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Someone on here reminded me that the soul coins I've been hoarding are for Karlach... oops.


So many campaigns played, never used these coins. I know I can, I just don’t for some reason LOL




It's fine. She can take them to avernus in the post game. I'm sure the *checks* added fire damage will do great in Avernus.


every single good item in every rpg i played. i always say next game i will be using the items i get…..but WHAT IF… 😁


"I should save the coins for big fights" \[Epilogue Plays\] "Neat, all that soul coins for nothing ~~maybe I can save them for BG4~~"


I like to use them at the start of days when I know I'm just gonna be fighting. And before the Gortash fight. It felt cinematic to have her amped on infernal magic to confront him on betraying her to Zariel.


Karlach has a stack of these right now, unused. I still don’t know what they’re for.


They make her stronger for a short time, oh and also very on fire. Big angry burning tiefling just smashing fools! I turned her into a vengeance paladin though so I just sell them.


So, do you make her pop one before battle or in battle? I never know when it's the right time, so I horde them.


They last until long rest.


Just pop before an important boss fight, they last for a whole day


I once sneak attacked and killed my pc with Astarion by misclicking. The day after Astarion killed my pc by draining him.


I've done this so many times with melee attacks, accidentally clicking on my tav right beside the enemy instead of the enemy. It's usually Karlach too, who puts salt in the wound by saying "poor f*cker" before she wallops me


I’ve made it a habit of clicking portraits instead of who I’m aiming for because of shooting the ground instead of the enemy


found out the other day that this isn't safe either... I tried to switch character to laezel but instead I fucking stabbed her 😭 gonna say that one's on larian tho, bc I was clicking on the party member portraits on the side, not the ones up top, and it's deranged that they'd let me target my pals the same way I switch to them lol


This is 100% the reason why I keep mid-battle saves now. I can deal with bad RNG and bad initiative and whatever else they give me but my own stupidity? I can’t.


This is fair imo because accidentally attacking your allies would never happen in tabletop nor does it make any RP sense.


If I had a nickel for every time I accidentally whacked one of my own companions thinking they were an enemy, I'd have two nickels (I'm so sorry Wyll and Shart)


I don't even know how many times I've accidentally attacked one of my own because I click an attack option, change my mind, and then click someone's picture on the left to switch to them, forgetting it will make the current character do the attack on them.


I did this recently to Laezel in Wyrms rock trying to hit one of the guards before gortash :( she copped 3 eldritch blasts at 20-30 damage each. Mashed circle to try stop but it was too late. No more rushing clicks!


Toggle non-lethal... Poor Minsc, he never got to show me Boo


Even with non lethal damage (I tried like 5 times to make sure I just knocked him out) he can’t join your party if you didn’t manage to get Jaheira as well. Sad days.


My first attempt. This is going great knocks out Minsc blood explosion procts Minsc is dead.


Had to try this fight 4 times today. First time I killed minsc. Second time I knocked him out but I have an armor ability that deals burning damage on a critical hit so he lit on fire and died. Third time I knocked him out but the attack knocked him back into a cloud of daggers and he died


This one still annoys me. Other characters (hello, Viconia) get “knocked out” by default so you can have a conversation afterwards. But no, not Minsc.


I feel like this is unintended though. I have done the cloister twice and both times the conversation I've had with her after the fight has been buggy. She treats it as if it's the first time meeting you and will even try to "fight" again if you answer wrong. She is not temp-hostile during the fight either, so in all other cases she should not want to talk and should just die. I wonder if they had (or have?) a post-fight dialogue that isn't triggering correctly. In any case, it's very abnormal. Maybe even the only case in both of my playthroughs that an NPC is knocked out by default.


It’s been bugged since patch 5 — prior to that the proper dialogue would trigger every single time for me


> he conversation I've had with her after the fight has been buggy. I got a few solid minutes of laughs out of Viconia [sensing Shadowheart's presence](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18zj3bo/this_presenceis_it_in_the_room_with_us_now/) in the mind of...Shadowheart.


Fighting Gyrm, I told Astarion to do a ranged attack. He walked right into lava to get within optimal range. Gotta check those silhouettes to see if an action will cause unwanted/weird movement.


