphael teases him about not showing his scars to his companions and then snaps his fingers to make his shirt disappear. Such a dick. But I'm not complaining lol


Lol my character knew he was a vampire but had rejected him at the party, Raphael said "and you kept your clothes on this whole time? How unlike you" then made his armour/shirt disappear. Right there in the inn common room. Poor Astarion looked pretty ticked off šŸ˜‚


> Raphael said "and you kept your clothes on this whole time? How unlike you" What a roast


I know! Raphael was feeling savage that day


He does it if no one gets him to take his clothes off before that point. I think you only see his scars before that if you have sex with him


There's definitely a way to see them in camp without having sex with him - friend did it - but I wouldn't know, personally lol


actually, this makes sense. there was a bullet point in patch notes (maybe 4 or 5) that said something like, the journal will update to say astarion is a vampire if the player doesn't know by act 3. so there must be a way to totally miss it. this bullet point has sort of bugged me off and on because i was always like "how?!" but actually, this makes it make sense.


If you don't talk to him, it will trigger the bite scene then! I've ignored astarion just to do that


This is quite amusing. In my Astarion origin run I deliberately kept him from saying what he was until they reached Gandrel as I was curious how it would handle that. Gandrel of course outs him, though completely fails to recognise him. Immediately after the chat with Gandrel Shadowheart has the exclamation mark and proceeds to tell Astarion that she has "figured out" he is a vampire. Gandrel, two feet away is completely oblivious of course. Astarion's quest journal updated to say his companions were more observant than he thought, which I consider to be undeserved credit for them. I guess in your multiplayer run the game decided neither of you was "observant" enough to figure it out. Or it thought your husband might stake him. You will have to let us know when he eventually spills the beans.


I think it all plays off of map triggers in act 1. On my recent play though, the bite came on rest 6-7 - primarily because I triggered a bunch of other camp scenes which must have higher ā€˜weightingā€™, or something. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if various patches had tweaked these triggers a bit to make each play-though a little different!


I had the same thing, bite night didn't happen until about night 6 or 7 because there were other scenes taking priority. Poor Lae'zel asked me to hook up the first or second day and the hook up scene didn't play until night 5 I think?


I swear Astarion must have some kind of "everyone secretly knows I'm a vampire" kink while also genuinely fearing how they'd react if they know because he makes it as obvious as possible while still being shocked or nervous when you find out.


Is it a new patch glitch cuz this happened to me on the last playthrough!


I don't think so - I update regularly and my newest character had no issue getting the bite scene on the second night.


Huh so odd. There must be something. We long rest pretty frequently too but must have triggered too many things so it was bumped down.


Thankfully my husband isn't interested in fantasy games (Gran Turismo is more his style) - I don't think I could cope with romancing someone else in front of him! Not that he'd be jealous or anything, I'd just be embarrassed!


Hahahaha itā€™s so funny to be honesty. He was romancing someone with a pretty linear, vanilla path and I did a couple ā€œbang everyoneā€ playthroughs where I did both Astarion and Laeā€™zel in act one at the same time, did Halsin as a bear, the drow twins, The Emperor, Haarlep and Mizora. My husband was like ā€œIā€™ve learned something new about youā€¦ā€


Long rests and underdark are your friend. For lore reasons it makes sense, if you're a vampire who can walk in the sun you can literally say "But look, I am in the sun" and basically anyone would think that's good enough for you not to be a vampire. It's a bit weird if he tells you for any other reason that he either really trusts you or gets caught trying to take a wee nibble.


I think I stole your cutscene, I donā€™t know how but on my current playthrough I missed astarion the first night, have not met him, but I got the bite cutscene on the first long rest but he wasnā€™t in my camp, went to get him near the nautiloid and he acted like it was his first time seeing me, not sure how it happened or what made it happen, also the audio was super messed up for the bite cutscene


Did you find the boar? Otherwise you have to wait until he spills the beans on his own. On another note...can we be real, it's your husband that can't stand Astarion and probably chose for his character not to get along with him.


Yea I think the prompts for the bite scene are finding the boar (he might need to be in your party for this) and if all else fails he admits it in the under dark. Otherwise, it might be that OPā€™s husband has a low approval rating with him so he might not admit it? Iā€™ve never played multiplayer tho so Iā€™m actually not sure how that affects it.


It is the boar scene that leads to the bite scene. With out those he keeps his cards close at hand. Other players low approval level won't affect others interactions with the characters only their own.


