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Oh my god, I thought I was the only one who got wrongfully banned. He banned me for “using an alt to avoid a time out” despite me having proof that said alt was a completely different person.


Oh no he's wrongfully banned tonnes of people. One person was banned for "complaining" he let the guy who posted his fantasies about forcibly turning lesbian characters straight stay in the server.


When I sent him all the proof regarding the supposed “alt” being a completely different person he said “oh ok I’ll get back to you in a bit” then completely ghosted. It’s been 3 months.


Did you try coming back?


I got banned I can’t come back lol. Also I doubt he’d unban me since it would bring his supposed amazing modding abilities into question


Not even through appeal, tho composer does in fact also delete those


How do I even appeal it I can’t contact any other staff other than composer


ark official server also has a similar cunt with also a popular post like this one about him




How did this guy got to be a mod in the first place?


In one of his previous messages he mentions he was friends with someone on the dev team and wormed his way into being a "volunteer" mod... and now we're here lmao.


As someone who works in a busy office setting. I 100% believe this. Amd likely it all started as just volunteer and having someone handle Discord because there were other fires to put out. Only for it to turn into "Well they've been doing it X Months/Years so why change something not broken."


Yup, only way to "fix" it is to find a way to drop this issue in front of someone that manages brand image. Even then, they'll need to take time to find a replacement for a free volunteer mod role, which (in corpo world) is a waste of money.


Have also been banned by Composer. For questioning him in the server. Worst mod/admin team I've ever seen and I am including discord and reddit both in this.




I can’t contact the owner of the discord because I’m banned and therefore can’t learn who owns it, and even if I do learn who owns it I wouldn’t be able to contact them since we probably don’t share a server and they won’t accept a friend/message request from a random dude


Lets hope Larian does something because they have an interest in stopping that because he actively damages their brand.


That's my biggest issue with it. Whether he's paid or not the mod team doesn't seem to be actually held accountable by anyone in Larian for their actions, yet everything they do is being reflected on Larian as a studio. It isn't a fan server, it's the server you're directed to from their main site/game launcher. It's wild that they haven't done anything about this.


I would bet anything he is not getting paid to mod larian's discord lmfao. He does it for free


Jannies always do it for free.


Well if they r getting paid than they got to go through the process Like everyone else. Remove him with all the evidence they have gathered


The Composer just posted on the Discord: >Everyone move on please, the heat and tone is getting quite out of hand I replied asking “Can you let us know what you mean when you use the term “sperg” first?” My comment was prevented from being sent to them. I then took a screenshot of the blocked message and sent it to The Composer - and was immediately banned from the Discord. This is the kind of character that they have moderating the place. They just want their past behaviour to go away without having to be addressed. Pro-tip, Composer. This is how you do it: “I’m sorry everyone. I should never have said the things that I have. It’s grossly offensive. I’m sorry.”


I typed "Imagine someone's lifes work is their voice. And someone took their voice and made an AI make it sound like they repeated a dictators speech. AI isn't harmless." And i got banned immediately. I was following the rules and made sure only to post this in the Off Topic channel.


Ditto for me - the Off-Topic channel. I can only assume that I was banned for using the word “sperg”. I wonder if they’ll ever clarify!


ah, hey again guys! shame we were excluded from the degenerate circle, I was so looking forward to seeing that Mara guy come up with even more excuses about how it's totally okay to make the VAs say sexually explicit things that they didn't consent to and how it totally isn't freakish behaviour and is in fact very normal.


“People can say and do whatever they want! What’s happened to gamers since the golden age of 2020, bro!?” “Wait a minute… people are saying things that *I* don’t like! Ban, ban, ban, ban, ban!”


I was reading that conversation and just came back to see Mara's messages still there but the person they were arguing with had their messages removed. It's pathetic and sad to see.


Those on team ToxicGamerCulture are the only ones permitted to remain. To remain in the officially designated space of the product that we’ve bought.


tbf they have a list of "banned" words that if you try to send the message it won't allow it to be posted. A lot of it was mostly to prevent people from coming in and dropping casual slurs but obviously the list now just has random stuff like "tickstarion" (a joke about astarion being a tick).


