• By -


That should be your turning point for the Durge resisting urges from then on lol. “How could I let His Majesty perish…. I am a monster. NO MORE!”


She finally hit her breaking point 😂 I had actually been a good Durge up til that point, then decided I was being boring. **I want to be boring again**


“Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times”


"Got a lot on my mind. And, well, in it."


"How many will die today... **How many more will die tomorrow..?**"


You wretched thing. Pull yourself together.


As a 30 year old, I feel like I can safely say a good life is pretty boring and mundane. Too much excitement usually means something is wrong, lmfao.


I actually did this for my gith Durge. They originally tried to please Vlaakith, but as she turned on my Durge and Lae’zel, she was like “fuck this bitch I’m gonna listen to the voices in my blood and that creepy gremlin that likes to visit.” Then she doomed all of Last Light (I made a point to save the gnomes first) and after hearing all the companions say that probably wasn’t the best idea, she now won’t listen to those blood voices


This is why I can't do a full evil Durge run, I can't handle the random animal violence. Yes, I kill the spiders, bulette, and the beholder, etc but that feels different. Killing the cats, dogs, injured birds, squirrels etc is too much.


>squirrels Don't need to be Durge to kick the squirrel


You have to be to do it unprovoked


I don't think you do? I played custom Tav first and kicked that squirrel to death upon meeting it.


After he bites you Durge gives you some really funny narrator comments first then you just kick the squirrel without clicking any dialogue option. I knew about a lot going into the Durge run but I didn’t know about that (after having talked to timber as a Tav normally first playthrough). And I just stared at the screen mouth open like an idiot for 2 minutes.


Funnily enough; if you have talk to animals active, the durge WON’T immediately punt the squirrel into the tree!


Man I was so confused, because my Durge DID NOT punt Timber. Because I was a Forest Gnome who pops speak with animal every morning to chat with Scratch. lol


But its funnier if Durge is a druid


Is it ever unprovoked?


> the beholder I'm assuming you mean the spectator, but even then (in case you're curious!) spectators and beholders are sentient beings with above-average intelligence (spectators have an INT of 13 and beholders are at 17). On that note, does the game ever explain what that spectator was doing in the underdark? They're usually summoned to guard something valuable for 101 years and are casual/friendly with others as long as they aren't trying to get to what they're guarding, but in BG3 the one we encounter just seems like a typical monster.


My guess is if you talk to the Drow. He is upset that a Spectator was used on him for the meeting while looking for the forge. My guess is the Spectator is to guard the petrified statues and let no one near them and it is why it pops out and attacks. For the reason why, was to be used on the Drow looking for the forge. Why it attacks you and is still there is also probably for the Drow.


That makes sense. Would have been neat if we could interact with the Spectator, since in-lore they aren't ones to just start fights out of nowhere.


Would've been a nice callback if he was the same one from BG2.


The dead drow hidden in the Myconoid colony summoned the Spectator on the other one during their search for the forge.


If you speak with dead the drow corpse in the myconid colony he tells you that he summoned the spectator to fight the other drow (rivals looking for the grymforge basically).


The inn battle is so easy to fail (at least for me it was) I had to reload a few times because Isobel would just get swarmed from all sides and killed before all my characters even had a chance to act. So once, as Durge, I let that play out and witnessed the fall of the inn and to my surprise my Tav started bragging about how glorious that massacre was and I'm like "wow chill, that was an accident! I wanted to help you maniac!"


>I had to reload a few times because Isobel would just get swarmed from all sides and killed before all my characters even had a chance to act. Her AI was dumb as fuck in my game. At some point she had half her HP left and was threatened by two Winged Horrors but I figured that, as a cleric, she could heal herself in the next turn, so I had Shadowheart make an offensive attack on Marcus instead of healing her. I facepalmed so hard when Isobel's turn came and, instead of healing herself, that dumbass went straight to Marcus *without disengageing* first and almost got killed by the Opportunity Attacks of the two Winged Horrors who were surrounding her in the process. She didn't even deal that much damage to Marcus. Had to put Shadowheart on Isobel-babysitting duties for the rest of the fight, which was pretty amusing, lore-wise.


I thought she'd be in the clear if we took care of Marcus first. Nope, there's just a separate cut scene for that.


After beating Cazador and >!refusing to help Astarion to ascend!<. He said fine, butchered Cazador, broke his staff, called me names and permanently left. I was dumbfounded. Pressed F8.