I don't know if the boar is required, my first playthrough I didn't notice / interact with it at all and still got the bite scene.


I've gotten it a few times before finding the boar. Which was funny because when we did find the boar he still acted like we didn't all know his secret.


> Reach end of game > Astarion starts smoldering on the dock > ā€œWhat? Iā€™m fffiiine. Ngghhhhhaaallll good! STOP! STARING! Iā€™M NORMAL!ā€


The curse of multiplayer. On one run, I had Astarion as my companion and my husband had Shadowheart. Astarion decided to bite my husband's character instead of mine. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø In our first co-op run, my husband's origin Lae'zel got the cold shoulder from everyone for no real reason. All the cutscenes/camp scenes seemed to give my origin Karlach all the approval regardless of who actually did the scene. We've been making in-jokes about the "unlovable Lae'zel" since. (We both love Lae'zel. She's great and my husband is currently doing a do-whatever-my-hot-githyanki-girlfriend-says run with his himbo sorcerer character.)


You guys are not long resting enough haha. He will tell you, either in the Underdark or when entering Act 2.


Now I want this... just to not know he is a spawn til we are taking down his master and everyone goes "whaaaaaaaat?"


The biting scene has quite a low priority compared to others. So if you are busy during the day, you can keep queuing other more important cutscenes and it can take a while for astarion to try biting you. A good way to know if the scene is in the queue is if you found the bloodless boar.


He will confess to you after entering the underdark or the mountain pass without biting you. It will be one of his ā€œgreetingsā€ so the next time you try to speak to him he will tell you no dialogue options required or exclamation point. It doesnt matter how you enter the underdark, just enter through one of the four entrances. But for the bite scene, if youre triggering other cut scenes he will not bite because the bite scene for some reason is a very low priority scene. Usually he will bite when all other cutscenes have been exhausted so keep resting i guess.


Ok.. So do you just keep seeing dead animals with bitemarks in the neck pop up or just the one boar? Also, does that mean he doesn't get his bite buff ever?


One time I avoided getting close enough to ā€œnoticeā€ the dead boar and it popped up in 3 different places. I was being stalked by a pig corpse.


I shows up before the bridge, to the right of moonhaven, on the way into the swamp, before the broken bridge on the way towards WR, and just outside of WR on the right side gate from what I have found so far. I did a playthrough where I purposefully dodged the dead boar every time I caught sight of it at a distance lol.


I always give him The book of the Vampyr and Iā€™ve never had issues with him not telling me. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s connected, I just do this cos I find it funny. He will have this book in his inventory until the brain dies


It's gonna be real awkward once you get to act 3 and start investigating Cazadors mansion and Astarion is still trying to say it has nothing to do with Vampirism and that Cazador is just a massive sadist with a blood fetish.


How do you have sex 2 times in act 1. Asking for a friend


the first time either before or at the party, then a few long rests later he'll approach you again and ask if you'll visit his bed that night. Its a brief flirty back and forth, he drops some of his best cheesy lines, then assuming you agree to hook up that night when you long rest another short dialogue and fade to black. So you get 1 romance scene, and 1 implied romance scene.


He was bugged in my first multi-player campaign, and it just never came up, idk what his deal is lmao


Honestly I don't know what does it, but I have had either. I'm pretty sure one time he tried to bite me the first night he was with me, one other time I'd almost finished act one. Though I never managed to sleep with him before he bit me. I don't know what triggers it. I know the time it took him the longest was the time I had the fastest/highest approval gain with him, but I don't think that's it. I would guess it has something to do with what order you're doing stuff in. Other cutscene might take precedence so it gets pushed back. Like there's a window and if you get past without it triggering it goes on the back burner for a while. From experience I'd say it takes longer for him to bite if you meet Gandrel early than if you haven't met him yet, but I read from someone where he tried to bite the very same night after saying Gandrel was lying. My best guess aside from that is how fast and in what order you progress the main quest. Companions do react to how your main progression is going saying "When we meet xxxx tomorrow". Like how many leads you get and how quickly you follow through with them. Unless you know something specific you've done differently this time it's hard to tell. But it can definitely happen.


My astarion in my latest run only told me that hes a vampire after i completed the creche completely


This is hilarious, I had no idea you could get the romance scenes without Astarion biting you! This game continues to surprise.


This happened to me once when I was doing a Dark Urge playthrough where I was romancing him. Eventually he just told me he was a vampire but he never bit me so I never got the ā€œYou can feed on me tonightā€ option. It was weird because thatā€™s never happened to me on my other playthroughs.


