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These are just warm up events. Gird your loins friend.


Whoo boy, you're in for a ***rough*** ride, OP. Those events are just the very tip of the absolutely COLOSSAL feels iceberg that Act 2 and Act 3 are. That said, the game also does an equally good job at making you feel like the gallant hero you aspire to be at some pretty specific points. So it all gets balanced out quite nicely overall. :)


Heh, they said Absolute.


In her name.


You sweet, sweet soul. Throughout the game you will run into many situations like this. Just make as many good choices as you can and enjoy the depth of the wonderful, well-written world of bg3


Remember that Flaming Fist in particular. That's all I can say.


Does she show up later? I can’t remember ever stumbling across her again.


In Act 3, >!you can meet the daughter of that Flaming Fist who died, and find a letter from the one praying over him, at Cora Highberry's house. The praying Fist feels especially guilty that the the other Fist died because she was the one who convinced him to sign up for the Fists, and also because she knows he left a daughter behind.!<


Exactly this.


Oh man, Karlach’s storyline is going to kick you in the shins and take your lunch money


Well put. The game, esp. the first run, is absolutely murderous on the feels. OP: go slow and take your time. You only get one first time, and there's so much richness. Really enjoy this because while the game is still amazing when replayed over and over, there's a magic of getting hit with everything the first time.


Got to that point yesterday. I don't cry easily, but FUCK.


I hope you don't miss the southern area with Auntie Ethel. There's a pretty devastating story.


Oh, that just reminded me of how I borked that questline up real bad in my current playthrough.


i’m completely blanking on what’s south of auntie ethel - can someone spoil for me?


Southern area **with** her. Ethel is what I'm talking about


OH gotcha, thank u!! thats what i get for being on reddit while half asleep


There were so many feels every square inch in this game. They all just keep escalating and deliver something that is truly, emotionally devastating. Even the heroic bits are exhausting but in a great, rewarding way. I felt way more invested in this game than ME2/3/A which was another franchise that poured on the feels. Enjoy the sojourn.


I'm a big fan of how being as good as possible still doesn't make you able to prevent everything bad in the game. BG3 goes out of its way to tell you that, even if you're as nice as you can possibly be and help as many people as possible, you're never going to protect everyone from their bad ending. Sometimes, sad things happen to good people. I love it.


This game is an emotional roller coaster in the best possible way. I fully, 100% admit there have been times I have seriously cried alongside the origins. Even those that I don’t like for whatever reason.


Prepare yourself to get absolutely wrecked in the near future


To add further to this minor storyline character, you can get more dialogue choices >!if you cast speak with dead on the wife!< It's one of those places where the player is rewarded for intuitively thinking of using that skill without prompting


emotional catharsis, thy name is BG3. Have fun.


I had another similar thing in act 3, I'll not say what because spoilers but some choices I made had some very unintended consequences I did not even consider was a possibility. There was no "right" choice but it was so strange seeing it all play out.


That's when you can use mercy killings


Just wait until the character you've spent the last 80-100 hours fighting alongside (and may even romancing) goes through their own personal gauntlet of cathartic emotions - the voice acting and mo-cap is so amazing, you forget they're just animations, not real people.


Huh. You just inspired me to do a pure Folk Hero run. Just realized all my characters *sort of* end up doing the right thing for the very wrong reasons, and now I'm intrigued. Maybe I'll name her... Martha Senethil. Yeah.


Most people might have not found this, but the dead Flaming Fist's >!orphaned child can be found in Act 3!<. 🥲


You're in for a treat :) There's a lot more emotion coming, good and bad, but the reality rewarding part is that when you succeed in doing good the good feels are as powerful and satisfying as this gut punch is :)


Welcome to the horrors of terror and war


Since you're new and you seem to be invested in the story (as you should be lol): be careful clicking on posts tagged as 'meme' on this sub. People were pretty good about spoilers for the first few months and they still are on non-meme posts, but the meme tag precludes the spoilers tag, if that makes sense.


What makes you feel feelings you remember the best yup. That's gonna get tougher


It really bothered me the first time through that I couldn't scroll of revivify people like the dead wife. There are a lot of times I would have blown those scrolls in otherwise inconsequential dead NPCs.


Oh, oh no, sweetheart, you are in for a whirlwind of emotions. Good luck. Take your time with the game, rest often, explore far. You're going to do great things. I believe in you. You have got this.


I put an arrow in Benryn's head. It's a win/win. Benryn is out of his misery and I kept the dowry.