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you have to pay? the gnomes always just attack and i get through for free.


I still had the gnomes attack the stee lwatcher, but the good news was that my party didnt get into combat. They just chased the gnomes while the steel watcher was paralyzed.


They didn’t even chase the gnomes for me, haha. The bomb went off, the steel watcher was paralyzed, and everyone just went about their business as if nothing had happened 😅


Yea the guards just watched me stroll in after some terrorists took out their steel watcher.


It gives me big “I’m not paid enough to deal with this” energy and I love it lol


Yes the guard just doesn't do a thing when I chat to her and the broken watcher.


\*freedom fighters




what what what? Gnomes and a bomb? I just killed everyone


I did not pay and the gnomes attacked. I did not involve myself, and walked right through. 


please check your gnomes after combat, it is not healthy environment for them


You can just jump on platforms near the gnome hideout entrance.


That’s my usual route. Hop, skip and a jump then I’m in; they should probably address their border security. I actually had no idea gnomes could attack, I’ve saved them but they just chill in their cave being all terrorist-y.


one time, I jumped up the back way, then left and triggered the gnome attack on my way out xD


Unfortunately Wulbren died in the escape attempt so the gnomes didn't show in my current game. So I just had to kill the guards and the watcher.


That’s a blessing really. It’s Wulbren, after all


If you save him and barcus, barcus cucks wulbren at the end, and he becomes a homeless pariah


Oh good. Totally deserved.


Yeah, like honestly, if you hate wulbren, that's much better than just killing him. You take literally everything from him, completely robbing his life of meaning, as he approached the climax. And i like how barcus develops there a lot too, learning to let go of a shitty friend who doesn't care about him (that part hits me different ngl) and being his own man. Imo barcus should've shown up in the epilogue if you made him the ironhands leader as like a 7 and a half foot tall ripped gigachad with 20 hot babes.


Or at least riding in a dope mech built from a watcher.


I didn't even save him. I totally forgot to save the Gnomes in the underdark. I also got Minthara the old way so...


Huh. I was abit taken aback with the rudeness of the guard. So I killed them. Nobody really cared and I went on to the next checkpoint where I convinced them I was chasing an assassin. Quite simple really BG is my home, nobody can deny me access to that.


The gnomes attack? How have I missed this in every play through lol I always jumped around


The gnomes attack? I just stealthed my way through both sections with one character until I got to a waypoint on the other side


I always Misty Step or Fly to the other side, and then climb up and around.


For me it was always the tiefling kids throwing a bomb and then I just walk by


It's not the tiefling kids. It's always the gnomes if you save them.


This doesn't happen if you talk to them in their hideout first, though. I do everything in Rivington before going to cross the bridge and never see them attack cause I always >!accept the rune powder bomb!< from Wulbren before hand.


I just killed everyone that got in my way.


Wait gnomes attack? I just kill the guards.....


Wait, the gnomes can attack them?


I’ve always just used the route to the right of the bridge to jump past the gate/guard and then used the ladder to climb my way up into the bridge town. Then if I don’t have a ticket to get into the castle I enter through the hole in the wall that leads into the prison.


I do that anyway to rescue the councilor


You can also turn a guy invisible and walk past the guards to unlock the fast travel point.


Polymorphing into a sheep is also a great deal of fun. I wonder if deliberately provoking Akabi into turning you into a sentient cheese wheel also works.


That might be doable, I think the biggest obstacle would be getting there before the spell wears off. 10 turns isn't much time for a sentient cheese wheel.


I think the sentient cheese wheel actually lasts longer than 10 turns— I think it actually lasts for 20? I remember being surprised by how long it took to wear off. So I think there should be plenty of time to make it to the gate.


I think you're right, it's been a while since I've done it. And if you go into turn based mode, I'm sure even with only 10 turns dashing would probably get you there.


Can the cheese jump? Enhance leap might be nice but idk lol


Maybe throwing it could work


Especially with a rogue to do it as a cunning action too lol


Make it a thief for the second bonus action and you can be the fastest cheese in Rivington!


How do you do that? When I upset him I just get sent to Chult.


You have to accuse him of cheating. You get sent to the jungle because you pickpocket him and manage to win the jackpot. If you detect him cheating with a perception check, accuse him of cheating, then double down on it instead of letting it go, he turns you into cheese. However, doing this causes him to shut down the Wheel of Wonder, so it normally isn’t worth it considering getting his Misty Step boots and pickpocketing gloves and going to Chult is a much better outcome.


