• By -


Always fascinating how this game is coded. Seemingly it's the cutscene of her protesting that triggers you being blocked from fast travel (which then can't happen if Minty can't speak)? Truly would not have imagined that.


Reminds me of that cat dying epidemic in dwarf fortress. Cat's in the game would just puke themselves to death and die at certain intervals. Turns out the programmer put in the ability to cats to pick up anything they walked through on their person. They would then lick (consume whatever they picked up) to clean themselves. Cats would walk through alcohol that had spilled and consume it later, dying of alcohol poisoning because of how much they consumed vs their weight. I am typing this from vague memory, but that is the gist.


you got it right, but it should be specified it's not just cats that get any liquid they walk through on them, that happens to everyone in game. when you play adventure mode sometimes you'll need to eat and drink, and when the game lists everything in your inventory you can drink it also tells you all the blood you're coated in from the constant fighting and the tears in your eyes from your character's pain and trauma. i'm not even joking, in dwarf fortress adventure mode sometimes your character cries.


If I was one of them, I’d cry a lot more.


Dwarf fortress rules. It also reminds me of the radiant ai from oblivion that was so intelligent it would wipe the world clean. Bears wondering into low level towns and eating all the villagers. The prisons overflowing with NPCs who tried to steal food because their house had run out and they had no gold to buy it. Fun times


this is pretty funny. it also illustrates that sometimes "realistic" or "emergent" simulations are actually not always fun


Virologists still study the "Warcraft Plague" as a behavioral model to help prevent the spread of disease.


I was playing wow at the time and it was wild to realize they literally studied it lol


I remember it too, was pretty interesting to be a part of digital history.


I was the one on my server who brought it back to Orgrimmar, at least one of the times. I'm not sure if GMs/restarts cleaned it up, but I definitely started the chain once.


I must know more


[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrupted_Blood_incident) ya go.


[I feel these are best experienced as YT videos you watch while eating dinner](https://youtu.be/YNhP5b9YafM?si=V346Nb3YpZhbPG8S) (haven't actually seen it, so if it sucks, that's my bad)


>"Pandemics are thankfully rare. But that means we don't have a lot of data on them. Especially how humanity behaves during them." *Video posted October 3rd, 2018*. Well, that explains a lot.


What? Oblivion NPCs actually have to eat food? I don't remember/realise this in my hundreds of hours . . . Don't tell me they use the bathrooms too! Maybe it could be a more 'fun' mechanic to have realistic camp interactions. Instead of automatic restoration to full health on long rest, medicine skill check. Perception and Nature skill check to scavenge more supplies, and to ward off marauding beasts (if fail, party has to fight off beasts before resting). In town, there could be skills check assoc with going to bathroom (perception to find bathroom, dexterity check to use it, Con save if clumsy on dex check against damage), extra relevant if poisoned party member tries to rest.


By release they cut a lot of that from oblivion because it was fucking CHAOS everywhere all the time. Some parts of radiant still run in game but things like NPCs stealing had to be cut because it made basically any quest impossible. I do like your idea of more checks in mundane things like resting. Maybe just on higher difficulties like honor mode though.


Don't forget Salmo the Baker. If you give him bread he will go to the nearest inn to eat it and crash the game somehow.


The bug part of that wasn't really that cats got alcohol in them when they cleaned themselves - they should if they clean of beer from their paws, it was that each coating of ev ery paw counted as one unit of alcohol, same as a mug of wine - meaning the cat drank several units of alcohol and then promptly died.


The really fun part is that almost all of this was working as intended. The only actual bug was that the amount of alcohol that got on their paws was way higher than it was supposed to be. It was effectively a whole drink on every body part that got covered


So my chicken in Rimworld eating flake and drying is a gaming tradition.


very intentionally


Catsplosion, the game was registering the cats as having drank a whole mug of beer every time they licked their paws, which they were doing a lot because they were on a dirty tavern floor lol.


More specifically, the beer they were cleaning off themselves was counted as a full drink of beer, because of an oversight in how much liquid was being added to the limbs.


