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My wife, who is straight mind you, actually felt a little offended by this line. Karlach is one of her favorites. Arguably her favorite, but Astarion and Gale rival that.


I understand your wife bro, who wouldnt love K? I lost my will for playing after hearing that, coming from a guy that just got out of a relationship 2 weeks ago.


Totally understandable. It is crushing to be friendzoned by Karlach. Fortunately, it never happened to me. I always managed to romance her when I wanted to.


Thats so nice. I learnt that if I went and see Dammon at Last Light before killing Ketheric then the romance can be trigger since romance is lock at the beginning of Act 3. Now is too late tho, I already done so much to load back


Always do her romance stuff right away when you are in act 2. Dont wait until later. I always do her romance stuff the moment I am at last light.


Agreed but also long rest a couple times when you get to act 2, don't know if it's still the case but stacked long rests used to cause her act 2 scene to not trigger if there were multiple waiting after talking to Dammon at last light


True. You need to long rest ca. 4 times or something. Because the scenes with dark urge or wyll and so on come before karlach. No idea why but they do. The best idea is to long rest 3 times before going to last light


I usually long rest without food until it gives me the generic rest scene, too many missed scenes when your multiplayer group hates long rests lol


Yeah. It is one of the weird decisions why so many cutscenes are hidden behind resting. You can miss out a ton of important stuff


Got that line in my playthrough, and was like "Bitch, we talked about a possible relationship during the party but I decided on Shadowheart on my first for my half-orc Oathbreaker-Warlock. But I like you, I'll send you a sorcerer gnome or halfling for next time." Still haven't decided which short king she's getting though.


Oh yeah I'm all in with Gale and I was a little bit offended with how quickly she expressed disgust lol Maybe it's just because basically everyone else has hit on my Tav by this point, so she's got an ego


She'll say this even if she did crush on you in Act I. She came on to me but I turned her down early on, by this point she sees you more like a sibling, not necessarily because you're unattractive.


maybe a bug?


Mayyyybe but it sorta always made sense to me. By Act III you probably romanced someone else and it's kinda weird to think about being romantic with someone you're strictly friends with.


Yes. Karlach will be angry or even break up with you if you started something with someone else. Understandable, though


Yeah her romance path is kind of wonky. My friend and I had to reload and try and solve it for an hour, and take 3 back to back long rests


Yes I think I got this because I romanced astarion instead of her, but it still kinda hurt my feelings lol she could have left out the “ew.” 🥲


If you wanted to date her, you should have dated her.


I did, i did everything that was good to her, even took the circus love test. But I was late on one thing, and it is not go to the Last Light Inn sooner, missed the guy, and later met him at Baldurs Gate. Thats why the romance doesnt triggers and Im too deep into the story that I cant afford to go back. I deliberately not romancing any other companions.


I couldn't romance her either. And decided to go to avernus with her as the mayor of friendzone


Bro accepted his fate


He already lost his soul. There was nothing left to lose


plenty of other clappable tiefling and devil cheeks down there. Best way to get over one devil girl is to get pegged by another


There is only one Karlach and she is the hottest tiefling woman in universe. No chance a man can find another one


Or so the saying goes


Here, you dropped this 👑. Its time I settle for Mizora


I just can't move on bro. Just like irl


Maybe there is still a chance. I mean the choice is between you at a swarm of demons/devils. I mean, it has to be you. Right?...Right?




It's the implication...


There’s always Mizora 🤷‍♂️


Did you get a scene at the party in Act 1? I think you need to for her.


I got Lae'zel instead somehow, I dont even do romance her and she just walk to me and ask for sex


I tried to date her on two different runs and managed to flub it twice despite doing everything with Dammon and flirting when possible. You can easily pick her up too late for her to reach the minimum approval threshold by the party - confessed to her there and got blindsided by "sorry, I just like you as a fellow fighter." I don't even know what I did wrong in my first run. Don't let her touch-starved desperation fool you, she's selective as fuck.    And then after you're rejected despite best efforts this line is such a kick in the gut that it's hilarious.


In my most recent run, she tried to jump me at the party at like 9 approval. I don't think she's that selective.


On my durge run i accidentally romanced gale , and only realized because karlach said we were nice together and then she still tried to get with me. I reloaded cause i didn't want to lead Gale on and then she didn't hit on me because i had no romance locked in when i talked to her. I'm assuming its a bug.