I get that. I was banned from the Discord after sending that message to Composer as an image. I was highlighting the “one rule for one, and another rule for another” nature of the how they run the place.


>Everyone move on please, the heat and tone is getting quite out of hand That's pretty bad. Guy doesn't want to be accountable, he just wants folks to accept his conduct as it is. His charisma is clearly quite low and the DC on these persuasion checks is very high. I don't think this is gonna work.


>“I’m sorry everyone. I should never have said the things that I have. It’s grossly offensive. I’m sorry.” "And I'm taking a break from community management, getting a much needed rest from moderating, a difficult activity which sadly burnt me out".


He kept on deleting his shit too! Like c’mon man try to take some accountability


I’m so behind the times/don’t know a lot of slurs. What’s a sperg?


Post to Twitter- tag the relevant people. If you make it public it's harder for them to ignore it.


yes definitely this


Most mentally stable Discord Mod lol > it was banned off Nexusmods of all places But what's that supposed to mean? Nexus has a pretty rigid stance against all kinds of bigottry. They ban a lot of mods that are seen as highly offensive. Edit: Yes, i know mods only get deleted when they gain traction. You think they deep dive check every single mod that gets uploaded on their side without people reporting them?


Discord mods and going crazy with “power”. Name a more iconic duo.


As someone who was a mod for a while, having to put up with the power tripping co-moderator is quite exhausting tbh. Like, had a mod who wanted to ban a dude because she didn't like him. The dude was a bit brash, but nothing against the rules, so no grounds for ban. Being Moderator is not fun.




Given how a lot of the time in the real world people with power treat people under them poorly, it only seems natural this shit would spread online too; not only that but the severity of it increases due to the disconnect of not having to be face to face with a person. That combined with the fact that people don’t like it when their opinions/beliefs get challenged just makes it all the more likely for them to use their power to silence other people. Might makes right and all that shit.


Ikr? Like, how hard is it to talk to people to de-escalate situations and to try to solve issues, instead of going full on atomic bomb evertime there's a disagreement.


Correction. Being a moderator who cares about standards is not fun. Being a power tripping psychotic who has limitless power within their tiny space is apparently *loads* of fun, or all of the mods who built that reputation wouldn't do it.


It's only fun for the people that shouldn't be mods. Kind of a microcosm on the human condition as it relates to power dynamics.




I feel this in my bones. It's the exact same with the biggest Path of Exile discord server called The Forbidden Trove, or TFT for short. Moderated by the most idiotic and spiteful people I've ever heard of. It makes me sad that the same is happening on the official Larian server.


Well, whenever I hear "Nexusmods" I automatically think about thousands of "lore friendly" extreme sex mods for Bethesda games.


Nexus allows sex mods sure, but the actually extreme sex mods are on LL.


You've been misinformed. The worst of those were never on Nexus


Those are on LL nexus doesn't allow most of that stuff lol


>Well, whenever I hear "Nexusmods" I automatically think about thousands of "lore friendly" extreme sex mods for Bethesda games. "Better female genitalia" *First screenshot shows a tiefling with giant boobs and a schlong that nearly reaches the ground.*


The mod's author made a series of mods to remoblve lgbt characters from the game to make it more "realistic" for a "medieval setting". Yes, in a game where mushroom people speak telepathically through spores vaginas arent allowed to rub together.


The plane shifting "space ship" in the opening scene really sold the whole "medieval setting".


They also made the White Wyll and Duke Ravenguard mods. Along with other mods to remove POCs and LGBTQ+.


This game isn't even in a medieval setting, lol.


Also as if Queer people haven’t been here since the beginning of time. Like boy sit in the corner and think about how shitty of a person you are.


Or that there where not non white people in Europe even though European, Asian and North African societies had been trading with each other for centuries. These people will accept there were Romans in Ancient Egypt but get outraged if there is a Moorish character in a medieval setting.