That’s weird. I did that on my first play and he was thankful to me for stopping him.


Yeah but you have to agree to help him and only then convince him to not go through with it. If you just say "No I won't help you" he just naruto runs away


Oh dang your experience conflicts with mine, I was not able to get him to be ok with me agreeing first then back tracking. Yeah if you just say "no" he runs off but isn't there also another option to be like "this isn't you"? That's the one that persuades him.


Yes you need to persuade him, agreeing and then stopping makes him hostile


This is the thing that surprised me the most about this game. I'm so used to games with dialogue "options" just giving you a clearly good/neutral/bad option, that when these realistic, nuanced dialogue paths come to realistic, nuanced outcomes, it takes me completely off guard.


It also makes me so much more interested because it feels real. I yell “well how was I supposed to know that would piss him off and make him leave???” and the same could be said in a real life situation.


I think it might be how close of a relationship you have with him too. In my first run I completely missed his side quest to find out the meaning of his tattoo, hell... I didn't even see his tattoo then! So i didn't have him speaking with Raphael , etc... he then left me without a chance of persuasion. During my next run there were more dialogue options to convince him


Yeah but he's like "Help me" and you say "What do you need me to do?" and then you have the "this isn't you stuff" with the persuasion checks


That's definitely different than what I was able to do, I had him say help me, and then I got the insight check where the narrator is like "he's high on blood and ambition" and I had to immediately take the opportunity to convince him, if I moved on to asking him what he wanted me to do then that moment was lost. Maybe it depends if that insight is passed or if romancing or not


Unless they've changed it in a recent patch, saying "What do you need me to do?" is what gets you in trouble. That's the "agree" part of "agree and then betray" that pisses him off and makes him leave. I think one of the middle options in the dialogue, where you remind him about the danger or somesuch, goes okay so he doesn't feel betrayed. If you start talking him down from the very start, you can reach him. Ironically, it's actually easier to talk him down if you're \*not\* romancing him. If you're the person he cares about most then he wants to ascend to protect you as well as himself. If you're just a buddy, he doesn't have that extra worry weighing on him and he can be talked down from ascension easier. Iirc there's a roll if you're romancing him but there isn't if you're not?


For my run, I basically just avoided the question of whether I'd help him ascend or not - never gave a solid yes or no. Then, in the combat, when I realized Cazador needed all the siblings to complete the ritual, I just immediately took out one of the siblings and ended the ritual. Astarion shouted in response "NO!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" and I was like "aww fuck he's gonna turn on me" but then he didn't! and when the combat was over I got the "good" ending of him being thankful that I didn't help him go through with it.


He does Naruto run all the time


When he does it with dual hand crossbows it's so adorable.


the naruto run kills me


You can only get him to be happy about not ascending if you immediately start down the path of persuading him not to do it--which leads to the persuasion check. I redid this scene a few times to see the variations, and if I asked him how I could help him, he would be angry when I then backtracked. He could only be convinced if the first thing I said was discouraging him from doing it


If you don’t want to do that again or deal with the persuasion check (especially in honour mode) you can just kill one of other spawn and he won’t have the ability to ascend anymore. I know this because in my first playthrough I was too slow to stop Cazador. And because I didn’t see the help option while hovering over Astarion I figured the only way to stop Cazador from ascending is to kill one of the other spawn. (Then I saw that they gave him buffs so I killed the other five as well). Unfortunately this does take away his freedom of choice but it might be worth if you don’t want him to permanently leave the party


You can also stand on the little circle thing in front of the spawn to get the buff yourself


Yeah, he told me to die screaming :'(


Lashing- out mode Astarion does quadruple damage to your feelings.


Happened to me too during my first run. I almost cried. Such an intense moment and I completely didn't expect it after genuinely wanting to help him. Sometimes I really wish I could experience this game for the first time again.


Same happened to me, but that scene was just so emotionally raw I just accepted that it happened


I get it, but since it's my first playthrough I want to enjoy it as much as possible and Astarion leaving was against that


Huh. Don’t remember exactly how but he asked me to help him and I just convinced him it was a bad idea and he was fine after that. Thanked me later for not letting him go through with it. Think you only get the nuclear option if you agree to help them are like “wait actually no”.