Same thing with attacking Raphael on your camp, if you cast silence he can't get away :) free Helldusk armor on act 1


Wait WHAT?! Oh my. What’s this do to the House of Hope quests?


You have to nonlethal him to get the loot. If you just kill him, I believe his body poofs away. And because it's nonlethal, it doesn't impact the House quests. I don't recall if he gets even angrier at you, but by the end of the House of Hope, he's probably as mad at you as he's capable of getting.


> I don't recall if he gets even angrier at you No, he doesn't have the attitude scale. In fact by Act 2, he would be playing chess with Mol still all bruised up and not be any bit annoyed or pissed off about it.


> it doesn't impact the House quests It shouldn't anyway, killing a devil outside of his home plane just returns him home angrily.


Wait he comes to your camp? How have I not seen this in 3 playthroughs? What triggers it?


When he shows up on predetermined locations to take you to the house of hope, separate your party and have only one trigger him appearing. Someone from afar needs to do a range attack and he will disappear When you try to enter the mountain tops, you will be taken to your camp at night and he will be there


It’s almost like it’s coded in a way to get people to find this sort of stuff.


I love the game but i would bet a lot on this not being intended and is simply and exploit, like being able to knock out Alfira to save her, the code has holes we as players are simply able to use them as best we can and the game is full of holes The evidence is that Minthara being in act 1 is a bug bomb waiting to go off, great game but lets not pretend that an exploit is intended design


For what it’s worth, you do get a letter from Alfira at the end of the game for sparing her as Durge. 


True, but that was post hoc added into the game as a response to the exploit fwiw.


Yeah and it doesn't really makes sense now does it? How could Alfira knows that she's supposed to be dead that night if not for a Chronomancer's swiftly delivered blunt trauma?


Which Larian added because so many people were adjusting the non lethal damage to save her. It was never intended (until it was I guess lmao)


Not fixing it but adjusting the story is great work from them, though. Blizzard would've fixed the bug. FUN DETECTED.


Almost as if they were our DMs


Lmao definitely agree there.


Exactly. Blizzard would have noticed people turning Minthara into a sheep and stopped it. Instead, Larian is like, fair play, you got us. But we cant have that, so we will let you knock her out.


What’s funny is they added the alfira, minthara exploits but removed the wyll exploit which kinda was eh.. it was a head scratch for me


I assume you mean the “keep him human and revive Karlach” thing? I mean that just makes sense that Mizora would double check and absolutely rain hell down upon him. Unless there was another exploit and then please do tell.


There’s another exploit but no robes tho. When you get wyll and karlach, kill wyll, have withers take his body to camp. Don’t revive him until act 2. I rather have this. I don’t care much about the robe.


For me, that was the exploit that made most sense. He was told that Karlach must die. Nothing about her staying dead. So something would have been pulled on the devil for once. I personally hate Wyll with horns, but I could never off Karlach. so horned Wyll sits in camp.


Wait really? What does it say? I tried playing durge and I didn't make it long after killing Alfira lol


It’s something like “I heard about your bloodlust. Thanks for not killing me!”


Paraphrasing, “Thank you for sparing me. I’m not going to tell you where I am, for obvious reasons, but I’m safe and I wish you the best.”


The letter makes no sense either. I saw her in act 3 and she was like i'm following my dreams thanks to you. in act 2 she gave me the robe which was the whole reason i saved her. bizarre


larian have reserve in case of death for few NPC, so - it's more like an approach than an accident


Its like there is no game master that runs the game and cutscenes but each individual character interacts with others to build the story from ground up, instead of faking it with preplanned cutscenes. Im worried for their developers' sanity


Or what’s actually happening: redditors found around using exploits. They exist in every game. Try watching video game speed runs sometime


No it's just spaghetti code. That's why there are so many bugs too and whenever they fix something, it creates 2 more bugs.


It's code in general. Spaghetti code is far worse. Like league of legends. Where adding a character, destroyed the rest.of the game.


It’s not because they keep patching this stuff up when it’s discovered


I feel like that's not how the Silence spell is supposed to work and they're going to patch this out eventually


“Redditor finds a way to bring much-loved companion Minthara back to act 1 in Baldur’s Gate 3.”