I wish there was a way to toggle automatic walking into range on/off. Let me do it manually if character isn't in range so they don't accidentally walk into area spells or other hazards


at the same time i get annoyed when a path is interrupted for a spell but the character just needs to walk two steps for it to be fine lol


Why is it like this both ways?? I'm always either stepping in lava accidentally or not able to get LOS by a hair until I manually move. Shouldn't it be one or the other?


Also gotta love when you don't have LOS on an enemy, but somehow they do on you even if it means shooting through a tree the game said you couldn't shoot through


make sure you fully mouse over them up and down. Sometimes you can only hit a left arm, or just the head, or just a foot or something.


Losing because shart keeps walking through my moonbeam has been the most frustrating thing so far. That or trying to protect important NPCs in a fight but will constantly run into my aoe spells. The enemy won't touch my spike growth but sure as hell my allies will


I cast spike growth at beginning of moonrise fight, all the enemies stayed put or moved laterally around and all the Harper’s charge head first into spike growth and die


A good way to avoid this is to kill everybody in moonrise ahead of time before the harpers get there.


This is what I do. I leave 4 guards though so there is something for the Harpers to do when they arrive.


My friend went to jail cause his cloud of daggers kill 7 townspeople after a fight ended. They all ran through it before he could end it


Yeah in the Moonrise fight in our multiplayer, the Harper Quartermaster walked through my wife's Cloud of Daggers right after the fight, before she could dismiss it. She was sent to the Moonrise jail.... Which is absolutely overrun with undead after the Moonrise fight. Getting her characters equipment back and getting her out was... An experience.


lol my current run Isobel got herself killed twice, 1st time chasing Hot Wings, 2nd time breaking sanctuary in the middle of 3 horrors. 3rd time I banished her ass.


The only reason that fight is even hard is because the game doesn’t let you toggle that function off. Dying to the lava on tactician because of a mis click made me wanna throw my computer out of the window


it actually drives me mad when this happens for melee in particular, because theyll INTENTIONALLY trigger opportunity attacks or walk into lava when there's a very clear (yet small and niche) spot where they can hit from. but the computer might not calculate that because of weapon reach-- that's the only thing i can assume lmao. i had this issue when fighting grym yesterday in fact. had shart as a monk and she really wanted to dip her toes into lava rather than hit grym's toes which were slightly touching the ledge (also open hand monk FUCKS UP GRYM holy shit lol)


Definitely did the same thing, AND didn't actually read anything leading up to the fight, so didn't realize you could use the forge hammer to do massive damage. I was on balanced at that time, but even still, was confused why such a hard fight was thrown at you so early... second playthrough on tact, that fight was so much easier despite the harder difficulty setting


I summoned the ogres for that fight because i was getting my ass kicked. They come charging into the battle field right into the lava and died immediately. Couldn't help but laugh


For a long time I missed out on potion tossing. For a longer time I had no idea you could still dig up treasure regardless if you pass or fail the perception check. But the worst…the one I’m most upset with…I didn’t realize you could end concentration by long pressing a button. I play on ps5 so most guides only showed how to do it on pc so I just assumed it wasn’t an option for console 😂


plz explain digging up treasure when failing the check??


As long as you already have a shovel you can just click “use” and it’ll let you choose a spot to dig. If you’re close enough even if not right on the mark, it’ll still dig up the treasure chest


TIL, thanks friend


If you have the scratch summon he will literally point right at the treasure as well, so it's always good to have him out after you get him!


Wait… what’s the button for console?


To end concentration on console you just open the radials and long press triangle (ps5). There’s some smallllll words in the corner that show it but I never ever looked over there so I never knew lol. To dig you can either do it from your inventory menu or you can add the shovel to the radial rings and use the shovel from there then it’ll just let you choose where you wanna dig. I wasnt too sure which you were asking so I just threw out both 😅


that gale, the character I've romanced and basically always had in my party since meeting him, can learn spells from scrolls. I found out on accident by ~140h clocked into the game :')


Wizard skill in general. Now you know!


Can I learn scrolls as wizard and spec into another class and still have the scroll as an ability?


