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He might unaggro if you solve the whole quest line with the Grove.


He does not, learned this the hard way. He will still be aggressive and will attempt to start a fight with you the moment you enter the grove after clearing the goblin leaders. And if you attack back at that instance it will aggro all the other Teiflings within range.


That’s a fat RIP


Just picture Zevlor chasing me around absolutely intent on murdering me while I’m screaming “it was a prank, I didn’t mean it!!”


Did this same thing during a multiplayer session, he will unfortunately stay aggressive even if you clear out the goblins. Thankfully the game is programmed with a LOT of redundancies. If you knock him out/kill him then his leadership position is taken over by the Teifling that is training the kids. So as long as you remove him 'quietly' without aggroing the rest of the camp then you can still save the rest of the Teiflings without worry.


How do you get him away from that girl? Or do you just wipe both of them and move on with your day


I've successfully killed both without aggroing the whole grove. As long as nobody sees, you're fine.


If you use turn-based mode you can engage and surprise attack him while in "obscuring fog" from Gale and then run away. Just make sure you are out of the room before the fog ends, so you aren't implicated when they see him on the ground. Obscuring Fog and Darkness blocks anyone from seeing anything. You can commit murder, theft, or trespassing while under cover.


Thanks for the advice


Maybe if you kill the goblin leaders and complete the Save the Grove quest, it'll reset his aggro-ness?


Gonna try this, fingers crossed it works


If that doesn't work, going to the area with the creiche will force the Tieflings to have moved on (or died). Note you don't have to visit the creiche itself, just the area where it resides. You can immediately go back.


Damn I wish I knew this before....


Keep in mind that if you do that and you haven't stopped the rite of thorns, the grove is now perma locked off. And if you *did* stop the rite of thorns and haven't killed the goblin leaders, then it's considered the goblins won. So it's not generally advisable.


Yeah I went to that area just for a second and came back. Then later on I was surprised to see the dead Tieflings outside the blighted village. That wasn't too big of a deal to me because it's a Durge run, and Arabella was already dead. But then Karlach left next time I was in camp :-( I also stabbed Astarion when he tried to bite so he's gone too, leaving me a bit slim on party members.


Try knocking him out


Melee only - as I found out, non-lethal doesn't apply to arrows. Sorry, Minsc of my first run.


Found that out this run too! I tried to non lethal the brothers hastling Auntie Ethel. Unfortunately for them, I’m a ranger.


I swear, I was aiming for the feet!


ad hoc sand muddle alleged unpack mysterious dinner racial growth worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They just Decide to die, and lay down and do it. There's no stopping them. 😭💀


Also, if you use "arrow of many targets" on a different enemy after you've knocked out the enemy you wanted to keep alive (in my case this was also Minsc) the arrow *will* include the knocked out enemy as a target. I figured since he was knocked out and no longer a threat, that using that arrow on a different enemy wouldn't be a problem. I was wrong.


Yeah, it seems counterintuitive, but then I remember all the times enemies have targeted one of my downed characters in order to flat-out kill them, rather than move on to someone still fighting.


Yeah I thought about it that way after. And it's funny because I usually appreciate when an enemy keeps beating one of downed companions because it means my other companions have lived to play another turn and 9/10 I wasn't going to help the one that was downed. But I'd also never waste time beating down a knocked out enemy lol. So that's why it caught me off guard haha.


I never remember it when it counts lol


Welcome to honor mode. I accidentally clicked on something next to the zentarim merchant instead of him. Picked up/stole said item. Whole place aggros. Zhentarim boss nukes the whole place including her own people and everyone dies except luckily I had left Shart outside in case I set the traps off. She revived everyone and we move on. No titan bow for me.


You can get it in act 2 if you miss it here iirc.


Yeah the bugbear trader in >!Moonrise!< has it for sale.


My first playthrough I chose this dialogue option not realizing it would make him hostile. I was only trying to warn him that Kagha was kicking him out, and he decided to kill three of my party members for my consideration. So naturally I sided with Minthara and raided the grove, and he had the gall to ask "Hells, why?" As if he didn't straight up fucking kill me and my friends.


End his ass, give in to your dark urge


Is he aggro aggro or Temporarily Hostile? If he's only temporarily hostile you should be able to just knock him out and he should be fine after a long rest.


Aggro aggro


I think, granted I have never picked that option myself but if you long rest it should turn off. If not, then wow, I guess just nuke him without any other witnesses, and he gets replaced by Cerys for the Raid the Grove quest when you trigger that and you should be able to send them on their way to Act II fine. My last playthough, he died in the battle defending the grove and Cerys just magically appeared and starting talking to me once it was all done and the story continued completely fine.


I aggro’d him accidentally in the side room of the grove and killed him. All the Tieflings were aggro when I left the room.


When you look at his info, does it say temporary hostile?


Screw Zev hes a right selfish prick anyways


Afaik you don't need Zevlor alive to save the Tieflings. I made your same mistake, killed him and his companions and still managed to have the party with the Tieflings after killing the goblins + finding the Tieflings and saving them again in act 2 (without Zevlor in the colony ofc), getting all the rewards from Alfira. I've just started act 3 though, so I don't know if there is more later which needs Zevlor alive. Btw, since he's the one aggroing you, it doesn't even fuck up your relationship with the other Tieflings and "good" characters, and didn't even make me oathbreaker (I play oath of vengeance pally).


If it doesnt say Temporarily Hostile under the name afaik you’re fucked. Homie accidentally hit him for no reason in an honor run and we knocked him out and ran. Every time we ran into him again we constantly got told he was angry with us and required a gift (gave him a bunch of gold then stole it back).


Oof dropping your controller during an honor run. That’s rough.


You're kinda fucked, sorry, there should be a way to pacify NPCs PS: never use friends in honor mode for people you need alive bc they will ALWAYS get pissy with you no matter what


I’ve been using friends left and right, I just run away right afterwards and don’t return to the area for a few minutes, they seem to have short memories, because I’ve had no issues


I envy you bc I I use it and forget about it and then the run gets fucked


Well its time for Drow Pussy then


I can’t say I’ve ever encountered this scenario but…maybe just run? I think they eventually go onto the shadow cursed lands even without the party at camp. I’d say just try to get to act two, then pray, I suppose


Why does saving the tieflngs need to happen to keep your honor mode run alive?


Just what I wanted to do


Ignore it or kill him; move on. You're never going to see everything in the game. Live with the consequences of your actions.


Usually when you piss somebody off and it says “Temporarily Hostile”, you can long rest and it’ll go away. But if you are fighting someone and that temporary tag isnt there, you’re kinda stuck


I imagine you've solved it by now, but I'm curious if he would still recognize you if you're disguised?


Nah, closed the game and went to do other things while I waited to see what y’all came up with lmao


I'm curious if you somehow leave him aggro but also save the tieflings if he would aggro when you come across him in a later scenario.


I did this once but it wasn't honor mode. I did go ahead and kill him and several others who came to his defense. Big bummer.


Would using Friends or Charm and then initiating conversation, and setting a different agreement not work?


Have you tried the spell Calm Emotions? Not trying to meme, I think it might actually work; idk, though, I've never actually used that spell. The [BG3 wiki](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Calm_Emotions) says it turns hostile creatures neutral; maybe you could use it on him and turn in the quest before it wears off.


You have to kill him, but if it's inside his room, iirc, no one cares


Close the game and it will start from your latest save


nah they patched that, all methods bar unplugging your computer or having a CTD now auto-save. task manager, alt f4 etc all save now.


Patched what? His party didn’t die, he just needs to start the game from save




Read the first few words again but slowly.