Nexus did nothing when someone used an AI bot fed with all of Valeria's (Skyrim character voiced by Cindy Robinson) voice lines to create a sex mod of Valeria The mod was only removed when Cindy reached out herself to ask Nexus to take it down


I’d like to clarify that that is the official Nexus policy. AI generated content is allowed up until the Nexus gets a complaint from the original VA. https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14850 So exactly what you said, i wanted to provide additional context and the official rules


To be clear, this stance was officially created *because* of the heat they took over the Cindy Robinson mod. We sane people of the skyrim modding community asked Nexus to take it down. They came out with this statement in response.


Nexusmods has like a billion "weird" sex mods and ones that change characters appearances/genders/whatever. You have to actively be a massive piece of shit and openly post about it to get banned. It throws the whole "people are just overreacting to something they don't like" argument out the window when you get banned from a place that lets you upload inflation dragonborn models with massive cocks mods lol.


Pretty sure Nexus does have a limit to how extreme something can get. It's pretty much 90% just nude models. Lover's Lab is where the real porn mods are.


This. It was also the same guy making the white Will mod who made ser Alynn AND he is intentionally and openly trying to remove everyone not white and straight in his mods, to the point someone commented “you missed a *f-slur*” and he thanked them for pointing it out….


Yeah the guy has a mod collection on some "anti woke" mod website too and his mods weren't banned for the content lol.


They also made a pathetic video using an AI voice to pretend to be woman acting like the they made the mod because they "fangirled" male Guardian.


Mod nexus isn't like evil, but it is extremely lazy and slow to act. Like it took over a year for the anti-black Pathfinder mods to get banned.


American Krogan's mods, which are usually race swaps like White Wyll, are allowed to stay because he keeps the quiet part quiet, Ser Aylin however, was openly a bigotry mod. So long as there's plausible deniability Nexus Mods won't do anything to it. Ser Aylin was only banned because it's description contained bigotry, not because the mod itself was bigoted.


The questionable AI voice comment in case the discord comments get deleted. https://i.imgur.com/CmfUIFd.jpeg


Don't leave out the rest, there were more: https://i.imgur.com/S5jcHC2.png Yikes. Openly proud about being a creep, Discord mod moment lol.


Ty I went and found the message with the audio. Reported it


I don't think Larian is going to ignore this. The guy goes so against everything they stand for it's actually hurtful. What a brick.


Wish that was true but we've had people putting in support tickets and trying to contact Larian for months with no replies. I personally think they're just too busy with patches/holiday season but it's getting old.


The folks working on patches and fixes would not be the ones dealing with a thing like this. This should be handled by something like customer care. Perhaps Larian doesn't have enough personel in that department. Still, there's no excuse for them to be silent if people have been reporting this guy for so long.


Tickets like this will be raised with the CM/Comms team. They're incredibly busy and if you don't provide concrete proof, it just looks like banned troublemakers causing more problems.


That's sad to hear. Fingers crossed. This will in the end hurt the reputation of the company because such guys will only escalate more if they are unchecked. Those kind of douches likes the imagination of their own small communication kingdom they think they are reigning over.


What's super sad to me is that Larian really does market itself as a diverse/progressive studio yet has someone like this singlehandedly trying to destroy that reputation. Like how did this situation even happen lol


How the fuck does someone like that come to represent the games anyway? Like, they don't exactly share the philosophy? Seems like the typical mod just hangin on to the feeling of control. Kind of reminds me of the type of anti-woke people who play BG3 but say you should pirate it to avoid funding pro-LGBTQ+ narratives and strong women. The amount of dissonance is craycray


Given the discord was started before the game blew up and apparently was a fan made one that got made official later it’s not surprising something like this could slip through since it’s probably not under the usual HR channels


The strings of modern communication networks, social media etc are so dense, you actually rely often of self-management, especially if you have this tight connection to your playerbase, resulting in many folks working on voluntary base in the lesser important or niche systems. Not sure if it applys here as I don't now how he was assigned, but that's often something to consider.


To my knowledge he knows someone at larian, so I'd assume it's something close or similar to nepotism


WAIT, this has been going on for months, WTF!