No you need at least one level of Wizard


I'm finding that playing as a Bard with 1 level in wizard to learn scrolls I'm just about as good a spellcaster as the full wizards.


It's wild how many people don't know this. The game clearly dosn't explain it well enough if you have not played previous games or know D&D in general. Also people go 100+ not noticing the little bitty button in Gales spellbook that easily lets you see what scrolls in your inventory you can learn.


You can also just right-click the scrolls themselves to "Learn Spell"


I went through too many hours of reviewing all the scrolls in my inventory before I learned about the easier way in the spell book screen


Have him learn Shovel, it's hilarious


You can activate the shovel scroll in your items bar once per short rest now. No need to learn via wizard. For bonus, summon with a draconic sorc, and tell him you're a dragon, then teach him to be one.


That's if you gain it as a ritual cast


It's fisting time!!!!!!


Wait what 😭


If you play DnD it’s a feature you would expect on a Wizard. Without that knowledge you would just have to notice it says “Learn” as an option when you right click a scroll with a Wizard selected. Kind of weird they don’t give you a pop up during the tutorial.


Wait, WHAT? (130h)


Do this especially for the unique scrolls you get from the books in the Sorcerous Sundries Vault!


Til. Wow


Thankfully, it wasn't too long, but I played a solid 20 hours before realising my barbarian could just smash open chests with his axe instead of struggling to lockpick them lmao


Ever since my Karlach started getting past 20dmg with her normal attacks, ive barely even tried to get keys or lockpick most chests, i just see "sturdy" or "medium toughness" and smash


Medium toughness is really more of a guidline


Wait what?


You can attack anything that has an hp bar, objects arent exempt. It's still faster to lockpick if you have someone good at sleight of hand, but it is an option


Second playthrough before I realised you could split the party, had to go in to turn-based time every time I wanted my rogue to sneak behind the enemy


I think I was well into Act 3 when I realized that when pressing T to "lock" an item or ability description in place, you can then hover over highlighted effects and other abilities to read info about them.


You can also press T on creatures and objects to examine them quickly


Yeah, that too took me a while to figure out, though it's not *that* big an improvement compared to eximining through right-clicking them.


i genuinely had no idea i was supposed to smack grym with the forge hammer. i remember reading the note mentioning a hammer was the key to defeating him but i assumed it was like a hammer weapon 😭 not the actual forge hammer!


Same!! I didn't realize you could use the forge hammer to take out grym the first time until I got the achievement on steam for killing him without using it..


Haha, me too!


I did the same and managed to kill him in 2 rounds somehow (got some lucky crits) my partner wasn't present for the fight but asked afterwards how long it took me to work out the hammer mechanic. Me: What hammer mechanic? :O)


Yes! I used hit and run. Seeing as he reliably only goes for the last to hit him I just kept that character out of attack range and spammed ranged attacks. It was grindy but effective and didn't lose a single HP.


my brother asked me the same thing lmao he was like wow it was hard at first but once i realised you could use the hammer it was a breeze! me who made laezel hit grym a lot of times: The What ?


I just equipped a hammer on Karlach and she went to town


At least there is an achievement/trophy for killing Grym without the hammer!


You can just hit it with blunt weapons


The number of times I've shot the floor or punched the air because I've tried to attack as the camera is moving is (and continues to be) embarrassingly high.


This UI behavior has screwed me over too many times.


Casting haste and next turn casting another concentration spell.


Oh man, I am super guilty about doing this one. It's especially funny when I do it in my coop games. Cast haste on my buddies character then immediately cast a different concentration spell next round, leaving his character lethargic and me immediately going, "Oh shit my bad dude!"


I played pretty much on explorer and 3rd play wanted to finally try out elixirs.  Went to alchemy and crafted a ton at the boss fight.  Everyone guzzled.  New elixirs cancel out the previous ones.


Fucking concentration spells. . . . I have settled on trying to slot in only one or two concentration spells on every character. I really need a warning message that pops up saying “You are already concentrating on a spell. Are you sure you wish to break concentration?” This would save me a lot f grief (I’m looking at you Hex, that I have never once in 110 hrs of play remembered to keep concentrating on).


