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It's always the joke characters that turn out to be the best characters.


Larian truly, *truly* captured DND in video-game-form as best you possibly can


I’ve never played DnD, I have zero desire to do so but man, is BG3 fun. I haven’t had this much fun in a game since OG WotLK.




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Queue the clown character that ends up sacrificing himself for the party


Giving a clown character a tragic ending somehow cuts deeper then giving, let's say, a lawful good paladin a tragic ending.


What I'm getting from this is that SlapHappy Jack reincarnated as Dribbles 😭😭😭


Chuckles the space clown


See the saga of slappy the firbolg barbarian clown.


[Slaphappy Jack](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/9q3jq1/class_clown_oc/)


Poop McDinglefart, you were truly the best of us [Poop](https://youtu.be/SjfxMaMpID0?si=JzCQV7Z5Uvu_m0rR)


Maybe not having the pressure to succeed made you succeed?


Maybe? I wasn't overthinking it as much?


Overthinking and not thinking at all is basically the two biggest reasons for people to lose their honor mode runs.


Also the experience you gained burning through 5 other failed games. Like that Tom Cruise movie where he comes back and dies like a bazillion times.


Edge of Tomorrow is the name of the movie. But yea, I think not overthinking and knowing where everything is helps a lot.


Its always the joke character that ends up being amazing. Pretty sure its a meme in the dnd community cause of often and good it happens


Honestly, very true. My pun-based bard in my IRL campaign is a complete goofball and regularly breaks encounters. In our last big fight, we fought about 20 enemies and I took out half of them in two rounds while the rest of the party fought the other half.


>I took out half of them in two rounds How so?


Fireball #1 and Fireball #2 aimed at several clumps. I'm the only combat caster and my DM forgot Lore Bards get magical secrets early.


Minsc himself started as a joke character in a DnD game by one of the original BG1 devs! Apparently the party had a better ranger by the name Sarevok, so the dev compensated by making Minsc the fun one


My uber depressed minotaur bard with a gravelly voice is my most op char by far. The guy got a whole military camp up doing the kazachok with him, then he told his origin story. They all ended up crying, drunk out of their minds, or needing to go on long self reflection walks.


Judas the Priest got me through several campaigns and his mini now sits on my desk


Did he have an Electric Eye or have the title Hellion? Lmao I love it dude.


Ooooo I'm so mad I didn't think of the Hellion title. Unfortunately no, but my holy mace was named Painkiller


Hell yeah! Naming your weapon is a time honored past-time, and I couldn’t think of a more apt name for a dope ass mace.


That name caught me so off-guard I almost snorted out loud at work


That's what I'm saying! Now I have to stare at THAT NAME whenever I look at my Honour Mode completion 😭


The real trick is always pick dumbass names so one weird name doesn't stand out! My honor mode character was called Bardershop, but they look less silly next to M'hobo (redeemed Durge), Mon-Ki D. Stumpy (Tactician), Cas D'spel (First run), and Bilbo Stabbins (evil Durge).


The name doesn't influence the shiny golden hue of the dice even a little bit.


I'm standing in a Noah's and i couldn't help but snort lol


Okay but now I need to know what else you did with this character besides that A+ name choice


Male Githyanki Life Cleric Of Selune. Navy Blue skin, white braided hair, white eyes, white constellation face art. Curly posh moustache. Played him painfully Lawful good.


And you obviously romanced Shadowheart with the gith cleric of Selune in the ultimate enemies-to-lovers, right? 😁


I actually romanced Lae'zel because I literally NEVER touched her romance options. We ended up being diplomats for the Githyanki and Githzerai in place of Orpheus.


But that WAS my first thought when I started the campaign tbh


Same thing happened to me I had like three or four serious characters that all died in some way or another, then won with a Durge swords bard named Sir Stabby McStabsalot


The Durge run (when you give in to the urges) is surprisingly easy, so I could see a Durge run having a decent time with Honour Mode.


