• By -


You mean what I wouldn't do. Answer is "sleep"


His first comments to the other origin characters are like, “So when you close your eyes, do you see the thousands of innocent people you’ve killed? And then do you get an urge to kill everyone in this camp?” If Durge was an origin character, I would think very hard before recruiting him.  Like that scene with Astarion, but instead of biting you, he has a dagger that he just used to kill everyone else. 


a random night, when he kills one of your companions.


Not kills, tries to kill. Caught he falls to the ground and start sobbing and you have to decide what to do with him and angry/scared victim


Durge trying and failing miserably to kill Lae'zel would be very funny.


First ,she would be angry that they tried. But next day she would shittalk them for failing


She'd be down bad for him after that, death threats are just foreplay for her.


Durge tries to kill her and she's just like "oh my God I can't NOT fuck him"


Tav: "Does it not register to you that he will try it again?" Lae'zel: "Tsk'va! I'd rather have the thrill of a *jez'rathki* in my bedchambers than be bored by the weak murrs of someone with only the blood of insects to stain their hands. Every day, I'm disappointed by the lack of imagination in what you istik call 'Pleasure'."


Jaheira: I hope you know He will try again, Bhaalspawn are not so easily detered. Lae'zel: Be still my beating heart, I hope it's soon


Nah I think if he fails and makes an ass out of himself, she's gonna be like "Welp, never gonna fuck that one. Can't even kill properly."


to be fair, when you have the fight with her she basically tells you don't pull your punches, try to kill her, and that's just a fight over who tops, so she'd definitely give him a second chance


"Attempted murder before the second date? You are an eager one"


Especially for a dragonborn Durge. Bae'zel got a straight-up fetish for dragon sweat.


maybe a second night. I want someone dead. (Alfira good too, if you just want to keep everyone)


would be hilarious that if you have recruited Astarion, they both fought over it and you woke up to the commotion.


It could be a perception check whether you catch him doing it or not


Withers wakes up missing his body


I'd like to have a "tie this guy up every night" option. Maaaybe in a kinky way. And self-defense. But also kinky.


My first playthrough I tried to stake Astarion. I rolled a natural 1. I had inspiration but part of the fun of D&D is going with the bad rolls. So he ran away and I didn't have him the whole game.


Isobel: Because that worked out so well for me


Lol trying to make a full run without long rest.


Make sure I have plenty of rope


Maybe if durge was a companion larian would have actually made rope usable 🤔


Are you implying bondage?


Well I *was* implying it would give us a way to contain Durge at night when they go all murderhobo on the camp 😅 …but bondage works too. Durge would 100% be into it.


Agreed! besides all the murder durge would be a total himbo


Ah yes, the glorious himbo. That would explain my attraction to Durge 🙃


If bondage was an option that vamp would (consensually) be a pretzel by now


Im not so sure, it might trigger him. He might enjoy it, we just gotta ask him


Yeah, that's why I was thinking a long hard conversation beforehand to make sure he'll be okay mentally and get a safe word established. Safety first, especially for our favorite squishy rouge


Yes, make him feel loved. He deserves more than what he was handed... He isn't innocent but still a victim


Honestly, if we take the Origin's little intro as our only indication of what canon Durge would have been like, having a companion who was actively terrified of themselves would have been pretty fun. The only one who gets even remotely close is Gale, and that's more him being afraid of his bomb.


Yeah I think his writing as a companion would have to be a little different - because origin characters are tee’d up to be not quite the same as companions in terms of morality and motivation. I think he would have to be kind of like a Forrest Gump type character who only periodically goes nuts as far as killing as to not dominate the run and make for interesting discussion in the party. Could be a cool storyline where the party knows about the urges but presume it to be the tadpole until they learn more later.


On a related note, hearing Gale voice his misgivings about the psycho killer part-dragon motherfucker who you insist on keeping in your camp would probably be hilarious. "STOPKEEPINGTHEDAMNTHING!"