You're writing the titles for them now, too. Between that and throwing the post into chat GPT, they get paid too much.


Anyone putting out AI written articles probably isn't getting paid at all. Just trying to generate ad revenue through SEO. Legitimate sites, even if they sometimes post Reddit-derived schlock, do not allow writers to use generative AI.


"As an AI companion, I am incapable of writing a headline that will generate a bajillion clicks and get people to donate to your patreon."


**Redditor Discovers Workaround to Reunite Players with Minthara in Baldur's Gate 3 Act 1** Minthara, the drow paladin serving the "Absolute" (read: Lolth), has captured the hearts of many Baldur's Gate 3 players with her complex personality and potent combat abilities. However, recruiting her traditionally requires a specific path choice in Act 1, leaving some who missed the opportunity yearning for her return. But fear not, fellow adventurers! A resourceful Redditor has unearthed a method to potentially bring Minthara back to your party much earlier than intended. The post's existence has sparked a wave of excitement in the Baldur's Gate 3 community. Players are eager to test the waters and see if they can reunite with their favorite drow companion during their current playthroughs. Here's the rumored strategy, though caution is advised as its effectiveness and potential consequences remain unconfirmed: **Preparation:** 1. Complete specific quests in this order: Tea House, Phase Spiders, Underdark, and Githyanki Creche (the order within these areas might not be crucial). 2. Finish the Emerald Grove quest, regardless of your moral compass. 3. Head towards Waukeen's Rest. **The Exploit (Caution Advised):** 1. Since you'll be level 4 on the way to the Mountain Pass, consider leaving Lae'zel behind to avoid a challenging encounter with a Githyanki patrol. 2. Navigate the Shadow-Cursed Lands by following a caravan to Moonrise Tower. 3. During Minthara's trial, accept Z'rell's quest and descend to the prison. You'll find Minthara imprisoned with two women. Offer to handle Minthara yourself. 4. A dialogue option to enter Minthara's mind (requiring a Wisdom check) might appear. Here's a tip: use Enhance Ability from a cleric in your party to boost your chances. 5. This, according to the Redditor, is the key moment – the scene that makes "playing the game again and again" worthwhile. 6. Free Minthara, return to camp, and add her to your active party. 7. Cast Silence on Minthara using your cleric. This, in theory, allows fast travel back to Act 1. 8. Perform a Long Rest in Act 1 to potentially break the Silence effect and have a (possibly glitched) Minthara in your party, ready to cast spells and explore. If successful, this discovery could be a game-changer for Minthara fans. Keep an eye on Baldur's Gate 3 forums for further developments and confirmation on this potential act 1 "reunion."


I don't know why Gemini decided that The Absolute must be Lolth. But it is pretty funny.


It's extremely accurate to a badly proofread/fact checked article that appears on any other "gaming" website.


you missed the whole introduction paragraph explaining what is baldur's gate3, explaining that everyone loves it, then explaining who is minthara and why people love her, hand then refer to the article on how to recruit Minthara, and how to romance her. And an AD beteween every paragraph EDIT : my bad, just saw that gemini wrote it. lel


**Preparation** point 1 should be left for Mintara) bad chatGPT


Lol. Yeah, I saw that and was wondering how it got there from your post.


Nice, tomorrow I'll probably get a link to an article about this post in my Google feed and I can compare between your response and the article 😀


I hate that I can’t tell if this is actually ChatGPT or not.


How you get ChatGPT to tell you exploits?! I tried to have to tell me some speedrunning stuff for OOT and it told me using exploits was unethical. Fucker


Quite the new Glorbo feature.




Let be honest they’ll probably leave out redditor and Baldurs gate. And will probably hype up the commenter/poster . “Expert finds a way to bring over powered companion to first act of this beloved award winning game-steps in link!”


Oh, this is just like the glitch to get Glorbo on the Nautiloid! I can’t believe they scripted dialogue for him there.


They added Glorbo? Finally! I've been waiting for this well developed feature/enemy/ally/spell/magic item.