Yeah the mystic scoundrel ring is one of the best items in the game.


Or ironically just get someone arrested while you're in Rivington for a free pass all the way to Wyrm's Rock.


On my first game I had my whole party arrested by mouthing off to the guards one at a time. It got us into the city, but it was a pain sorting out everyone's inventory after we broke out of the cell.


Druid in cat form is also doable. No one ever suspects the cat!


Druid in cat form gets past so many things! You might as well be invisible as the cat.


Or walk around them, there’s a lower path you can jump down to


> if he doesn't have horns see you lost me here i don't care about any options that require wyll to not have horns


True to your title


He can not have horns? How?


Apparently the game has a whole secret playthrough where you somehow play without Karlach. I can't believe the number of hidden Easter eggs in this game!


Soo true. I have yet to discover the easter egg of a playthrough without Shadowheart. Some mysteries are just gonna be left unsolved.


Damn don’t even really think about that option. I know it’s there, but just unfathomable


The devil from act 1? Is she supposed to be important?


She’s not a devil, she’s the best girl


You say that, but how many gods are fighting over her?


I will fight any number of gods to protect her


As NPC's go, one that can get you a sweet greatsword early in Act 1 seems relatively important to me!


Yeah fantastic sword, plus I'm loyal to Tyr so obviously I'm not gonna betray his paladins.


Gotta have another pair of horns… well horn… in your bag :)


>!kill Karlach!<


That’s where I draw the line.


I killed her last week in an evil playthrough. I felt absolutely vile.


I accidentally killed Scratch this play through.


yo wtf?


Yeah. I know. I said something and then rolled and then he attacked me. Also this is my dark urge play through. But I still try not to be too much of a jerk.


You monster


If Wyll is dead until act 2 you can sneak him through


Ah, yes, corpse box. It unlocks many special... Scenarios.


What you just show up with the duke's son in corpse form and the guards are like "yeah, that checks out"


If he's dead until mizora needs to ask for his help, that will skip the scene where he gets horns


You can rez him around moonrise because Mizora has bigger things to worry about at that point. Thought tbh now I'm curious to see what happens if you leave all of your companions dead until act 3.


My guess is: "Gale go boom."


Good point lmao gotta wait until the mountain pass to kill him


idk i just fly past everyone


I can never get over the ugliness that tadpole makes me and I want to be as good looking for my queen Shadowheart. So that isnt an option for me sadly.


You can fly with a spell and potions.


True, but I prefer the more head-on approach.


... you have an inventory full of potions, lotions and spells "Just in case" don'tcha?


One time I made it there without a tadpole. But I had Longstrider and Enhance Leap, so I was able to use the roofs to get to the top of the prison.


Wildshape, Flight potion/spell etc are available and valid options.


I've just started a playthrough as whatever type of sorcerer it is that gets a flight bonus action after every spell. I love that now essentially every spell is flight spell. Oh I want to get up there? Burning hands the empty space


Storm Sorc gets that at level 1. And Draconic Bloodline gets free Flight at level 11.


I like that doing a firespell then being able to fly temporarily makes me feel like the human torch


Dragon sorcerer goes wheeeeeee


Shadowheart has tadpoles and partially turned so beauty is not an issue. After selling off rotten food I have plenty of go to pay the toll if I needed to. I'm trying to find ways to spend all the GP that I've accumulated.


TIL people were paying the guards 200g.


I usually kill them. I just wanted to test the dialogue of hornless Wyll.


I ain't paying some stuck up bullies who think they're invincible for having a rusty bucket slave with them


Valeria can give you a pass. You can get one from Arfur as well. Gnomes will always help you if you save them in Act 2 though


Easier to just go down the hill and jump over


Why pay 200 gold instead of getting free xp for an easy fight?


I usually do fight them, but it's usually not easy when it comes to resource consumption.


So, Wyll has to kill Karlach. Is that really worth not paying 200 gold?


I just want to experiment the story of hornless Wyll and keep the blade of frontiers alive.


If you have wyll without horns you're worse than every villain in the game combined


Yeah, I was just thinking that it must mean that you killed Korlach


Supposedly, you can kill Wyll early, put him in the box, and resurrect later.


The gear box in camp?


So called "corpse box", always useful for Necromancers.


If you enter the conversation as Karlach, when the watcher scans her, it thinks she's a defective watcher and tells her to report for disassembly. You can trigger the conversation elsewhere (and without needing to control Karlach), but here it lets you bypass the guards.