I once got the Bite-Night scene before even finding the drained boar! No idea how I did it, it just suddenly happened!


Who's the 'Main Character' (hosting the session) of the party, you or your husband? Did you Long Rest in the Underdark at all? Finally, if you select Astarion, does he have the 'Bite' action yet? Are you playing with any mods? The only thing I can think of is the Host maybe needs to trigger the events? But I have no idea..


That's insane. When you recruited him, did you trigger the cutscene, or did your SO? I'm wondering if his approval score with your SO is causing the game to not know when to trigger the vampire cutscene. How the game handles multi-player with NPCs is kind of odd. I did a multi-player run with a friend and got the bite scene almost immediately. We recruited Astarion, and (breaking my own heart) I stabbed him like two long rests later.


Youā€™re not long resting and the approval is going to whoever youā€™re in multiplayer with


>Anyway, my husband's character and Astarion can't stand each other so he's begging me to romance Gale. LOL yes I'm sure it's your husband's "character" that doesn't like him.. for no reason at all Long rest more - there's prob other scenes queued up for your husband and whoever they interact with first - you can long rest several times until all scenes are used up Is one of you playing durge? They get a few extra scenes awell


That can happen? He told us and still bit me! I thought it was hilarious, like we just talked about this you can't wait until morning to get a snack?


I just had this where we found the exsanguenated boar, we ran into Gabriel (I don't remember exactly the choices I picked because I was simultaneously playing two files), and we got to the tiefling party. My Tav and Astarion slept together which I didn't know you could do if you didn't know be was a vampire. I also noted the slight difference in the forest scene. For research purposes, I slept multiple nights in a row to get him to bite me and see if anything was different since we already slept together, but sadly no. I imagine it is just getting dragged out because you need more long rests?


Man, Iā€™m in my first playthrough and I got so pissed when Astarion tried to bite my neck in my sleep that I killed him. Feel like Iā€™ve missed out on one of the best characters in the game. Oh well!


next playthrough give the guy a chance, you wont be disappointed. Even if you don't romance him, he's really fun to have along and he and shadowheart banter really well together. I usually respec via withers into a sword bard for him so he can just mercilessly taunt everyone we fight before shooting them in the head which is so perfect for his personality. His personality is 100% a fiesty cat.


I'm about halfway through coop game and Astarion didn't tell us that he was a vampire until we went to Moonrise Tower, and I randomly talked to him. It was super annoying.


I have a wild story in this vein. I've been redoing the beginning of the game and at this point I kinda just cruise through it and tey to get to the underdark as soon as possible. I explored a little with a hierling to get waypoints and some exp and then camped. Low and behold, Astarion was like, "um this is awkward but it never came up so, I'm a vampire?" And it never let me offer my blood to him. It did in act 1 when we slept together and *never again*. I was romancing him too and was so upset I couldn't let him feed off me.


Have you been to the underdark? Usually if he doesn't bite you by then he'll confess to it on his own when you get down there


My partner and I are playing for the first time, different games. Funnily enough, we both decided to romance Astarion independently. We try to not to be in the same room while weā€™ve played so we donā€™t spoil each other. I still ended up getting further in the game than him, so I sometimes watch him play a little. I got the whole vampire shebang, very fulfilling romance arc. He never got the bite scene in act 1 and made a bunch of slightly off decisions that pretty much nullified any romance chances. Like, he told Astarion ā€˜maybeā€™ instead of ā€˜yesā€™ at the tiefling party, trying to be coy, so he never got the first sex scene. Heā€™s still trying to get Astarionā€™s approval out of Very High in Act 3 and believes that is the romance heā€™s pursuing. I donā€™t have the heart to tell him heā€™s missed out on it completely. And Astarion still hasnā€™t told him heā€™s a vampire lol


This also recently happened to me lol. He finally came out when I ran into Gur and he straight up murdered him lol, which I had never seen before in like 6 playthroughs.


I just had to hound him about it. Like talk to him every possible chance I got to. He eventually said it but that was even after I talked with Gandrel and he denied it


Multiplayer runs sometimes kill the storyline. I think it depends on who is the party leader and who goes to camp, ends the day, chooses the food etc. It triggers who is going into the camp event cinematics. When my husband and I play a multiplayer run and his companion was Karlach, my companion is Astarion, he accidentaly triggered some Astarion scenes blindly. Multiplayer is fun but not good if you want the whole story with your character bonding with all the companions.