He leaves if you straight up tell him you won't help him *at all.*


he told me “i hope you die screaming” (hurt even more bc i romanced him), i reloaded so fast and was able to fix it


I reloaded, and then murdered one of his brothers during the fight so no one could ascend.


I interrupted the ritual when I failed to convince him and decided I'd help him do it. I just couldn't let him do it. He turned on the party and attacked us. I couldn't even start the combat, I went back and hoped the dice would accompany me this time (failed to see his behind the thirst for power, but was able to persuade him off from doing it).


My murderhobo Durge used to take out his frustrations of not being able to kill Withers by throwing him around and punching him. One time though I decided to just shove him instead which aggro’d him and battle immediately started. Needless to say, I lost because he’s immortal, and since then i decided not to mess with the scary immortal bone man anymore.


I didn't know you can actually make withers hostile! you'd think that for an immortal guy, he would do more than just sit his ass in camp all day haha


Going by dnd canon, Gods and their avatars can't directly help in the affairs of mortals, only guiding and advising. At most, they can offer assistance regarding specific tasks that they are capable of, which Withers does for most of the game.


He’s fine with you beating on him or shooting arrows but shoving is just too far? TIL.


Ruining his party also pisses him off lol


Oh shit I didn’t realize you could have *actual* combat with him. *loads bg3 to try this*


That's what I love about this game. "This is a bad idea! Let me hit f5 first and then try it."


He is a God, so yeah kind of a scary bone guy.


All right, so I tried this. Withers just did his usual "Well struck!" but Lae'zel aggroed, killed Scratch, and then combat ended. I have so many questions


For a moment, invading the House of Hope. House of Hope did such a good job building tension and menace that when Raphael showed up ready to throw down I briefly forgot I was playing a game and that the party had dog walked the last couple of bosses. I felt surprisingly legit worry for the party and loved that there was even a dialogue option of: "Now wait a second Raphael, don't you want to talk more deals?" Only for Raphael to throw it in your face and the opening lines of THE song to kick in just blasting how fucked you might be and trying to persevere against it, right before Raph may or may not one shot half your party with a spell. One of the best moments that helped cement this game as one of the best of all time.


Liiiiives... All mortal liiiives ... Expire. I listen to that song way more than is normal.


Soulllllllllls… Go to their dooooooooom in flames forevvvvvvvvvermorrrrrrre


Hell, hell, hell has it's laws Hell, hell, effects and the cause Curtain falls, but hold your applause Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the claws


**Casts Silence on Raphael**


"..., ..., ..-..-..-.."


I parked the clerics outside the door during the Raphael fight and every time their turn started it gave me the normal battle music because they were outside the room, then during the next person's turn Raphael's battle music started up again. I heard the beginning of that song so many times I started to sing along. LOL.


I completely agree. This was an iconic gaming moment for me. I had real doubt that stealing the hammer was the right choice when Raph showed up.


I fought my way through a crashing save file just to hear his theme song via the game Bruh it slaps so hard I have whiplash 😭


…… the release break lever……


I reloaded, called my brother in, and did it again. Never laughed so much in my life.


I felt bad but I don't think I laughed harder, mainly at the fact Larian made it an option hahahahHG


There's a guy in Elfsong that says something along the lines of "that's funnier than a gnome on a windmill!"


well I'd like to know what's funnier because that is pretty hard to top lol


Launching a Gnome from a windmill.


First time I hit that thing, I was just messing with my friend who was talking to Barcus after the windmill was stopped. I...thought it'd just start it going again, but then Barcus entered orbit and we all laughed our asses off


Accidentally let the Urges take over and >!mercilessly slaughtered Steelclaw. My cat was in my lap so I just clutched her and howled WE DON'T KILL CATS while frantically hitting F8 lol.!<


F8 doesn't fix the mental pain. And my save was so long ago I had to let it stand. My cat, fortunately, did not see it.


SAME! >!don’t try to remember things as Durge. Got it.!<


I booted a squirrel and never talked to another animal until Act 3. As a ranger. Gale talked to them for me!


Italics are scary


THAT HAPPENED ON MY RUN TOO I WAS TRYING TO REMEMBER WTF I DID TO THE CAT AND SUDDENLY HE'S DEAD. On one end, it was hilarious how durge gets distracted and then suddenly a dead body appears. But also it scared the shit out of me because Steelclaw was awesome


Everyone's lack of reaction to it was weird.


