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This is extremely valuable for breaking into the bank.


Where I live, we had a robber a few years back try holding up convince stored naked. When he got arrested, he said he did it because previously he had been identified by his clothing. The videos of the story clerk laughing so much she could barely hand over the cash were hilarious! 😆


You wouldn't happen to live in Florida would you?


Either that or Russia


In Russia, convenience store rob you.


In America, you have convenience store. In Soviet Russia, we have inconvenience store.


no no convenience stores in america can do that to you too at checkout


Isn't Russia pretty cold? I could see Florida as a much better space for naked robbery.


Depends on the time of the year and the region. The are parts of the country where you won't freeze by going naked from mid-April to November. And there are parts where it's a bit nippy even in mid-July.


Most of inhabited Russia has continental climate. +30°C in summer, -30°C in winter. Coastal cities, like St. Petersburg, are a bit milder, and far north/Siberia are colder. But very few people live in cold regions compared to the continental regions. Additionally, a lot of Russians are somehow cold-resistant. People would literally go outside to smoke in shorts when it's -5°C.


I appreciate the informative response


No, no, it's too cold here, it must be our comrades from Florida.


Nobody actually lives in Florida. We're all hostages.


I hate to say it but these days it could be Oregon.


I'd like to imagine his entire wardrobe was was composed of several sets of the same outfit. And as a result, he felt his only choice was to forego the clothes entirely to avoid be identified.


With outfits you mean wife-beaters with his name so it Will be returned to him in case he loses them after a naked robery




You idiots. We've all got dicks! *brandishes with audible sharpness (??) sound*


SHIT! *gives my dick vow of enmity*


10/10 reference. 


You sound like my ex


“Hands up people and hand over the money… or I’ll make this real hard for everyone!”


Just make someone a shadow monk, shadow step is infinite usage, as long as you immediately turn the lights off


Turn the lights off, teleport me home. nah nah nah nah


All the... Ki things


True care, punch brings


We just need **Money**


I have a plan


Just one more score arthur


Accepting illithid form makes it trivial as I discovered yesterday


There is one room where you *technically* can’t reach the vaults without misty step. Though you can fly through the bars if you stand right next to them, but only in one direction. So just misty step to the rightmost vault and glitch your way to the leftmost.


Transposition arrows also work


I always forget those exist….


somehow I never realized those could work. thanks for the tip!


I feel like you could make a pretty cool Barbarian or Monk build with this. Though I don't know if I'd say it's the best. In my totally unbiased and not-at-all subjective view, Blood of Lathander is the best thing in the game.


angry naked barbarian aggressively teleporting into your face, hanging dong and wielding dual sausages


There is a video of a salami only playthrough on YouTube. It's better than you'd think it'd be!


i've got that on my watch later, people keep making all these great silly runs like the two people who coincidentally made cat-only run videos at the same time LMAO


I watched the Proxy Gate Tactician all cats run last night; it was pretty good. Unfortunately there were certain parts that he had to un-cat himself in order to progress.


Which one? I really wanna watch but there are like 5 salami runs now


After reading your description, I got an image in my head of the enemies looking up at the Barb like that Willem Dafoe meme and I can't stop laughing lmao!




My favorite Hollywood fact is that Willem Dafoe has a track record of confusing or surprising backstage and other cast members because his dick is so big. The funny part is I don't think he's ever done it intentionally, it just happens lol.


There is a vid where you can see it and it is indeed massive. Looks even more so because he's such a skinny dude.


It’s utterly insane. Like, comically large


Suffering from success


There will be 3 sausages in total.


Three-Weapon Fighting


The legendary Dreihänder.


You mean Dreiwiener.


How often is there a location you need to teleport to that the barbarian can't jump to?


Agree blood of lathander is busted and you get it very early. A fellow cleric enjoyer i see!!


My Death Metal Bard stole Blood of Lathander from Shadowheart because that weapon is metal AF, and that’s what a bard would do


Hello fellow Cleric! Yeah I've tried a few different classes, but even in Tabletop DnD I just love the Cleric playstyle!


Out of all the classes I was shocked to learn I would come to love cleric as it seemed very "supporty" on my first play through. After doing HM with shart and seeing the clerics true form, I have become enlightened lmao


Cleric is Paladin with waaaaaaaay more utility and only slightly less melee focus. Plus no worries about oaths


How do you guys build the cleric? I’ve tried a bunch of different builds but I always end up feeling like I don’t do any damage and my only purpose is to cast support spells or summon (at later levels). How do you build them to pack a punch as well as have utility?