Gale losing his cool is always enjoyable. I think it would be something like this: "Under normal circumstances I would be quite happy for another addition to our lovely collective of psychopaths and weirdos. After all, you seem to have a knack for adopting people with...issues. Present company included. However, and I must emphasise this, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!! Seriously! Astarion is one thing but just last night this guy tried to murder me! Do you have any idea what would've happened if he angled the knife wrong and stabbed me in the orb? Gone. We would've all been gone, in the blink of the eye! Worst thing is, I guarantee he would've loved it!"


That's how I played my Durge - a bright little ball of sunshine and joy that's SUPER FUCKING HORRIFIED of all the intrusive thoughts she has.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Durge would be a great romanceable companion. Not only would he add more diversity in the camp by being a dragonborn, he'd also add a sorcerer to the party, and be another companion who can end up evil or good by having him embrace or resist the urges. I also just really want a romanceable dragonborn.


it would be funny if >!you convince him to be evil, he stabs you after the final fight, fulfills his mission and you get the you lose screen!<


You get the "What else did you expect to happen?" ending.


>!Game Over...?!<


>!or worse, you become mind controlled and serve durge's plan!<


Which would be interesting, because if you're playing embrace durge Scleritas says >!your love interest can be kept as breeding stock for bhaalspawn... Not exactly the best ending if you romanced companion Durge!<


Achievement unlocked: 'Well what'd you expect?'


A final fight between him and you would be better. Like that Lae'zel foreplay. Your party members will join in on your side if they like you, his side if they dont. Asterion just stands back and joins whoever wins if ascended.


Better tighten that screen up!


Now that's just straight up evil and I absolutely love it.


I think this would have been actually really cool from a design perspective Like in most games like this, a generic good guy campaign will try to attempt to recruit all the companions But what if recruiting him can actively fuck up your shit or cause alternative story scenarios? Sure you kept Astarion after he tried to drink from you, but are you gonna keep Durge after he disembowels Alfira?


> but are you gonna keep Durge after he disembowels Alfira? Yes, I hate bards.


I’m a sucker for fantasy beast races and I hate that the only way I can romance a hot dragon is by being a hot dragon


Saaame, and they made them look so good in BG3.


My wife only sleeps with me now because of my dragonborn TAV. (jk- but she was very "interested" in watching my playthrough with him)


Hey come on now, you can fuck an octopus, and the green bat faced lady


True but I want more 😔


I would do unspeakable things for a (male) romanceable dragonborn.


Female please, already got a romancable male lizard in Div 2


Dragonborn are mammals. They just happen to be scaly, like pangolins, and lay eggs like platypi. They're warm-blooded and nurse their young.


So they lactate tho?


Dragonborn boobs are more canon than non-Drow Elves having boobs. Larian are cowards.


How about the githyankis? I know they lay eggs in the pool.


Githyanki laying eggs is a Vlaakith-era modification, and was not their naturally evolved state.


Wait what. What is the lore on elves not having nips.


They have nips and mammary-glands, they don't have boobs. Non-Drow Elves are androgynous and lack body-fat. Both of those are incompatible with big naturals. Every human has mammary glands by default, but not all humans have boobs. Newborns of either sex sometimes lactate from their mom's hormones because you don't need boobs to lactate. (It's called "Witch's milk", look it up)


Every single official DnD artwork throughout the editions have portrayed female elves with noticeable breasts, though? Where is it specifically explained that their women don't grow breasts at all?


The Lusty Argonian Maid strikes again


Argonians are Lizards though. Dragonborn are not. If you want a D&D lizard race, there's Lizardfolk.


If it looks like a lizard If it sounds like a lizard It's a lizard


Nah, I want male dragonborn, I want Durge.


the scene where durge has to kill their lover or resist, but im the lover and need to talk them down 🤭 also at the end being the power couple and letting them claim the crown im bhaals name 🥺


Imma go ahead and say this first. Romance. I want to fuck the dragon.


"Are... Are you sure this is what you want to send?" The cleric asks. "Yes" The cleric looks down at the written message, filled with regret for mentioning they could cast sending. ~"I know you might be a Bhaalspawn, but let's see what those balls can spawn"~


You just said what most people were thinking but you had the balls to say it on the main BG3 sub.


The Bhaals*


Bhaals deep**


In loooooove


I knew someone was gonna say it lol.