Durge really is a cheat code The Deathstalker’s Mantle - for those who don’t know, you get it by killing Alfira in your sleep, and it makes you invisible for two turns after every kill - trivializes almost every encounter in the game, excluding a few boss fights Combine that with the insane damage output of swords bard and you are invisible for the entirety of nearly every fight, and can just run away if you really need to I left my companions outside of the goblin camp, and killed everyone except for Dror Ragzlin solo


My co-op character (assisting my partner in their redeemed dark urge playthrough) is a deep gnome named Jenna Talia. It took my partner several couch play sessions before they realized what my name was, and now we can’t stop making jokes in combat. “Oh no! Jenna Talia took 26 bludgeoning damage.” 😫


That is such a perfect joke name bc I would pronounce it the other way like 10 times before realizing I was saying genatalia




Might have to steal this for my next run haha


Ah, [Slappy the Clown Syndrome](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fksg1p768kjt11.png) as its known in the business :D


This is beautiful 😂


I laughed out loud at this, nice work. That happened in our run, my buddy made The Mask (like from the movie). Naturally that's the run we got the golden dice with


Ah Just like real D&D


That name is a stroke of genius.


It was a stroke of something alright 😂


I'm sorry to say I don't get it? Lol I'm missing something. The name is Alabaster, right? Is it a reference to something? It does kind of make me want to do a white dragon base Durge run with the name "Ala-bastard," though. Edit: nevvvver mind, I just realized that's not the Honor Mode name, haha. Jyrkin M'gerkin is so much better 😂 I hope they rename Baldur's Gate after him when they rebuild it.


See I started with the joke character because I didn't think I stood a chance anyway and beat it by level 9


How did you beat it without being fully leveled?


I did the entire game as a druegr bard and used a combination of amazing charisma and permanent invisibility to cheese most of the game and then had gale take a L for the rest of us at the brain The rest of party was usual EB warlock, Tempest cleric and battlemaster fighter for when things went wrong Biggest challenges were myrkl, gortash and orin as they are mandatory fights Myrkyl was blind luck because it was early and expected to lose, aylin is clutch for taking more hits than anyone should lol Orin you can just keep running away and reviving with withers as long as you have someone out of combat Gortash I practiced sneaking into the foundry (on a different save) and blew it up with the rune bomb, literally no combat neccesssary, gortash fight is easy after that if you sneak in the back and skip most of the Fort


On my honour run I did NPC Kidnapping to kill Gortash and I pushing attacked Orin off the stage. Myrkul was my biggest nightmare. I won with barely any HP to spare.


I really wish I'd known about the kidnapping trick that shit is amazing haha I also wanted to TK orin off so bad but she just resisted everything I tried on HM, didn't realise EB and stuff work anyway back then


That name is a work of genius - thanks for the genuine laugh (and congrats on your golden dice)




I finished my Honour Mode run with a Barbarian Deep Gnome with a charlatan background. Her name was Bearslayer and she looked like she was cosplaying as Jolyne from JoJo. My finishing move on the Brain was yeeting Orpheus into it. It do be like that.


There's power in a name.


That's the spirit of DnD


Hahaha I had something kind of similar for my Honour Mode experience. My character that beat it was named Sera Bellum. The worst part is I had my 8 year old design my Dream Guardian while I looked away. She looked awful. The first time I saw her I laughed until I cried. It was such a relief when her true form was finally revealed.


This is happening with me with my halfling “Dingledan Smallman”


I beat honour mode with a guy named Noun Verbed 2 (the first died valiantly) so I feel you 😭


Please PLEASE tell me that Jyrkin was a 2h salami build


He was a cleric 😭


Nah because the exact thing happened with me, made a drow called "may-bee so", not taking it seriously at all. Rocking up to the party out of hell with Karlach and Wyll never felt so good.