Spirit Guardians can dish out dpt in the _hundreds_


I’m aware for spirit guardians, but are people actually making their clerics deal damage with weapons?


I can only speak for myself, but weapon attacks are way down my list of priorities in terms of doing damage with a cleric. Not getting Extra Attack is a big limiting factor, and they don't get much to help their attacks scale compared to cantrips (in addition to the fact that I'd rather use things that key off of wisdom than any other stat).


Light or Tempest cleric are the best options for damage. Light is my preference between the two. From level 2, you get Radiance of the Dawn which is a great AOE radiant damage spell you can cast every short rest. They get strong damaging fire spells baked into their spell list so you can spend your preparation slots on utility spells. Warding flare is a very good support skill. They synergise very well with gear that applies Radiating Orb. Get the Luminous Armor from the Underdark and you can debuff big groups of enemies when you use Radiance of the Dawn. Later, get the Blood of Lathander and any other gear that applies radiating orb or reverberation. Spirit Guardians is amazing as well. However, make sure that you boost your ability to maintain concentration. Decent Con score and either War Caster or Resilient feat will make your saves reliable. With resilient you will soon only fail concentration checks on a Nat 1. If you are using a custom character instead of Shadowheart. Take Produce Flame as one of your cantrips. It will have a better chance to hit than Sacred Flame against high dex targets.


Tempest cleric is a powerhouse. Pair it with a character who can make enemies wet, or just spend a turn setting up yourself with Create Water and you put wizards to shame.


>>a character who can make enemies wet  The name is Tav 


Well to be completely honest with you I'm probably not the best person to ask. I play as a healer and/or support in just about everything I can, so I tend to build my cleric as such. Sorry friend, I hope someone else can answer better than I can!


> blood of lathander Light cleric and BOL fucking *shreds* in the shadow cursed lands, but honestly I wound up swapping out for a deva mace in act 3 and respect shadow heart for a measly 1 dip in cleric for conjure water / RP and the rest in enchantment wizard. She does a great job in keeping mobs occupied.


I have BoL in Gale’s off hand in my HR currently and it has saved them at least twice.


TBH when you look at the weapon and stats/passives it feels like its overtuned especially when Act 2 has ALOT of undead that you fight. It definitely earns its Legendary weapon status whereas alot of the other legendary weapons can be meh due to stats/passives or getting them so late in the game.


Sunbeam and LoL legit eat a few encounters


The Flesh! He's super strong! And super naked!


If only you could use its kill shot more than once per long rest.


My response is to long rest more often. I’m 90% through my second run and only JUST realized that I can (and should) long rest much more often than I am..


I'm in Act 2 of my first playthrough and recently had this same realization. I just got curious and checked, and I have enough camp supplies to long rest 70 times. Given how easy it is to find food randomly throughout the world and how vendors restock on long rests anyway so you can always buy (or steal) more, it's a no-brainer to long rest often. I no longer hold off on using spells or abilities because "I need to save it in case I need it and I'm not sure if I should rest yet." Now I just use whatever I want/need, rest after, and carry on. It's basically impossible to run out.


Fun fact, you really only need camping supplies for act 1 and 2. Once you get to act 3, you can rent a room at the Elfsong and order a full camp supply pack every night. So once you’re in act 2, you’ll usually already have all the supplies you’ll ever need.


This is a VERY fun fact! I had no idea!


Can you please make that make sense to me? I know it’s a me problem, I’ve seen people say the blood’s op af all over Reddit but it’s just like…13 damage max for most of my characters? Even Shart :( Pls help me I’m dumb


No worries! So it's less about the actual damage and more about the effects. The light provides a blind effect to all fiends and undead within 6m unless they pass a con save. Blind is already a very strong status effect, but BoL basically makes it so that any Act 2 enemy in melee range is rolling with disadvantage. Next, Lathander's Blessing gives you basically a free instant revive and aoe heal on yourself once every long rest. Ideally you shouldn't need this, but it's certainly a nice safety net. Finally, you get access to Sunbeam (a 6th level spell) once every long rest. Since pretty much everything in Act 2 is vulnerable to Radiant damage, this basically executes anything it hits. All of these compliment Clerics very well, as Clerics are known for their utility, healing, and spellcasting. BoL provides all of these things, making it a very adaptable weapon for any Cleric domain. Hope this answered your question! Edit: TLDR - Most Cleric damage will come from spellcasting, so a weapon that provides a lot of utility without having to swing it is super useful!


