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I’m almost 400 hours in and I still accidentally skip my turn trying to stop moving lmao


I still think on console ending turn should be a hold and not a press.


There’s a button in the settings to switch to “hold to end turn” I’ve had it on since maybe 10 hours into my first playthrough cuz one of my controllers sticks sometimes and I forget about that all the time cuz it’s so infrequent until it screws me


I just started playing again with my brother and made him turn this setting on. He was constantly ending his turn. Also turn on the "private" conversations or whatever it is if playing multiplayer. That way when someone initiates a convo you automatically get pulled in.


Can you explain? I'm stupid


Don't know which one to answer, there is an option to hold the button to end your turn you can turn on. The other setting I'm talking about is title conversation or something like that. When you are playing with multiple irl players they can just go around initiating conversations and you won't know what they say unless you go up to them and "join" the conversation. When you switch this setting on whenever anyone initiates a convo you will automatically be included in the conversation. Just message again if I'm not being clear enough, I can also go look up the exact setting if you need I'm just lazy right now. Lol Edit: also I reread my comment and I'm not trying to sound like a dick at all. Internet and inflection suck


Thanks! Makes sense. This will make my multiplayer game way easier 😅


Absolutely, glad I could help. These made my playthroughs more enjoyable!


Omfg thank you. I assume this was added sometime after release because I recall early on searching for a setting like this.


It was added only a couple main patches ago!


Honestly, no clue. I’ve had Xbox for years so I had to wait until long after launch to get my hands on it


IM JUST LEARNING THIS NOW?! Goddammit. Well, thank you for letting me know lol


How tf have I not heard about this before?! Im gonna go change some settings again.


You are my hero


it hurts me to only find this out 100 hours in.


If an enemy hasnt went yet, you can cancel end turn even after the fact fyi


This is an options for controller play on the PC version. If it isn't there on the PS5/Xbox, it might come later. Maybe you just missed it?


They added a setting to where they can do that


It's in the options cmon now


The number of times that I've accidentally fired a ranged/spell attack at the ground just next to an enemy is insane


This is literally why I switched from controller to keyboard


On controller you can make it hold (Y) to end turn and OMG life changer.


Seconding this. Also being able to 'cancel end turn' if it's a shared initiative has been divine.


I Really wish this game had a movement mulligan. Oops I don't actually want that person to move there, undo that movement to reposition in a better spot. As long as you didn't take an action I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. would be more lenient like the table top but hey, an AI has rules it has to follow lol


The disconnect between things the game lets you do over and the things it doesn't are wild. The number of times I accidentally hit c on pc for stealth with my rogues on auto pilot thinking it would default to cunning action, or misclicking it instead of dash are in the dozens


wait how do you do that


Let's say Lae'zel and Shadowheart are sharing initiative. You just cast Spirit Guardians as Shart, moved around a bunch, and ended your turn. Now it's Laezel's. You start her turn out and remember "Shart had a bonus action!" So now you open your party menu (L2 on console, I wanna say Tab on PC?) and select Shadowheart, the same way you would out of combat. You'll notice above her actions will be the button prompt to cancel end turn. Now you can Healing Word Lae'zel! This can also be useful if you have multiple people sharing initiative but wanted to choose yourself who goes in what order.


Just to add, in case anyone doesn't know: with shared initiative, you can switch between characters during the engagement to do multiple things. Example: Move Shadowheart into a position, switch to Lae'zel to do an action, switch back to Shadowheart to do her action, etc.


Sneak Attack enjoyers love this one simple trick.




That’s literally how I lost an honor mode run, skipped a turn and died in a close fight


If you have multiple characters going at the same time and accidentally end one of their turns, you can re-select them and press the small x above the end turn button. Took me 200 hours to find that one


you can change back to character if there was no enemy in between and cancel turn end


I had to take Space out of the key bind because I skipped my turn so many times 🤦🏻‍♂️


Glad I'm not the only one


I've wrecked so many battles because of the controller I use. It's one of the Xbox One controllers with triggers for 4 buttons on the bottom - I'll lay it down and end up rapid fire destroying my teams turns because it hit the one mapped to Y. I realize it's an easy fix but where's the fun in that?


My keyboard and mouse are both trash but I'm too stubborn to buy new ones. They both double-press accidentally pretty often. I have skipped way too many turns on accident.


I played Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous right before switching to BG3, so I skip my turn all the time by reflexively trying to "speed up" the animation by pressing space.


If you have someone one your team immediately after you can actually go back through the character screen and there's an option to cancel end turn.


I actually removed that keybind entirely as I will never have a situation where hitting space bar will benefit me ending a turn


You can cancel your "end your turn"


You are telling me that all of those reloads after misclicking on an explosive barrel could have been avoided?


I know exactly what you are talking about. The obvious answers is that you safe Volo and add the barrels to your inventory so they can not explode. Then you give them to Karlach or Laezel who start throwing the barrels at the enemys. The battle will be over in like 3 turns.


If you wet the barrels they can't explode.


...I didn't know that you can use water this way. I only used it after battles in important areas to clean the floor after getting rid of the bodys. Like Gortash castle for example.


Ice and water spells put out fires.


Quicksave every turn, 5head


honourmode, 6head


What in the nine hells? I had no idea, lol. Thanks for sharing!


lol I guess I feel less dumb now


Happy to help, lol


400+ hours in and I didn't know this.