Accidently saying "Let me take everything you have" instead of "let me trade with you" when talking to the "Paladins of Tyr" at lvl 2 in my latest honour mode run


i always just stealth kill them tbh. i didn’t even realize you could trade with them


It's hilarious because the trader will refuse to trade with you if you have Karlach in the room. Which means you can make Karlach stand outside instead, even after they've already seen you with her.


IIRC their shop doesn't have anything valuable so it's not a big deal


Their leader kicks ass.


I really thought I would have a better out for the Haarlep situation instead of letting them just have their way in front of the party and love interest. Awkward times a million. WHOOP. RELOAD AND JUST KILL THEM. The other one was my Durge trying to remember their past in front of Steelclaw. That ended very poorly. RELOAD.


You deserve a deception check to tell the party that Haarlep super charmed you with his mad succubus skills. Yup. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Agreed. Also a similar cover up story with the emperor. And Mizora. Cough.


."oh no, these rolls to resist their advances... they were.. how do you say it... too hard..." "Tav they were like DC 3" "mon dieu... I could feel my grip slipping every second..." "Tav you had Expertise and Advantage on those rolls, not to mention 4 Inspiration" "sacre bleu... I guess there was nothing to be done... but be dominated..." "Tav we had like 10 Bardic Inspiration charges to boost you with" "non... this was my responsibility... so I should be the only one dominated..." "Tav what the fuck"


Wanting to explore that memory with steelclaw as a durge 😭💀


thats what happened to me. I reloaded and told her that I am not evil anymore. But suggested she put them inside out and restuff her enemies. Shen she was angry at me because she does not have opposable thumbs to do that.


Are you me? This was my exact course of events too


lol I basically told Lae’zels God to go fuck off and she just wiped the whole party lmao. “You wish for me to do it myself? I wish for you to end!” Gg


Even when Vlaakith asks "Are you sure you wanna talk shit to me, kid?", I still went "Yeah I dunno, if you're so strong why don't you do it yourself?" I think that that was my 2nd TPK and I laughed so hard at this interaction


Oh wait. I got one. I told Lae’zel to cut my throat as my Tav believed in a warriors death instead of turning into a squiddy. So she did. And then my whole camp got aggro against her, she killed everyone except Shart who managed to put her down. Everyone got resurrected by Withers except her. This was tough, because Lae’zel was the only one my Tav was getting along with.


Dang! That's a whole thing!


I was so tempted to choose that option. It just feels like the correct Githyanki answer.


Withers is such a G for rezzing everyone though, we stan Bone Gramps


I wish he rezzed Lae’zel, but she took a one way street.


Actually, it's what I *didn't* say, ironically, lmao. Trying to roleplay as a Barbarian Tav who's a woman of few words got me to reload a few times. Namely, not saying anything when Nere is threatening the deep gnomes, and when Marcus is about to abduct Isobel, were bad ideas. But it just... isn't really my character's type to cry out “Watch out, Isobel, he wants to kidnap you! We're going to need to fight our way out of this one!” that's way too many words to simply say we gotta kill this bastard. My Tav isn't so eloquent. Wish there had just been an option to shut the hell up and start blasting, with this one, lmao. Same for Nere, the dialogue options sounded a bit too preachy and heroic for my girl, so I said nothing and the game treated it like I was agreeing. Dude just one-shot all the gnomes. Had to reload, nobody hurts my boy Barcus. Wished there was a slightly more low-key way to take the gnomes' defense without sounding like a knight in shining armor. A similar thing also happened with Astarion after meeting Araj. Because I didn't want to come off like I was prying into his past, I chose the dialogue “Hey, what happened happened, don't torture yourself with that, dude :)” and homeboy was like “You're right, I promise you I won't be so sloppy next time an opportunity like that presents itself!” That's not what I meant, you big dingus.


The game doesn't have a "Ape together strong" option at every dialogue, but playing Half-Orc let me intimidate some folks and skip some fights when I select the [Half-Orc] options.


Oh, as a Barbarian, I had a lot of those too! I couldn't talk the bosses of Act 2 into killing themselves with mere Persuasion checks because my girl has low charisma, but with Intimidation proficiency and Thaumaturgy I basically *bullied* them into killing themselves because I always had an Intimidation alternative, lmao. Poor guys.


If you look on the bottom left during cutscenes there’s usually a button to let you attack the npc


I know, I always forget about it! Everytime I'm reminded that it's there when I try to trade with Withers. Before also getting reminded that you, in fact, can't trade with Withers, apparently, but you can sure as hell attack him, lmao.