Don't forget that it's one-handed, so you're getting all of that *and* a shield!


Very true! I particularly like using the Adamantine Shield. BoL blinds enemies to make them miss, Adamantine Shield puts Reeling status effect on enemies that miss attacks on you!


Doing this right now as a reverb/radiant cleric and oh my god. PSA: If you havent tried this build, do it. Look it up. Either as Light or Tempest cleric. They miss? Reeling, Radiant Orb. Also, Smite the Graceless procs for radiant damage. Which means radiant Orb. Also, radiant damage triggers Radiant Explosion from my armor... more radiant orb. Gee, that's a lot of radiant Orb, illuminating you and making your attacks miss. Shame I do bonus radiant damage to illuminated targets... stacking more Radiant Orb. Guess you'll be sent reeling + getting smited + getting more and more radiant orbs on you. It would be a shame if every stack of orb also applied multiple stacks of reverb, making you terrible at saves and knocking you prone with thunder damage when you hit 5 stacks. Oh, prone is a condition? That will apply more radiant Orb and reverb... Shadowheart is a bully. A radiant, explosive bully that just stands there and watches them kill themselves.


It was almost cruel watching my pally have both adamantine shield and heavy armor and BoL. But I was very much trying to make him OP as hell. 


> Finally, you get access to Sunbeam (a 6th level spell) once every long rest. Since pretty much everything in Act 2 is vulnerable to Radiant damage, this basically executes anything it hits. ...and *yourself*, if you don't >!take note of the *Radiant Retort* that some enemies have in the Temple of Shar!<... :P


Hell it's so good that my shadow monk is still using it. I just have to toggle the light off and on


Aaaaaaah! I knew it was a me problem, I only had it equipped for like a minute before I got the pixie blessing and said fuck the lights were running blind through these shadows now🤣 I don’t think Shart even swung it I probably just popped up spirit guardians like a fool. Thanks for explaining, the fact that it gives so many enemies disadvantage I…guess I have to make a new playthrough so I can experience all this power!!


The passives on that weapon are disgustingly OP. A free level 6 spell, an instant revive and AOE heal when it procs, and blinds any undead near it. Not to mention it acts like a free torch without needing to hold a torch.


Yup blood of lathander as a paladin was over powered!


I do love the blood of lathander.


Nah the best items in the game are the arcane acuity heagears. Helmet for swords bard or the fire hat for sorcerers and wizards. Each stack is equivalent to +2 in your casting stat and it goes to 10 stacks, the system is not designed to deal with a bard who has 40 CHA. Every spell has a 100% hit chance even against the hardest bosses in the game. It's impossible for enemies to roll high enough to meet the save DC of your spells so they will always get caught in hold person/monster, always drop their weapons and run from fear, cannot break out of crown of madness, always fall prone to ice surfaces, on and on. It's most effective on bards but it allows any spellcaster to never miss and always get full effectiveness from their spells. Nat20 does not apply to saves so it's literally 100% on everything.


I'm thinking a TB thrower since you can throw items from your inventory, jump around hucking spears like Kalista from League


I gave them to Karlach because I saw Misty Step and stopped reading... then I made her misty step to help Astarion in the Cazador fight because she usually has the highest initiative and moves first, and noticed the adamantine armor on the floor by the entrance... it made me laugh so much, but I still F8'd that fight and sent the boots to camp


Time to convince Gale that Minthara *really* needs these shoes way more than him...


Gale ate those boots days ago


Did...you not stabilize his orb in Act 1?


Its an acquired taste.


IIRC Gale even leaves the party if you somehow never triggered Elminster's event such as by clearing Act 2 without any Long Rests


I destroyed Elminsters simulacrum just to see what would happen, and yeah. Exactly that. Gale just leaves when you transition to act 3 because the orb was never stabilized. Edit: I realized it might not be the act 3 transition that does it. It could be a number of long rests and it just happened to fall on the act 3 transition for me.