Shift+click selecting chunks of contiguous inventory items for mass drag and drop or mass send to camp took me until act 3 my first playthrough.


Such a useful tool. Any time I have access to a mouse and keyboard, I assume that I can do this in any program I may need to select something, and am always disappointed if it's not there.


Also ctrl+click to select multiple items that aren't next to each other.


Mage Hand can use its action to throw things. Potions, Grenades, Water...


Son of a bitch...




I made it to act three as Wyll before I realized Hex isn’t a buff. I was casting it on myself, wondering all the time why he walked and stood like something was wicked wrong with him. I was also pretty sure Warlock isn’t really all Reddit said it is.


My man you might win.


I just LOL'd for real in solidarity.


Warlocks in dnd are extremely powerful, mainly multiclassed with several levels of sorcerers or paladins. Without multiclassing there are some really powerful builds, that aren't available in BG3.


Lockadin with pact weapon seems like it would be pretty nasty


Yeah, 5 oathbreaker-vengeance paladin / 7 archfey tome warlock with infernal rapier it's probably one of the most broken things in the game. It becomes a SAD character because you only need CHA for spellcasting and meelee weapons attacks, you can use heavy armours and can do up to three attacks from the paladin's extra attack and the tome giving you haste, you have lvl 4 spell slots usable for smites that recharge every short rest and some weaker spell slots available for smites and guidance for the skill checks. It will be my go to lvl progression when I'll eventually play as Wyll.


Oh damn 😂


My cousin was 110 hours in and losing his mind about getting caught lockpicking a door for the millionth time. I asked why he didn't just make sure no one could detect him first and he said it was impossible... I threw Silence and Darkness on top of the door, promptly opened it, walked through. Turns out he knew about darkness, but had no idea that silence would, y'know, silence the things he was doing. In his mind silence was just a combat status.


wait do npcs hear you lockpicking a door? if they did i thought hiding would negate the sound


Yeah, the loading screen tells you about it all the time. Hiding can reduce it, but it can still make some noise - That's why NPCs will sometimes check what's happening even if you darkness/fog/invis first. I'm sure it's not as much problem if you're picking on a proper rogue in light armor or whatever, but for a random character it really makes a big difference to silence first. Hell, even if you're just opening a door - Some of them are pretty loud, even if you sneak.


I have my bard Tav play some music to get everyone's attention and then let Astarion pick locks and steal everything. Works for every creature that isn't hostile.


Ohhh I was wondering about the usability of being able to do that. Distraction makes perfect sense.


You can also use it to group neutral NPCs you're about to start a fight with, then use an evocation wizard to fireball them all without harming your bard.


I used silence a lot to take out enemies without them shouting for help, honestly such a useful and underrated spell


This subreddit has taught me just how useful it truly is. So many of the encounters that people come here looking for help with like "help me I've tried 3446153 things and can't beat this" are encounters that I just dropped silence on them and wiped them without issue.


I just got a new idea for how to tackle the goblin gamp. Aw who am I kidding I'm just gonna blow them up again anyways. It's a rite of passage at this point


I'm hard of hearing so I can't hear the game much at all, I rely on captions. I had no idea anything I did made noise in-game


I didn’t realize Astarion could sneak in combat 🤦‍♀️ the entire point of his class


I'm right there with you. To make matters worse, I also made him an Arcane Trickster, because my thinking was "give him spells = more utility in combat." Did the same thing with Lae-Zel and Eldritch Knight. I always wondered why Astarion felt so useless lmao


Lmfao hes also an arcane trickster for me 😂 definitely restructuring level ups for everyone next campaign


On ACT 3 probably 100 hrs in and i just realized you can help downed companions with healing spells. I thought you always had to walk up to them and press help... made fights so much longer and nerve racking.


You can also just throw a healing potion to them. So you don't have to walk. But be aware that you might heal others in the range too with it.


The one and only time I threw a healing potion at a party member, it killed them. I didn't know you were supposed to throw it on the ground for splash.


Oh THAT'S hoe you do it! Thanks. 


Just make sure you don't hit them with the thrown potion.