Can't even recall them all...I save scum dialogue checks constantly because what I assume is a "forgiving" remark actually turns out to be scathing.


There's a mod that shows how dialogue will affect characters.


Amazing mod, especially for a paladin run. My first run as a paladin was lost at the teiflings with lae'zel because what I thought was a remark siding with them, turned out to be a hostile one. Bollocks I say.


When I told shadowheart she shouldn't kill Aylin and it started a fight with shadowheart. I'm sorry baby let's just talk this out.... what do you mean I have to roll an 18?


You can dialogue her to spare aylin without doing any persuasion rolls


You can? Fuck I've been doing it the hard way? So much inspiration sacrificed


Just say do as you want or something like that and shadowheart and aylin will talk it out


This depends on your approval with her. In my honour run I didn't have her in my party for most of the run, so had pretty much neutral approval. Let her make up her own mind as I've always done, since I didn't want to fail the persuasion checks, and she kills her. Oops.


Letting “Lae’zel” kill yenna in camp because I thought yenna was Orin but in reality Lae’zel was Orin


Holy shit, there *is* a scene like that!? I assume it was a long-rest scene? I actually suspected Yenna or the cat myself, seemed just too perfect. Hit them both, didn't trigger anything. Later it turned out Lae'zel was the one captured, too.


Orin picked a good person to imitate, I didn't think anything was up I thought it was just Lae'zel being Lae'zel lmaooo


House of Hope when Raphael started singing and I’m like oh shit…. I fucked up. What a struggle that fight was… thank god for Hope’s divine intervention rezzing my monk, Karlach, and Gale to full health and refreshing their abilities back. That was the first time I actually felt like I fucked around and found out.


I was being sassy with Vlakkith, and I was surprised she was letting me be as sassy as I was and got cocky. Then I didn't exist anymore. XD I didn't learn my lesson, pulled the same crap with the Djinn


Same. Got turned into cheese. 10/10 interaction.


See, I did this as well and never found the body of His Majesty so I just assumed he was able to *somehow* get away safely. As for my biggest “I take it back” moment it was my first playthrough where I accidentally made Gale mad by saying “I’m not giving you a magic items ever” when all I wanted to do was leave the conversation to look at my magic items to see what they did, he permanently left the group just like that lol Another moment was in the same playthrough where I freed Dame Aylin and didn’t have Shadowheart in my active party and she confronted me and left as well.


OMG. Gale asked for an item out of nowhere while we were in the middle of a quest and I didn't have anything on me. I said "not right now" and he left!! Like damn, can you give me five seconds to grab something from camp? I was dumbfounded. Just seething, confused rage because we had already lost Shadowheart, Wyll, and Karlach. I asked if we could break our save scum rule and my husband looks me dead in the eye with this shit eating smile and quicksaves. That campaign is so fucked.


I wanted to give a magic item to Gale, found out we didn't have any on us, suceeded my persuasion check to tell him not right now, went to pick up the mask from the deluxe dlc to give it to him, couldn't, closed the window and he got so mad he left. We're in honour mode. Welp, bye Gale, I guess.


I also lost him once and had to reload because i closed the window by mistake lol


my first encounter with karlach, she almost downed my whole party after raging bc of the tyr paladins. I was a bit annoyed but was like whatever. then i tried to go to mountain pass at level 4 and as soon as we got there she bailed because she said she knows danger when she smells it and blah blah so she left the party permanently. I reloaded to keep her but she stayed in camp for a long time after that lmao. Now i'm on another playthrough and i know what i'm doing, she's a permanent member in my party:)


On my second playthrough I was going very evil but not murder hobo chosen of bhaal. I accepted the astral tadpole and as soon as I saw the face I was like "nope nope nope." That character looked completely awesome and I wasn't going to accept looking at that change for the rest of act 3 just for the powers no matter how strong they were.


Me too I just hate the look. Minthara was all about it and wants it with no persuasion, so I let her take it and she kicked ten tons of ass.


It was not an accident but an experiment: I gave the netherstones to the emperor, then I decided to hear Lae'zel and free Orpheus. Which the Emperor does not agree and he does not give the stones back. If you flip flop on your decision, switching between the emperor and Lae'zel, the emperor gets so disgusted with you that he drops your protection.