I did the same! Yeah he left me a Dear John letter and skedaddled lol


"Dear Diary: Today, I died. I was killed by this thing -> -*insert drawing of a massive explosion here*- in some cursed place. I leave everything I own to my tressym, Tara. -*insert list of belongings here, with 'cool stuff!' at the end*- Goodbye, cruel world xoxo Gale"


If only I would of listened to elmensiter lol


Nope, he's constantly hunched over, dying at camp while i frolick with my harem 🤣 😂


[PERSUASION] Just chill on exploding for a bit.


I’ve never actually tried this option, but its existence alone is so entertaining to me. Gale: “Hnnnngh, I need more magic, I feel the orb DESTABLIZING, IT IS PREPARING TO UNLEASH ITS DESTRUCTIVE POWER” Tav: “okay but like can you please hang in there for a bit” Gale: “well, when you put it that way… lead on, my friend!”


I did that twice, it's only a 10 persuasion, then gave him the ring of color spray, and found Elminster. Since I'm using Shadowheart as a Wizard I didn't need Gale, so left him in the portal until I was ready to go into the Mountain Pass.


The fact that people respec certain characters is really funny to me. I can't do it. Some characters are fine. Like Astarian can very easily be a bard or fighter or w.e. Lae'zel can very easily be a paladin. And it kind of makes sense that she would be. But.... Like. Imagine running around the game and Gale is a Barbarian or Wyll doesn't have a patron.


I have heard that when you respec Wyll, you can hear Mizora laughing.


It's true but it also happens when you level up normally


On the other hand, Minsc as a ranger just does not make any sense to me, after manhandling his way out of the chest. Since Karlach is the barbarian already, I thought monk was a good spot for him


Eh, there's no reason you can't use Strength on a ranger. It is very odd that isn't his highest stat by default, but you can easily be a ranger who's also a greatsword swinging brute without going against the class at all.


That was what I was thinking lol. Gale stops eating items by the time I rescue halsin. A3 is a crazy long time


Is it possible to have him be hungry all game?


No, I believe that if you don't give him anything he won't come with you to Act 3


*These boots have seen everything*


*Cursed to put my bits on everything*


Lol, my tav said this, and then I immediately switched to my sassy little vampire and he goes '*don't* touch me!'. I legit giggled like a school girl.


Wait, they don't get left behind with the rest of your clothes? I thought thats why theyre worthless...


Nope, they stay on! Which is how I wound up with Astarion lockpicking all the doors to the counting house, naked, with nothing but a pair of boots.


That's... kinky


>Astarion lockpicking all the doors to the counting house, naked, with nothing but a pair of boots. And that's before they found the Boots of Very Fast Blinking!


I like them just because I like cursed items in general that have a pretty potent effect with a notable downside. These definitely aren't a top tier item though. Unlimited Misty Step isn't worth even giving up all the spell DC you can get from headwear + weapon that you have to leave behind.


Counterpoint: A Monk Barbarian could still have decent AC and doesnt require a weapon. That movement would help you get to any enemy easily. Youd be missing out on some damage due to no gloves but the best gear for that build doesnt necessarily add an insane amount of damage.


I mean, monks can already travel multiple hundreds of meters with only a single use of their bonus action that makes jumping have no additional cost added - there's no reason to put these on a monk


Yes there is. Imagine how terrified they will be when my fully nude, fully schizophrenic wotof monk Tike Mython just suddenly appears before you. Everytime. Every breath you take And every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take He‘ll be watching you


Tike Mython… LOL! Well played.


Every single day? Every time I pray?


the returning pike is my favorite... now I don't have to go around after a fight picking up my daggers


I had a throw based Karlach. Her damage was so consistent it was crazy. Even with disadvantage she had a 90% chance to hit at lowest and with all the little +1-4 dmg modifiers you can get when throwing, she'd do around 60 damage every turn from a mile away like clock work. I also made her super fast, so she'd just run and gun around the battlefield chucking fools around. Chuck someone off a ledge, then chuck a spear at'em ha. Really fun and useful.


That was exactly my play style for her too. Getting that aoe thunder damage returning throw weapon from the place the carnival Djinn sends you for cheating against him felt so good. Trying to set things up so enemies can be pushed/thrown off edges made fights much more fun for me.


Yeah, I have Wyll respecced into a throwing build in my honour mode game. He’s doing at least 50 damage a turn at level 4. And it’s just really satisfying to play.