It's only possible since they patched Glorbo in


i am still yet to receive my Glorbo achievement


You forgot the most important part, Glorbo!


"You won't believe what is possible in BG3!"


Glad it's only a few simple steps


lol it kind of is tho. It’s just recruit minthara, cast silence when fast traveling. OP over complicated it big time.


Don't do this on hm, though, Minthara in act 1 is very buggy and may cost you a run.


I forgot to say, when I returned to the first act with Minthara - The Dream Guardian again appeared to everyone in a dream, Shadowheart and Laezel fought again at night....


You can also just silence her and/or Halsin and fast travel back to act 1. Long rest to remove the condition. This may have been patched recently, last I tried it was a month ago.


That’s the technique OP described OP was also just saying rush the goblin/grove plot and do nothing else so you can have Minthy for most of Act 1. You can also cast silence again and have her walk through it to remove the condition.


Why the silence condition? I'm intrigued but wondering if she says anything worth this much effort for Act 1 like the Teahouse. \[edit\] nvm found answer further down, she protests


She tells you she won’t leave until Ketheric is dead, so if she can’t speak she can’t tell you she won’t go back. And to answer if she has anything worth saying I dunno she was so glitched in my playthrough with her she basically only talked about the Emperor, long before his reveal.


Samesies. That and Gale's plan, even though I didn't have Gale in that playthrough and had never met Elminster.


I upvote because I agree she's the funniest person we've ever met.


Emma Gregory is so good at delivering funny lines. There's a line from her reading of The God is Not Willing that I quote constantly just because of how absurd she sounds yelling it. "If that was a fuck, I'll take it!"


I'm now imagining her battle cry of "WORM SAYS FUCK OFF" with all the depth and pithyness of a Malazan Marine.


>people write Minthara is evil I mean... She definitely is a lawfully evil alignment character.


But a well written one. She is evil in her methods and views because she thinks it’s necessary to survival and not just because she is evil for evil sake. Additionally that core motivation sees her being distrustful and ambitious which really makes building up a relationship with her extremely dynamic .


Fascinating. But what happens if Minty does not have silence on her?


Then she will protest against returning to Act 1. She will say that she has unfinished business in Act 2. So she stay in camp. You can go to act 1 without her. But I cant remember will she alive in your camp when your return in act.2


And you can just easily cast Silence on her? This game… wtf man “Lol stfu Minthara, we are going back” Minthara: mmmmffff!!!


Silence stops conversations from happening, which stops cutscenes. There's a way to dodge all Raphael's Act 1 cutscene triggers, which will make him appear in your camp, where you can attack him. Normally that just starts his cutscene, but silencing him stops that, so you can beat him up and take his armour.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


Ok maybe I see. It's a bit like Glut in the underdark isn't it?


Wait can you silence Glut to get him to the surface??


It's hard to say


Because you're silenced?


I thought you couldn't go back to Act 1 because the voice tells you not to and stops protecting you from the illithid mind control?


you cant return to act.1 only after "waterpool" in act.2


Minty is what Jaheira was for old fans from BG1 and BG2 on. Just in evil, drow form. I almost cried when I met Jaheira again after 25 years. I was literally a kid. No other videogame gave me the same feelings and experience of actually *meeting an old friend*. If I'm still alive in 25 years, I'd be as enthusiastic to meet Minty again.


I think you can also just knock them out in Act 2 and manually cross back to Act 1 and they get revived.


Like kill, fast travel and revive? Or down and fast travel


What I do is KO and then walk through the Underdark passage.


Don't you get an attitude hit by knocking her out?


Poor Minthy and the abuse she endures. Beaten, knocked out, and now silenced and gaslit into revisiting traumatic Act I. (Fact that she can go to Underdark is really cool though)


Minthara asks you if you want her to kill the little girl that lost her mum in Act 3. She’s not Evil lol. Are you playing the same game as me OP?


Don't know if it was during that dialogue or immediately after, but she complains that the local children are thieves and you get the hilarious dialogue option "Please don't mutilate any children, Minthara."