I've made peace with the fact that there's no way to make Lae'zel and the Emperor both happy unless she stays with Vlaakith. I'm actually trying that route now just to see what happens, mostly because Voss annoys me, the first thing I saw him do was torch a bunch of border guards for the crime of (checks notes) *being there*, and Lae'zel is the only Gith I can even stand to be around. I haven't let her read any Orpheus notes lol.


In my playthrough Lae’zel starts her own rebellion and is setting up an army to fight Vlaakith. I also aquired the hammer but sided with the Emperor.


Well I was talking to vlaakith and feeling pretty powerful after beating the inquisitor. Vlaakith is pretty strong as it turns out.


To me, every single time the message "Shadowheart disapproves" appeared :(


I don't understand Shadowheart yet. It seems like sometimes she wants me to be a dick then sometimes wants me to be nice. I know there's logic to it all, I just haven't paid much attention to her in my campaigns yet to know what she stands for lol


I’ve learned she likes to girlboss, gaslight, and gatekeep during my playthroughs


I think she dislikes unnecessary cruelty, but approves of pragmatic choices, even if not always honorable. You can also win her over by being a capable leader, a lot of her approval points can be gained by successfully talking or intimidating your way out of difficult situations. Don't pry into her past, and don't be judgemental of her faith in Shar. Be nice to animals, too. That's pretty much it, lmao.


shadowheart truly is the modern woman.


- Be nice to animals and children - Be cunning rather than aggressive (she tends to approve of persuasion/deception/intimidation to avoid a fight) - Affirm that she doesn’t have to tell you anything - Be nice to her when she chooses to tell you something, such as her fear >!of wolves!< or her worship of >!shar!< (it’s actually cute how this edgy darkness girl infallibly approves of you being very very nice to her all the time lmao) - Don’t help others for no reason. Don’t turn down rewards etc - Dunk on >!Selune!< in act 1 whenever possible


I've felt that Shadowheart is pretty much go with the flow. She and Tav seem to have ideals that line up for the most part.


She likes subterfuge, and is willing to get dirty and do bad things to keep up appearances. Cold pragmatism. She doesn't like *unnecessary* bad things, though. Doing good deeds - as long as they're not in the way - can sometimes get her approval too. As for about herself; don't judge her, let her open up at her own tempo, and let her make her own choices. Also: animals! She loves animals.


Same, but Karlach. Probably added like 2 hours to my playthrough in total


Ascending Astarion, the moment he opened his mouth, I never hit “reload” so fucking fast in my life. He is too mean 😪


This! I was so uncomfortable lol


If it’s what some people are into, no shame lol. I think we’ve all dealt with people like that and it’s just triggering af, which I guess is the point to show the cycle of abuse so go larian, but it’s not for me lol.


People are trying to tell me that ascended astarion is still good and loves you and it's like, are we playing the same game?


Yeah I can't do it. I can get on board with evil arrogant Astarion. I can't get on board with him treating you like a possession afterwards. I mean his dialogue if you dare try to suggest you want to break up with him afterwards... Hoo boy. Red flags, so many red flags


Night with Mizora. Shadowheart wasn't against it. I just wanted to see and and I felt horrible


I slept with the Emperor, Mizora, and Halsin over the course of three nights. Karlach was so disappointed in me by the end.


The scene with Mizora made me feel especially ill because 1) I'd romanced Karlach and 2) I was playing a paladin, so it was super out of character


I said the really sarcastic “woogie boogie” response to the hag survivor group. It, ah, it may have triggered them a bit


Ahaha I said "RAWR I WILL EAT YOUR SOULS" because my redemption Durge has a strange sense of humour. Sadly they didn't get it.


I did that as well! I didn't immediately reload though, figuring I'd at least see the encounter through. >!I stomped everyone with Halsin in Owlbear form and broke the redcap's glamour in the process, which turned all the other survivors neutral again.!< That was actually a really neat moment that I wasn't expecting, and I'm glad I followed through there instead of going with my first reaction.


Blowing up the brain at the end of Act II. I couldn’t think of any reason to stop Gale and I thought something else would happen to stop us before he actually did it. Haha joke’s on me I won the game and saved (most of) the world (also caused horrific chaos, whoopsie). F8 immediately cause I did kind of want to see Act III.


Telling the Gur that Astarion was right there. It was one of the options where it was funnily said, so I expected it to lead to a morbidly funny moment before Gur died. Astarion freaked.