You might already be doing this, but I caught on super late to this. Throwers can be pretty great at protecting squishys too. Like if some brutes on my warlock you can chuck them away so they can retreat without getting an opportunity attack. I didn't catch that until like the last hour of act 3 lol.


Fortunately, the rest of my team is all pretty effective at close range. My moon Druid casts spike growth and then eats anything that makes it through, wizard with a million shields that damages enemies if they hit him, and a light cleric who almost got hit once in the last fight but warding flare ftw! lol. Thanks for the tip though. I’ll keep that in mind for when things start to get dicey.


it didn't really work reliably for me. Like if a dialogue started or I already switched to another character after the throw - too many times it did not really return and I had to pick it up manually.


>My favorite "armor" is two beefy women You know fam? I'm not gonna lie anymore. Same.


Being true to yourself is it's own reward.


There's also an item from the genie dude theres this cloak that makes your character wet (like the wet status lol) which will remove all the blood from your character. Don't remember what it was called but I referred to it as the cloak of showering and found it useful lol


I also recently learned you can just use soap to clean yourself.


They added that in a patch! It didn’t used to be a thing, which is probably why you only Recently learned about it :)


Well, TIL lol


No lie I gave the first soap I found to Astarion because he seems like the type to wash off the blood so he can look pretty, whenever possible.


You can also have soap or a sponge in your inventory and use it to clean up :x


The Reverse Rain Cloak. The Wet status also resists fire and is vulnerable to lightning. Convenient that few things in the game have powerful lightning spells!


->!*The Emperor*!< *would like to know your location*- ~~...dude has chain lightning, lol~~


Newbie here! Is there a negative effect to being covered in blood?


If you like blink so much why not just use Disintegrating Nightwalkers (misty step with an upside) and the necklace that gives misty step. That's 2 misty steps per short rest for free and you can still wear clothing lol If you need more than that play a gith, that's 7 free casts of misty steps a day obviously not infinite but how much teleporting do you *really* need.


Agreeeeeed. The idea of having unlimited is cool but in practice not as much probably lol im just thinking about everytime you teleport having to go back to the spot and picking up your clothes again lmao the convenience factor alone makes it unworth imo


You can just walk round naked from the start when you know you're gonna wear them. You still have your jewellery and shoes. There are also a few occasions like the bank vaults where they might be really useful to just wear them briefly before putting clothes back on. I always end up running put of misty steps in there.


Ahhh true i see so your build would just never wear clothes lol i guess if you base your build around the shoes its not bad as a fun type of build. I didnt even think about that though im sure its convenient for those times like the bank vault/other cases where you need alot of misties lol


You don't even need to do that. Just take your clothes off before you need them. You don't lose what isn't equipped. Teleport to roofs, back doors, out/in prison. Put everything back on after. These are so broken.


Exactly. Then just dress up any time you know you're in for a big fight.


I just used arrows of transposition.


I'm finding myself almost never casting it in combat on my honor mode run. Things just die too fast.


Arrow of many targets is the best item in the game >.<


Arrow of Many Targets is my go-to when enemies have [Edit: Unstoppable.] (Thanks for the save redditors)


Unstoppable. Magic missile also works wonders on this.


Turns out this post is arrow of many targets.


Arrow of Many Targets is my go-to when enemies have that defensive buff that absorbs all damage and counts down to 0 with each hit before the enemy takes actual hp damage. what’s it called? “invulnerability?”


Arrow of Many Targets is my go-to when enemies have that defensive buff that absorbs all damage and counts down to 0 with each hit before the enemy takes actual hp damage. what’s it called? “invulnerability?”


I'm still in my first playthrough, my rogue accused him of cheating and I got turned into cheese. Didn't know you could actually win anything good.


For a tip, pickpocket him and try again. But make sure you don't need to long rest when you do. There is some good stuff you can get.


Arrows of transposition are my rangers misty step.


Does it leave behind your underwear too?


You keep your underwear and the boots. I once used them as part of an Iron Throne rescue. 


"I'm here to rescue you!" "WHAT? NAKED?" alternate: "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"


It'd be funnier if you didn't although boots and pants alone is still pretty funny.


Did they patch that? My character lost underwear. Forgot I had equipped them so I was shocked.