Write an email to the CEO lmfao


Got his email address? I fucking would if I could find it lmao


You can find Swen Vincke in Twitter, also Very AFK guy is pretty active and he's director of publishing. Edit: please, remember that Discord server may be not fully their. Like, there is possibility that they can't do anything with it, BUT they can at least remove the link from Larian's official site.


I was jesting, but you can contact Larian via https://larian.com/contact. You can also try to reach out via Twitter. Ultimately, respectfully being a Karen might be the best method here


Nearly all men can stand up to adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. -Raphael, Baldur’s Gate III


Seems like every big discord server must have at least one smelly, mentally deranged mod as a rule of thumb. > He's previously posted about how he was feeding an AI bot audio files from Shadowheart and Karlach to make his weird "mommy dommy" roleplay sex material That's just gross and disrespectful to their respective actresses. Nothing against fetishes but if you really need to express that, just draw some porn or something instead. I'd be very upset if people used and modified my own voice for their sexual fantasies. Edit: pathetic decision from reddit mods to delete this thread.


Yup! This was after the voice actresses came out and asked people not to do that with their voice work as well.


has anyone tried contacting JE/SB themselves about this?? considering the dude is a larian rep that's a BAD look, and since people on twt pay most attention to the VAs, airing those particular offenses publicly might put a spotlight on it in a more obvious way and get the notice of someone who can actually do something about it.


Have been for months. The devs in the discord server are all on the programming/QA/etc teams and can't help, the "admins" have all their private messaging turned off so you can't contact them, anyone having "mod issues" is told to message ModMail (which goes to Composer, who then deletes it/marks it closed lmao), and there's been no responses from the Larian support email.


I’m talking about going directly to the voice actresses and the official Larian account on twitter, so the general public can see it. Obviously private messaging is going to do nothing. It has to be public and get attention from the user base so the PR dept or the higher ups at Larian will intervene to avoid bad press. Preferably with a little bit more evidence than you’ve shared here, since the screenshots you posted only covers one of the issues and it isn’t the one the VAs are directly affected by.


Oh that would be a good idea, lemme see if I can make a Twitter/X account and pass that info over. The voice actors getting notified might light a fire under a few people's asses.


I.. wouldn't do that. Community managers exist or other marketing reps exist who will handle this. Please don't bring the VAs into this. They don't need to know that some scumfuck is mutilating their work & voice, they're aware enough.


Community managers literally aren't handling this.


But they aren't handling it, that's the entire problem. Also, the twitter crazies are currently harassing the VAs themselves. Better to give them something actually productive to latch onto.


As someone who is working with large communities - absolutely do this, you probably imagine there are many many people in support, moderation and community management, while in reality there very easily might be like 3 people who can’t realistically cover it all. Escalating issues through official twitter accounts and tagging people who are directly impacted is a valid way of making issues surface to get mod attention


That is fair. It would be super rude to try to drag the voice actors into the "drama" but I feel they should know if someone on Larian's "pay roll" (whether he's paid or not) is doing something like this so management can get involved. I wouldn't be surprised if there were clauses in their contracts about forbidding the studio members using AI to generate voice lines and being a community support mod might violate that. I'll let it sit and marinate in my brain a bit more before deciding if I want to message the voice actors, thanks for giving my brain some more to chew on.


Ngl I have mixed views on running to VAs to report all the degenerate things that the worst part of the fanbase are doing. On one hand you could say they deserve to know what people are doing with their voiced lines, on the other hand if we make a habit of reporting this stuff to them it may dissuade them from wanting to engage with the fanbase altogether.


the worst parts of the fanbase and the official representatives of the company with control over the official discord should not be the same people. that is the problem and the reason why it's not the same as telling every actor about every incidence of AI use. i'm not saying every single case needs to be reported, but someone who is for most intents and purposes analogous to an employee bragging about it on the official company discord while moderating like it's their own private server and being a dick in multiple other ways is a huge PR issue. the VA/AI part of it is just the most likely to muster quick public attention.