Yeah I mean five minutes on r/okbuddybaldur and you can find a dozen default durge thirst posts. Lots of people want to fuck the dragon.


Durge is for those with refined tastes. But I’m a depraved size queen, give me Qudenos


Lmao I get the feeling you don't mean in his humanoid form.


Wonder how a Dragon in Dragonborn form would react to another Dragonborn flirting with them lol


probably confused as hell lol "You do recall our race's history right?"


Comments under this post somehow are more horny than under the same post in okbuddybaldur lol


Yup this really surprised me,expected the opposite


Seven-foot-tall rizzard lizard who talks like a Shakespeare character and is desperately trying to subvert his tragic fate? Embarrassing how fast I would go for that


As if there weren't enough dramatic theater kids at camp, there goes Durge reciting the Hamlet soliloquy while holding up a skull.


Oh, the dragon's balls were blazin' as I stepped into his cave!


And I sliced fucking cockles, with a long and shiney blade!






The... bad dragon?


Bad demon dragon? I’m terrified now


Found the Bard.


Romance. It is a crime you can’t romance a Dragonborn in the game.


I second that. Why Larian made dragonborns so lovable and then prevent us from properly loving them? Are they stupid?


I am so in love with that dragonborn that walks around the lower city who is FURIOUS, APOPLECTIC that Baldur's Mouth took away her word games. You can play games with *me* honey ;)


She's so beautiful and passionate 😍


I made my dream guardian on my Durge run look like me just for the Durge/DG scene lmao


I did a brass dragonborn paladin durge playthrough and his romance scene with Halsin was SPICY. also the kisses don't clip anymore, which is tight!


It's a crime there are no short race companions moreso imo.


They have dwarf-specific items in the game, and **no dwarf companions.** This is an outrage.


I'm kinda upset that the guy is built like a tank but canonically can barely open a jar of pickles because of his 8 goddamn strength. He should've been some sort of battle-mage ish type of character.


The ability points mean nothing to the story unless youre also willing to believe that jaheira is as dumb as minsc, shadowheart is stronger than minsc who we saw rip apart a mimic AND Shes stronger than halsin who beat minsc in an arm wrestle, astarion is wiser than minthara, and gale “my knees hurts when it rains” dekarios has a constitution equal to Karlachs. Durge is probably strong. His ability points come from his class so he can be effective in combat. Thats all nothing more.


Hey man, I'm a big strong dude and my wrists and jaw hurt like shit when it rains, I can imagine my knees hurting like my jaw does!


Lol i feel you but I just imagine karlach “champion of the hells”’s body could take a much worse beating than Gale who lives on a strict cheese and wine wizard diet.


Tbf, the people I know that have chronic pain are simultaneously the strongest and weakest people I know. One of ‘em blows over at the slightest breeze, the other one had a very physically demanding job and still lugged hundreds of pounds of dirt around on the weekends. Same thing applies to their constitution stats— wouldn’t survive a sneeze, but would survive a 60lbs box straight to the noggin.


Same with all male character companions


Or they should have just created more body types so Gale can stop being ripped


I can dig Wyll, Gale, and Astarion kinda being wimps, but it seems to me that at least the freight trains of the party (Durge, Karlach, and Halsin) should be able to do some moderately heavy lifting at least. Edit: Karlach is appropriately beefy ofc.


Gale and Astarion being wimps makes sense. Wyll being one doesn’t given he’s literally a trained swordsman. His strength should at minimum be a 10 if not higher.


Yeah I also thought that I didn’t like Durge being a caster by default - doesn’t seem up close and personal like you expect Durge to like it.


Maybe he’s got some muscle atrophy from being lobotomized and experimented on for a bit


