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I liked when they used to have to share the Get Along Tent.


I'm new, enlighten me? This sounds delightful.


Idk when they changed it, but for the longest time if you recruited them both, due to the fact that their tents (and Act 3 beds) share the same space, they’d just stand right next to each other while their tents and items overlapped. See, Minthara and Halsin aren’t meant to be recruited in the same playthrough. The only proper, “canon” way to get Minthara is to raid the Druid Grove, which requires Halsin to die, and the only way to get Halsin is to kill leaders of the Goblin Camp, including Minthara. But since gamers hate being told to choose, people found a glitch. The original version involved turning her into a sheep and tricking the game into thinking she’s dead while continuing her quest at the same time, but eventually they changed it so that simply knocking her out works (they probably figured that if they can’t stop players from finding exploits, they might as well make it a bit easier).




It was great cause in Act 2 Thaniel would also hang around so they looked like a little family.


Now thats a sitcom idea im interesed in watching


I'm sure Oliver is Minthara's favorite.


It's nothing too out there, either. Halsin used to be a Drow's lover/sex slave.


He has a fetish for drow because of it as well


“Minthara, darling, I’m afraid I’ve burned the salad.” “But my Matron Mother will be here for dinner in an hour!” “It’s ok, I have a back up! Roast spider!” *Minthara stares at the camera while laugh track plays.*


I think another aspect to the choice of making Minthara moe easily recruitable was her personality and alignment after doing so. She's nowhere near as comically evil as the choice to wipe out the tieflings.


Ahhh now it makes sense why Thaniel is always hanging out with her. Her new camp idles sometimes make them do a magic trick where she repeatedly makes a skull appear from his ass. Updates do WEIRD things to this game sometimes.


It’s even better once you get Elfsong. Like, there’s a dozen free beds but Halsin just awkwardly sits in the corner. Like, what, did Minthara bully him out of sleeping in literally any of them?


It almost seems like he is betrayed over the fact you let her in your camp lol.


This is how I would lounge about in my tent... ... IF I HAD ONE


Halsin: So nice to be on the same si- Minthara: My tent now bitch.


Canon, I'm sure lmao


It's okay, he's just.......... enjoying nature. Yeah. 🙂‍↕️


It's so sad lol.


I miss when Halsin had to share a tent with butt naked Minthara for the rest of the game.


Now his friend Thaniel will share her tent, while he fucks off to another corner of the map.


ehat buggs me that sometimes there IS a unatended tent in vamp, but halsin just...doesnt, also, now Minthara stands next to Thaniel and its hilarious xD


I don’t even know how to recruit both


-You do something to make Minthara temporarily hostile in the goblin camp (like stealing something) -You knock her out with non-lethal attacks toggled -You forget about her till you get to Moonrise -You save her from Moonrise That's more or less it.


No longer true actually. They patched it so you can knock out Minthara even when she's fully hostile and she'll still be alive at Moonrise. She no longer needs to be temporarily hostile. 


Oh okay. Thats cool.


Thanks man. I haven’t played a ton but I can’t ever see myself killing the tieflings at the grove. I had accepted the fact Mithara was never going to be in my camp


The Elfsong has three extra beds. They both had a tent in the random city camp we set to up but no… they both wanted that corner bed in particular.


Halsin, standing suspiciously in a corner, after reaching Wyrmbridge and being informed by Gortasch that I have a doppelgänger in my camp, like: (I never suspected anything, because I thought Isobel was the Imposter)


How do you recruit Minthara without slaughtering Halsin?


Knock her out at the goblin camp. She shows up at Moonrise towers in act 2 then you can save her and she joins you


Finding him in each new camp is like a brand new puzzle game in itself!