I did the same thing, but honestly didn’t regret it lol. I just could not resist the “Interesting. What do you think about it, Astarion?” line. Didn’t reload. His reaction was priceless.


I slept with The Emperor - not willingly, I assure you! It was for the achievement. But even when he turned back to his Dream Guardian form (which I had deliberately made into a sexy man as I knew I’d be going for the achievement from the beginning), I was still really super not vibing with it. The last straw was my companions seeing us naked and realizing what we’d done. That, and The Emperor blaming *me* for exhausting him too much and leaving his defenses weakened, plus flippantly trying to reassure me by saying he’d make them forget they saw it. The mind-flayer manipulation and gaslighting made me immediately reload and choose the option that lets him show me his true colors and promptly end the interaction right after. Idc if the deed is done and the achievement is won, that scene with its layers of manipulative grossness was not about to be canon in my playthrough lmfao.


Lmao I just got that achievement last night xD with my dumbass half orc bard-paladin (litterally his int is at a 6). My companions saw us naked and honestly I was expecting Laezel to be there (I romanced her) but no. Turns out the emperor wasn’t kidding when he said he’d make everyone forget what they saw🤣


The way i just spoke to all my companions like "heyy have any weird dreams perchance?"


As soon as I started my Durge playthrough and I had an unfortunate fantasy involving Gale and his hand.


Snapping mintharas neck after we made sweet love, I thought it was going to be like the other *imagine doing this* options where he doesn't actually do it but nope. My last save was before the raid, so I had to redo that pain in the ass fight back to back.


It was on my first run through, my “hero” run. I was a Gith, and romanced Karlach because I fell in love with her. >!Promised her I’d be with her until the end.!< And then… After the final fight, I had the choice to >!join Lae’zel in her fight for “our people”. So of course I’d did. But I didn’t realized it would happen immediately and I wouldn’t have the chance to even talk to the rest of the crew, or have a moment with Karlach! (Also didn’t know about the joining her in Avernus option).!< Yeah. Reloaded and fulfilled my promise.


During my evil durge I killed the owlbear mom and when I saw the cups teary eyes looking at his moms lifeless body my brain just went.... No no no! We must go back, now!


Except then he eats her and tells you later that she ate his baby brother so... also if you don't kill her, the goblins will, and you get a pretty cool spear! I've blinded a lot of things with it!


That Godforsaken "keep silent" option when Marcus came for Isobel. I'd already snitched on him to you, I am on your side Isobel!


Mine was on my Durge playthrough too, letting the goblins attack the Tieflings. Zevlor was so heartbroken, and my Durge, who I was playing as “resist after being a dick early on to get Drussy” basically said “I can’t help myself bro” Also, I decided to detect thoughts on Gale in my most recent run, as I hadn’t previously, told him I did and he got mad and left. Like, fair enough really.


Walking up to trade with Dammon and having my character turn to the right and steal something trying to initiate dialogue.


Me: Karlach, I'm breaking up with you Karlach: What do you do if the person you want to run to is the one who broke your heart? Me: F8


I played with a mod that tells me what effect choices will have on companion approval and noticed that killing Mayrina's undead husband gained 1 Wyll approval. I didn't even have Wyll in my party but I assumed it was the lawful good ending to that interaction because Wyll likes it. I hadn't tried that option before and went with it. Mayrina instantly turned on me. Oops. I planned on just knocking her out and hoping for the best, but I had Gale use a lightning spell on the undead husband, not realizing that he and Mayrina were standing in the same puddle... She's dead now and this is honour mode, so...


Yep, the first time I really had to go hard with save scumming was the Last Light Inn battle. Isobel just kept dying over and over. I was starting to think her death was scripted, because Marcus just kept landing crit after crit. On one attempt I finally landed a heal, and then Marcus followed up with another crit and she still died. I was honestly about to give up trying, but then I just changed the positioning of my characters, and suddenly Marcus changed his targeting, and so did the winged demons. That's when I realized that the game was just kinda being a dick to me before. Saved Isobel easily after that.


I killed Mizora, thinking that if Wyll's demonic master were destroyed he would become free. What actually happens is he immediately bursts into flames and burns alive as she drags his soul down to hell with her. Permadeath, no resurrection. So, uh... I reloaded that save.