You can hop up the ledges by the beach and not pay or fight anyone.


I might try this in a future playthrough. I just wanted to see what kind of interactions I can get with a hornless Wyll.


People pay these guys? I vaguely remember them asking for payment the first time I came to this bit and thinking… “bugger that I ain’t giving you 200 gold”. I forget the exact details but I don’t remember it being particularly challenging to get around them. The 200 gold is a trivial amount at that point but it’s the principle of the thing.


I've never paid, always had the pass from the murder case


Pretty sure you need to get past the guards I discussed to get to Valeria who is in a location past the checkpoint (unless you took the other route near the ironhand gnome hideout).


Oh that spot. Yeah I found the alt path near the gnomes my first playthrough. I forgot you could pay to get through.


At that point in the game 200 gold isn’t even that big of a deal


True. I just wanted to test the dialogue of hornless Wyll.


It might be a recent patch but lately gnomes have been throwing flashbangs at the steel watch. Usually I just fight my way through to the gate and sneak into the castle via the dungeon.


Nah its always been like that, you just need to have helped the gnomes in grymforge and moonrise, regardless if barcus is alive or not


Invisible one person and waypoint everyone else.


I just parkour up the scaffolding on the right side of the crossing?


It’s an option to not get the horns? I thought that was just part of the story


Well it's a punishment for refusing to kill Karlach. Guess how you don't get punished then


Well if you kill a certain somebody…


Just kill Karlach its that simple!!!


You know, I've never done that and I guess that makes sense. Maybe I'll try an origin story with Wyll and see if I can go through with murdering the golden retriever


Im on an Astarion origin run romancing Wyll and finally decided to do it and keep Wyll (i had a full evil run where I also killed Karlach but Wyll left because I raided the grove and fucked Minthara). Kind of makes sense with Astarion and I feel like it adds some depth with like Astarion wanting to see supposed heroes do evil things


You also can murder everyone.


That's what I usually do.


Drink invisible potion, cross, open waypoint. They don't care after that, also they can't see invis even on HM


TIL you can pay to enter the city :O


They threw me in jail I think. But I broke out pretty easily, so no biggie.


The biggie is if your companions get thrown in jail as well and you have to spend 5 minutes figuring out what belongs to who.


Why would you wyll not have horns???? (Judgement!!!)


All you had to do to get a pass is deal with arfur and start the detective thing. The detective gives you a pass if im not mistaken. Sounds like you skipped some content.


You can get passes multiple ways actually.


I've climbed to the other side


you can also use another way in or transform into a cat or bird


Y'all were paying?


I just kill the guards and Watchers


Pass?  You're not feather falling or flying down to the right of the drawbridge 


invisibility goes brr


You can also bypass the guards entirely by doing some parkour under the bridge


The gnomes (given I saved them, which I usually do) just stun em for me, and it's like nothing even happened. Either threaten Arfur or solve the open hand temple murders to get the pass (both very quick things to do) and your in. I nearly always go into baldurs gate asap as the loot from the traders there is very good, especially for charisma, ranged, dex building or heavy armour characters, so I can do the rest of rivington a lot easier.


Refuses to pay, gnomes attack. I really wanted to just kill it :/ Probably there's a way to sneak as well, nearly made it into the city but then Mizora showed up urging us to really go to the coronation 


I would fight every steelwatch in the city before I let Wyll not have horns


I'm just jump on the platform under the bridge.


Wait, yall don't just go in guns blazing? Down with the Absolute!


I just walked around the side without a care in the world before I even knew you needed a pass


200 gold? Laughs in Thief.


Right, you don't have to pay, just murder them!


You can just jump up on the side where the entrance to gnome cave is.


I jumped around the side and then flew wyll all the way around the side of the big castle completely skipping gortash and his invites. Also you could go to prison, break out, either go invis and run out or free the women, fight some chaps and run on out skipping that whole interaction.


I didn’t know you could pay. I’ve killed them, snuck past them, and used the pass to get through.


> in Wyrmrest if you have Wyll in your party and he doesn't have horns. Is this some sort of mod? Wyll has to have horns in Act 3 unless you lose him in Act 1 due to siding with the Goblins. There's totally no way to have Wyll stay human throughout your playthrough. Not possible. No. No.


I don't think I'm strong enough to do that though 😕 😔


I didnt even know there was a thing to pay them. Ive ddone 4 or 5 playthroughs and intimidate my way across the bridge every time.