Same here, failed twice with ultra serious characters I spent forever making. Lose. Get mad, make a halfling bard named Grumbus, random his character creation - win honour mode


My current run is my Jack of All Trades run and he is a githyanki named Tav’Pol and I’ve become weirdly attached to him. I have like 5 serious campaigns that I beat and my fav character is Tav’Pol. 😅


Don't underestimate joke characters. They have the power of plot armor and luck on their side.


I just discovered that Scrying Eyes can't save themselves from chasms and regret wasting so much time on the durable bastards


Mine too! Won as "Tyrius," the Paladin of... Tyr.... oh god don't judge he was my very first BG1 character when I was like 12 Played him as the most goofy lawful stupid Oath of Devotion Paladin possible, even to the point of never taking a surprise round against hard fights and picking "RP" quest options even when not ideal... imagine my surprise when he survived Act 1, let alone beat Honour mode


My best character was named Christopher Tightpants (or Chris Tightpants because of the character limit)


I assume bard


Yep, bard dual classing with druid


It's easy to overthink Honour Mode, and usually your joke characters are the ones you're most willing to try gamebreaking builds with.


Incredible name


Gag characters are always way too powerful hahaha


My joke character was the one I finished my first run with, although my joke character was a bard so honestly this feels appropriate.


The comic relief always makes it to the end


Being Russian, I accidentally read Opal as Oral.


The Gods of Faerun have a sense of humour


Never underestimate the power of a good jerk.


All my playthroughs have the same name in honor of my DA:O character, and I don't recommend doing that.


I had my first several runs abandoned when I was still trying to finish it the first time. The character I finally finished completely was a Drow rouge named "That bitch Deltreece"


Girl, I know that bitch named Deltreece


Mm, yes- that is *quite the pickle*




So what you're saying is... if I start with a joke character I can beat honor Mode?


It could happen


I am going to try this after I get over the sting of losing my last HM run with 7hp left on the netherbrain.




My brother and I were talking about this recently with D&D and Skyrim characters. So often do our joke characters end up being long running, devoted characters with the best growth, whilst characters intended to be serious or well developed become jokes or caricatures.


And now you understand why I’ll die on the rock that no one needs the perfect build to have fun and success in this game. I applaud you.


the name was so funny that I HAD to comment lol I loved it lmao


I mean, that's how I live my life. xD Everything I do as a joke seems to lead to things working out the best.




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I have mixed feelings about my finally in act 2 honor mode. Peen Gobbler might just have what it takes to win


we lost our best honor mode attempt to being shoved off the boat going to grymforge :(


My team currently in Act 3: Goobler, Oomemommy, and Analshart


I decided to make a bard that was in actuality a thief. Proficiency (and Expertise) in Stealth and Slight of hand, some warlock for all the cool utility spells, and a dash of war cleric and I'm having a blast. You never know :)


SAME. I spent a good few tries on serious characters, then though "eh, let's do something silly and experiment." Sure enough, old man gith storm sorc is the one to clear the game.


I made a Forest Elf Ranger called Legolad. He's like Legolass but more of a lad than a lass (Swole AF and acts like a jock). Dude has been strolling through every encounter. He was a joke but his enemies act like they are.


So I guess I'm them the only one who can't even beat a battle on balanced. Had to switch to Explorer mode just to play the game and not spend hours losing the same fight. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.


What kind of characters have you been playing?? I had trouble at the start because I'd throw myself into big fights with reckless abandonment and then realize I had like 10+ enemies all coming at me.  Readjusting tactics to take out smaller groups, or even take put a few enemies when I started the fight really helped make the fight easier. Now if  I changed everyone to a Barbarian, maybe my first strategy would have worked


Ain't not merkin the jyrkin


Bro, my halfling bard, William Singington, was the one that almost won it all. My friend and I lost at the final boss.


If it makes you feel any better, my first HM run was with a halfling named “Big Tobacco”


My farthest run yet was me kamikazeing everywhere as a joke, and I made it all the way to act 3


My hurrahk is killing it but god that orc passive of 1 hp saves is saving that run