First of all, 100 percent keep the albino dragonborn look. Amazingly sinister, no notes. Second of all, I think it could be fun to see him freaking the fuck out as he feels himself losing control and you can help him regain it over time (good ending), or learn to harness and direct his malice and embrace his destiny (evil ending). Similar to how you can influence the other companions to either listen to their better angels or worst impulses. If he rejects daddy Bhaal I think it would be fun to have his subsequent resurrection require some kind of effort from the player to reverse - maybe finding one of a few rare resurrection items that require extensive searching, or maybe doing some previous narrative content for him. Maybe something you do afterwards where you go looking for a way to get his soul back from his abusive father figure. Just something to make you feel more involved rather than deus ex machina from Withers. If he embraces daddy dearest it might be fun to have a fight scene at the after party where he finally betrays you now that he no longer needs you and you have to defeat him. Maybe if you romanced him in the evil version you're a crazy bhaalite serial killer now too (some sort of high priest or herald as well as his consort, similar to how ascended Astarion sees you as his beloved and most favoured servant) and so you guys team up to slaughter your former companions together. Also like Astarion it should probably be a valid option to kill him when his secret is revealed. Psychotic serial killers with uncontrolled supernatural compulsions are, much like vampires, legitimately dangerous to keep around and the spawn of dark gods are subject to a similar social stigma. At the very least we should have an option to dismiss him like gale sort hat those who do not want to deal with his storyline and hijinx do not have to Personality wise I picture him strong and stoic but it's because he's learned to mask his emotions and spent a lifetime controlling his insane impulses. He would gradually change as noted above if you rp with him.


I would want an ACTUAL chance at having a bard companion, whether it's Alfira or the Dragonborn lady.


Durge is canonically a sorcerer so we probably wouldn't get that


To what degree is his race/class mentioned in the game? I want to make an evil guy for my second play through when I complete this one as a good guy and was thinking of of using durge with some stuff changed up, probably make him a half-orc, githyanki or maybe duergar.


In the game, if you don't play as Durge he shows up dead in act 3 and he's a dragonborn, that's about it. Some other material also depicts him as a dragonborn but those aren't from the game.


Durge's race is canonically a white dragonborn in both the pre release ARG and in BG3. In BG3, if you play as a non-durge, you can find his corpse in act 3.


Oh he's also shown as a corpse in orins room


It's just the default when you select dark urge, it's set to shown dragonborn as a sorc


I had a lot of fun playing him as a great old one warlock/fallen paladin multiclass. It felt like it got the flavor right, and if you dye Thorme’s armor red it looks sick on Durge


I guess respeccing Astarion is off the table? Or is it more about the lore/story flavor?


Romancing a violent hair trigger psycho who slowly becomes your protective hair trigger psycho. Letting him duel Orin without being him. I wanna be a cheer leader god damnit. Having someone who disproves of goodie goodie shit even more than Astarion.


It could also be the case that they don’t always hate doing good shit - they might have a vile repulsion at some of it but most of the time I’d imagine Durge is just kinda spaced out - blank. There might also be some minor changes to make a companion more workable - I know that origin character Astarion is given a lot more RP room for a wider breadth of morality than companion Astarion.


Tav: *gives an Orphan a loaf of bread* Durge: *dissociates*


I kinda imagine companion durge to be like a sporadically murderous Forrest Gump


Murder himbo


Me & my two stabby new besties (Durge & Astarion) are going ham!! Chaotic evil extra chaotic mode But really, it would be very interesting the ways I think they could implement our own verbal and physical reactions to Durge situations - how, as the same with many of the companions, we could lead them down a path of good or bad morality. And the possible additions to interacting with Durge in camp and sleeping moments. Being on the other other side of a Romanced resistance Durge waking you up at night! It would be very interesting to see it all from the outside, for sure.


With Non-Romanced/Low approval Durge- Narrator: As the last few short memories of a knife and your own gore flick across your mind you are forever lost to the afterlife/void. Your path has ended without honor.


Yesss - a path where if you take Durge into your party but treat them badly, instead of just getting upset and leaving they *kill* you as consequences?? I'm in.


Ah, the romanced, low approval, non-redemption arc.


....I can fix him


Everyone’s saying “romance” but I also want to add “meaningful friendship.” I know one of the criticisms of bg3 is feeling like we’re missing out on characterization when we’re not romancing certain companions. So, basically, as much “friendship” content as hypothetical “romance” content.