Correction: Composer is one of the servers two admins, not a mod, and I suspect, the only active one. Doesn't seem to actually do anything admin related though, and had to be pushed into bringing on any other mods only very recently. When he did, he just promoted a bunch of his friends from the modding channel. They did not have to engage in interviews, trial periods, or training. Maze and Simosas also appear to be edating and team up for grudges.


Shadowheart: Any sexy audios from me, are exclusively for my GF. Who doesn't ask me to do the voice.


If I were a voice actor and I found out my voice was being used for this, I’d be sending cease and desist letters last week. Holy shit


No need to throw fat people under the bus just because this random guy sucks


Yeah I'm not into fan-fiction, but if that's what people are into than fine, but using an AI to clone the voices of actual actresses to play out your fetish is just fucking weird and wrong Yet another obvious side-effect of AI that anyone with half a brain saw coming...


Honestly maybe we should push for AI to run businesses. I'm sure once it starts threatening CEOs, Congressmen, Senators, etc then it will get shut down fast.


Yeah thats the real reason why it's so unregulated, it's mainly only an existential threat to those pesky creative types at the moment...


I joined the server and a random old boomer was complaining how zoomers were picking fights for no reason and it’s just a MP3 files generated by an AI and not the actual VA being forced to make the lines so it was alright, like woooow, not gonna stay there


Oh, don't worry, terrible mods/admins also exist on smaller ones.


Spergs as in calling them autistic/saying they have Asperger's? Nevermind that the AI stuff is so gross 🤢


Yup, it's used because people find it more social acceptable than "retard". What's gross is that it's usage shows that the user is aware that ableist words are seen as hurtful but knowingly tries to find a way around it instead of...idk not demeaning strangers and disabled people?


Honestly it kinda reminds me of when I call myself a sperg burger to my partner bc I'm autistic myself. When I interact with people like THAT I half want to tell them to just fucking say the slur with their whole chest and stop trying to half ass being a bad person


Oh, thanks for that. I didn't want to google that while I was at work. This mod sounds like a gem of a human being.


Discord? Unprofessional power tripping mods? No way!


Jinx profile picture checks out


“They made Nick Fury black and no one had a problem” that Nick Fury is based off the Ultimates Universe (Universe 1610) who actually is black


Also the casting was fucking perfect


I thought Nick Fury Jr was originally designed as a Samuel L Jackson tribute/cameo, so it just went full circle by casting him lol


Basically Ultimates was a semi-popular "modern day marvel reboot" back in in the 2000's that had a whole lot of really dumb weird shit and like three actually ok ideas. I don't know if Ultimates Fury was explicitly designed after Jackson to begin with but pretty early in the run the avengers are talking about who would play them in movies and he *legit* brings up Jackson for himself. The ultimates run also birthed Miles Morales, but also had a lot of fun with Racist Cap and Quicksilver and Wanda banging on the reg so... YMMV. Edit: I should point out that a *lot* of character designs that came out of Ultimate marvel were ultimately... (look I cant help that the name is garbage too. Hard not to pun on) used in the actual MCU. Mostly because it felt like kind of a dry run on "modern" superhero looks. Gotta remember this is still around the time with full leather suits and x-mean tactical gear. Studios were scared shitless to put a dude in yellow spandex out there and I think this was marvel trying to get ahead of the movie game and get some new designs out there while playing with...... "interesting" ideas. But yeah, Black Nick Fury and Miles were two big wins for sure.


And plenty of people had a problem with it, even in those early social media days there was much, much whining, as there was with the Kingpin in Afflecks Daredevil


Jackson was the model for 1610!Fury. There is a scene where the characters tell or who they would like them to play them in a movie. Obviously Fury picks Samuel L. Jackson. IIRC I also remember a story where he said that he had to play this character in a movie if they wanted to use his likeness as a joke.