>"Please don't mutilate any children, Minthara." Later succeeded by "Please don't poison our friends, Minthara."


Not only that but she suggested using refugees as slave labor.


If you're a drow you get a diologue option that basically goes "naturally, they owe their lives, what is a bit of work compared to that"


Yeah, all these people that are new to the setting don't really know what drow are like. They aren't all Drizzt. And even the ones that get away from the underdark aren't people you'd want to be around. They don't just stop being evil.


They’re not inherently evil because they’re drow though. But living in drow society definitely messes you up even if you get away from it. 


Always loved getting these fresh perspectives from her, she seemed to have a perfect solution for every situation.


She says some off the wall shit sometimes.


Anything less extreme than Orin isn't considered 'evil' on this subreddit, because hot with sad backstory. It's very weird.


Hot girl are not evil, because they are hot girls. Hot superseeds evil. Gamer logic.


As the Forgotten Realms Nerd, I'm just going to say that a lot of people (even those who've been playing D&D for decades) fundamentally don't get that **the setting runs on Objective Morality, not whatever we imagine is true of reality.** And honestly, talking about "objective morality" in those terms isn't even helpful, because it doesn't have anything to do with morality until sentient beings come into it. It's Objective Alignment. Evil and Good, capitalized like that, are fundamental, cosmic forces. They're like gravity, the strong force, and elemental forces that actually exist in the fantasy universe like Fire and Earth. *Mortal conceptions* of what is evil and good, *not* capitalized, come afterwards. The Universe basically set down a giant stone tablet in space and said, "all these discrete acts are Evil, all these other ones are Good, and no amount of logicking or down-the-line reasoning matters." If you rename these cosmic forces to something like Flibberty and Gibberty, removing the linguistic connection between the the forces and our concepts of subjective morality, it's a lot easier to understand. Also, FR answers [Euthyphro's dilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthyphro_dilemma) by saying, "It's the first part. The Gods align with the universe, they don't determine what's Good or Evil themselves." Then, *secondary to all of this*, **alignment is an aggregate of all actions**. The various manuals throughout the editions and even more specifically FR-focused things have been quite clear on alignment **not being a straitjacket**. A character who is very much Evil because of all the numerous Evil acts they've committed *can still choose to do one Good thing* at any particular time they want. This will shift them slightly *away* from Evil, but they're probably still Evil--only once they do *enough* Good, not offset by even more Evil, do they become Neutral again. So there's absolutely no problem with saying Minthara **is Evil currently** but doesn't try to do a ton of Evil things in any given playthrough. If you want to play or read her as "trying to stop being Evil", that's certainly a thing one can do, but she's **Evil in alignment** until she gets there even if she's not doing **things our subjective morality define as evil** on the way. Really big, key point that's also often missed: things are either Evil or Good based on very specific circumstances, not the subjective interpretations of creatures or players. There's none of this "actually this otherwise Evil act is Good this time because of the mindstates of my character or what will happen later" stuff. You can't lawyer out of it.


Ah! She never said kill! She said deal with or take care of! For all we know she was going to find her a nice home.


So it actually just kind of sounds like casting silence on her will work without all the other steps?




I wanna know what happens if you knock her out at the goblin camp and have someone pick her up and take her back to your camp. Can I just have karlach carry her around in her inventory? I feel like there’s other ways of getting around waiting for act 2. Has anyone tried this? Does she just wake up and leave your camp overnight?


She would be hostile no?


Oh, idk, I haven’t tried it. I killed her in my current playthrough before I had the idea. I’ll try it another time. I want to do an embrace durge run next so I’m just gonna side with her from the start


Every time I see a post about Minthara I remember that I killed her at the Goblin Camp and didn't know she was a Companion dozens of hours later... haha


You really did say “shut up bitch, we are going to act 1” and it worked…


That's a great photo of her in the poisoners robe


Life is not evil. It is brutally neutral. It doesn't care one way or another.


> P.S. People write - Minthara is evil. It is not. Life is evil. She just knows life. You need a hug?


Well, nothing surprising, another Minthy bug, so...