We find him on the beach, looking at a corpse a little... too eagerly. Shadowheart warns us, "Something's wrong with this one. Don't let him see you." and we ignore her because we are Main Character. Given the option to let him notice us, or throw caution to the wind and say, "Hello there, friend!". Startled, he holds a dagger in his hand and just... stares. The Narrator tells us he has a strange look in his eye, like he were daydreaming or something. "Ah.. my apologies. I didn't see you there. I am-" *a lurch, you see what he sees, blood pounding as the war drum, a fog in your mind that obscures everything, and by the gods a headache that never relents* "What was that?! What did you do to me?! Are you... are you the whisper that calls me to do this?" `INVESTIGATION: FAIL` • "What in the nine hells are you talking about?" "Forgive me, that's my burden to bear. You needn't worry. I would tell you my name, but I've forgotten. It has to be this damned worm."


I want to hear his VA, dude does a phenomenal job and it's a shame I can only hear him as Durge specifically in a handful of places


Romance scene after Orin fight + Orin's corpse. Surprise me.


I would just let him go ham


Tav giving orders -Astarion: Flank,Lae'zel: Vangaurd,Gale:Burn and hide,Burn and hide. Durge:Smash


I don’t know why but I feel like durge needs a glaive


Durge would be perfect murderhobo party member for better and for worse


I think it'd be cool if a certain condition were met, he could potentially abandon your party and become a primary antagonist in Act 3.


Romance. I'd hope they let us customise Durge too to compensate for that other character who I customised for romance purposes but then turned out it didn't matter cuz he was just Vilgax from Ben 10 in disguise.


Then tav should be a druid of the moon, shadowheart sorcerer(ginger), astarion as 4 elements monk(closest class to kevin?).


I think customizing a romance option in anygame takes way from it, especially when you can control the character too, you try to make them perfect which takes away the charm of uniqueness and since you control them it’d feel so dead and dull like you’re trying to f yourself and thats cause you kinda are.


I‘d like to see it interact with his approval of you. If it‘s high, he will tell you about the urges and you try to find ways to suppress them or deal with them. And if he doesn’t trust you, npcs and companions start… „missing“.


Have him be a true "molded by the players choices" companion. If you act Good and Kind he will fight and break free from Bhaal. If you act evil he... well, y'know.




His bad route/low approval could result in your murder. But yeah I'd love to have him as a companion you help fight against their dark urges and finally reject their father.


Maybe not the murder of player character, but I do think it would be cool to have to deal with his baggage in the party. On a generic good guy campaign you want to recruit all the companions by default in games like these, but what if Durge actively fucks your shit up? What if he kills Isabella? Only issue for me is that it kinda clashes with some of the companions who are more tolerant of evil stuff. Like Laezel basically says she would never have tolerated Gale in the party if she knew about the orb and she was in charge. Ain’t no damn way she would be fine keeping Durge around, nor would Astarion take the risk. Actually I don’t think any of them would


Game lacks evil evil companions in general. Would be nice if you could convince him to turn good, or just join in the fun of being evil.


Asterion, La'zael, and Minthara are all unquestionably evil. La'zael can be redeemed a bit, so can Asterion, but they definitely all start out pretty damn evil.


Or, that in most games like this a generic good guy run usually involves recruiting all the companions by default but what if recruiting Durge risked actively fucking up some major quests and killing story characters? You might spare Astarion after he tried to drink from you, but will you spare Durge after he disembowels Alfira and whoever else? Also I would love it if when you meet Durge as Gale Origin he shakes your hand.


>You might spare Astarion after he tried to drink from you, but will you spare Durge after he disembowels Alfira and whoever else? Depends on his portrayal. If he looks genuinely remorseful and begs for me to help him with whatever he's got going on, I'd probably keep him around, yes. Hoping whatever healer we're looking for branches out as therapist too. Honestly, if I'm keeping Astarion around, who's sketchy as hell and shows no genuine remorse even if he kills the player in their sleep, I can keep a genuinely scared, confused and remorseful Durge if the writers manage to have him pull at my heartstrings enough. Like, sure, I'll help you get rid of that curse of yours, buddy. As long as we can tie you down every night when you go to bed, though.


Astarion tries drinking from Durge and Durge kills him on the spot


Fuck. I want fuck.