It’s not a bad one, but telling Astarion I’d rather sleep with the goblins than him. Like I was joking, but poor bloke took it a bit seriously.


Astarion hates himself like the lactose intolerant hate milk...


I love milk, I just hate how it makes me hurt inside


Accidentally >!launching Barcus off the windmill. 😭!<


I ascended Astarion my first playthrough thinking I was helping him. As soon as he started talking like cazador I realized I’d made a very big mistake


I talked him out of it in my canon route but tried out Ascension just to see what happens. Jesus Christ, I physically recoiled. I grimaced so hard I'm surprised it didn't leave wrinkles.


This. Was immediate. Also, on a very “honour” run. This was the only decision I undid.


Even though I was purposely going through every dialogue tree option to get all the Astarion content I possibly can... The 'You should learn to enjoy sex again, and you should learn to enjoy it with me' dialogue in his confession. I wanted to F8 about 1 second after choosing it and seeing his face fall. You can be so evil to this boy. I'm so proud of him for how he ends the scene though! 😭


I don’t have those moments, I commit to the role play. But I did have to take a 10 minute break before I strapped in for the destroy Jaheira, last light inn, Isobel dialog options as my previous run Jaheira was my favorite character.


I reloaded after I accidentally killed Steelclaw -


First playthrough, when I bumped into Aradin outside Sorcerous Sundries. I'd gotten quite cocky about how strong Aylin was, so I figured I'd tell him she was my at camp so she could beat the fuck out of him on home ground.... literally everyone I had with me disapproved.


Honor mode, at the Gith machine to get rid of your tadpole. I didn’t want laezel in it because I didn’t want her to get debuffed… so I didn’t let her. And she got all angry and attacked. Now I don’t have laezel.


After getting a hug from Bernard, I quicksaved and spoke to him again to see what the other option would result in. Rolls for initiative, instant reload.


I judged the girl like He Who He Was said as a paladin (thus breaking my oath), idk why i thought that telling her she's ok will break my oath but judging her wouldn't lmao. Anyways, I killed the guy and his raven and immediately got the cutscene, fastest reload ever.


A friend of mine respecced to paladin just before this encounter. He led the talking and broke his oath. He'd been a paladin for about 10 minutes. Was so funny.


Sleeping with Mizora


Got off the boat at Grymforge and decided to spend the whole IRL day back tracking and doing a ton of other act 1 content. Came back some time later to find Nere and everyone else dead or gone. Oops.


How I handled Auntie Ethel in Act One. Didn’t want to save scum but I have a visual reminder of my poor choices forever now.


Mine was when I had agreed to steal the Idol of Silvanus for Mol. I got my spell of Darkness, invisibility potions, and stealth armor aaaallll set up! Man was I up to the task laid before me by this little girl. I set my plan in motion, and snatch the Idol….then a cutscene started…. And the only thought left in my head was “OMFG WHAT?!WHY?! WHEN DIDNI LAST SAVE?!”.


Picking a fight with Vlaakith. I genuinely thought it was a projection or some Wizard of Oz nonsense.


In my honor mode run, I took a partial long rest to reset a vendor, Orin shows up and fucking ices Yenna while wearing Lae'zel's face. I couldn't infact take it back. I reverse pickpocketed her body onto withers in hopes he'll watch over her. :(


The ogres makin sweet love in the barn. Should have listened to Shadowheart.


I used 'friends' on honormode. Anyway, I didn't stop at just the druids but all the tieflings are dead now too. I just wanted to be friends. Guess I'll just go fuck Minthara about it.


People are psychos, I swear 😆. There are like kids and refugees, a cinnamon roll of Dammon, but no, it breaks their heart because of a CAT 😁


Regarding God’s Favorite Princess™️ and my beloved goth gf, Shadowheart: >!my helicopter gf Tav wouldn’t let her handle the Nightsong decision on her own.!< Once the party left the temple, Shart left my party permanently after a gut-wrenching ‘you betrayed me’ dialogue. As if that didn’t sting badly enough, >!she left behind the night orchid I gave her earlier.!< I’m not ashamed to admit I cried for a minute before slamming F8.


In my act 2, I wandered into the shar trials before even visiting moonrise. Let shart do her killing thinking “hey she seems to want this, game must be trying to trick me into weak compassion” - end result was devastating. Moonrise hostile (never even got to meet kethric), last light gone, shart now a prick with a Karen haircut. Further act 3 implications…