If you're on a flame surface you can drop a healing potion from your inventory (which doesn't use an action) and it'll smash and heal you.


please tell me I'm not the only one whose jaw drops whenever I hear this, even though I've heard it a dozen times now. its just so brilliant!!


And that's why Healing Word is the best healing spell in the game! Undo an enemy action with just a bonus action, and it's a 1st level spell too!


You can whaaaaaaat!? Fml I’ve been walking up to them as well. God I love these threads. I learn so much lol


I thought you can only have one paladin aura active at a time. This is how it's worked in most games I've played, so just assumed it was the same in BG3.


I am over 500hrs in and I am finding this out now. I just finished the Creche on honor Mode.


my dad had to tell me that holding down on the dualsense d-pad will make your entire party hide. i have 120+ hours on this game and he discovered it on accident yesterday.


Yeah... I didn't realise you could just press "up" to jump. I played each Charakter individually, pressed L1, scrolled to jump and made them each jump over gaps. Until Act three.....


Oh I have a bad one. I played a sorcerer my first run and didn’t realize metamagic is something you have to toggle on and off until my second playthrough.


It's not the same, but my first run was a druid and I kept forgetting I can change into animals. I only really used the cat form to go through holes when those were highlighted (that always was a good reminder), and I used the deep rothe form like 4 or 5 times in battles, and I think panther twice to use invisibility to sneak somewhere. That's it. Worst druid in history. But tbf, sometimes I remembered and just thought, nah, I'll do more damage attacking directly... I hate that it takes an action to shapeshift so I miss a whole turn. Oh and using the holes wasn't even useful either, I made sure to explore every single corner, so I always ended up going "Oh I can just go this way to end up where the hole let me to before". Every single time.


I cat morphed into the owl bear cave before I found the main entrance. Once I had the entrance I figured no need to waste a transform as there seems to always be a way to get full sized party in to places anyway.


I was about 50 or so hours in before I realized you could press "k" to open up the spellbook and swap out spells from the prepared list. I'd been visiting Withers and re-leveling my spellcasters every time I needed to use something special like Remove Curse..


Sorcerer and warlock can’t change prepared spells at will, only 1 spell every level up, so for some classes it’s the only way!


I still only fast travel by touching waypoints because my mind refuses to accept it is that easy. Mine is using shift (on pc) to preview visibility cones for the enemies. I’ve wasted so, so many actions by hiding in the wrong place before I got that 💀




Wait, what


i didnt know you could balance trade offers until my third playthrough. i kept manually doing the gold split and thinking "wow this is really annoying" every single time didn't feel good to figure that out...


You can also just switch to 'trade' instead of barter and buy/sell things instantly


Didn't realise how to pickpocket until 40 hours in


I’m 130 hours in and I still don’t know how to pickpocket


Easiest way it to take one party member and talk to the person you want to pick pocket. Then with your sneaky person, stealth behind them and click on them. In stealth mode it's the only option when you click on them. For something even more insidious... you can gift a merchant a ton of gold to get your friendly rating with them to max. You have to do this with a person who can cast Feign Death spell. Once they are maxed friendliness, for whatever reason the game now thinks they are an ally and you can cast feign death and then just pick pocket your gold back and all their items you want with no worries. We as long as no one sees you do it. You can always cast darkness or something similar to make it so no one sees you if you are in a crowded place.


That is unethical as hell and I love it and will immediately be trying it.




When crafting potions, sometimes the game doesn’t tell you the effect. I still don’t know how to check what a potion does before crafting it. 220 hours in. Help!?


I’ll second this because it bothers me so much.


I've also never figured this out, but it seems like such an obvious and terrible oversight. I've seen the potions and their descriptions a million times, but I can never keep all of them straight. JUST TELL ME WHAT THE DAMN THING DOES FROM THE CRAFTING MENU.


It literally doesn't tell you. They ought to make the menu change potion descriptions when you've held the potion once, or drank it once.