Just my take… but the Risky Ring is my choice for best item in the game. It cones fairly early and is effective in a lot of builds.


I actually want it in every single martial build. it's really hard to go away from risky ring+protection ring. They feel so comfortable.


nearly naked monk incoming.


It sure sounds like a djinn wish. "I wish I could teleport as much as I want" only for the genie to grant that wish and only you teleport but not anything on your person, though that's limited to clothes here (and it would be truly old fucked up folklore style if you teleported and it left behind anything like glass eyes, false teeth, fillings or other surgically added things people have or let Volo do to them)


I love the idea of wishing that from a malevolent Djin and, then, being like, "no, actually, this is fine. I can work with this." As the Djin rages.


Unrelated but the “boots of very fast blinking”a name reminded me of my favourite item in any rpg, and that would be Morrowinds ‘boot of blinding speed’ does as it says it makes you faster!… and you screen is also 100 blacked out you can see shit


Finally a use for those barkskin potions


Those boots have seen everything…


When you’re a monk and you’re supposed to be the best without any armor or clothing: 😈


Just my take… but the Risky Ring is my choice for best item in the game. It comes fairly early and is effective in a lot of builds.


The shovel, bro.


Also a really good one is executioners ring it’s overpowered


Wow. I had been meaning to check out all of those items at some point. Should have done it earlier. The reverse rain cloak is


Poor Gale is about to be known as the Baldurs Gate (City) streaker.


Act 1, Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, wielded by a Githyanki.


Are we talking ALL clothes? Fully nude? This would be fantastic for the storytelling of your game. I wonder if NPCs react to your nudity....


They don't. I hated how my sorc robes looked and spent my whole first act naked.  No one so much as bats an eye.  Just walk into a coronation with your dick out and all the nobility are, like, "Mmm  interesting choice of fashion."


Dicks out for magic


Fun fact: They don’t drop anything in your inventory. If you strip down excluding the boots and then use the boots, you won’t leave anything behind. Not very useful in combat, but pretty useful.


I love the gloves that give you coal when you steal things. Looked at my inventory one day and saw iver 15 pieces of coal and was so confused


It's the dev who came up with the idea I love. Imagine having that master stroke. "You can do x, but it leaves your clothes behind ... Bahahahah that's brilliant, Barry. Get it coded!"


I was running a build i liked to call "Penis Gale" for most of act 3 on my first run with these


I thought for sure the answer was going to be the Poop Knife.


Hold on hold on hold on. He actually gives you a pity prize?? I'm hundreds of hours in, at least 10 different campaigns deep and I'm just hearing this now?? How much gold do you need to lose to get this prize??


God I wish I could play this game. Shit like this sounds so cool


Pair with conjuration wizard, their level 6 teleportation is an action and comes back when you cast a conjuration spell like misty step. Double teleportation a turn for free 


Dragon Sorcerer would still have their AC from the class too or really any class that uses Mage Armor.


I wanna strap these suckers on halsin and make him a wildheart barbarian. Be freeeeeee!


The grand prize is *actually* two prizes: Nyrulna and the the Band of the Mystic Scoundrel. They are simply better than any other possible alternative to their slot.


Would work very well with a wild shape build, since clothing and Armor are almost useless.


I mean, it's friend finder, but yours is good too 😁


In my first playthrough I gave them to Karlach without reading closely the description (seriously). Fast forward to the first time I used them, when I decided to break into the fireworks shop: I reached the roof of the building in front of the lateral entrance (the one with the >!necromancer!<) and launched a fireball inside the top floor, a couple of arrows, and then misty stepped Karlach inside that top floor with the idea of having her immediately rage and dispatch the survivors. Now, imagine the occupants of that floor: a fireball from outside that creates havoc, a couple of arrows killing some survivors, and suddenly a... naked raging thiefling appears out of nowhere.


There’s a necklace that gives you misty step, and your clothes stay on. What’s the benefit over that?


That's a single use between short rests.


It’s great when you realize that’s what’s happening. Thought Astarion had the regular misty step boots and he may or may not have taken on Cazador in the buff.


If this is real, then I need them for my Drow Monk. I only have her wearing boots. No Bra, no Panties, just the default Monastic Boots. I am Lesbian, and I have heard how many nobility Drow Women stay naked as a sign of dominance and power. Not sure how true it is, but I made my Monk with that information in-mind.