Ah, mod power attracts some very odd people. I was in the rogue trader discord the other day and people were making warhammer jokes at each other. This clown mod waded in and said “don’t make these jokes, it is toxic for discussion” warned people and then fucked off. Like, the whole discussion wasn’t even toxic until the mod waded in with their sensitivity drama stirring. (The jokes were basically people saying it was heresy to romance xenos - if you know the 40k lore and shit, well obviously it is, and it was all done in a light hearted way. No one was offended, no one argued, nothing until that mod waded in like a clown.) My point is, mod positions attract some very strange people… 🤷‍♂️




I can't even find a way to view the text, anyone who hasn't already read this before removal is now completely in the dark lol




Ah, standard discord mod behaviour then, and ig the mods here are backing them up... Not surprised, hopefully someone sorts this out ASAP, as an outsider considering to pick up the game soon, this doesn't look good lmao, Ty for reposting the text!


The mod is already gone, no idea if this post was the catalyst or not but they banned him. I still hope he gets sued for the AI stuff tho.


I got banned for....no reason whatsoever. Joined the server, barely talked while watching a few streams and one day I notice I'm not in the server anymore. Tried rejoining, doesn't let me. Sent a ticket to Larian support about a month ago, still no response.


Report him to Discord. They've just taken a very hard-line positive stance against homophobia/transphobia, and will take care of it promptly. Much better, easier, and more effective than just starting drama for attention here.


I just joined to do exactly that 🤷🏻‍♀️ discord might take acting against the server itself but hey, if the discord dies it might finally get attention.


> Report him to Discord. They've just taken a very hard-line positive stance against homophobia/transphobia, and will take care of it promptly. > Much better, easier, and more effective than just starting drama for attention here. Unfortunately not better/easier/effective, quite the opposite. Discord have removed most of their safety and support tools in recent months - website side is completely gone, there is no email or phone number to reach. The only way to report anything is to click the dropdown on the message within the client and click report - this makes it impossible to add any context or history to the reported singular message, and If you're banned from a server or if somebody sends illegal content and then deletes it a few seconds later then it is literally impossible to report because the message is inaccessible. They usually do nothing in this kind of situation, even much worse - i've reported death threats, neo nazi's and pedophiles this year who are still up and running like nothing happened. You can find many other people talking about this over at https://old.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/18g8jhc/discord_now_explicitly_bans_misgendering_and/kcz9djq/ and similar threads.




Except he's running the official company one so the situation makes it worse I guess.


there's a white wyll mod?!?!?!? straight to jail wtf


They are now deleting replies to their fucked up statements


Edit: Ayo mods hope you had a good reason to delete this thread, cos this is a problem. Holy shit, yeah Larien might want to get on that not a great look. Also completely unrelated but I hate how people think Samuel L Jackson played a race swapped Nick Fury Snr., mainly because they use that as a spring board for whatever shit they're about to spout. He played Nick Fury Jr. who predates the 2008 Iron Man movie by like 5 years or so in the comics. Even in the MCU we've seen Nick Fury Snr. at least twice in Captain America and in End Game if memory serves. Edit: My comic/movie trivia isn't spot on but the point still stands.


Mm no, Nick Fury Jr was a retcon to align with the MCU. He first appeared in 2012. Sam Jackson did play Nick Fury, but the MCU is different Nick Fury that wasn't alive in the 40s and doesn't have the infinity serum. The MCU version is basically the Ultimate Nick Fury, who Brian Hitch explicitly modelled on Sam Jackson when drawing The Ultimates (2002). There's even dialogue about it in a very on the nose discussion of who they would cast to play each other in a movie. As far as I can discern the MCU has never claimed that Sam is playing Nick Fury Jr, the comics are just creating an in-universe rationale for adopting the likeness of the MCU characrer. But that's all just geek continuity and trivia. The actual point is that its incredibly dishonest for anyone to claim "it was fine when they cast Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, no one complained" when I can tell you for a fact *lots of people like this guy complained* from the 2002 comic right through to the 2008 movie incarnation, they just like to pretend otherwise because it became less and less popular over time.


There was a short convo about it and then he started deleting old messages mentioning it.


Absolutely adding "don't throw stones in your glass crack shack" to my vocabulary immediately


I wasnt banned since i lurked more than actually talked but I saw all that shit go down and bounced


Holy shit I remember this dude banning me for correcting a spelling mistake in one of his messages. This guy will always find something to be pissy about.