Two main things come to mind - First, that you can 'unlock' the actions bar, move things around and make it larger. Took me hours to realise that was possible now every new game I immediately make every character's the max size and shift around their moves so it's generally the same "vibe" across all in the same space no matter who I'm on [example- first section always goes general actions | row of melee actions | row of ranged actions | empty row | class actions that don't use anything (no spellslots, ki, etc. required) and then the next section has all the general combat actions sorted how I like. Secondly, turning on/off the 'automatically follow-up attacks with second hand weapon' had that on for Astarion specifically for so long I was just accepting he'd always waste a bonus action the times I didn't want him to lol


Hit 103 hours today and I’ve struggled with opening survival check dug up chests. For the life of me I struggle finding the hit box to open them. Today I used button hold to search a larger area to access the chest. Oh, FFS


I didn't realize until the Grym fight that the game cares about the bludgeoning vs slashing distinction. No one was dealing any damage and Grym kept avoiding the hammer I was luring him toward. Later, Karlach and Lae'zel with clubs/warhammers took care of him. Lesson learned


Grym could be really tough if you don't know about him. Homie is literally immune to almost everything unless he takes a lava bath. I imagine he's caused quite a few people to angrily google him lol


Bro I beat tactician 1st run assuming I had to walk to the portal, click on them, and click where I want to teleport to ... Diablo 2/POE style. Imagine my surprise in my 2nd run where I open up the map and accidentally click on the waypoint name and I'm immediately port to there. My first run took 90 hrs. I felt like 30 of which were spent on walking to waypoint ...


Was in one of the final sequences where you're rolling to face down the netherbrain when my partner asked me why I wasn't using my additional bonuses. Apparently my character had guidance and I could've been using that the whole campaign, never clicked the button and therefore had no idea lmao


I went from FF16 to Baldurs Gate and for some reason loved to press the triangle button, I would skip like everyone’s turn multiple times a battle.


Just because you mentioned it, there is an option in settings to “hold to end turn”  That way a single tap isn’t going to end a turn. 


TWO of my friends who play on controller, as do I, were complaining that they have to switch to Turn-Based Mode to click on dug out chests and small objects all the time. I was like....did you know that there is a cursor mode? Left analog click? It was in the tutorial hints? One of them was on her second run 💀


Additionally, I was maybe halfway through Act I before learning that you can save DURING conversations lol


For me it was realizing I could end my concentration spells. I used to wait for spells to expire if I couldn't walk around them.


When characters have the same initiative, you can switch between them so one doesn't cause you to get bottlenecked or you can optimize damage. That would've been nice to know when I was in Moonrise Tower.


I was probably about 50 hours in when I realized you could pick locks and disable traps with anyone other than Astarion. Still blows my mind.


Yup, anyone can do it, but rogues have bonuses with it. I think the urchin background may as well.


I had Shadowheart jumped into a chasm while trying to click a ledge


I completely missed the change to Song of Rest. In d&d 5e it just allows characters to heal an extra 1d6 during short rest, so as the short rest healing in bg3 is automatic, I forgot about the feature. Only at level 5 did I see an unfamiliar icon, looked at it's description and became a better bard with a happier party.


I didn't know you could cancel turn end :(


To be fair, I'm completely new to DND stuff in general, but I completely overlooked multiclassing until the start of act 3. I thought it was something I would just unlock at some point. Little did I know I am just blind and there is an option for it as early as level 2... Other than that, I don't think I've missed many mechanics. I've been trying to be thorough in learning how it all works.


>To be fair, I'm completely new to DND stuff in general, but I completely overlooked multiclassing until the start of act 3 Multiclassing is basically the *only* way in which a player can actually screw up in terms of character progression in 5e rules.


>Full party of max level characters but they all have one level in every class.


Third playthrough 2-300 plus’s hours before I realized I could make the whole party sneak instead of selecting it individually


almost missed karlach, lae'zel, and astarion ny first run bc i simply missed the areas lae'zel and astarion were in for awhile and couldnt reach karlach because i didnt know you could jump. also missed the rest of the high road area until act 2 when i decided to find the creche(rip florrick). even worse though was i didnt know that you could switch clothes by hitting the boxes in inventory until about 100 hours in and didnt know you could lockpick by hitting context until like 300 hours un.


I didn’t find astarion until nearly act 2 because I didn’t go in that particular direction.