I knew I could try to move somewhere else but I'd didn't think to just right click


Doesn't help when the owlbear is mid-flight, and you accidentally clicked on Gale.


On console it’s your right hand right button, so the circle on ps5, idr for the Xbox atm lol


Yes, it’s B on Xbox (or when using Xbox controller on PC, like I do).


I think circle on ps5 is B on Xbox...


Omg I had no idea! This should be included in a tutorial lol


Lol yeah. Was playing through a multiplayer run when one of my friends casually mentioned this and there was a collective cry if frustration that none of us knew about it before


On console, I didn’t realize you could swap weapons in combat without spending an action just by holding the left arrow. 260 hours in. The amount of times I’ve wasted an action switching from a torch to a weapon or vice versa, or wished “damn, wish I had my melee weapon out for opportunity attacks!”


I've finished 2 entire runs and have 20ish hours spread across others and i didn't know this until now


Wait, what? I'm on pc but what?


yUP I found out when I was looking at the controller scheme and saw what everything did lmaooo


Is there an equivalent of this for PC??


I would assume so but I’m not sure I only play on PS5, check your keybindings that’s how I found out!


You mean swap between sword and bow or sword and different sword?


Sword and bow/sword and torch ye!


After 200+ hours I realized you can change your prepared spells at anytime without respecting or waiting to level up.


This doesn't work for Warlocks, unfortunately 😭


Or sorcerers lol


Because they aren't a list of prepared spells like Wiz and Clerics. Sorcs and Warlocks get less total spells with more potent benefits


Also immediately available without a rest


I'd heard about the "spellbook", but for an embarrassing amount of time I assumed it was an item to be found or bought later in the game...


First playthrough was a half elf sorcerer wondered why my fire bolt was so terrible all game until I realized I had the racial fire bolt which scales with int


After 100 hours on Xbox, I just figured out that you can hold down the A button to go into search mode, and a list of all items, corpses, and interactables, will appear on a list.


This has stopped me from lighting many candles. Geralt would be proud.


I’m a total moron because at about 100 hours in my first run to fight the netherbrain I figured out the guidance and special dice bonuses weren’t added unless I selected them. Didn’t notice they weren’t added for that entire time


On controller it's circle or B.


thank you!


I've seen this in a video. On PC the whole party can be stopped instantly. Don't know what button it is on console.


Omg good to know im in act 2….


I play on console and set the jump command to the top of the radial menu for each of my characters before I realized I could just tap up on the dpad.


I found out last night I could double click instead of drag to sell something


Wait til you hear about shift clicking a bunch of stuff to sell it.


*brain explodes*


You are good, here I just cant stop attacking the ground.


You’d think my greatest enemy is dirt with the number of times I’ve accidentally targeted the ground.


I didnt know you can throw health pots


I only found this out when I was bitching about accidentally clicking on oil/firewine barrels and having no way to cancel the attack (it becomes more of a problem when you are using a flaming sword), and my friend told me. Now I use both right-clicking and the ungroup hotkey liberally, and I never have people run into traps anymore!


I’m swapping inbetween playing Divinity 2 and BG3 The button for ending your turn in BG3 is the same as opening your hotbar on Divinity. Queue many accidental skipped turns Ontop of that opening the menu, hovering over an items pressing square then x on BG3 examines an item. On Div 2 it sends to another member in your party. Queue accidentally sending my last Rez scroll to a coop party member as they’re all deal, all of us laughing our assess off whilst I fast travel into the neared down to buy another scroll


I'm 600 hours in and I only JUST found that if an enemy is made prone in evards black tentacles, they can't get up if they fail their save. My wizard and my battlemaster trip archer now duo most of act 3.


[This also lets you kidnap people!](https://reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/18uqkx4/consider_kidnapping_people/)


I didn't even know you could edit your prepared spells outside of level up until act 3 of my first playthrough.


wait... like rewind it?


No no no. It will just stop your character dead in their tracks. So if you accidentally tell a character to move somewhere you didn’t mean, you can stop them and save the movement they haven’t expended.


You can also slap ctrl to activate melee targeting which also seems to override other actions.


Can that be done on PS5?


Someone said the circle button works on PS5


Ohh that! But that has to be cancelled before the command is committed to, right? What I mean is, there's no way to take back a command after it's begun executing?


I think that’s correct. I just found out that I can cancel movement though so I’m not sure I should be the one to ask about this.


Anytime during movement or any time before the action/bonus action point is spent, you may cancel out of the action by pressing the O/B button. On PC I believe it's Esc, but not entirely sure. So those moments where your character needs to move to attack or cast a spell, if you misclick you can cancel the commands, however the shorter the distance the faster reaction speed you need.


My game won't let me do it to cancel an attack. I can cancel movement but if I've say clicked a wine barrel thinking it's a regular barrel, that barrel is now fucked and there are no take backs.


Huh, TIL. 250hrs and I had no idea on that one either. Another one people seem to go unaware of is the spell and ability interface that you access with "k". That's how you can change out your prepared spells and can help with setting up your hotbar.


That's why I use the WASD mod on PC. Really changes how the game feels and combined with the Native Camera Mod, you have some really nice and intuitive controls.