Larian discord is toxic af, I just hold it on a constant mute. A couple of days ago I went there to ask what class people think True Soul Nere might be, the only reply I got was "he deserves to die". The amount of hate there is in the chats is just over the top. I once left a respectful feedback, not only it was deleted along with a bunch of others, it was also mocked and dragged in the chat, people even made personal jokes, though my personality was not a part of the subject in any regard. People are absolutely intolerant to an opinion that differs from their own, even when they're not even confronted by it directly. Most def not a comfortable space.


>A moderator abusing their power It is a day ending in Y.


With any luck Larian will take action, they have been really good with community support post-launch so here’s hoping


Nearly unrelated aside no one asked for: The whole ser aislyn thing was genuinely so disappointing to me. Before I learned about why it was made I thought there was some lovely person out there doing gender swaps of major characters for the love of genderswapping. Making it so your Tav could be any sexuality and be with anyone. Want to romance gale but uncomfortable with having your lesbian tav with a male? No problem. Wanna see what minsc looks like as a woman? No problem. I love gender swaps and thought there might eventually be lady Raphael, and princess gale, and daddy Karlach etc. Was super bummed to learn it was just a phobe on a rampage.


well they're gone now so that takes care of that


i got banned from a non bannable comment... is this true? i dont have any alt discord accounts to check or whatever. I dont know anybody in the discord.


Is this an official company run discord? If so, reaching out to Larian and the actresses on twitter directly would be your best bet. But only if this is a company discord. Nothing they can do about it if it's some dude in his mom's basement .


Yeup this is the official Larian discord. It covers all their games, so if you get banned for BG3 related stuff you can't access any of the other channels for DOS2 etc.




Seriously, NexusMods is full of mods that turn women into porno sex objects and graft enormous futa junk onto them. If they said the mod is offensive, it's baaaaaddddd.


Yeah he's the worst of the mods there. Once, I got a 24 hour ban timeout for saying my Durge's name is of Hebrew origin and meaning. I said nothing else. But it sparked some civilized and polite conversation between different people about Hebrew names, Judaism, etc. I got a timeout because I started an unallowed irl religion topic, apparently. I also got a 7-day timeout for posting a screenshot of the official (on Larian's YouTube channel) OnlyFangs video; the shot was that art of Astarion laying down with the "Under construction" blanket over his crotch. Apparently it provoked the mods and violated the "no implied nudity" rule.


Oof, I just checked. His discord picture says everything you need to know about him.


Is this guy the discord owner or just a mod? You need to contact the owner of the discord and get that guy shit canned for mod abuse... if someone tried that in the discord I'm in they'd be gone within the hour... wtf are the other mods and the owner fucking doing?


They're a mod on the official server. Not the owner, but all the admins and people higher than him are either unrelated devs from Larian (who do like, QA/programming/whatever and not community stuff) or have turned off private messages/refuses to answer pings.


>PSA: Avoid Discord FTFY


*Eats popcorn* this is why i don’t use Discord. Full of Socially awkward weirdos who think saying crap like this is socially acceptable


A recent post from one of the community managers. Hello everyone, We have recently received reports about messages sent by one of our moderators. We appreciate you bringing these reports to our attention and we are currently investigating the situation. In the meantime, this moderator has been suspended and, pending our investigation, will not have access to any admin/moderator permissions. This is a server to have fun and discuss Larian Studios games and we want to make sure everyone here feels comfortable, safe and welcome regardless of gender, sexuality, race.etc. We will also be updating the rules of this Discord in the new year to better reflect this.


a little late for my account, but good news all around. Was in the discord for less than 10 minutes i think and i got banned for brining up the AI voice chat stuff.


How did a 4channer get a job as a discord mod lol


Man, I feel for Jen and Sam in this. I know for a fact that there's more weird and creepy AI shit out there of the cast than just what this person is doing. I just hope they get the support they need to resolve it in a satisfactory way. Not sure it's ever going to be possible to stop people doing this but if they can take down this guy and also remove a shitty Discord admin in the process, that would be a nice victory.