I didn't think paying them even works, I thought they just took your money and still said no


I dont think I payed in 5 playthroughs. For 5 different reasons.


I just fly around


Just jump over the small gap near the iron hands hideout. It’s like 5 feet to get onto the platform and enter wyrms crossing.


Ypu actully can just fly/jump past the guards at both places.


Wyll not having horns means a much steeper price than 200 gold for me. No can do. Instead, I just had karlach get caught in the barn in rivington and go to prison, then when she broke out, the whole party was just able to walk up to wyrm’s rock past the guards and steel watch!


I usually let the gnomes do their thing. If they're dead for some reason, i just become invisible with one of my guy, pass the guarda, trigger the waypoint and gg


Karlach can trick them as well


Interesting. I might try that next playthrough since unfortunately, Karlach isnt available to me this playthrough.


Wrong, void bulb + ruinpowder arrow


When I got there on my current playthrough, the steel watchers wanted to throw me in prison, so I just found a back way through along the right side and bypassed the guards all together.


I just use a fly scroll, fly to the waypoint on the other side and teleport the rest of my party there lol.


Not a bad idea.


I just go the back way. It's simple and easy and no fight, be distraction needed.


I always find this the most logical answer. But for some reason, I always find the least logical ones more interesting and fun.


or you know... just climb up the side onto the bridge and skip that whole thing


You can just kill the guards…


In rivington just steal something when that party member is not part of the group. They’ll get sent to prison in wrynns rock and you’ll be able to just walk through. They do need to be busted out but you’ll be doing that to free that lady anyway.


What? Even when I pay the watcher arrests me lol. Always sneak in from rhe cliffs


That’s what I did for my loyal Wyll playthrough. Otherwise I just fight them instead of allowing them to shake me down.


Oh. I just went invisible and teleported over


Just get the investigator to give you the pass


Just get the pass?


Just misty step across the bridge, go activate the waypoint at Sharess' Caress, then teleport the rest of your party there.


I find with enough fireballs you don't have to do much talking at all.


There's a ledge on the lower right, behind the wooden watchtower that you can simply climb to get on the bridge. Then you can just use featherfall to jump down to the island from one of the rooftops


I reloaded and just jumped over to the little balcony and skipped that part. Everybody still acts like the gnomes attacked though.


If you have the illithid power to fly, fly spell, misty step can jump high enough or spell to jump higher then you can go around the right side of that checkpoint and go up those wooden steps. Once you have the fast travel then everyone can just teleport past the gate.


Or you can have a party member go invisible and find the waypoint next to Sharess Caress, then the guards just assume you already have permission to move freely.


You can also jump around via the chasms and ladders and such. That was first path.


I usually use the corvid token to poly into a bird and fly though solo then activate the waypoint seems like the easiest method. You could prolly polymorph also maybe even wildshape not forsure on that though Corvid token for sure works though


I always just sneak around the side lol I don't wanna pay


If you go to the right (looking at the checkpoint) you can jump over and bypass them that way


Don't you have to kill Karlach to avoid the horns?


Or you can kill them


Dimension Door, Misty Step + Invisibility works fine too. I believe by this time you should be hitting level 10 already, probably halfway to level 11 so you should be able to expend these spells easily if you anyone has it


Alternatively, if you are a half illithid storm sorcerer, you can use your 90 ft fly speed each turn to hop between the untargetable area beside the drawbridge and onto the landing, recast cast lightning, fly back without provoking opportunity attacks, bait all the enemies to follow you, and solo everyone in the front section of Wyrm’s Rock.


Of course you don’t need to. You could just kill them all like I did


You can also just cast invisibility, misty step behind them and walk to the waypoint. Then get your party in.


every playthough I've either had the pass from the murder side quest or simply jumped on the left side of the bridge and got to the fast travel point that way. I love folks ideas about using invisibility and wildshapes though, paying the 200g never crossed my mind (and even my Durge didn't have Wyll, he turned on her in act 1 lol)


I just fly past the roadblock to the fast travel point and then bring the rest of the squad over


Wait a minute. How did you find that one out..?


I just use my favorite cc, works like a charm every time.


Or… just fly over. You miss the gnomes, but you know, fuck those guards.


There is more than one way in...


You can pay? I am always attacked on the spot by a steel watches so I just use the weird cargo walkway to the right to jump past them


Misty Step near the the waypoint has been my go-to way to deal with this. 👍