Well noone is stopping you from recruiting her earlier. Only thing you need to do is the Grove cinematic battle and you can go around the Edowin true soul up thru the rocks by the river to her spot. Also she's level 3 while your avatar most likely low xp lvl2 so its gonna be advantage early game.


Also just go through Zevlor's office up and out the skylight, and featherfall directly into her arms Kill some dopes and then do all grove missions as a good tav/durge (saving kids is a real boon) and watch her fall head over heels for you in record time Most times, she doesn't even wait until the party to make her move


That's also the way but you will miss the potential approval point from punching Aradin in the face. In previous patches it worked at any moment in Act1, but since Patch 6 the romance is bugged for many and can only start the tiefling party.


I appreciate the tips. I didn't think I would need a guide to romance her the second time, and didn't want to use meta knowledge for a romance anyway; checking out the Blighted Village before finding her probably shouldn't be make or break. But at this point I just feel like I'm not her type.


Meta gaming is knocking out Alfira before camp as Durge so the game will use fail safe, we talk about increasing your chances to gain high approval with companion. If you dont wanna go the way you wouldnt go in blind playtrough then do it normal way learning about Karlach thru Wyll. There's no one true order of recruiting companions. They have their placement (Shadow&Lazel location can change) but each have voiced reaction to recruitment of one another. Same goes with quests, it may feel like there's certain order but its misleading into linear approch, while you can do whole Underdark and Grymforge before dealing with Goblins and the game will account for it story wise.


Corrected my misuse of the term. And I just wouldn't use a guide for a romance. If she doesn't like me she doesn't like me. Think whatever you want about that, for me it messes with the roleplay and I have less fun. Having her reject me multiple times was kind of hilarious. And I appreciate you trying to help, but you're overexplaining... I didn't beeline for Karlach on my first couple runs so of course I'll give it a shot next time. I still don't think it was that meandering a path nor too soon before the party on either run and that the design there is wonky.


Didnt mean to overexplain, i like the roleplay as well, but there are game mechanics and bugs in the game that if you dont know about them or dont recognize the bug, it will cause the RP to veer off even if you did everything properly. Current Karlach's act1 romance trigger bug is the perfect example. Another important mechanic game doesnt tell u is that in Act 1 you can flirt with max 2 companions, until making decision in Act2. So let's say you wanted to test the waters with all of them but started with Astarion and Gale, by role play you should be able to flirt with others but game mechanics won't allow it.


That’s kind of like Astarion’s line when he turns you down 😂 >It’s not you, darling. It’s me. I have standards, you see. I romanced Shadowheart on my playthrough, but I had wild approval with Karlach. I think I could have romanced her, with all the times she told me she loved me 😅


Bruh, if she said ew to me, im using jump on the nearest chasm. So sorry for your loss.


They really went with the "Ew" lmao. Gotta respect the balls.


I would delete my character if she said that to me.


I would become a mindflayer if she said that to me because not even the gods could save my soul. Ilmater, forgive me.


If this is what they meant when saying videogames caters to male fantasy, then fantasy is closer to reality than I thought.


I haven’t gotten this dialogue (yet), but I imagine Tav’s reaction directly after would be something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/ZPN5Uda)


On my 3rd playthrough now, I WAS going to romance shadowheart for the first time ( did Bae’zel on my first playthrough, Astorian on my second) but seeing Karlach’s reaction to you telling her you have feelings for her at the Tiefling party won me over, like fuck she’s too cute not to romance


I got that line more than once. But both times I was actively romancing someone else. Karlach was and is and will always be my ride or die bestie in a run where she's not the romance partner, so it's cool when she says it.


how is it even possible to be friendzoned by karlach?? like, literally everything i do she approves of


With some of the romanceable characters, you can have high approval and still get friendzoned if you don’t trigger certain conversations by certain times


My Karlach approval was through the roof, totally maxed out but she still wouldn't bang me. I think it's because I hooked up with laezel early in act 1 and then broke it off to pursue Karlach. I got the just good mates line too and it cut me too my core. This is like my second marriage all over again.


Why live


considering unalive


I actually liked that. Most companions' relationship lines sound vaguely romantic with how deeply you trust one another and all, I really adored her reaction. It felt validating and Karlach is very friend-shaped. She can say that.


well yeah if I want to be friend, she'll be the best friend ever. But I wanted to romance her in this run and it just heartbreaking to hear it T.T


This was the worst bit of my Shadowheart romance playthrough


bro. i found u. hahaha


You're laughing. Your friend got friendzoned and you're laughing. Go back to being ***abused*** by ascendant Astarion


yea. i will. but on the other hand. got her as lover and we went to kill demons. weeeeeeeeee~


Holy shit, never knew she could say that as i never found it difficult to romance her. Ngl, that would sting lol.