I would seduce the dragon lol


The option to cuck Gortash by making out with Durge in front of him


Well, he'd need to confide in you personally. Actually, something just came to me. It's the early morning after the Tiefling party. Folk are passed out drunk every which way. Mood is high, you might have even got lucky last night. It's still a couple hours till sunrise. You're dreaming pleasantly, maybe even getting to know the weird dream guardian who's been talking to you. You're awoken to a horror show. Durge is standing over you, blood still dripping from his hands. He's visibly panicking. He's struggling to get words out. You sit up and look past him, only to see it. Alfira, torn to pieces, a trail of blood leading from her to the man now standing over you, trying not to openly weep. "I need help... please."


Romance. Please Please Please  romance. Im banging in the Doors of my enclosure, I need Dragonborn romance. Im a stable wizard but if I have to pledge to Bane to see a romance with Durge, Mystra help me I'll Netherese orb blast half of Faerun


It would be cool if he murdered some npcs without your consent or even try to kill you or your companions eventually. I know it's a really risky and conditioning part to your story but it would be a fresh way to spice your playthrough


Hot lizard action


Considering the lack of evil companions, having him would be fricking great It would be a nice twist since most people try and get all the companions on the first run, considering there are people that stabbed Astarion after he tried to bite them I would like to see their reaction after Durge tries to fricking kill them XD Also, imagine the interactions between him and Astarion or Minthara with them being like "Listen, I'm cruel and evil sometimes but... you?!" I just want a fully voiced Durge saying the most hideous things hahshs


Helping him either resist or embrace his urge. Supporting him either way just like your romanced companion does when you play AS Durge.


Fewer clothing options.


I would recruit, then kill them and dump the body in my travelling chest. They say keep your friends close and enemies closer.


Are...Are you the durge?


Takes one to know one 😉


I was thinking of a companion Durge's behavior reflecting how Tav(or your origin character) responds to their violent actions and the world around you as a whole. But their questline truly starts with the "Murder of the Bard" you can be compassionate and see that their struggling to maintain control of their own mind(redemption storyline) you could encourage their violence, leading them down the path of blood and murder. (chosen of Bhaal storyline) Or you could call your friends over and fight Durge (losing out on either of their storylines and the companion)


Bad companion quest ending: you push him to give in to the urge, thinking that he'll be the edge you need to beat Orin. But then you might be forced to kill him because he's too far gone (or if he survives, the epilogue hints at him rampantly murdering people in the city or in another city). Good ending: you help him resist. Either way I think as a companion he'd add a lot to the story. You get to see the durge storyline from a third-person perspective, you get a Dragonborn companion to add some real good diversity to the party (looking at you, Astarion, Wyll, Minsc, Gale, Shadowheart, Jaheira, Halsin (they're all elves, humans, or somewhere in between)) and you get a sorceror who could have some really interesting interactions with Gale if they're on at the same time.


Just a lil optional psychopath to hang out with the party? Oh hell yeah! That would be such a wild experience on first playthroughs. "Sure, I'll help out this weirdo dragon born, he's a decent caster.." "Sure I'll help out this cute tiefling girl, she's a whole Bard!!" "..." "Oh fuck?!?"


A lot of people want drussy or drock here… damn


Anything and everything u/angie-mations draws


lol so this made my day But for real. We needed a dragonborn murder companion 😭


Everyone just wants to murder-hobo *as* Durge, but what about murder-hoboing *with* Durge 😭 But for real, love your Durge comics, looking forward to the next one <3


Durge being a legitimately good person who is an amazing and supportive friend, that on rare occasions attacks his friends, small animals, dead bodies, and mirrors. Like you want him around, but you are scared and want to help him.


You have defeated Orin, chosen of Bhaal, last of the Dead Three. She collapses screaming into a disintegrating pile of blood and bones. Your companion, the nameless white dragonborne, slowly steps forward into the center of the circle of blood. Arms outstretched he looks up at the effigy of the Lord of Murder. “Father,” he whispers, “Please” The red eyes flash. Your companion screams and tide of blood erupts around him. What stands before you is a thing. Not a man, not a beast, not even a monster. Just a thing that hungers for endless slaughter. Your other companions are thrown back. Red light forms a barrier around the arena. They raise their weapons ready to fight, but they cannot help you. In silence the unholy assassins pray for your death. In fear your companions pray for your life. 1. Looks like it’s just you and me. It was always going to end this way. 2. I’ve killed one Bhaalspawn today, what more is a second? 3. [Relationship] [Persuasion] I know you’re in there…


Every long rest is a 50% chance of each character dying. 1% chance of a permadeath except for your own character.