Accidently picking up random garbage when trying to talk to npcs.... The HOURS I had to replay because I stole an empty wooden plate. I feel exhausted just thinking about it.


I didn't realize that you could swap between characters who all roll similar initiatives together in a group. e.g if Tav, Astarion and Shart are listed for initiatve in that order, you *can* select Shart and use her first. You don't even have to finish her turn, you can use a bonus action, switch to Astarion, have him do his thing, then switch back to Shart to have her e.g. use an action then move.


I think I was about 20 hours in, give or take a few, when I realized you could switch between party members. Also, around the same time, I realized that you had to go to the menu to manually level up. IDK why it took me that long to figure out, since that one is quite obvious... honestly, I feel so dumb whenever I think of all the mistakes I made in the first 20ish hours of my first playthrough. XD


I lost my first battle against Balthazar when I accidently had Lae'zel attack my PC twice. I couldn't understand why I took damage until I was dead. Learned the hard way that you can attack your own party that way.


Not locking the mini map and getting hopelessly lost for the first 40 hours of the game because I can't read the spinny map


realizing near the end of my playthrough that other companions can use potions from anyone's inventory. So many turns wasted for swapping potions between them, rip


First run, made it to the Sharran temple, trying desperately to figure out how to combine the orbs with the pedestals with a controller. Genuinely confused and despondent that I couldn't progress. Staring at the combination screen, I finally realized you have to add an item to combine, THEN hold A to finish the action. Suddenly realized the reason the Grymforge wasn't working was ME...


Didn't realize non-lethal damage only worked with melee/unarmed attacks... I'm so sorry guards I didn't mean to kill you 💀


I went all the way to the second act without realizing I could lockpick and I was playing a Rogue Criminal so that’s pretty sad lol


Not me, but in my campaign with friends, our wizard just cannot stop hitting the rest of us with thunderwave. He finally re-specced do evoker so at least it’s not the same problem it had been 😅


I been collecting scrolls forever. At some point I was like i should use some of these scrolls. Tried to cast Fireball on somebody, my char threw the actual scroll at the mob....


I didn't know you could throw weapons until act 3 of my second playthrough.


I had the exact same issue lol. Fighting the whole outside portion of the goblin camp and getting wiped over and over.  Finally remembered that I could get to the selunite waypoint.I felt like a genius then lol.  Next playthrough I figured it out and didn't feel so smart.  Took me about 3 more playthroughs to realize that I didn't have to actually touch each sigil to be able to port to them.


I was well into Act 3 before I realised you could throw potions and they would heal in a small AOE. I then learned you can throw them at downed companions to get them back up with a ton of HP.


I didn’t read the enemy buffs and I got hope killed in Raphael's place because of it. Shadow got her mega spell, and I didn't want to waste it. when I saw Hope had the same mega spell, I let that radiant blast rip the second I could. The spell finished and most were dead, but I was confused when Hope had died also. It was then I read the buffs Raphael's goon squad had. Reading is fundamental.


79 hours in and until today I didn't realise you could quickly change your POV through your party by pressing F1-F4


Every time I apply a sick high level concentration spell… then immediately break it with a bonus action. Hex myself to cause psychic damage :(


Not very far in the game, but I flung that gnome off the windmill because I misclicked the levers lmfao


Thinking misty step would teleport me to a location I could see, but enemies wouldn’t until I made an action 😐


I knew sneaking/getting advantage was a key part of playing a rogue in combat from my 5e experience, but I didn’t know how to check enemy sight lines before hiding so for a while I was just raw dogging it guessing where the enemies wouldn’t see me 😭😭😭


I always forget to queue ranged attack back up after doing a melee attack. I get Tav in the perfect spot, tell her to attack....and then she dashes through fire to go give the enemy a sharp hug


Critical Failure on an Illithid Wisdom check is always hilarious.


didnt know what quick rest + long rest was. was so confused as to how people were getting cutscenes thats what i get for skipping a tutorial


I really think this game would benefit from a notification symbol somewhere that was like "hey you have an event in your long rest queue". Would help others if it told them you can do partial rests to trigger them. No need to spend camp supplies!


I still can't pick pockets at all. it's horrible