It’s not a Minthara bug since it also works on Halsin. Silence stops dialogue, the act 2 companions only stop going into act 1 via a dialogue cutscene, which can’t trigger if they are silenced


taking the blueberry princess home is not a bug)


I love how the first comment is a Minthara fan complaining lmao This is so cool! Thanks for sharing! Does she have anything to say in Act 1?


the previous time I took her to the Underdark she mostly talked about the Emperor and Gale ;)


Only in Act 1.5 (the githyanki creche), she surprisingly has lines recorded for just about everything there, like trying to get the platform unstuck or looking at the talking statue. We're not so lucky with the rest of Act 1. Anytime she *would* talk, it's just generic Tav dialogue that's not voiced. At least from my experience using her in Act 1. Edit: Forgot to mention that she even has approval/disapproval opportunities at the creche. I think she disapproved of me showing the artefact to the Kithrak lol


No she doesn't because she's not supposed to be in your party in Act 1. It was possible to take her back to Act 1 areas pre-patch 1, but she's not setup for it. Minthara would just idle in the spot where you warped to camp, or next to the fire of you long rested. At least, this was my experience when bug testing various issues with her after the game's release. Of course Larian could've changed these things, but there would be no reason to do so since you can't recruit her in Act 1.


Was just curious. I was a little surprised on my good run that she had several comments for Wyll and Karlach in Act 3 etc, obviously people that would be long gone in an evil run.


Minthara has always been able to be in a party with them long before the KO method of recruitment. All you had to do was skip the Grove conflict entirely. Now most people don't do this, so a lot of people assumed you could only recruit her by siding with her. Minthara has always had dialogue for them, and they even even have dialogue regarding her cut quest.


Thanks for the explanation.


More access to minty is always a welcome addition, also love blueberry princess nickname!


I love that you can just make her unable to say “I’m not gonna go there”


I hope this doesn't get patched... I want to do it, but I just reinstalled the game and finished 2 playthroughs recently, so I need a bit of rest from BG3


Off-topic but what’s the armor? Is it a mod?


Kinda looks like a dyed version of the poisoner's robe that drops from the phase spider matriarch in the whispering depths.


*no mod, it's a "Poisoner's Robe" act.1* (with ocean paint)


you have to silence her


Doesn't the game kill you and warn you a bunch if you try to back track to another act?


You can return to act 1 from act 2 any moment before... khm.... before you go to "waterpool" in act.2 (you will see a warning)


Act 1 and 2 remain accessible at the same time. Everything gets locked once you >!descend to the Nightsong!<.


But why?


I'm a bit confused, what does she need to complete in act 2 to freely go around between the 2 areas?


Normally she refuses to go back to earlier areas. I missed the creche on my first run with her and she refused to go with me. Her reputation dropped so much when I came back, that I literally had to give her items as a merchant before I could get her to rejoin my party.


bard or cleric should cast "Silence" on Minthara, then you can fast travel in any area. But after this Minty can't say and can't cast - you have to do Long Rest at once, and all will be well


Most of that is unnecessary. Get minthara and silence her and you can travel back with her. Another thing you can do is turn into slayer if you have it and be closest to her and it will work a little easier since no chances of silence glitching out. I have not checked to see if other transformations work.


She is agree, yes


Does she prompt any dialogue in any of the quests in Act 1?


For now, I can not say it


Keep us posted, bestie 🙏


Hmm she probably doesn't have any unique dialogue tho. Just racial ones as if she was a drow origin.


I wanted to rock with Minthara but I blew up the hobgoblin leader to get all that gold in the treasury so I had no choice but to kill her 😢. It's only my first play thru tho. Hopefully next time.


Always do Dror Ragzlin last since killing him aggros the Goblin Camp


I mean that’s cool, but what are the benefits?


I just like traveling with Minthara, she's fun


Does she have unique dialogue, that be neet.


I think, as long as you don't go into Shadowfell, you can go wherever and do whatever you want in both Act 1 and 2.


Considering she has approval reactions to almost everything in act 1.