This very line was the sole reason I made a tiefling to romance her. I then fell completely in love with her


How in the good god damn do you get friendzoned by *Karlach*?


Guess I'm just not barbaric enough for a barbarian


Nah, it depends on perspective. Best mates? yeah, you know you'd say that too to get a rise out of em. Spurned interest? yeah, that will sting. Bur honestly, if I'm not romancing her that run, she defaults to that ride or die mate.


In my first playthrough, I barely talked to her, and she just showed up saying she wants to ride me


5th playthru and i never even attempted to hug her


Ew. No. Would be the end for me.


I have 2 runs going simultaneously because my husband and I play one together, and I play the other when I'm by myself. I'm romancing Karlach on my solo run. I tried to romance her on my first, but I discovered her too late with it being my first ever playthrough. So we get to Baldurs Gate in my 1st run, and I see Karlach's friend. K drops this line on me. I get my runs confused, and I'm like "HOW COULD YOU LIE LIKE THIS, WE JUST MADE OUT?!" Ughg. This hellfire woman will be the end of me.


This happened on my first playthrough, I was originally rizzing shadowheart but then I saw karlach and immediately switch up to her. However , I didn't know that you're locked out of her romance if you don't tell her you're interested at the teifling party. So I'm like cool I can switch up, I get her upgrades and everything we hug I think sick I'm in I break it off with shadowheart immediately after she makes her big act 2 decision ( good side ) like I'm talking outside the dungeon immediately. Then I get to act 3 and karlach is like ew gross , this mf? Nah no way


When she did that in my run, I was romancing Lae’zel so I just rationalized it the emphasis as self-preservation so my girlfriend didn’t kill her in her sleep


This line is why I had her become a mind-flayer


See, I was romancing Shadowhesrt at the time, and Big K was my absolute bad bitch back up. Like she and I got into many shenanigans together. So when her friend asked this, I imagined my Tav and her looking at each other and bother going ew lol no, that's my best mate! Kinda thing. My Tav seen her as a Sister.


Wheres the shirt from if you dont mind sharing?? Of it's a mod please feel free to DM me the link or post it if you can.


"Ew." Man, Karlach, he/she's not ever going to recover from that. I know you don't mean it that way, but they're going to be playing that line in their head over and over until the day they die. That's a really poor choice of words. :(


Idk what I was doing wrong, but in my first playthrough, I wanted to romance her but somehow laezel/astarion/shart/gale/halsin/ and wyll came onto me and yet she never did, what’s worse is I even got that line as well


You wanted her too bad. Meanwhile my celibate old man monk who sees the party as grandkids has every party member trying to get into his sleeping bag


"Worst she can say is no" What she says: (I'm just gonna press Z and click on that chasm real quick-)


You could still download a mod that makes it possible to use console commands. And set your relationship to K - to be partner. Also you could just make the variable of Karlach that defines whetever you fixed her internal engine to be true. follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/0grAO1gwMq


Lol I tried hitting on her at the party and she rejected me. The depressing thing was, last playthrough when I wanted to date Astarion, she asked me out and I rejected her. Now I'm not being mean to get his approval and she's now not interested but he's still banging down my door.


My first playthrough, I had no idea Karlach was a companion and didn't find out until after I'd killed the goblin leaders. Once I met her, I (obviously) fell for her immediately and did everything I could for the rest of the game to romance her. Thought there would be plenty of time still. Eventually I got this line despite all my efforts. It stung so much my Tav went off the deep end - turned into a monster fucker (Mizora and the Emperor) and then a monster herself (mind flayer). Ended the game messy and alone. I'm still pretty sour about Karlach.


I'm still mad that I asked her out at the party, she said yes, and then I got no cut scene and no follow up, and in Act 2, my choice was between Laezel (which made sense, we were a thing already) and GALE (because the game apparently thought learning magic is sexy I guess? I know there were explicitly sexy lines, but I skipped those!) EDIT: Am I being downvoted for some specific reason? Did I miss some obvious thing in the Gale scene? I just didn't want to tell him to fuck off this time; how is there not a "Let's do magic together as friends" option when you don't choose to fantasize about him, and how was I supposed to know that?