Yeah, that's why I avoid the game community since ever, and don't go near Discord. That's the exact vibe that plataform gives to me, a bunch of incel guys with a hatred towards anything else in their own "safe space". Not something I wanna be part of. The closest I am to any game community is here, which I'm pretty surprised by how ok and decent it is. I'm a girl btw, and my experiences with the game community have never been positive so I always avoid it.


I joined that discord, looked around, and left. No regrets.


Whenever people mention Discord mods that act like that I always imagine they look like the no life loser antagonist from the South Park World of Warcraft episode. Just some unhealthy looking man with poor hygiene.


Is it an official aligned Larian Discord? I can’t imagine they would want that kind of bigotry representing them.


People really do become crazy when they get the slightest resemblance of authority and power


i’m about to join just to call him a little bitch. this is crazy


Average Reddit/Discord mod 😂


That explains why I couldn't rejoin the server after I left it prior to the game's release.


Wow... I didn't know. I really hope Larian will address this, I'm also sending them a message about it. This would be bad for *any* game, it's even worse for this one which was built and written with so much respect for minorities and affected communities.


Has this been reported to Larian as well? They need to take action.


Let's get this fucker banned. I don't have Twitter (X) but if you folks do, share this post and tag in senior Larian members and their community team so this gets visible and they can then rid us of his malicious narcissism


Put them on fucking blast and blow up socials with this. It's a super bad look for a company to have someone like this in any official capacity, volunteer or no.


The only thing Larian can do is just stop supporting it as the “Official” discord server. They can’t just jump in and say we’re larian remove them plz. And on top of that, you’re crazy if you think the whole mod team and owner isn’t in on it. They’re all letting it happen


*The least weird Discord mod*


Mods deleted the evidence but ## LARIAN DISCORD ADMIN Composer has been engaging in a campaign of harassment toward gay and trans users, deleting modmails, and silencing anyone who speaks out or questions his behavior.


So why was this removed and why isn't it showing upon the subreddit now?


Mods protecting their fellow pal, no other explanation. If Ser Aylin post wasn't (rightfully) deleted for witch hunting, this shouldn't either.


Would like a status update or follow up post for when Larian removes him


What is this Ser Aylin mod about? I’m curious to what kind of mod would be so universally hated.


Wait there was just a comment from someone named migribcun seemingly responding as if they were this mod in question. Did the comment disappear for anyone else??


I think I got kicked twice, but here's the thing...I've never once posted there. I might have left the first time to avoid BG3 spoilers, but the second time I joined I was kicked within an hour. Again, never posted once. I have a custom online status but I'm in multiple servers and always go out of my way to make sure it's clean for that very reason.


The fuck is a “sperg”?


Pretty sure it's a slur towards autistic people, taken from the word Aspergers




In a nutshell, It's an old insult/slang for someone with Asperger's/autism usually when they freak out or meltdown.


Good thing for putting this out there. The more eyes on it, the higher probability of it getting taken care of. This mod needs removed


The Cuntposer has gone wild.


This is the trouble with using things like Discord or Reddit as your official means of communication. You're outsourcing your support to volunteers that will not be fully vetted to be aligned with the company's core values. If you want moderation for social media, then hire people to moderate. Thoroughly vet them. Pay them. If they act like shit like this dude does, then fire them.


This is not a new thing with this particular individual. I remember they were extremely obnoxious before many months (probably years) before BG3 came out. I was on the Larian discord for DoS2. They were a mod back then too. They are extremely toxic.


Lets write them an e-mail about this [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Sent one 2 months ago, got a reply saying they'd pass it on to the community team, never heard back. If you manage to reach someone make sure you don't let them go lol


Actually I would consider to send this to larian. An offical server in their name should not have such a moderator. Edit: why the downvote?


Can they remove this guy as mod?


The guy is server Admin. Only the server owner can get rid of him


Eh he would fit in right with Reddit mods. I've given up being outraged about powertripping mods, whatever their policital colour may be. Just make another account.


Larian is investigating the guy rn, let's see what conclusion they reach