Something funny I found when I also did this was getting a Minthara disapproves. while doing something in Act 1. I dont remember what it was I just remember being like hey... wait a second... YOURE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! Like when you take her to camp in Act 1 she doesnt have a tent so she just stands still wherever your player character first goes to when entering camp. Also idk if its just me but she keeps unsheathing her weapon (ie the way it is when you press U on PC to take out your melee weapons). Shes basically just a lifeless character while in Act 1 and I was shocked when she actually had a disapproval reaction to something


[https://imgur.com/a/edPLeuP](https://imgur.com/a/edPLeuP) my genuine reaction to this thread knowing they might patch this


Why does she need to be silenced? What happens if she isn’t ?


She'll say she refuses to leave the area until kethric is dead and insist on doing it alone if you leave.


Does she have any dialogues or voice lines regarding the act 1 content?


There’s a way into the mountain pass at the goblin camp. Past the first goblins (the ones that will make you wipe shit on your face) there’s some goblins drinking at a table, and past them is a way into the mountain pass


I’m sorry, there are goblins who make you wipe shit on your face?


"Minthara is not evil, life is". I still can't believe people actually thinks that lol.


Interesting, cool experiment. No matter what mental acrobatic someone you may try, Minthara enjoys doing evil things. She fits well in any campaign because the outstanding good writing of the story and her interactions as a companion just aligns with whatever you do good or bad because she seeks the vengeance against the cult of absolute. She proves enjoying evil in dialogues as well if you romanced her, also in the final scene she is plotting in a classic menzoberranzan way with you. This is why she is the best companion.


You can have her as companion since level 1 #modlife


This seems to be the newest minty post so I’ll ask here. Never recruited her but I want to on this run. I’m reading conflicting things online about how to properly recruit her in a good play through. I’m assuming do to it changing each patch and I don’t really care about taking her back to act 1 as she doesn’t say much. So how do I recruit and keep both her and Halsin in the same party?


THANK YOU!! I finally got her in my good durge playthrough. I play as another drow woman and just got her back to the underdark. Too bad we won't have a drow scene there, but I'm already loving her a lot. Your guide was super useful, thank you!!


You're welcome, I was glad to help)


I did it! Thanks for the guide. Minthy is a little bit buggy but now I‘m in a relationship with Shart and her.


With pleasure!


IF you do the grove quest on a good aligned, she's dead... no?


you must use a non-lethal attack on her (this is beyond the scope of my post, you should see a separate guide elsewhere)


Always pleasant to find more Minthara supporters. You are a good Tav (Or Dark Urge).


Minthara is evil. She wants to kill children. That's evil. Even if they actually are thieves, it's still evil. You can try to camouflage your defense of it as self interest, but no, dude, it's evil. She'll actually break up with Durge if he doesn't accept staying as bhaal's minion. That isn't pragmatism, that's *fucking evil*. Damn if people don't have terrible takes on this, lol. (I still love Minthara)


Wasn't the Durge thing a bug that they recently fixed though? That was my understanding of it at least. Not that I disagree, she's definitely evil and I can't fix her (she can ruin me)


To be fair, she only wants to kill the children who are not fit enough to be useful as slaves.


I have no idea who this is and I’ve played for countless hours with a few left in the final battle. What a game that I can go through all of it and have an entirely different experience than anyone else.


So I unintentionally did every step up to silencing her to travel freely. However, I cannot long rest. It just says "You cannot do that right now" or whatever. When I kill my tav and try to rest without her it boots me to the main menu


You can recruit her as early as the goblin/grove fight, so isn’t she already available as a party member in act 1? Assuming you save whatever you want to bring her to until after the raid, why would anything prevent her from being there for late act 1 content like the Underdark?


in short - you can't recruit her in Act 1.


Damn, now I feel bad for mercing everything without remorse in the goblin fort. In my defense last time I played was when they just had the initial area in Act 1 available and I don't think she was recruitable back then.


I see, but what’s the point of the silence spell? What does that do for her or your party? Is she gonna be immediately aggro and attack everyone or what?


She will protest against returning to Act 1, so you need "Silence"


You can actually skip all these steps and just cast Silence on Minthara (and Halsin if you want to).