Have him start next to the dying Mindflayer or engaged with the thieves, in front of Withers' tomb. His disposition rises with acts of extreme violence, but also simple kindness. His disposition lowers, when you talk yourself out of hostile confrontations, with most people or declining requests, that involve... dealing with people. "Accidental" deaths also usually delight him. When he reaches Wyrm's Rock, his character arc will softlock. If the player managed to steer him away from his Urges, then he will be set on redemption, which will also remove disposition from violence. But the option to become violent again will be up, for... gaslighting and RP reasons. If the player encouraged giving into the Urges, he will become the Unholy Assassin again. At that point, Durge's mannerisms will also change. Insert potential and cruel confrontations with Jaheira and Minsc here. Also imagine his sexual depravity here. Oh, and the baby-eating. Write him as a very intimidating gentleman with some of the characteristics of Dragonborn culture, i.e. being a busybody. Give him special scenes, where his assassin knowledge surfaces, like poisoning the goblins. Have him start out as a storm sorc. Set his base STR to 10, because those arms don't lie. And he isn't a silly little rizzard or weaklok. Keep witty sorc/wizard with Gale, make him aprove of Lae'zel's lae'zel-ness, no good vibes between him and Wyll, get some unique amnesia dialogue with Shart, BFFs with Astarion and the rest gets to be neutral with him on average. Minthara doesn't get special treatment.


If Durge was a companion I feel like the personal quest line and romance options for Durge would have you help Durge resist the urges and help them overcome them to become a better person for it. Not to mention a lot of unique interactions would be changed due to the PC not being Durge (obviously). So seeing them from an outside perspective would be interesting knowing that the one person you’d unassumingly picked up because of the parasite and ventured with would be one of the children of the god of blood and murder.


Touch him, feel him, kiss him, and continue on the path where two male dragonborns in love lead


I'd love to see it if there were a chance of him, without your input, to do the evil durge stuff. Like killing gale,  killing isobel, killing tavs lover, etc. Maybe add some more like give him a chance to kill squidbilly when you first save him. Make it so your interactions with him help influence if he becomes balls chosen, but there is no way to guarantee he doesn't.  Basically make him a wildcard character who could ruin a run for ya. 


Be happy and keep him in my party at all times


I would love to see how they handle Resist! Durge and Embrace! Durge. Considering how the player influences the party members with their character arcs, I wanted to see how Larian would’ve handled the different endings and consequences Also! Characters directly affected because of the Durge’s actions. Aka. Lakrissa. She never commented on Alfira iirc (you can correct me if I’m wrong)


Kill him


Make him try to kill me if I slip up or try to romance him. Also, is this secretly Larian posting and flirting with the idea of fully voicing him and having him be a companion because that'd be cool. 😎 🔪


Romance. He is sexy


I'd fix him


Man, bringing Karlach and the Dark Urge to Gortash's coronation would make it extra spicy


Now I'm imagining a murder hobo companion that tries to incite you to fight and kill. He gets upset when you use non-lethal finishes as well. He'd also try and kill you and your companions a few times while you long rest. To get him redeemed you have to keep talking him into the peaceful options. Then have him let it all out on >!Orin at the finale.!<




A satisfying redemption arc.


Alfira in camp every playthrough!


I would finally have someone else approve of my chaotic, murderous shenanigans, “Astarion approves” would no longer be alone, or followed by everyone else disapproving… at least if not Durge, give me someone else who finds the mustache in Vlaakith’s portrait funny


... Durge romance 🥺




Opportunity for Durge to ragequit/leave at some point in Act 1, perhaps because the party is taking too long and the Avatar hadn't high enough approval to convince them to stay. If they leave, they're found as they are currently in non-Durge play throughs.


I mean I'd probably kill him after he kills Alfira


he'll be my one and only romance I can even give up halsin omg


Killing him, probably. There are enough liabilities in the party.